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AU Road Map for Peace in Somalia

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Jabuuti: Axmed Walad Cabdalla ,Nuur Cadde ,Sheekh Shariif & Maxamed Xasan Xaad oo wada jooga Jabuuti.



Jabuuti(AllPuntland)- Garoonka diyaaradaha ee Magaalada Jabuuti 24-kii saac ee lasoo dhaafay waxaa si kala gedisan uga dagey Raysalwasaaraha Soomaaliya Nuur Xasan Xuseen, Wakiilka Qaramada Midowbay ee arimaha Soomaaliya Axmed Walad Cabdalla, Hogaamiyaha Isbaheysiga Asmara & Hogaamiyaha Golaha la baxay Odayaasha ******.


Dhamaantood waxaa kala geeyey diyaarado ka kala tagay Nairobi iyo Muqdisho iyadoo wafdi walbaaba goonidiisa ugu safray Jabuuti, Waxaana ay siyaabo kala duwan ula kulmeen Madaxweynaha Jamhuuriyada Jabuuti Ismaaciil Cumar Geelle.


Raysalwasaaraha Soomaaliya & Wafdigiisa oo ay galbiyeen dhigiisa Jabuuti & madax kale ayaa tagay Aqalka Martida ee dalka Jabuuti, waxa ayna kula kulmeen Saraakiisha Jabuuti.


Galabta ayay wada hadalo yeelanayaan Nuur Cadde & Ismaaciil Cumar Geelle, wuxuuna kala hadlayaa arimaha Dibu heshiisiinta iyo doorka kaga aadan Jabuuti inay ka qaadato.


Axmed Walad Cabdalla ayaa isna la kulmay Raysalwasaaraha Jabuuti wuxuuna kala hadlay ujeedka socdaalkooda ,isagoo ku sheegay wada hadalsiinta kooxaha Isku haya Siyaasada Soomaaliya.


Wakiilka Qaramada Midowbay ee arimaha Soomaaliya ayaa ku waramay in ay dooneyso Qaramada Midowbay wada hadalo ay garwadeen ka tahay Qaramada Midoobay ayna yeeshaan dawladda Soomaaliya & Kooxaha ka soo horjeeda.


Garabka la baxay Odayaasha Dhaqanka ee Beesha ****** ayaa galabta la filayaa in ay lakulmaan Raysalwasaaraha Soomaaliya Nuur Cadde ayna kala hadlaan wada hadalada ay wado Qaramada Midowbay qabanqaabadoodu ka socota Jabuuti.


War hoose oo laga helay Safaarada Soomaalida ee Jabuuti ayaa sheegaya in ay wada hadalo dibu heshiisiin ah dhexmarayaan Mucaaradka dawladda Soomaaliya & dawladda Faderaalka ee Soomaaliya.


Dadka Siyaasada falanqeeya ayaa tooshkoodu saaran yahay magaalada Jabuuti ee dalka Jabuuti,waxa ayna saadaalinayaan in ay dhacayaan wada hadalo dhexmara dawladda Faderaalka ee Soomaaliya & Kooxaha ka soo horjeeda.


F. C. Geylan

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In our last editorial, Ushering Peace in Somalia, we wrote, "Ours is a country the two most important political actors – the TFG and the Alliance (the Asmara based opposition) - are not in the mood to negotiate peace.


Mr. Ahmedou Ould-Abdalla


The UN Special Representative for Somalia

We believe that statement requires revisiting, thanks to the industrious reconciliation efforts by the United Nations Special Representative for Somalia, Mr. Ahmedou Ould-Abdallah. As of last week, both the Transitional Federal Government and the Alliance are separately talking with the UN envoy whose ultimate goal is to have the two sides talk to each other.


Two of the most important figures in the two camps are the Prime Minister of the Transitional Federal Government, Nur Hassan Hussein "Nur Adde" and Sheikh Sharif Sheikh Ahmed, the Chairman of the Alliance of the Re-liberation of Somalia. Both have shown strong desire for political settlement and seem to have what it takes to usher peace in Somalia.


This follow-up editorial piece is intended to assess the prospect of these two political figures playing a catalyst role in the quest for peace and reconciliation in Somalia.


