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AU Road Map for Peace in Somalia

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The way to peace:


A- Reform the TFG, get rid of Warlord A/Y and other criminals in that organization to show good faith. This will leave government institutions in place but only removes known criminals from the political scene.


B- Timetable for Xabashi troop withdrawal



Those two can remove the deadlock faster than anything else.



If you disagree with the removal of criminals like A/Y who is never a man of peace, and other criminals like Maxamed Dheere whose aired animonsities towards certain clans added fuel to the fire, clarify your objections and why you think their removal is not important for peace. I have given mine in my previous post and why all men with bad faith should be removed for there to be peace. Their presence as active actors bodes ill for progress and the record shows. If you disagree with that, tell us why.

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^^Marra waaxidah yaa Xoogga!


Though understandably little stiff, yours is a programmatic move. I am still little short on time---I have users breathing down my neck. But let me say this much adeer on your two-step approach:

A- Reform the TFG, get rid of Warlord A/Y and other criminals in that organization to show good faith. This will leave government institutions in place but only removes known criminals from the political scene.


The key word here is reform, and I am in agreement with that. Details of who goes and who stays can easily be ironed out provided the process of doing so are agreed up on.


B- Timetable for Xabashi troop withdrawal

This is a must, and without it, peace will remain afar.


But again this should not be a prerequisite for sitting down with other parties. Rather it must top on the agenda when such meetings take place.


I will come back with more responses IA.

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a positive move from the Asmara team


Equally positive move from tfg side


partisan portals trying to make sense out of these latest positive moves



Xoogsade, brother, hopefully I will have a time to get to what could be a reasonable compromise between Somali parties to end this Somali tragedy. But before I do that I would like to make sure that you understand my whole contention, which is at this juncture of Somali history preconditions for peaceful resolution ring quite meaningless. Somalia as a whole must be saved from another round of civil war and further disintegration.

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Formulae for peace in Somalia.


1-Hold genuine and comprehensive political reconciliation between all Somali parties---no preconditions.


2-Agree on a timetable for a prompt withdrawal of Ethiopian troops


3-Reform and restructure current tfg framework to accommodate other stakeholders


4-Agree on a realistic timetable for post civil war general elections


****Implicit in point 1 is reconciliations may have to take place while Ethio troops continue their rape of Somali republic. Inherent in point 3 is some warlords may be absorbed in the future political framework.

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1. Agreement on the need for Ethio withdrawal and tentative timeline for it (agreement in principal)


2. Hold genuine and comprehensive political reconciliation between all Somali parties


3. Yeey - out. Shiekh Sharif as Pres/PM


4. New 5 year term for the new Pres


5. Set laws/legislation/political structure (different to that of now)

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Originally posted by Laba_Xiniinyood:

Ethiopia does not stand to prevail – on the contrary it has everything to lose.
Ninkii dhoof ku yimid bey geeridu dhibeysaa


Yaa Xiin,
your calls for reconciliation, though good, are not the only solutions to Somalia’s problems and certainly not achievable now. It is the final straw that is needed, but before reconciliation many ground-building
work needs to be done to pave the way for reconciliation. With the current state of affairs, reconciliation will not work for several reasons.


First though, we must establish the dichotomy between what is
practically possible
and what is only
plausible but impractical
in theory. Reconciliation is possible, at the moment, only in theory. In practice, it would be nullified by lack of mutual understanding and reciprocated notion of what reconciliation actually entails. The greatest hindrance, as you have mentioned, is Qabiil. And the elimination of tribalism is something very much unlikely to happen in a society whose foundations lie with Qabiil. In assessing the person, a man will make all sorts of discrimination, consciously or unconsciously, based on his tribe, way of talking, marriage customs, and of course the prevailing perceptions. It is inevitable and mechanical. As soon as I speak, my birthplace is detected from my tone. As soon as a man from the far
converses with one from
each learns of the other’s lineage. They don’t have to tell each other – their dialect does it. One talking to a Southerner or a Northerner would automatically detect their origins. Dialect itself has become a sort of discriminatory feature.


