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President Riyaale and his not so publicised history!

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How can Somaliland say they are freeing themselves from the oppressors, dictators and warlord who killed and tore their homes and families to pieces by declaring themselves independent and then electing a man like Riyaale?



This is an extract from an article I came across, Posted by Ahmed A Hassan on the Hiiran Online website:


If not now, one may ask, when is the best time to scrutinize the records of a former colonel in the National Secuirty Service(NSS) of the former regime in Berbera? After he assumes power? That would certainly be a mute effort, especially when we know that Africa's political history is littered with dictators and where the "winner takes all." Mr. Riyaale Kaahin was not a mere police officer or an ordinary army colonel in Berbera. He has served as an officer in the notorious National Security Services (NSS), which was fashioned after the infamous KGB of the Soviet Era. Moreover, he was a member of the Security committee of Berbera district, or "Gudida Badbaadada Degmada Berbera." Moreover, the committee was charged to set strategies to intimidate local people while undermining the armed struggle waged by the former Somali National Movement (SNM). Riyaale Kaahin was a senior member of this notorious committee that was only accountable to Siyaad Barre and to the regime's inner circle.

Given such a background, which is so far unknown to most voters in Somaliland, and the fact that his name was mentioned in a credible document of human rights as far back as 1990, Rakiya's revealing article is timely. At minimum, it helps inform the public, prior to the presidential elections, what type of a president they will get in Rayale in the event that they vote for him.


Riyaale has a lengthy history in politics, unknown to some but known by many who choose to blind themselves from the truth and brand these facts as tales and rumours.


I'm a proud Somalilander and before anyone objects to this statement I’d like to make it clear that I think separating Somali was the correct choice at the time and actually benefited many, but I do hope that one day we can settle our differences and bury the past and unite to our former glory.


However, I'm surprised that so many Somaliland extremist can actually stand by this man when he stands for everything they’re trying to rid themselves of and reject!


I was told he was chosen because of tribal difference in the region, therefore making it impossible to choose someone from one of the dominate tribes in Somaliland. So they thought they’d choose someone who would be impartial and fair.

But I guess they went wrong there!

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I do hope that one day we can settle our differences and bury the past and unite to our former glory.

What glory would that be? To hope for Somali Unity that is actually constructive rather than destructive is ideal, and I'd never condemn you for that, however, unfortunately sis there has never been such unity, and hence no glory to replicate. There is nothing to look back to in nostalgia, as the good old days.


I was told he was chosen because of tribal difference in the region, therefore making it impossible to choose someone from one of the dominate tribes in Somaliland. So they thought they’d choose someone who would be impartial and fair.

He was elected, and in electing him every one had a reason of their own but to say it was tribal reasons is false. Every family did not vote the same way, let alone every tribe.


As for electing Riyale in the first place, thats how democracy works. Until there is a War Crimes Tribunal, which is long over due, every one is innocent until proven guilty.

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Riyaale is a joke all those who support his phantom government is worse.


Bothers on this webiste have been brainwashed to the extent they are unable to differentiate from truth and fantasy.


Riyaale was part of the regime that oppressed our people in the north yet the same people reward him by making him their leader. The irony is that Morgan's old Villa is his presedential palace.


His little "elected group" have achieved nothing and the lie or recognition is fed to the happless population in order to keep them forever quite. Traditional leaders are ignored and even put in jail for speaking out.


This government and their phantom unrecognised state is as bad as those ***** warlords in the south, just a bunch of failed Somali's.



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well it dont matter what what some write...all i look at it the end result! hello... did hiran elect some 1 due to elections! then i rest my case..


yo at least ppl voted home-boy!! even though i wont vote 4 him... but i respect this process!! vote monitered by un!!!!

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Sue, I think your signature sums up this situation In the land of the blind, the one eyed man rules!


Laakin, Ms Omar doesn't have much on Riyaale. She published her report (which she supposedly wrote in the late 80's) only months before the election.. why?

Riyaale, challenged her to find concrete evidence that can be used in a court of law – she still hasn’t.


Believe it or not - BUT his history was published and publicised - and he still got elected- oh, well hell - I guess reer SL don't care!


He isn't the only SL politician that held a high position in the Siad government but he is singled out. I wonder if it's qabiil related? Oh, it’s because he's the head of state - and so has to be clean cut, right? Laakin, check this it was okay for Riyaale to hold the second highest position in SL for years but not trustworthy enough to have him as President.. interesting!


I'm not a great fan of the UDUB administration, not because of whom it’s run by … but because of the sheer idiocy of their policies. They go around telling the world how they have liberated the people of SL but at the same time arrest anyone who opposes their policies – and I suppose the concept of consulting the public is alien to UDUB politicians… but then again in the land of the blind, the one-eyed man rules.


Look on the bright side, at least we have a government, aye. And I doubt that Somali politicians get any better - they are all bloody fools if you asked me. Every single politician running around saving Somalia, PL and SL are Siads boys in new suites. We’re stuck with them - so we might as well accept it and make use of their ahem 'political expertise' for lack of an alternative description. I'm relieved by the knowledge that these new suites won't allow them to act as they did in the, too much international attention to stoop that low.



with that in mind, I say forget all the arbitrary bull and MAKE them work their socks off to give us what we want – a developed (in every sense of the word), stable SL where everyone is free to express their opinion - thats really what matters - I thinks smile.gif

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So what you're saying maybe not be the truth and even if it is...SO what! as long as the Somaliland people get what they want, who cares HOW and by WHO!


My signature might say what it does but it doesn't mean we have to settle for it!


I’ve only just started reading up on the Somaliland politics and its surprisingly seedy and the more I ask people about it the more corrupt it seems.


Yet I'm left asking myself “what did I expect?” this is Africa, is it not?! Or maybe I thought these stories you hear in the western media might have just been over exaggerated propaganda.