History abounds with ordinary people attaining extraordinary achievements in the face of great challenges. Consequently, titles such as leaders and heroes are bestowed on unique and successful citizens. History also records, as a footnote or on the margins, the fiascos of those who fail to show leadership when they were expected to rise to the occasion. Of course, external issues and environmental influences have always affected the turn of events in every human endeavor. However when the dust of weighty events settle, losers and leaders emerge because of the trembling or tenacity of individual actors. Vision, valor and foresight are what often distinguish the feeble from the farsighted.


In Somalia, since the time of the first President – Aden Abdulle Osman, finding men and women with national leadership credentials sadly become a dwindling rarity. The barren nature of Somalia has indeed puzzled many outside observers and emboldened the opponents of Somalia. Likewise, the inability of the nation to produce authentic leaders have also disappointed the Somali masses who yearn for forty years genuine leaders who could deliver the nation form the current perpetual-like yoke of mediocrity.


Hiiraan Online sees exceptional leadership qualities in the person of Nur Hassan Hussein ”Adde", the Prime Minister of the Transitional Federal Government. The "bright" Prime Minister (both the name Nur and the nickname Adde donate brightness), has shown during his short tenure as Prime Minister, an extraordinary interest to end the Somalia crises. The Prime Minister also moved with blistering speed to mitigate the mammoth public relations problems of the TFG. Prime Minister Nur "Adde" eloquently spoke about peace and reconciliation and exhibited a genuine desire to usher peace in Somalia. His statement that he is even willing to vacate his post if such a move would hasten peace in Somalia has earned the PM the respect of many Somalis.


In addition, by releasing some imprisoned community leaders, Prime Minister Nur "Adde" also succeeded to reduce the suffocating political / security environment in Mogadishu. He also won over the business community in Bakaara market by allowing them to organizing their own private security and removing the Ethiopian soldiers and the TFG militias. The Prime Minister also secured the diplomatic backing of the international community and continued to maintain a cordial relationship with the big elephant in the Somalia tent - the Ethiopians - without appearing to be their hapless boodle. Prime Minister Nur Adde also succeeded (at least for now) to oversee the reconciliation agenda of the TFG, upstaging the hard line stance of the TFG President. He further reassured the worried and weary Somali public about the domineering Ethiopian security forces inside Somalia, by declaring that once the warring Somali parties make peace – Ethiopian troops will leave Somalia within 48 hours.


As a Prime Minster of a war-torn society, Nur Adde's work is indeed cut out for him. It is remarkable that he was able to stay away from the plethora of booby traps in the charged political landscape of Somalia. Moreover, Prime Minister Nur Adde preached peace and exhibited hope, and in the process: deepened the trust of his supporters, gained the respect of his detractors as well as the admiration of the Somali masses and the backing of the international community. What an achievements in six months!


Two new challenges await Premier Nur Adde. For one, the Ethiopian troops entered Somalia because of Ethiopia's strategic interests. How long the Ethiopians would standby and watch Prime Minister Nur Adde lay the foundation of Somalia-centric policies and institutional frameworks different from the Ethiopian designs is a question worth pondering on. The other challenge that could cut short Prime Minister Nur Adde's reconciliation agenda is whether he succeeds to convince the rest of the TFG leaders / institutions to accept and adopt his peace and reconciliation vision. It is not a secret that there is an open tension / differences within the TFG leaders and some media outlets are even reporting that there are plans hatched in Baidoa, the TFG Parliament seat, to stifle the peace overture of the Prime Minister.


Hiiraan Online also sensed a glimmer of hope in 2006 with the ascendance of Sheikh Sharif Sheikh Ahmed in the leadership of the Islamic Courts Union. We named Sheikh Sharif then as the Person of the Year in 2006. We wrote an editorial, "Hiiraan Online recognizes Sh. Sharif Sh. Ahmed as the person of the year 2006, not only for his magnanimous personality, but for spearheading a fledgling, non-monolithic group, which, at times, overstepped its powers, and, at other times, underestimated its enemies. Whatever the cause of failure of the UIC maybe, Sh. Ahmed epitomized peace for six historic months in Somalia, where he captured the stage by every stretch of the imagination."


