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North Westerners Fear Dictator Riyaale and Point To Imaginary USP Revival(must read).

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Oodweyne has feared to engage in a dialogue on the threads chief purpose, which was to highlight the secessionists fear to be dominated as evidenced by North westerners media alarm calls. The secessionist clan scheme goes astray as dictator Riyaale engineers a tragedy that they never imagined. Acts of demolition heads Riyaale’s schema as he rapes Golaha Guurtida and pimp slaps former SNM mujaahids (Siilaanyo) thus creating panic in your clan commune. Secessionist media report Riyaale’s various mugging acts beginning with:


Daandaansiga Riyaale iyo Golaha Guurtida The submission of Golaha Guurtida to pimp Riyaales top down command is according to many analysts “the most genuine of the mugging acts”. Riyaale has steered Golaha to surrender to policies reflecting individual ambitions, spot on definition of “dictatorship”. It was reported that pimp Riyaale has ordered gudoomiyaha Golaha Guurtida (Saleebaan Mohamuud Aadan) to replace (Shigudoonka Golaha Guurtida) to whom Riyaale desired. This mugging technique has intensified the degree of uncertainty for the now worrisome SNM clan.


Saami Qaybeedka Gobolada iyo Diidmada Riyaale ee Natiijada Serverka - Riyaale’s 7 region appointments, as said by secessionist, were derived with an intention to revive “USP”, according to their fear driven imagination. This appointment widens Riyaales political base and strengthens his will to hammer the mugged clans even longer. Riyaale knowing the undisputed fact that Sanaag and Sool are Puntlanders calculates that gaining support from those 2 regions (as Somalilanders) is only imaginary. He then aligns himself with men like Xaabsade and his likes to participate in an enjoyable mugging activity. Although folks like Xaabsade and Mohamuud Saciid Samatar lack regional support, but they serve as an important roster for Riyaales mugging team. This analysis is supported by Xaabsades position on “diwaangalinta” and his claim that the census committee has not reached the regions of Sool and Sanaag. An added imperative evidence is Xaabsade’s visit to Borame during the Ceelbardaale incident in which secessionist media reported (Xaabsade oo kala xigsaday laba beelood).


Today the mugged clans foretell Xaabsade being appointed the head of Golaha Guurtida as their future lies in the hands of pimp/dictator Riyaale

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Ahh, the fantasies, the fantasies... Now I understand why Oodweyne refers to them as the 'Defeated Lot' !


That BBC interview with the Garaad left many naked and face to face with their own impotence...


Illaahey ha na asturo ;)

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please tell me you have more, please tell this is not what you came to market with, please tell you have more than SL Gurti and Riyaale to save your skin and your ilk that we call the defeated lot.


please dont tell me you have not put all your hopes on riyaale and xaabsade :D:D


walihi caruurta caanaboodhihii kacanku waa riwaayad.


indeed may riyaale rule




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The secessionists are addicted to a make belief oratory lie in which they have been fed with by mad men like Faysal Cali Waraabe. Comparable to a child who was promised a candy that he never receives, they sit with their fingers crossed in anticipation of false hope. Or better yet like an alcoholic who still can’t cope with the realities of his addiction (in denial), they can’t move forward from the lies of Cigaal like (recognition).


Your responses are nothing more than secessionist flavored emotions as you wait in uncertainty for what tomorrow brings. I truly feel the misfortune you carry and the lies that have been imprinted on you as you only are victims of Qaadaraysi (what drives secessionism). Where as those who sold you that fake lie have ate cake at the expense of the people of Shankaroon.

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Originally posted by Xudeedi:

are addicted to a make belief oratory lie in which they have been fed with by mad men like Faysal Cali Waraabe. Comparable to a child who was promised a candy that he never receives, they sit with their fingers crossed in anticipation of false hope. Or better yet like an alcoholic who still can’t cope with the realities of his addiction
(in denial),
they can’t move forward from the lies of Cigaal like


Your responses are nothing more than secessionist flavored emotions as you wait in uncertainty for what tomorrow brings. I truly feel the misfortune you carry and the lies that have been imprinted on you as you only are victims of Qaadaraysi (what drives secessionism). Where as those who sold you that fake lie have ate cake at the expense of the people of Shankaroon.

:D:D Only on the internet. Wait, we're still talking about Erigavo right?

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Originally posted by J11:

NASSIR, waxaa la yiri:
'Nin daad qaadey xumbo cuskey


Oodweyne cant, for his life, find anything to argue about even when he's being slowly (but sweetly) consumed by the hyena that is Riyaale. He will keep telling us, 'no no it's OK, I don't feel a thing, Riyaale's killing us softly'


Now all we are doing is to show some concern for his plight and have only told him of the NS domination he's buckling under and what do we get in return? A desperate man's lament.


