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North Westerners Fear Dictator Riyaale and Point To Imaginary USP Revival(must read).

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Despite their fictional balls, we still welcome with open arms former SNM mujaahids mugged in Hargaisa. Soo dhawaada, we will give you freedom of speech, in Dhahar Oodweyn could exercise his right to criticize dictator Riyaale.


Mr. Somalia: let me update you on the latest development for the mugged ones.



Hargaysa; Warar aad loogu kalsoon yahay oo aanu ka helayno Caasimada Maamulka ayaa noo cadeeyey in ay Xukuumado ku guda jirto qorshe cusub oo ay doonayso in ay dib u dhigto mar kale doorashadii maamulka iyada oo adeegsanaysa hab dastuuri ah.


Warar ayaa waxaa ay sheegayaan in ay xukuumadu wado abaabul dagaal oo hada ka socda Bariga iyo Galbeedka, dagaalkaas oo la qorshaynayo in uu hal mar ka wada biloowdo, waana tan u saamaxaysa in aan doorasho dhici karin hadii uu dagaal ka jiro.


Xukuumada ayaa dhowr mar oo hore dib u dhigtay Doorashooyinka iyada oo had iyo jeerna la filayey in ay isticmaasho card kaan dagaalka oo aan la saadaalin karin meesha uu ku danbayn doono.


Qorshahaan ayaa waxaa ku raacsan oo dabada ka riixayaa xukuumada deriska Ethopia, oo dhowr mar oo horena kula talisay Xisbiyada mucaaradka in Ogoladaan Mudo kordhinta xukuumada Somaliland.


Xisbiyada Mucaaradka ee Kulmiye iyo Ucid ayaan la saadaalin karin mowqifka ay qaadanayaan hadii uu qorshahan hirgalo. In kasta oo ay dhowr mar cabashooyin ay soo jeediyeen aan dheg jalaq loo siin waloowba ay tani u muuqato wax dastuuri oo ay saxiiixeen dhaamnba Xisbiyada .


Dhinaca kale Beesha uu ka soo jeedo madaxweynaha Somaliland Mr Riyaale ayaa waxa ay ku jirtaa Hub urursi mudooyinkii la dhaafay iyo in ay ururiyaan Malyshi beeleedyo.arintaan ayaa lagu eedeeyaa in ay ka danbaysay Mashaqadii ka dhacday Ceel barde oo aan weli loo soo gacan galin Gacan ku dhiiglayaashi Qaadicul Dariiqa ahaa oo baabuurta lagala degay.

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^^ Mugged ones? I know you're not talking about getting mugged breadrin? How is the state of Makhir? In control of things? Dude..get real lol.

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In other words; talk is cheap, chaps. And therefore, see to it bring your political leaders, in the form of Gen. Ilkajir from “Pirate-land”, into the street of Erigavo (just to prove me that I do not know what I am talking about in here). For, that day, I shall doff my hat for you, both in gallantry and in political drivenness (as it were), indeed.

Lool, do you ever read sxb? Or you are in a flight path of your own make-believe mirqaan ninyow. Here's what I just told you two posts above yours:


J11: Adeer, horta isa soo xoreeya, and then we can talk about settling scores. You don't see reer Maakhir talking war here - it's just you. But they'll be waiting for your move.
Move or aamus

Your move, son. :D

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LOL...Maxey is xoreyn-karaan? Illahay baa wuxuu ku habsiyey nin Riyaale la dhaho oo shiidh kooda ka bowdeyee. They underestimated his mettle big time and now they are paying for it. The guy has reached the highest position of power in their enclave and got rich and powerful off their collective misery. He has achieved the level of a Dictator without much effort. If he was as dumb as they are, no way would he be able to pull that off. Marka, Jamaal, don't pay no mind to their denial of their tedious fate. Geed hoostis ayee Riyaale ugu wada xiranyihiinee, sidii arri rabaayad ah! :D

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J11, i'm affraid its a check mate. Mirqaanland is cursed with dictatorial inheritence. Their insignificance in Somaaliweyn has pressured them to invent a country that they matter (A big fish in a small bond). Time witnesses the failure of that route as they are reminded by the symptoms of dictatorial syndrom.


