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'I'm not afraid of al-Shabab'

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'I'm not afraid of al-Shabab'

Depends on who you ask, that much should be clear. smile.gif , anu ka baqi maayo. The boys are on a roll, we all saw how they squished the enemy like a bug on a windshield.


IMO if they are left alone, these boys will deliver peace and stability in the country.

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Alkabab is the same as Alshabab? news to me. Anyways the name is 'alshabab' and they should be refered as such. Whether they have arabic(language of the holy Qu'ran) or Somali makes no difference. Their struggle should be valued.


ps. Zack, maxaad zakariye ula bixi wayday adigu, adigu iska bilow. :D

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Red-See Saaxiib I said Ciyaalkii mooriyaanta ahaa oo isku wada tagay waaye Alshabaab. Diin iyo dhaqan midna maqabaan wiligoodna ma eesan arag civilized life. Waa caruur ku koreen dagaal iyo dhac iyo gaajo. Waa caruur brain wash lugu sameeye saaxiib.


Franco.. Alshabaab calanka inta aadan uqaadin, al sug ee fiirso waxa ee sameeyaan. Alshabaab raga wata oo caruurta hubka iyo xadiisyada beenta ah u dhiibay waa rag calooshoda u shaqeysanaya oo wada laqdabad iyo kala sooc soomalinimo. Shariica law is one of the strongest and best laws and is a law that is not known by most somalis. Before they use this law on the people, they should be doing teachings, they should taking care of the simple basic needs of the people. Alshabaab iyo any somali Organization oo maanta jira waxaa ka maqan aqoon daro oo ah leadership. Dad in la amro wax lagu qasbo un bee yaqaanan oo wili "amar doolo mudeec ninkii diido dabaal" bee wadaan. Somali specialy Xamar 18 years ayaa ugu danbeesay wax la yiraahdo peace iyo nolol waayo aragnimo iyo wax barasho. 90% of the teens in Xamar iyo aga gaarkeeda wiligood ma arag nololkale aan ahaan qurunka socday ilaa iyo waqtigaas.


maanta cunuga xukuma Alshabaab haduu yahay 30, meeqa jir buu ahaa 18 sano ka hor? nimankaas ayaad markaas ka sugeysaan in ee wadan dhisaan oo ee wadaan...


Wareer Badanaa!!!

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maanta cunuga xukuma Alshabaab haduu yahay 30, meeqa jir buu ahaa 18 sano ka hor? nimankaas ayaad markaas ka sugeysaan in ee wadan dhisaan oo ee wadaan...


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Age doesn't define leadership or ability. I'm sure you're educated enough to know that many great historical figures attained leadership roles at such young age. And yes it doesn't surprise me that you're willing to hammer alshabab for the work they're doing, at the end your opinion adds up to big pile of nothing sxb for you don't have an answer to Somalia' problem. So you might as well support this group and give them a chance. So far every town and land under their control is experiencing calmness while justice, law and order are returning slowly but maturely.

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So Alshabab is shaytans and Ethiopian army as enemies who can be made peace with? Istaqfurullah, if that is your thinking.

This reasoning is baffling to say the least.


Muslims who share a religion with you (irrespective of their wrongs) are shaydaamo, but Gaalo who are butchering your people can be made peace with? Now I've seen it all.

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Originally posted by Tuujiyee:

Somali specialy Xamar 18 years ayaa ugu danbeesay wax la yiraahdo peace iyo nolol waayo aragnimo iyo wax barasho. 90% of the teens in Xamar iyo aga gaarkeeda wiligood ma arag nololkale aan ahaan qurunka socday ilaa iyo waqtigaas.

Wara Abutuujiye yaad u duur xulaysaa?


Maanta iyo Somali, dadka ugu waayo arag

badan waxaa la dhihi kara waa dhalinta

naqiiska ah ee qaaca baaruuda iyo

baasuukaha la abtirsada wadaniyada

iyo geesinimaduna u sii dheer tahay.


Saxiib xamar waa xorowday ee hurdada ka

toos oo xafaddii aad 30 sanno ka hor

ka soo dhuntay soo fiiri wax nool oo socda

iska dhigoo.


Diridhaba iyo Harar oo maanta amxaaradu

ka siiban lahayd, ma anaa muraayadan kaa

garab dhawaaqi lahaa? Caku iyo mujaahidiin

lagu qasaaray oon taariikh laga qorin!