But I guess not, it’s not like as if all the dodgy dealings that go on are well known Ms London. Seriously so many Somalilander are clueless to these facts or rumours (whatever you want to call them!)


But I was really annoyed that so many UK Somalilanders went to that rally for recognition and went there to cheer Riyaale on and ask Blair for recognition after 14 years of being a self declared country.


Walahi it really upset me to see people supporting a cause they know nothing about, all those youths shouting about SNM when the majority I asked went there just to have a party and check girls.


I guess that’s what I was trying to say!

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Ameenah, Do you Acknolegde that he was a part of a Secuity Body that terrorised somalis living in the NORTH?


Do you think he should be held responsible for his actions?

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I think Ms London should heed the advice of her signature.


Riyale is the selected president of Somaliland by special interest and not its popularly elected leader.



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walaal since you say you are new to the whole political landscape allow me to share a few observations and ask a few questions on the conclusions that you seem to be drawing. Speculations such as this can be debated interminably but lets pull back and examine the validity of some of the claims facing Riiyaale. Believe me I'm no fan of the man, but as a reasonable person I don't have much to hold against him in terms of war crimes. I say this because I remember reading and hearing quite a few articles and opinions on this matter a few years back. The usual array of eye witness accounts (numbering in the 100's if not 1000's), former subordinates to verify direct orders and mass graves being directly linked to an alleged war criminal where simply not present in the case of Riiyale. Mind you he was part of the NSS and as an intelligence apparatus they might specialize in not leaving evidence behind. Still common sense tells us that if he was directly responsible for so many assassinations there would be more evidence and more importantly witnesses. That being said, there is another inconsistant fact regarding the faith that was reserved for war criminals in that turbulent time. When the SNM entered Berbera, why did they not decapitate this alleged war criminal like all the others? Does anybody honestly believe they would have spared him in the hopes that he may lead the country one day? non sense. The SNM had already done enough killing, if a significant number of citizens started pointed fingers at Riiyaale I imagine they wouldn't have wasted no time to kill him. Another observation I've made is that Riiyaale's Udub party won/or got close to 50% of the vote in berbera in the last presidential election. Matter a fact that was one of his strongholds if I remember right, because as I looked at the figures one of the toughts that crossed my mind was- how could this alleged war criminal be so popular among the populations he allegedly victimized? that didn't make sense to me either. Mind you,I have no proof of the contrary to say with CERTAINTY that Riiyaale did not do the deeds he was accused of. Is there a chance he might have done what he was accused of? YES. Is it likely or reasonable? NO at least not with the facts we are presented thus far. The final factor I would like to remind you of sis is POLITIKS :D , yes one of the oldest games in human history. The political opposition always finds a way to demonize the opposing sides political leader. In the case of S.Land, whether it be Tuur, Ciigaal, Siilaanyo, Riiyaale etc...heck even throw in Warabe in there, the opponents of Somaliland will find a way to demonize them for their own motives believe me. That is the first dimension or should I say the external factor; there is also the internal political game, opposing parties such as UDUB and Kulmiye supporters will find ways to target one another in the most vicious way, ahhhh the "beauty" of democracy ;) . Sometimes watching poltical debates is not much different than watching an old re-run of Jerry Springer. :D I seen two old taiwanese parlimentaries Karate choping each other on TV the other day, it was quite amusing.

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if for every document that is written against head of state or every accusation that is made against them was taken for face value then no head of state would last more than few months in their job. so should we jump around whenever we see an accusation and say it must be true.


dont it suprise you he become mass murderer when he took office, dont it suprise you its none somalilander who always claim this guy killed somalilanders, dont it suprise you if you go to berbera (were this mass supposedly murder accured) no one knows what anything about it, yet the guys who is never been to that region will swear it happened.


something dont add up when no one ever came farward and said this guy killed members of my family, or friends like they did to the others why not?


why did he get massive percentage of the vote in the city were he commited the attrocities.



you shouldnt be so naive to take every political accusation for face value and just swallow without questioning its validity.



P.S this same accusation was publicised in somaliland (of course during the election) heavily but not suprisingly it didnt go very far

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I wonder if Somaliland suffers from the post traumatic massacre that the rest of Somalis or Siyad Bare Regime took the blame for it, then why are all the leaders that ever got to the presidential seat in Somaliland are residues of Siyad bare's regime? Why can't we find new faces? Why hasn't Siilanye who was part of SNM and fought for the independence of Somaliland lost the elections and one who was part of Bare's regime won? If this isn't hypocricy I don't know what is.

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The question was simple,


Can somalis, and i mean all somalis claim a brighter future with such men at the helm?


Riyaale was fully aware of at least the attempt at genocide even if [and i doubt it] he did not take part.


Simpo and Ize no need for mental contortions.


He is culpable

nut he is president of somaliland so the brigade must run to the defence however wrong that would be.

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Originally posted by LANDER:

When the SNM entered Berbera, why did they not decapitate this alleged war criminal like all the others? Does anybody honestly believe they would have spared him in the hopes that he may lead the country one day? non sense. The SNM had already done enough killing, if a significant number of citizens started pointed fingers at Riiyaale I imagine they wouldn't have wasted no time to kill him.

Lander, there was no finger pointing in the SNM false Jihad na'mean. You simply had to be the wrong tribe at the wrong place. Anyone from Siyaad's main umbrella tribe was simply decapitated in all the main Somaliland cities. Women, children, men ... whatever. The only option open was to scape and only few did na'mean.


It is comforting to hear a lander confirming the horror stories of people being "decapitated" by the SNM hooligans na'mean.


Crimes commited against innocent people are recorded by Allah. Siyaad Barre and his criminals will get justice from Allah and so will the SNM savages na'mean.

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