So, let him be. Hadhoow buu oran doonaa wallee nimanyahow waad iga saxsaneydeen.

Lool Jamaal. You sum it all up.



Qudhac and Africa, give it up.



Xudeedi. Walee Riyaaale waa nin belo ah. :D

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Lets be realistic.....lets just look at this with an open mind. ok !


1. Somaliland is the number one country or territory in terms of economics, currency and markets.


2. Somaliland today has the number one army of any somali territory today.


3. Somaliland has the most advance political system of any somali state today.


4. Somalia is a nation in turmoil for the past 18 years with over 18 different conferences and administrations, still falling deeper and deeper into an abyss with over 30 people dead on a daily basis.


5. Makhiir ...contains 3 villages...badhan,dhahar and las korey with a combined poplation of 60-70 thousand people equivilant to one town in burco.


6. Puntland has gone from a self proclaimed claim protection to a 2 regions bari and nugaal and has lost the trust of las canod and "makhiir".


who has been mugged and who is thriving.....saxib somaliland 8 universities.. at least 1000 graduates yearly. Has the top land army..number one currency and economy. Building that would rival any african city.


the only question im asking myself is what planet do you live on. if you resent my success...bury yourself in a whole..dont bury the truth...because of jealousy.

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Originally posted by GAAROODI:

6. Puntland has gone from a self proclaimed claim protection to a 2 regions bari and nugaal and has lost the trust of las canod and "makhiir".


Self-hate is a terrible thing my friend. ;)

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Mr. Suldaanka, you and your folks are the master of recycling in your village talk. First of all, Maakhir is NOT a subject of your clannish admin unlike some pockets of Sool are namely the city of LA. In the case of Las Anod, you know deep down once the rift among my folks resolved, the days you to remain there are numbered. On the surface, a foolish may think Las Anod is in your fold as you wished it WERE but mark my word once self-correcting processes converge, the land you stand will shrink, and THEN, what would you say, Illeyn nina afkiisa lagama xaal mariyo.



Ha wareegto giraantu, yaa Mansa!

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Nabadayntii Ceerigabo: According to Maakhirian professor Siciid Gees:


Maxamed Saciid Gees iyo Heshiiskii Sanaag ee beelaha



Intaan ka xasuusto nabadayntii Ceerigaabo iyo beelaha Somaliland



Maxamed Siciid Gees oo ka mid ahaa golaha wasiirada ee Somaliand, ahna siyaasi ka soo jeeda gobolka Sanaag ayaa dib u eegaya nabadayntii beelaha wada dega gobolkaas iyo guud ahaanba Somaliand,iyo qiimaha ay nabadu leedahayba.Qoraalkan uu gacantiisa ku qoray Mr Gees ayaa waxa uu ka kooban yahay qaybo badan,markaas qaybta ugu horeysa oo ka hadlaysa sidii ay ugu guntadeen nabadaynta beelaha soomaaliyeed,iyo shirarkii dhacay oo dhan.


Hadii Hadi dhaco oo Hareerigu hoosta ka engago oo hadhyare Qudhac hablo diirtaan oo Higlada Bari libaaxu hadhgalo, adaa hoogeye xagaad hadh u Dayan



Waxaan ayaamahan danbe hadal haynteedu ku badatay Jaraa’idka ayna ka doodeen asxaabta mucaaridku Guddi dawladeed oo loo xil saaray goballadda bari gaar ahaan Sanaag iyo Sool Waxaa hadaba is waydiin leh Xukuumadda iyo Asxaabtu xog intee le’eg ayey ka hayaan wadada dheer ee loo soo maray nabadaynta iyo dib-u dhiska Soomaaliland gaar ahaan goballadda bariga.



Gobalka Sanaag waxaa ku dhaqan oo Illahay ku beeray Beello badan oo aadse loo yaqaano afar beelood oo kala ah (****, ****, **** iyo **********)


Intaan Sanaag noqon gobal waxay ahayd district Cerigaabo, juqraafi ahaana wuxuu ka bilaabmaa dhinaca galbeed Cadaad kulaaleed ilaa bari waylo oo magaalada Qardho u jirta 25km waana xadkii mustacmaradihii Ingriiska iyo Talyaaniga, qiyaasta dhulka uu ku fadhiyo waxaa lagu qiyaasa saddex meelood meel ahaan dhulwaynaha Soomaaliland (1/3).