In Sheikh Sharif, we saw discernible leadership qualities. Under his leadership, the Islamic Courts and the people of Mogadishu routed the despised warlords and after sixteen years, re-commissioned both the airport and port of Mogadishu. The Islamic Courts cleaned the city, removed ubiquitous roadblocks, returned looted properties and presented the people of Mogadishu a precious six months of peace. Similarly, under Sheikh Sharif's able leadership, the Islamic Courts recovered within a year of a near-obliterating Ethiopian military assault. They also overcome orchestrated international diplomatic isolation. The Courts, under the guidance of Sheikh Sharif, further demonstrated political agility and adapted to the new reality in Somalia by joining forces with nationalist Members of Parliament and diaspora-based intellectuals. This reorganization resulted in the formation of the Alliance of the Re-liberation of Somalia (ARS), which Sheikh Sharif leads today.


Many dismissed the Alliance as a ragtag and irrelevant reactionary collection holed up in Eritrea. Again, the opposition put up a stiff diplomatic and military resistance, which frustrated Ethiopian strategy and rendered their TFG ally semi-comatose. The swift Alliance / opposition success on the ground made the planned diplomatic isolation untenable. As a direct result, we now know that the international community has changed their policy towards the opposition and currently the Alliance is considered as an indispensable stakeholder in present-day Somali politics.


Consequently, preparation for UN-led mediation efforts between the TFG and the Alliance is underway in earnest. Similarly, a new Alliance-included governance arrangement in Somalia and the withdrawal of the Ethiopian forces from Somalia are now considered desirable in fact, an inevitable reality.


In a press release dated on April 4, 2008, The UN Special Representative for Somalia, Ahmedou Ould-Abdallah states that he, “see it as a good sign that the Somali parties are genuinely concerned about the situation in their country … They need to strengthen their ranks, consolidate national unity and understand that power sharing is the best way forward.”


In spite of the positive steps towards peace and the commanding role apt leaders such as Sheikh Sharif, we must also highlight the existence of thorny challenges that could derail the ongoing peace efforts. Two of these challenges will however form the final litmus test of Sheikh Sharif's leadership competency. For one, if the ongoing mediation efforts bore fruit, Sheikh Sharif and his colleagues will be required to work with / share power with the TFG leaders. It is not a secret that there is no love lost between the two sides and that each side is responsible the slaughter of thousands from the other side. How well the two sides leave behind their bloody past and merge into a new governing body will thus be the ultimate test for all, and particularly for Sheikh Sharif. Another more ominous challenge that awaits the good Sheikh is the Al-Shabaab factor. The Al-Shabaab fighters are not happy with his recent reconciliation efforts with the TFG. Taming these battle-hardened, self-righteous and hypersensitive Islamic fighters will be a tall order for anyone. Convincing them to curb their rhetoric and cooperate in a compromise governance order will be the final test of the leadership skills of Sheikh Sharif.


It is a blessing that Prime Minister Nur Hassan Hussein and Sheikh Sharif Sheikh Ahmed are in the helms of power in the most important political forces in Somalia. It is also a great coincidence that the current UN Special Representative for Somalia is no other than the able former Mauritanian foreign minister, Mr. Ahmedou Ould-Abdallah.


The past performances of Prime Minster Nur Adde and Sheikh Sharif make us believe that they are the best potential peacemakers in Somalia. We are also pleased to know that Ahmedou Ould-Abdallah is their top counterpart from the international community.


We hope the TFG leadership / institutions as well as the opposition groups see, seize and support this unique opportunity for peace and reconciliation in Somalia.



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tfg aint gonna do nothing thats good for somali ppl since they have to ans to our foes... so thats spill milk... no cry there!


our heroes need to pick the straws and run with it... they have shown it before... i say do it again. and this time u will have more support.

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Guddiyadii ka kala socday Dowladda Federaalka iyo Isbaheysiga Dib u xoreynta oo maanta Jabuuti ku wada xaadiraya


Jimco, May 09, 2008(HOL): waxaa maanta Dalka Jabuuti xaadir ku wada noqonayaa Guddiyo ka kala socda Dowladda Federaalka Soomaaliya iyo Isbaheysiga Dib u xoreynta Soomaaliya, kuwaasi oo maalinta berri ah ay wada hadallo uga furmayaan Magaalada Djibouti.