And it is this sort of discrimination, springing from language that is evident throughout Somalia and abroad. The basis of all tribal conflict is and has always been a case of
is an entity with multiple facets and variations, each depending on whose viewpoint is projected. A puntlander’s
would be a Somalilander and vice versa; A Northerner would refer to
to sort out their problems when questioned of the southerners; the Southerner will refer to
when asked of secession. The discrimination doesn’t stop there, it is built up of a hierarchical structures delving deeper into clans, then sub-clans and sub-sub clans, each claiming legitimacy over the other. And it is these manifest differences that reconciliation alone cannot change.
A new way of thinking is needed altogether.


If reconciliation is to be achieved through unity, then what we need is a new
Paradigm Shift
– and that has to be
a new set of perceptions
to counter the old deeply-rooted notions of Qabyaalad, not merely the rectification of pre-existing perceptions. Unless this shift in perception is attained, the inevitability of tribal discrimination continuing to corrode the hearts of the coming generations cannot be overlooked.


If you have stagnant sewage water forming a long puddle over a land, you cannot cut a small stream of pure water to cut across it. It will get polluted as they intermix. So let’s forget about the stagnant ideas and stagnated minds of late
(the old perceptions)
and dig up fresh streams, untainted by the impurities of Qabyaalad. Is that possible?


Call me pessimistic, but reconciliation would simply not work under the current circumstances. We, as Somalis, are not prepared to
things they way they really are. We are looking but not seeing and that’s why this shift in perception is needed in order to allow us to see things more clearly.


Underlying all this though is the fundamental issue of
Islamic Shari’ah
, which you argue we should compromise for the time being, until reconciliation is obtained. True, we cannot have secular governance functioning in parallel with Shari’ah law, just as we can’t have democratic governance alongside a dictatorial regime –
exact opposite laws with equal validity cannot govern a country.
So which one goes? In my view, from an Islamic perspective, to abandon, or even entertain the notion of abandoning, Islamic Shari’ah is flawed. And it is this that will see about the downfall of Somalia and depravity of her people, taking along with them the very last remnants of hope.


What you say,
good ol’ Xiin,
is what we all know.
“Something is wrong, let’s fix it.”
You have offered a solution that does not take into account the thinking process, the analysis process, the other alternatives and the procedures involved in bringing about that reconciliation.


Every problem has a cause.
Remove the cause and you eventually remove the problem.
And since we all know that the root cause of all our problems is
, and you concede that it is much harder to root out, shouldn’t our efforts then be directed at finding ways to sort its problems first rather than outright pleas for reconciliation? Shouldn’t we employ a bottom-up approach to tackle the grassroots of the problem first than trying, in vain, to pioneer reconciliation? [/QB]

^^That was a very eloquent piece you posted right there yaa Labo X ! Problem is, as many brothers did before you, you spoke with more grammar than truth ( no pun intended).


Here are quick rebuttals on your points:


1- Ethiopia stands to prevail if you are divided and she is united in national level.


2- Speaking of shariicah implementation when both the survival of its adherents and the very sovereignty of its (would be) jurisdiction are at great perils is, I daresay, pointless. There is no entrenched secular class in Somali politics. Our educated class is mostly shariicah friendly. Security and stability is what preventing Somalis to realize the injection of political Islam in our system. And reconciliation my good brother is one way of achieving that end goal.


3- Removing qabiil from our politics (your bottom-up approach) in our current state has slim chance in success. Reconciliation between political functions is more practical and probable than your idealistic approach. If we end this war between us, minimizing qabiil influence in Somali political discourse would be a realistic venture…

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Originally posted by Northerner:

1. Agreement on the need for Ethio withdrawal and tentative timeline for it (agreement in principal)


2. Hold genuine and comprehensive political reconciliation between all Somali parties


3. Yeey - out. Shiekh Sharif as Pres/PM


4. New 5 year term for the new Pres


5. Set laws/legislation/political structure (different to that of now)

Let me think about this one yaa Shimmaali!

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There is no entrenched secular class in Somali politics. Our educated class is mostly shariicah friendly.