Dhulka intaa le’eg magaallada ugu wayni waa Ceerigaaabo oo ah magaalo madaxda gobalka taas oo ahayd meeshii uu fadhiyi jiray DC ingriiska ee xukumi jiray degmadaas , magaaladaas ayuun bay beelaha ku dhaqan gobalku wada degaan taas oo cid waliba degan tahay oo aad u kortay , gobalka intiisa kale waa magaalooyin yaryar iyo tuulooyin ay degan yihiin reer keliya oo u sii kala baxa ardaayo iyo tuulooyin. hadaba waxaa maamul dawli ahi ka samaysmi karaa meesha la wada degan yahay kaas oo astaan maamul u noqan kara gobalka kana sii fidi kara markuu hana qaado.



Maanta Ceerigaaabo waa la wada degan yahay mahad Alle weeye, wixii dumay dib ayaa loo dhisay, dhismayaal cusubina waa laga dhisay wayna dhismaysaa waxay leedahay baahidii nolasha intii u muhiinsanayd xagga horumarka casriga ah sida biyo,laydh, telifoon ,internet . Waxaa ka furan Isbitaal, dugsiyo hoose, dhexe iyo sare waxaa taga diyaaraddo ganacsigu waa isu furan yahay bari iyo galbeed. Waxaa jooga macalimiin iyo hayaddo samafal oo ajanebi ah.



Hadaba xaaladu sidaas may ahayn mudo hadda laga jooga 10 sano gushaas waxay ku timi dadaal qunyar socod ah oo ay iska kaashadeen kana wada qayb galeen Guurtidda, Aqoonyahanka, & Haweenka beelaha wada degan gobalkaas iyadoo aanay cidna dibada uga iman. Waxaa xusid mudan halhays ah Rooma maalin qudha laguma dhisin sidaa darted wafti xukuumadda ah oo maalmo ku qayila wiilalna qaad u qaada ka weyn xaajaddu.



Waxay u baahan tahay in la derso xaalada maanta iyo waxii loo qaban karo oo meeshi baahi jirto si cilmi ah wax looga qabto taas oo noqota mid joogta ah oo aan wax yeelayn wixii hore u jiray haddii aan xusuusta dib ugu noqono 10 sano mudo laga joogo taas oo ahayd dib u yagleelkii nabada shirwaynihii beelaha reer Sanaag ee lagu qabtay Ceerigaaabo. Waxaa shirkaas ka horeeyey shirar doceedyo ka soo bilaabmay 1991 markii dawladiii Maxamed Siyaad burburtay iyo dagaaladii sokeeye ee dadkii wada degana ku kale qaxeen magaaladi Ceerigaaabo oo ay beel waliba ku noqotay tuulooyinkii u gaarka ahaa ee aan soo sheegay.



Shir doceedyadaas waxaa ka mid ahaa Yubbe1, Yubbe 2 iyo Jiidali ooo dhex maray ********** iyo **** bari.Ceelqooxle, Shinbiraale oo dhaxmaray ********** iyo ****. Darar weyne oo dhex maray *********** iyo ****. Garadag oo dhexmaray **********, **** iyo ***********.



Shirar kale oo dhawr ah oo dhexmaray *********** iyo ****. Shirar beeleedyadaas ay isugu imanayeen laba beelood ama saddex waxaa laga wada hadli jiray xabad joojin iyo wixii danta ah sida daaqa waxa danbe ee dhaca wixii laga yeelli lahaa iyo biyaha. Marwalba tuulada lagu qabanayo beesha taal ayaa marti gelin jirtay, hase yeeshe shirarku waxay ahaan jireen shirar nabad –dagaal oo qollo walbaa ciidankeeda iyo tignikadeeda way la iman jirtay.



Inkastoo shirar bilaabmeen oo lawa hadlay oo xabad joojin jirtay hadana waa lakala yaalay oo isu socod caadi ahi ma jirin oo xad ayaa lakala lahaa, waxaa jirtay gooba laysugu iman jiray oo ay ugu weynaayeen labada goobood oo ganacsigu ka socday oo baabuurtu rarka iyo rakaabka ku kala wereejin jireen oo mid walbaa dib uga noqan jiray wxay ahaayen goobahaasi xagga sare oo ahayd Higlo kala noqod oo u dhaxaysa Yubbe iyo Jiidali. Xagga hoosena waxay ahayd Ceel qooxlle. Laysuma gudbi jirin oo qola walbaa halkas ayey ka noqon jirtay, xaaladu halkaas ayey joogtay intaan laysugu iman shirwaynihii beelaha sanaag ee Ceerigaaabo.



MagaaladiiCeerigaaabo oo ahayd xaruntii gobalka waxay ahayd meel aan baabuur soo gelin oo ay beel qudhi joogto beeshaas oo ahayd **** bari inkastoo **** cidi ka joogtay waxayna la mid noqotay tuulooyinkii aan soo sheegay ee ay deganaayeen beesha keliyi.



[ October 27, 2009, 12:45 AM: Message edited by: Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar ]

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