Shirka ay isku soo hor-fariisinayaan guddiyada ka kala socda Dowladda Federaalka iyo Isbaheysiga Dib u xoreynta Soomaaliya ayaa wuxuu yahay mid farsamo oo ay guddiyada labada dhinac ku jeex jeexayaan sidii ay isula meel dhigi lahaayeen in la helo jawi lagu xaliyo mushkiladda Soomaaliya, isla markaana ay ku wada hadlaan mas’uuliyiinta labada dhinac, iyadoo sidoo kalena ay ka wada hadlayaan qaabka ay Ciidamada Itoobiyaanka uga bixi karaan Soomaaliya.


Xubnaha Dowladda Federaalka uga qeybgelaya Wada hadallada


Maxamed Cabdi Ashkir

Maxamed Cali Xaamud

Nuur Iidow Beyle

Maxamed Maxamuud Xeyd

C/llaahi Shiikh Ismaaciil,

C/raxmaan Jaamac,

Cabdalla Boos Axmed,

Ibrahim Garabey

Ismaaciil Macallin Muuse,


Xubnaha Isbaheysiga Dib u xoreynta uga qeybgelaya wada hadallada


Prof. Ibraahim Xasan Caddow

Prof. C/raxmaan Xaaji Aadan Ibbi

C/qaadir Xaaji Maxamuud Dhaqane

C/raxmaan Maxamuud Jinaqow

C/raxmaan Dheere

Cumar Idiris

Iyo xubin kale oo aanan magaceeda helin.


Maalinta berri ah oo ay bisha May ku beegan tahay 10 ayay guddiyada labada dhinac yeelanayaan Wada hadallo ay dhexdhexaadineyso Qaramada Midoobay, kuwaasi oo xal loogu raadinayo mushkiladda ka taagan Dalka Soomaaliya, iyadoo haddii ay miro ka soo baxaan wada hadalladaan uu shir weyn ka dhici doono dalka Boqortooyada Sacuudiga, kaasi oo la filayo in ay isku soo hor-fariistaan madaxda labada dhinac.



Source: Hiiraan Online

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Looking good. We're getting there awoowe.


In nabada laga maarmi karo, Magane yaa sheegay!


Awoowe nuxurku sheekadu waa kaa.

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Awoowe in minAllah faraj kheyr qaba ka furo, oo cadli iyo nabad waarta la helo ducada aamiin dheh.

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Xaflad lagu furayo Wada Hadallo ay yeelanayaan Dowladda Federaalka iyo Isbaheysiga Dib u xoreynta oo Magaalada Djibouti ka furmeysa


Isniin, May 12, 2008(HOL): Xaflad lagu furayo Wada hadallada ay Magaalada Djibouti ku yeelanayaan Ergooyinka ka kala socda Dowladda Federaalka iyo Isbaheysiga dib u xoreynta ayaa goor dhow ka furmeysa Magaalada Djibouti ee dalka Jibouti.


Xafladdan oo ay ka qeybgelayaan Diblumaasiyiin ka socda Qaramada Midoobay iyo Wakiillada Beesha Caalamka ee Dalalka daneeyo Arrimaha Soomaaliya, ayaa waxaa ujeedkeedu yahay in looga dhawaaqo in ay furmeen wada hadalladii xalka loogu raadinayay mushkiladda Soomaaliya ee ay isku so horfariisanayeen Dowladda Federaalka iyo Isbaheysiga Dib u xoreynta ee ka soo horjeeda.


Waxaa lagu soo waramayaa in xafladdan uu furi doona Wasiirka Arrimaha Dibadda Jibouti Maxamuud Cali Yuusuf, kaasi oo uu Dalkiisa martigelinayo Wada hadallada ay isku soo hor-fariisanayaan Dowladda Federaalka Soomaaliya iyo Mucaaradka ka soo horjeeda.


