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From: Free Awdal Forum( ref: 003/2004/10/17)


To : His Excellency Colonel Cabillahi Yusuf Ahmed, madaxweynaha Jamhuuriyada Federaaliga ah ee soomaliyeed




Mudane madaxweyne,


Anagoo ku hadlayna magaca shicibweynaha Gobolka Awdal iyo kan ururka Free Awdal Forum waxaa farxad noo ah inaan kuugu hambalyayno xilka Qaranka ugu mudan ee Baarlamanku dalku kuu doortay. Masuuliyada lagu saaray oo tan uugu saraysa ee dalka hooyo waxaan Ilaahay ka baryaynaa inuu kuu fududeeyo kuna garansiiyo sidaad uuga soo bixilahayd anagoo ogsoon wakhtiga xasaasiga ah ee dalku ku suganyahay.


Waxaan ogsoonahay in dalkii iyo dadkii soomaaliyeed soo gaadhay taariikh madow oon hore u soo marin. Dhibta lagu jiro iyo balaayada ku habsatay mudada afar iyo tobanka sano ah waa wax ku cusub sooyaalka siyaasadeed ee qaranka soomaaliyeed.


Mudane madaxweyne,


Sida taariikhdu dhigayso dhib kastaa waxay leedahay casharo u gaara ah oo ku dhiiriya ummada dhibtu gaadhay inay wax ku qaataan. Waayo aragnimada dhibtaa laga dhaxlay waxay keentaa mustaqbal caafimaad qaba haddii wax lagu qaato dhibaatooyinkii ina soo gaadhay. Sidii hore lagaaga soo wariyay ummada soomaaliyeed waxay ku noqotay halkii ay joogtay gumaystayaashii ka hor oo waliba ay u dheertahay dhib la kala tirsanayo oo halis ku haysa midnimada qaranka. Hawlahaas sidii lagaga bixi lahaa waxay ka mid tahay barnaamijka ummada soomaaliyeed ka sugayso dawladaad soo dhiso doonto. Sidaas awadeed daraasad badan iyo fiirsasho gun dheer iyay kaaga baahan doontaa dhisida dawlad soomaaliyeed oo ididiilo galisa shacabka.


Mudane Madaxweyne,


Waxaan ka dharagsanahay shaqsi kaste oo manta la doortaa iyo xirfad kaste oo u leeyahay inay ku xidhantahay kalsoonida ay siiyaan ummada soomaaliyeed gaar ahaan inta horjooga ka ah siyaasada dalka kuwaas oo badankoodu dhaar maray inay kula shaqayn donaan. Ilaahay waxaan ka rajaynaynaa inay dhaartooda adkeeyaan oo ay noqdaan dad qowl leh.


Hadaan nahay reer Awdal waan ogsoonahay in koox yari afduubtay waqooyi iyagoo ku majaro habaabiyay ficil xaraan ah oo dulucdiisu tahay qaranka soomaaliyeed oo la kala gooyo. Arintaa iyada ah marnaba reer Awdal uma dul qaadan karaan oo waxaan aaminsanahay sida xildhibaanada gobolka ee Baaarlamanka ka tirsan in midnimada soomaaliyeed tahay mid muqadis ah.


Waad ogsoontahay in aqoonyahanada Awdal iyo wax garadkooguba lafdhabar u yihiin midnimada soomaaliyeed iyo adkeynta qaranka soomaaliyeed. Waad ogsoontahay in saxiibkaa Jeneraal Yusuf Talan Cali ( Ilaahay Naxariisii jano ha siiyee) uu u geriyooday soo noolaynta qaranka soomaaliyeed iyo midnimadiisa. Sidaas oo kale iyay intii wax garad ahayd uugu heelantahay soo dhiska dawlad soomaaliyeed oo soo celisa sharaftii qaranka iyo karaamadii dalka.


Mudane Madaxweyne,


Waxaan ognahay in shirkii dib u heshiisiinta soomaaliyeed la soo af jaray oo dadbadani tanaasulaad sameeyeen si mar uun loo helo dawlad soomaalyeed. Dadkaa waxaa ka mid ah reer awdal oo marnaba u qalmin tirade Baarlamaanka laga siiyay laakiin iyagoo ogsoon in marxalad adag la marayo iyay ka doorbideen inay wax kastaba ka hor mariyaan suurtagalinta dib u dhiska qaranka iyo dawladiisa. Waxaan ku rajo weynahay inaad dawladaadu noqoto mid laga dhex arko miisaanka siyaasadeed ee dalka. Waayo waxaan ku jirnaa haddaan nahay reer Awdal labo halgan oo kala ah kan loogu jiro soo noolayta dawlad soomaaliyeed iyo kan lala hirdiyaayo goonigoosadata xaqiiqada ka fog.


Waxaan kuugu balan qaadaynaa taageero siyaasadeed oo lagama maarmaan u ah dib-u-dhalashada Somalia iyo geedi socodka xilka adag ee laguu doortay. Waxaan ku rajo weynahay inaad sida uugu guxuxda badan u gudato waajibkaaga adigoo dhawraya xaqa, cadaalada iyo mawaadinka soomaaliyeed meel kastuu joogo. Ma fududa hawlaha ku horyaalaa, waxaanad kaga bixi kartaa daacadnimo iyo Ilaahay ood cuskato.