Go Riyaale, Gooooooo

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Ah,... Mr. J11, you disappoint me, there, dear lad...


For I thought you knew better, indeed.
You see, in your warped mind, you really believe that a man that I have elected to power
, in whose fate rest in my hand (in the clannish sense of that word); since, I can easily make him, scarce from the seat of power, in legal sense of voting him out of power, could ever be, what you describe in that above post of yours.

Uh huh! Now, my dear Oodweyne, therein stands the elephant in the room. You tell me about 'a man you've elected into power' but the trouble is, I find your statement as a make-believe one. Why? Because untill you DO indeed elect off the very man , I cannot for the life of me try to differentiate between your bravado or bravery. :D


For heaven's sake elect him off! How many times has the election been post-ponded? Sorry for asking because I kinda lost count. Lol.


Anyway, Reer Maakhir are waiting for you - and even, yes that's right, the Gen. Ilkajiir you fear so much :D awaits you in gladdened pose for battle. Now hurry up, will you? smile.gif



Mr. Somalia and Xudeedi, :D . Let me play with Oowdeyne's ego maanta. Lol.

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Originally posted by Oodweyne:


dear lad
, you see, it's one thing that the helpless and clueless folks of
, to fall for that line of the
“mugged ones”
and what have you; but, you,
dear lad
, ought to know better. For you do know, that, if shove come to shovel, then, at least in the old traditional Somali setting, the likes of
Mr. D. Rayale
is essentially a
“respected and honourable guest”


Hence, he is no position to think himself that of which you accused of him to be, much less to even, conduct himself in that way. For he shan't get even one day under his belt, were he to even come across in that manner, before, he will see the
“writings on the wall”
as it were


But, it seems to me, that, when, you run out of arguments, then, you could always settled for that cheap-line of nonsensical argument of yours. Since, you even know, in your heart-of-heart, that in the
“clannish Somali context”
, no such thing without force to back you up (
in the clannish dimension of that word
) could ever exist, in any where of the Somali peninsula. And, most definitely,
Mr. D. Rayale
does not have that sort of power in Somaliland other than be at the mercy of those who has elected him, indeed.



Oodweyne, sir, don't you ever get bored trying to sound eloquent every time you post such hallucinatory tripe? Seriously, you're simply reinforcing the stereotype that the mugged ones have become adept at denying reality.


Yes, we are supposed to believe, Riyaale is only a ""respected and honorable guest" in Hargaysa; Sure he is in "no position" to call himself a dictator; And definitely he will be shown "the writing on the wall" when the clan becomes ready. Ahem, yeah...Riyaale's power is all "at the mercy of the clan".


Yep we are supposed to believe you, right? We're supposed to your word for it, right? Saaxiib, I say...WHEN PIGS FLY AMIGO! :D


Oodka, you should be ashamed, if you have any shame, that is.

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Originally posted by Xudeedi:


Go Riyaale, Gooooooo

Indeed :cool: . Provoke him again and he will Push your wig back all the way to the Indian Ocean if garowe wasn't enough. You seen what happen in LA right? Careful son.

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Everywhere you guys try to battle you end up running faster than nerds at a calculus convention. In the South, LA, Erigavo...Just stick to garowe and keep shut.

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Oodweyne, have you forgot Ilka Jiir great uncle "Afdhaal's" poem that described his conquest on the Ceeri that you threaten his arrival.


1-Eebow xeryaha iigu ood xeenta Bahalfoode

2-*Cabdi Xaamud baan dili lahaa waysagii didaye,

3-*Cabdalla Xaamud baan dooxilaa diricyadoodiiye,

4-Labadii duq mooyee ma helin hilib dubaaxeede,

5-Dad xun iyo ***** la helay dananayaashiiye.