Haddiiba dhinacyada Dowladda Federaalka iyo Isbaheysiga Dib u xoreynta ay isla ogolaadaan in ay si toos ah isu soo hor-fariistaan ayaa waxaa waxyaabaha ajende ahaan u hor-yaala ee ay ka wada hadlayaan waxaa ka mid ah Arrimaha Ammaanka, Siyaasadda, sidii Ciidamada Itoobiyaanka looga saari lahaa Soomaaliya iyo Xaaladaha Bani’aadannimo ee ka taagan Soomaaliya.


Warkan ku saabsan in galabta magaalada Djibouti lagu qabanayo xaflad lagu furayo Wada hadallo dhexmaraya Dowladda Federaalka iyo Isbaheysiga Dib u xoreynta ayaa wuxuu ku soo beegmayaa iyadoo mas’uuliyiin u hadlay Isbaheysiga Dib u xoreynta ay sheegeen in aysan wax wada hadal ah la geleynin Dowladda Federaalka, halka mas’uul u hadlay Dowladdana uu sheegay in ay mar walba diyaar u yihiin wada hadallada.


Si kastaba arrintu ha ahaatee, Dad badan oo Soomaaliyeed ayaa waxay ka war dhowrayaan waxa ka soo baxa Wada hadallada ay Qaramada Midoobay dhexdhexaadineyso ee is-af-garadka looga dhex dhalinayo Dowladda Federaalka Soomaaliya iyo Mucaaradka ka soo horjeeda oo muddo sanad ka badan ku dagaalamaya Dalka Soomaaliya, gaar ahaan Caasimaddiisa Muqdisho oo inta badan dadkii deganaa ay uga barakaceen dagaallo ka dhaca.


source: Hiiraan Online

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Rare Somalia talks make slow start, U.N. hopeful


Omar Hassan

Reuters North American News Service


May 11, 2008 04:46 EST


DJIBOUTI, May 11 (Reuters) - Rare peace talks between Somalia's interim government and opposition exiles have made a slow start in Djibouti, but a senior U.N. official said he was encouraged both sides had turned up.


"I am more than hopeful, the Somalis who I met today are committed to peace and reconciliation and they are ready to do it for the sake of Somalia," the U.N. envoy to Somalia, Ahmedou Ould-Abdallah, told reporters in Djibouti late on Saturday.


Delegates from the government and exiles based in Eritrea have yet to meet face-to-face, but Ould-Abdallah and Arab League officials shuttled between the two sides.


"We are going to work with them on how to advance commitment to peace and security, commitment to respect Somali sovereignty, integrity and independence," Ould-Abdallah said.


More than 35 people have been killed and dozens injured in a fresh surge of violence in Somalia since Thursday, casting further doubt on the prospects for the negotiations.


Militants behind near-daily ambushes and roadside bombs targeting government troops and their Ethiopian allies are the remnants of an Islamist movement that was ousted by the government and its Ethiopian allies at the start of last year.


The leaders of that group, and other critics of President Abdullahi Yusuf, have since moved to Ethiopia's arch-foe Eritrea and formed the Alliance for the Re-Liberation of Somalia.


They had repeatedly refused to meet government officials until Ethiopian troops left Somali soil. But last month they dropped that demand and agreed to send delegates to Djibouti. (Writing by Daniel Wallis; Editing by Charles Dick) (For full Reuters Africa coverage and to have your say on the top issues.

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The much-talked Peace talks is on session




Shirkii DF ah iyo mucaaradka oo rasmi u furmay

12 May 12, 2008 - 6:04:24 PM




Furitaanka shirkaan ayaa waxaa khudbooyin kala duwan ka jeediyay wakiilka gaarka oo QM u qaabilsan Somalia, midowga Yurub, midowga Afrika iyo Jaamacada carabta intaas kadib waxaa hadalo ka akhriyey madaxdii labada wafti [DF & mucaardka].


Wakiilka Qaramada Midoobay ee Somalia Ahmedou Ould Abdalla ayaa sheegay in uu ku faraxsan yahay in labada dhinac ay isa soo horfariisteen, iyadoo ay tiro kooban ka socdaan dhinac walba.