Saxiib shabaabka da'da yar intay awoodeen

waa soo wadeen bahasha, indinka shacabka

ah iyo shabaabka duqoobay aa looga

baahanyahay in ay shabaabka naqiiska ah

u mahad celiyaan kana sasabtaan qoriga

iyo miinada xudunta loogu xidhay.



Wadanku waa nabad mahadeedana waxaa iska

leh shabaabka naqiiska ah laakiin horumar

aa hadda loo baahanyahay cidii ku soo

dabaali lahaydna waa adi, nuune iyo habo

qoolo dad kale ha raadin.


Haddii taarabuunka dhaqan celiska waayeelka

aad furan iyo haddii aad jaamacada

waayeelka dhisi iyo haddii aad cooshad

lagu gado jalaatada iyo xalwada aad furan,

maanta xamar xorowdaye oroda oo is xoreeya

oo iska xoreeya qaxoontinimada lafaha idin

ka gashay dadkiinana wax u qabta.


Wakhtigan waa wakhtigii naqiiska qoryaha

laga nasin lahaa ee geelka iyo ariga loo

logi lahaa iyadoo marka ay seexdaan wadanka

iyo caruurta kale loo talin lahaa. Haddii

ay taasi dhici waydo, oo shabaabka naqiiska

ah geela iyo adhiga loo qali waayo inta

ay qoriga ku sasaan ayey intii ka

hadhay xaafadiihii aa ka soo dhunteen

ay dhamaan ku toog baran doonaan

iyagoomoodi amxaar meesha taagan.


Nimanka yaan jaanis la siinin oo hala garab

galo oo qoriga ha laga nasiyo oo ha la

shafro, weyna ahayn ubaxii soo baxaba

dubaha iyo qoolka ha lala kortaagnaado.

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Originally posted by Mr. Red Sea:

at the end your opinion adds up to big pile of nothing sxb for you don't have an answer to Somalia' problem. So you might as well support this group and give them a chance. So far every town and land under their control is experiencing calmness while justice, law and order are returning slowly but maturely.

Are you kidding me?! Just because one doesn't have an answer to Somalia's problem, one should support AlShabaabulXayawaaniin? WHAT? You're right almost every town under their contral seems calm because people fear them, not because AlShabaabulXayawaaniin are slowly bringing law and order back...Sheeko badanaa...Mexey law and order kayaqaanaan? Yaase baray?


Like Tuujiye said, these Xayawaaniin waa wax xato, dil, gaajo, boobid, xoogid, iyo wax lamid ah kusoo koray, so spare us the details on how they will bring law and order to Somalia...Law and order isn't stonning a young girl to death for being rapped...Law and order isn't cutting someone's head off for converting to Christianity...Law and order isn't killing some government figures while freeing some for qabiil reasons...Law and order isn't blowing-up one's self and killing innocent children, men and women...


AlShabaabulXayawaaniin are the worst criminals Somalia has ever seen...Not only are they criminals, they are using diinta...I can not stress that enough - DIINTA! Yes other warlords killed the innocent, yes gaalo cadowgeena ah wadankeena waalasoo galiyay, but never have I seen warlord using their version of diinteena to carryout their crimes...

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^^How are youngsters who love the deen, but make mistakes out zeal, lack of knowledge or harshness in implementation comparable to " gaalo cadowgena"? A muslim can make mistakes/errors, but the door of repentance is always open to them. Thus, to label them as shaytans or compare them ( you are even lowering) them to the level of xabashi commanders and leaders ( o dinta ilahay ku casiyey and fought against it) is utterly ridiclous and unjust.



The one who commited an evil act with the aim of doing good, is not the same as one who sole aim is make mischief, kufr, corruption, oppression on the land. Was Sayid Muhamad Abdullah Hassan lower or comparable to the British, the Ethiopian Emperor Menelik and their allies because they did not use the deen and he did ?

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Of course, human beings( especially young men in a war torn country) can and will make mistakes, though we should try our best not to.


Khalid Bin Waled, the companion of the Prophet Muhamad(saw), slayed some women and children, but the Prophet Muhamad raised up his hands and said that he was free from such actions. Hajaj, the muslim ruler, was famous for his oppression and slaying of Muslim blood, yet that doesn't give us the right to call him a shaytan who can never purify himself.



AM not saying that Alshabab don't make mistakes or that they are not guilty of commiting crimes, but I do have problem with this statement of yours: "Norf, No. What I meant by Shaydaan or Cadow is that Shaydaan madaahiro, while cadowgaaga aad la heshiin karto, no?".