6-Dubihii wuxuu igaga dhacay dhul aanan dooneyne

7-*Bah-gamaroonaba igama darteed dugushii buureede

8. Sidii iney daaf qabaan indhaha kor ha u ****osheene.


[ October 20, 2009, 12:32 AM: Message edited by: Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar ]

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Originally posted by Mr. Somalia:




You're using logic and common sense reasoning backed up with facts. Unfortunately the secessionists minions on SOL don't understand reason. They lack the capacity and will to deal with reality as it is. Coming soon.

Thanks Bro. That is what it sounds like.

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Originally posted by Oodweyne:

Mr. Nassir


I see you are still telling yourself about all manner of
in regards to Sanaag region, and in particularly, how it was
in the nick of time against what you would call the then
folks; heh...
dear lad


Well, I guess, if all you have is to say, that we have conceding the
of Erigavo (
in the political sense of that word
), on the back of the pain of being militarily evicted, back in
, and therefore, we accept, the
“jurisdictional oversight”
of that city in Somaliland's hand; and furthermore alludes that the bulk of fight was done
“East of Erigavo”
notice that is the territories of
per se
); and also you accept that as of today the
“fact of the ground”
as established by the war of
is still stand.


Then, in that case, I won't be churlish enough to rain in your fantastical parade that says some
was given to the then
SNM forces
, by the
“gallant Makhirians”
in the years between
1991 – 1993



Oodweyne, of all the evidence put forth against your weak flying points, you are still stuck in a desperate appeal (a make-belief challenge) that the joint administration that currently functions in one of the 6 major Districts of Sanaag, to be dislodged in favor of your perceived original owners a.k.a Maakhirians.


First, this make-belief reasoning has a flawed premise for it does not do any justice to other historical settlers in this District of Erigavo because you wholeheartedly paint them as the original downtrodden society or squaters who, with divine intervention, mounted a successful coup that overthrew the past unjust administrations and who, afterwards, conducted ethnic cleansing campaign to uproot its natives. This wild make-belief position of yours is baffling to all of us and it, truly, induces a guffaw in its best moment Unless your wish to construct a myth of a pestilential omen betide on reer Sanaag---a scenerio in which the interlude of peace between perpetual wars is measurable by a hand formula. However, reer Maakhir had long realized the value of peace with its neighbors and therefore want to keep it that way until we have a government of national union.


As of Ilka-Jiir not visiting his birth city, it's a strategic and political. Strategic because the General does not want to disturb the delicate balance that currently exists in the city in which the residents greatly enjoy peace and security. And he has a broad political base, that he drews with complete support. Even though the secessionist clique claims his region, they know if they violate his base or entertain the idea of closing the artificial colonial border how unsuccesful would that adventure be and the vale of cries and fear that may ensue.


I don't wish a catalysmic events to be unleashed on my brethrens on the North-west. It's a little reality-check on my part, one that safely lands your high flying delusions. I am a believer of Somali unity and if that perturbs those who like to dismember Somalia so be it.


Ps. Fyi,

In 2003, Colonel Abdiassis Haji Elmi, a deputy chief of Puntland Police and head of its CID conducted a criminal investigation in Erigavo City involving of suspect crack-jackers.


In this old news,, you will find how the joint administration imposed an administrative curfew after a small conflict involving between a Makhiri and Northwestern clans over a land dispute. A reality-check again :D

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Originally posted by J11:

I think Oodweyne is a relation of ninkaa la qabtay hence his constant cry over Maakhir.


Oodka, take it easy. I mean you cant do jack about Maakhir in a war now while you are still under Aabe Riyaale. Marka ma 'aabe kan yar (Riyaale) iga reeb oo kan weyn (Maakhir) igu daa baa?'


Adeer, horta isa soo xoreeya, and then we can talk about settling scores. You don't see reer Maakhir talking war here - it's just you. But they'll be waiting for your move. Move or aamus.

:D . To Oodweyne Aabe Riyaale was a democratically elected President yesterday and now he is a "honourable guest", a similar statement repeatedly made by emasculated SNM veterans.



Thanks Xudeedi for the glimpse of history.

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