Shirkaan ayaa waxaa sidoo kale gunaanadkiisa furitaanki shirkaan ka akhriyey wasiirka aw-qaafta dalka Jabuuti taas oo isugu jirtey Carabi iyo Somali.


Khudbadka Somaliga ah ee wasiirku akhriyey ayaa hayd mid uu aad uga hadlayey arrimaha Somalida iyo sida loogu baahi qabo dib-u-heshiisiin.


Afhayeenka mucaaradka Asmara oo saxafada waraysi siiyey ayaa sheegey in kulanka maanta uu furmay u yahay sidii ciidamada Ethiopia uga bixi lahaayeen Somalia.


Ninkaan u hadlay mucaaradka ayaa sheegey in go'aanka bixitaanka ciidmada Ethiopia aysan ka go'in DF ah balse ay khusyso beesha calamka oo tageero siisa joogitankoda.


Dhinaca kale waxaa Idaacada BBC wareysi siiyey wasiirka dib-u-heshiisiinta oo madax u ah waftiga dowlada Federaalka ayaa sheegey in uu aad ugu faraxsan yahay furitanka kulankaan.


Wasiirka dib-u-heshisiinta oo la waydiiyey go'aanka mucaradka ayaa sheegey aysan munaasab aheyn dib-na loo dhigi karin wax ka qabashada dhibaatada Somalia isaga oo aad ugu niyadsamaa in ururka Asmara iyo dowladiisa xal ka gaari karaan dhibka jira.


Madaxa waftiga DFKMG ah ayaa xusey in rajo wayn ka qabaan in xal laga gaaro dhibaatada Somalia islamarkaana mucaardka ka tanaasulaan qodobada ay ku xirayaan dib-u-heshiisiinta Somalia.


Shirkaan ayaa la filayaa in maalmaha soo socda QM si gooni gooni ah ula kulanto dhinacyada is-haya iyada oo la filayo in xal laga gaaro qodobada leysku hayo inta uu shir rasmi ah furmin.


Garowe Online,Jabuuti

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Mas’uuliyiinta sare ee Isbaheysiga Dib u xoreynta Soomaaliya oo Jabuuti soo gaaray


Jimco, May 16, 2008(HOL): Wararka naga soo gaaraya Magaalada Djibouti ee Dalka Jibouti ayaa waxay sheegayaan in ay halkaas gaareen mas’uuliyiinta ugu sareysa Isbaheysiga Dib u xoreynta Soomaaliya ee kala Shiikh Shariif Shiikh Axmed iyo Shariif Xasan Shiikh Aadan.


Labadan mas’uul ayaa socdaalkooda Jibouti wuxuu ku soo beegmayaa iyadoo beryahan ay Dalka Jibouti ka socdeen Wada Hadallo ay Qaramada Midoobay soo qaabeysay oo xal loogu raadinayo mushkiladda ka taagan Dalka Soomaaliya, isla markaana ay ka qeybgalka wada hadalladaas ku kala aragti duwanaadeen Xubnaha Isbaheysiga Dib u xoreynta.


Lama oga ilaa iyo haatan ujeedada ka dambeysa socdaalka ay mas’uuliyiinta Isbaheysiga ku tageen Dalka Jibouti, inkastoo ay dhici karto inay Qaramada Midoobay ugu yeertay in ay wax kala socdaan waxyaabaha lagu gaaray wada hadalladii beryahan socday iyo waxa ku xigi doona Wada hadalladan.


Xubnaha Isbaheysiga Dib u xoreynta ee wada hadallada u joogay Dalka Jibouti ayaa waxay sheegeen in ay Qaramada midoobay kala hadleen sidii Ciidamada Itoobiyaanka looga saari lahaa Dalka Soomaaliya, kadibna loo keeni lahaa Ciidamo ka socda UN-ka oo ka qeybqaata soo celinta xasiloonidii iyo kala dambeyntii Soomaaliya, inkastoo aan ilaa iyo haatan la ogeyn go’aanka ay Qaramada Midoobay arrintaas ka qaadatay.


Sidoo kalena waxaa xusid mudan in aysan Dalka Jibouti ka dhicin wada hadallo si fool ka fool ah u dhexmaray ergooyinka Dowladda Federaalka iyo Isbaheysiga Dib u xoreynta, marka laga reebo inay u kala dab qaadeysay Qaramada Midoobay.