Are you sure about that saxiib? I would say we do have a secular( and tribalist) elite who run every region in Somalia.....

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^^Warlords with ties with Ethiopia run most important regions in Somalia. Their advantage lies within the mistrust between Somalis. The masses are not on their side. I am confident if peace and security take hold in our land, politicians with Islamic orientation will prevail.

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Guddoomiyaha Isbaheysiga Dib u xoreynta Soomaaliya Shiikh Shariif Shiikh Axmed


Wafdi uu hoggaaminayo Guddoomiyaha Isbaheysiga Dib u xoreynta Soomaaliya oo Nairobi gaaray



Sabti, March 29, 2008(HOL): Waxaa goor dhaweyd ka degay Garoonka Diyaaradaha Jomo Kenyata ee Magaalada Nairobi Guddoomiyaha Isbaheysiga Dib u xoreynta Soomaaliya Shiikh Shariif Shiikh Axmed iyo Wafdi uu hoggaaminayo oo ka soo amba baxay magaalada Khartoum ee Dalka Suudaan.


Wafdiga uu hoggaaminayay Shiikh Shariif oo ay xubno ka ahaayeen Jen. Jaamac Maxamed Qaalib oo Guddoomiye ku xigeen ka ah Isbaheysiga, Maxamed Cabdi Yuusuf, Shiikh Cumar Iimaan iyo Xubno kale ayaa waxaa garoonka Jomo Kenyata ku soo dhaweeyay Guddoomiyaha Golaha Dhexe ee Isbaheysiga Dib u xoreynta Soomaaliya Shariif Xasan Shiikh Aadan oo isagu shalay gaaray Magaalada Nairobi.


Prof. C/raxmaan Xaaji Aadan Ibbi oo ka mid ah Wafdiga Isbaheysiga ee shalay gaaray magaalada Nairobi ayaa sheegay in socdaalka ay madaxda Isbaheysiga ku joogaan magaalada Nairobi uu ku saabsan yahay casuumad uu u fidiyay Wakiilka Xoghayaha Guud ee Qaramada Midoobay u qaabilsan Arrimaha Soomaaliya Danjire Ahmedou Ould-Abdallah, kaasi oo ay qiimeeyeen martiqaadka uu u fidiyay, isagoo dhinaca kalena ka gaabsaday in uu wax ka sheego warar isa soo taraya oo sheegaya in ay dhici karto in ay Nairobi ku kulmaan mas’uuliyiin ka kala tirsan Dowladda Federaalka iyo Isbaheysiga Dib u xoreynta Soomaaliya.


Wixii ku soo kordha Dhaqdhaqaaqyada Siyaasadeed ee ka socda Magaalada Nairobi kala soco Hiiraan Online haddii Alle idmo.


Source: Hiiraanonline.

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There is no entrenched secular class in Somali politics. Our educated class is mostly shariicah friendly.

Not only is there a secular class, but they do also enjoys blind support from many Atheist, Christian and other non-muslim "Somalis" whose primary goal is to try and avert Da'wah efforts as well as Shariah implementation at all cost.


Most crucially, religious scholars as well as traditional elders, rather than warlords eligible for prosecution, should constitute the basis for a new reconciliation process, in a neutral setting (eg Djibouti or Doha), on the model of the previous Arta conference without its weaknesses.

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Xiin you are right however painful it is to negotiate whilst the Ethiopians are in our midst it seems to be the only viable option at the moment.


I very much agree with Northerners point the only difference I would let Yey finish his term (since it’s only a couple of months left) but that he should not represent himself again.


PS: a close source has told me that elders have advised the ALS not to make the Ethiopian Withdrawal as a prerequisite however a time line of withdrawal should be set. Ibrahiim Addow who was advised seemed to take it onboard very well. This is a Goodwill gesture to the efforts of the new Prime Minister.

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^^ The PM is working very hard I must admit. I think if the ARS delegates get the impression that promised withdrawal will take place as planned on a set day, that can pave the way for possibilities. But don't bank of Yey's time running out any time soon.

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