Gabogabbadii, Ramadaan wanaagsan , Ilaahayna fadliga bisha barakaysan ha kuugu gargaaro adiga iyo inta xilka kula haysa oo ah mudaneyaasha barlamanka iyo Gudoonkiisa oon ugu mahadnaqayno sida quruxda badan ee ay u soo agaasimeen dorashadii madaxweynenimada.


Guul iyo Midnimo




Afhayeenka ururka FREE AWDAL FORUM


Dr Idriis Haji Nuur




Faafin: | Oct 17, 2004


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It's very logical (I thinks) for a SL native to be in support of Somali unity (despite the trouble at Nairobi) - but to declare war at ones own people and redicule local heros is beyond me.


Interesting to say the least. :D:D:D:D

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Originally posted by Nayruus:


Gen.M.Xaashi Gaani


My hero, I thank you from the bottom of heart for following the footsteps of our first president Aadan Cabdulle Cusman by accepting without hesitation the judgment of your fellow MPS as you immediately took a honorable action in which you congratulated your opponent on his success to win the position of first assistant of the parliamentary speaker for the Somali National Assembly. It takes individual dignity and sincere self possession of nationalist drive (which a rare commodity amongst Somalis including these who claim they have been enlightened in the books of knowledge and modern human literature) to do what you did. Your example must be followed by all other mps who are planning to run for a position of extra responsibility especially by the likes of Aadam Madoobes.

Someone who claims to be from Hargeysa surely will not claim Gaani as their hero.That is a fact even a dimwit will not claim.



If being a dimwit is a serious medical condition and not of your choosing then I'm extremely sorry to have portrayed/labelled any1 as such.

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^^ What I find even harder to understand is the chap who used to run around SOL looking for sympathy by posting pictures of starving people is now cheer-leading the clown's 'heroes'.

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If Siyad Bare comes out of the grave and wraps himself up with Somali flag, he is my hero.


We will see how your HEATHY SUPER GENIUS Einsteinic mind will bring recognition to us. Just keep in mind I, a true son of Hargeisa, am not part of the “Queen Victoria is our grandma†syndrome. My genetic makeup is Somali and Somali only, PERIOD.



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^^^^^Queen is my grandma you say(total BS by the way) and I say Auto Zenewi is your grandpa(sad but true)........What do I get from grandma Eli, books,medicines and funds to develop a nation...What does grandpa Zenewi wrap for you on christmas, used AK47,RPG's,grenades and used underwear of the woyanes to keep the flames burning in places like kismayo, Galinsoor,Baido Gedo, Cadaado and countless other little towns and villages I have no name for.

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:rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:


U all might be intrigued by this fellow but all Im trying to figure out is why he replies to his own posts?????


Might I add that all of u are coming with some very good comebacks. The above post being a perfect example :D:D:D

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Spoken like a true ignorant person Gediid. All of thos places, except for the two small towns are peaceful and developing in the greatest of rates.

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Originally posted by HornAfrique:

Spoken like a true ignorant person Gediid. All of thos places, except for the two small towns are peaceful and developing in the greatest of rates.


"A blind man knows he cannot see, and is glad to be led, though it be by a dog; but he that is blind in his understanding, which is the worst blindness of all, believes he sees as the best, and scorns a guide."

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Add this name in gold ink to the forever Somali living names: Axmed Maxamed Aadan (Qaybe) c/o Hargeisa, the second capital of the Somali Federal Republic. YAA SALAAM.....


Somalia must come back with different vision to reach her national aspiration. She must cease being a laughing stock and ridicule to the whole world.



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Keep the Excellent job


Those uncivilized people, they supporting clan sate that will never work, it is impractical to recognize a clan sate in 21 century, the age of globalization.


Those Somali people whether they live in hargaysa, laascaanood, Boosaaso or Mogadisho are same. Whats the thing that hargaysaawi and laascaanoodi share that boosaawi or mogdishaawi lack?


Hargaysa is the birthplace of somlaliweyn, and it is the first place that Somali flag was raised on, (KANA SIIB, KANA SAAR) By Muse Timacade the great Somali poet (1960). Therefore, Hargaysa is the mother of all Somali cities and it will continue forever. As Hargaysaawi I am proud of the special status that Hargaysa enjoys among all Somali cities. Uncle Gen Jaamac Qaalib, Cusmaan Kaluun, Qaybe, and Buubaa are all national heroes


May Allah bless Sister Nayruus and Somalia

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My Somali brothers and sister, a while ago I claimed my Hargeysaawi and Burcaawi have high I.Q. than the rest of Somalia but have a wounded self confidence. If this insecurity is repaired we have a better chance to take the leadership of Somalia because we are the life support system of Somali nationalism. If you have any doubt about this claim, look at how our members of the Somali Federal Parliament putting national interests forefront.


Xubnaha Baarlamaanka Ee Beesha ***** Waxaan taageero u soo Jedinaynaa Golaha Wasiirada ee la Magacaabay waana in wax walba laga hormariyaa Danta umada Soomaaliyeed shir Taageero ah Nairobi 8/1/05 )


On the other hand listen how Cabdillaahi Cawed Cige of Liverpool UK responding to Abshir Bacadle on Zamzam's case:


14. Gacalkaaga anigoo ah iyo; Garabka xooggiisa’

15. Maxaad gaalo ii daba-dhigtiyo; Xabashi gaankeeda?



I need Cige’s picture to hang it above my monitor!!



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