"Gaalka codowga", as you call it, and the shaytan have no chance of purifying themselves, lest they(except iblis) declare the testimony of faith. Shaytan and his allies are your true enemies, hence why Allah described shaytan as caduwun mubeen . On the other hand, the Muslims such as Shababs can commit mistakes and be your enemies, but wey dahirikaran, and they are not on the status of shaytan and his allies.


Have you closed the door of repentance on them? Only Allah can do that. How can you describe a Muslim as shaytan an dahirikarin? Are they still not Muslims?

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It's not about mistakes they were alleged to have made. It's the naivety of our people to accept at face value of the other war relayed via other non-Muslim sites/media as legitimate, deserving and just. Whoever is at war with our wronged nation doesn't have to harm us physically but they will pursue other malevolent methods of tarnishing the reputation of Islam and those who advance its pure cause.


If Shabaabs were all bad, how come Kismayo, Merka and other places racked by daily pillaging, destruction of the environment and killings can have the complete opposite of that? A simple Q that should insulate our easily fragile central processing unit from unwanted Virus.

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Don't believe everything you read in the media my sister. these guys are very compassionate.


The other day Alshabab were labeled clannish movement when Abu Mansuur excused TFG MP's in Baydhabo. That was a compassionate dismissal on Al shabaab's part, many people here were outraged by that and said they should have execute those men. The point is, our people are born mucaarad, there is no way to please them.


Call 'em what you want right now, you're more than welcome to voice your opinion as you wish, but once they restore your beloved city (xamar) back to its glory days, I'm sure you and many people I know would be ululating for Alshabaab. Samir iyo Dulqaad ayaa loo bahan yahay sxb.

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^^ You talk as if your in xamar your self sxb.


in late 50's and early 60's, Somalia had a young youth call the SYL (somali youth league). They were young men who were educated and had so much notionalism in them. those young men educated the rest of somalia and open the eyes of the people so that they could go out their and speak out so they could be independent. Before SYL took over government, they educated them selfs and the people. At that time somalia was limited to educated people. When they took over, they had the help of young men/women coming back to somalia from abroad with lots ideas and new ways of thinking to build a strong beautiful country.


My point of that story is we have a history of the youth taking leadership for our people. For that reason I think, personaly, somalia's solution is the youth to step up and help their fellow somalians. I believe us young people in abroad who are educated are the solution to the problems in somalia so that we could one day go back and give back to our people.


We all love Islam and its ways of life, but even allah himself told us that to go and get more education to help you. Don't be a Jahil.


I would have nothing against Alshabaab today if they were young men wich have more education than Islam alone. They have never seen another way of life than the extreme lifes we have in somalia today, they don't have loyalty to them selves because whats holding to gether is only because their hunger is taking care of.


Saxiib dad gaajeesan sida loogu taliyo wee sahlantahay ee ha u moodin in Al-shabaab ee yihiin urur adag.


I don't like xabasho iyo gaalo wadankeyga joogta, and I hate it Dooladan qabyaalada ku dhisneed iyo warlordska la iskugu keenay halmeel. I didn't support the TFG and any wadaado because simply I don't think in ee yihiin the solution for our problems.


Today diin is being used because emotionaly the somali people back home, deen is all they have and using that tool is how you get to their hearts and win over them. Therefore, this Al-shabaab situation is a nother face of leadership somalia is going thru.


in 2005, we did a somali youth get together in Canada where we invided Daahir Dhago weyne (ilaaho u naxariiso). He was one of the last SYL memebers. He told us that waqtigiisi waxa uu la dagaalay waxaa ugu qaabdarnaa gumeysiga laakiin taasi waxaa ka dhib badneed mideenta dadkeyna iyo u aqliyeenta dadkeena. Wuxuu yiri waxaan la gadaalnay oo dhinac iska dhignay "qabiil", iyo kalasoocid dhul. Wuxuu anaga nugu yiri idinka waxyaalaha aad la dagaali doontaan waa wax yaalo aad u foolxun aanan is dhihin wiligey wee dhici doontaa. Qabiil, gaajo, naceeb, ignorance because of lack of eduction and plus more. laakiin all of that waxaad ka bilaabi kartaan education. "ileen qofka maskaxda xiran aan education laheyn waa iska xoolo".


ilaahoo u naxariiso....



Wareer Badanaa!!!

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