Ugu dambeyntiina, maanta ayaa lagu wadaa in ay wufuuda Qaramada Midoobay iyo kuwa Soomaalida ay Dalka Jabuuti ka amba baxaan, iyagoo ku kala laaban doona meelihii ay ka kala yimaadeen, iyadoo ka hor inta aysan halkaas ka dhoofinna la filayo in ay soo saaraan warbixin gunaanad u ah shirarkii beryahan socday.


Hiiraan Online

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Wada Hadalladii Jibouti ee lagu dhexdhexaadinayay Dowladda Federaalka iyo Isbaheysiga Dib u xoreynta oo la soo af-jaray


Jimco, May 16, 2008(HOL): Waxaa la soo gebagebeeyay Wada Hadalladii beryahan ka socday Magaalada Djibouti ee Dalka Jibouti, kuwaasi oo ay Qaramada Midoobay ugu kala dab-qaadeysay dhinacyada isku haya Soomaaliya.


Shirkan oo ay soo qaban-qaabisay Qaramada Midoobay ayaa wuxuu soo gebageboobay iyadoo aaney ergooyinka Dowladda Federaalka iyo Isbaheysiga Dib u xoreynta aysan yeelan wada hadallo fool-ka-fool ah, marka laga reebo in ay u dhaxeeyeen Diblumaasiyiin Qaramada Midoobay ka socotay.


Wakiilka Xoghayaha Guud ee Qaramada Midoobay u qaabilsan Arrimaha Soomaaliya Ahmedou Ould-Abdallah oo shir jaraa’id ku qabtay Garoonka Diyaaradaha Magaalada Djibouti ka hor intii uusan Nairobi u duulin ayaa wuxuu sheegay in wada hadalladii ay ku dhexdhexaadinayeen dhinacyada isku haya Soomaaliya ay soo geba-geboobeen, ayna isku af-garteen qodobo ay ka mid ahaayeen:


In labada dhinac ay isla garteen in dhibaatada Soomaaliya mudada dheer ka jirta lagu xaliyo wada hadal.


In madax bannaanida iyo Xuduudaha Dalka Soomaaliya la ilaaliyo.


Iyo in 31-ka bishan ay labada dhinac mar kale kulan isugu yimaadaan.


Danjire Ahmedou Ould-Abdallah waxaa uu intaas ku daray in labada dhinac ay sidoo kale isku waafaqeen caddeyn ku saabsan in arrimaha gargaarka Bani’aadannimo wax laga qabto, iyagoo taageerayaashoodana ugu baaqay in ay gacan ka geystaan sidii gargaarka Bani’aadannimada loo gaarsiin lahaa Dadka u baahan.


Ma jirto ilaa iyo haatan cid ka tirsan Ergada Dowladda iyo kuwa Isbaheysiga oo bixisay faahfaahin ku saabsan waxyaabihii ay labada dhinac isla gaareen, sidoo kalena ma jiraan waxyaabo la taaban karo oo ay labada dhinac isla saxiixeen.


Wararka naga soo gaaraya Magaalada Djibouti ayaa waxay sheegayaan in Wafdigii Qaramada Midoobay ka socday uu dib ugu noqday Magaalada Nairobi, sidoo kalena ay Ergadii Dowladda Federaalka dib ugu noqotay Magaalada Muqdisho.


Magaalada Djibouti haatan waxaa ku sugan Ergadii Isbaheysiga Dib u xoreynta oo ay ku soo biireen mas’uuliyiintooda sare ee kala ah Shiikh Shariif Shiikh Axmed iyo Shariif Xasan Shiikh Aadan, waxaana xusid mudan in wada hadalladii Jibouti ay soo gebageboobeen iyadoo Isbaheysiga Dib u xoreynta Soomaaliya ay mas’uuliyiintiisa u muuqdaan kuwo ku kala jabay wada hadalladii Jibouti ka dhacay ee ay Qaramada Midoobay soo agaasintay.

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Thanks for the update Xiin I heard all points part two were agreed upon. We shall see in the coming days and weeks

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