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North America Somalis mass show up for the President + PICS

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Originally posted by Abu_Geeljire:

Xoogsade, it's not for laymens to declare people as Gaalo! Killing a Muslim doesn't neccesarily make one a kafir!

Granted this is the truth, I can't find a way around what these warlords do currently and did in the past. You would know nimankaan dambigooda if you stood over a decapitated body slaughtered like a goat by their clan militia. I did and it left a lasting impression on my mind saxib. Saying AU on any of them is tantamount to daring God in my mind. Waa mujrimiin as they come, them and people who supprt them, criminals who should be removed from society.




You are right sis, the verse is universal but I was addressing here A/Y's supporters who share the guilt with him by verbally putting a stamp of approval on everything unconscionable the warlord does.

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^^^The criminals who have been removed include the following.


IndaCade, Xasan dahir, and their lackeys, no longer can they bully people now they are bullied.


They and their clan based supporters should have remmeberd justice when they were taxing the river Shabbele and burning Dhoobley.

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^ What has the old woman like your grandmother done to you for you to be so insensitive to her cries? or the kid who is like your daughter whose parents have to worry about A/Y's Xabashi troops slaughtering them both kid and parent alike?


I still see warlrod Qaybdiid, Maxamed Dheere and ilk playing the same role they played before, any explanation why they aren't removed? A/Y is the biggest warlord who should be removed as well, waa dameer iyo labadiisa dhegood kulligood.


And do you accept A/Y is another warlord and you support him thus share his criminality? It is pathetic to address you honestly but take this as an expression of my contempt for you.

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Horta, Allah haw naxariisto Sheekhyada. Runtii waa wax qofkasta oo damiir leh ka dhiidhiyo. When it comes between Xabashi Gaal ah and a Somali born blood,kinship Muslim brother, we should stand by our brothers. Laakiin, arrin kalaa jira. Sawirradan dee anigaaba garanaya kuwo fara badanoo aan reerkaas ahayne. Xoogsade,Nepathy,Jacayl bro and Northner. Nagadaaya qabyaalada smile.gif . Wallee Somali bahashaa looga caal heli maayo. Abdillahi Yusuf iyo maamul-kiisu hadday khaldamaan. Maaha in la yidhaahdo qabiilkiisii ayaa shiriyey. Hadii kale idinka laftiina ayaa in laydin daaweeyo u baahan smile.gif Waamaxy ummadan wada xanuusanysa :D

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Xoogsade adeer. TFG never taxed old grandmothers for drinking watre in lower Shabbele. It never occupied a clan region under false religious movements. As for naming names its interesting you have become religious yet cheered your clans march to Kismayu, Baidoa and Galkacyu never once thinking about those civilains.


Also who paraded children with guns and then ran to Asmara>? Give it up adeer, dont use the old ladies who's house you used as a mortar launching pad.


As for warlords, IndaCade, Cirfo, Seeraar, Goobanle, Xasan Dahir, Abdiqasin all belonged to a single clan caused mayhem for 10 years from Marka, Barava, Baidoa, Kismayu and in betweenyet you never spoke why?


Simple because they are your clansmen, who are you fooling and yet you insult Aydeed, clanist deep and deep.

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It is pathetic to address you honestly but take this as an expression of my contempt for you.

Ouch, Dukey, you can't excuse your senile of a oday yey's actions forever, give it up already. He can't even stand up in the podium for a long period of time, and waxaas aa sharafsiinee, ceeb caleyg.

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^ LOL aren't you having a good time .... the best position to be in a political debate defending neither side .. you can afford to sling mud to your hearts content .. a jab to the shabaab and an upper-cut to the senile old goat.


waxaad noqotay islaantii ganbada ku dhex tuuratay laba islaamood oo kale oo is dilaya ka dibna tidhi 'car yaa iiga joogsada !' .... ka dibna dhinaceeda ka soo gashay oo labada islaamod oo kale marba mid u miistay

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:D:D , Waan qoslay even though I didn't want to, Duke, Horta, I told you countless times, Aniga iyo caydiid waxba makala tirsano, we only branch out into different grandfathers but from the first to three levels down, we share common lineage. In somali parlance, you would call him my Uncle.


I render my loyalty on the basis of ideas and beliefs saxib whereas you do the opposite and base your support on who is closest to you by blood. I have observed you praise men when they agreed with A/Y, and vilify them the next morning when they disagree with A/Y on politics. Your yard stick is A/Y. Yours is just blind loyalty to a human being who is not perfect.


Sheekh Uwees qabiilkiisaa madaxa kaa maray, waa soomaali saaxib, they are like others who have good and bad in them no less. You target one single clan out of many who are no different from the rest.






Me and Duke will be best of friends if he gives up on his support for Xabashi occuptaion and Warlord Yusuf. Colaad qoto dheer ma jirto, even in our differences, the unbreakable bond between us exists beneath the surface. Whatever I say to him is from a brother to another who are locked in bitter disagreement. Bad feelings will come to an end once things change for the better.

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XOOGSADE: Again you make no sense, and prance around as an innocent new born baby while we have a history you and I.


Whats ammusing is that you attack Aydeed and defend Yusuf Indacade a perfect confused contradiction of the kind the clan courts use and count on. But you are defeated and your ideas lack substance to withstand time.


As for the Ethiopians, they are the TFG tools, like Burundi, Uganda, the security council resouloutions its just they pack more of a punch.


Layzy girl, you have a right to insult your President, you have a right to go to cinema, and talk amongest men in the new Somalia. Thus if this was an Al-Kebaab safe house we would send you to the kitchen to cook and if you had the shape to have bare kids to be sent to the front.

Thus I applaud your new found freedom, you cheer for Hillary Clinton and Abu Mansuur at the same time, what a world. :D

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Alright Duke, no more arguments necessary, Caydiidna maan caayin, I only shared what I thought of him back then. Uma qaadan karin qof islaam ah inuu qayb ka noqon karo dilkaan arkay, and in fact, most of what I have seen wasn't even in Muqdisho but far away from Muqdisho and the perpetrators were non other than his foes on the otherside committing equal crimes in the name of defense. Both parties were the same to me despite the swearing of many that they were of different breed and civilized than their opponents, I could see the dead beneath their feet slaughtered like a goat. One thing I learned over the years is how somalis are equal in crimes with no group other than minorities being clean. Sida hadda Odagaan A/Y loogu dhoollo cadeynaayo uun baa Caydiidna loogu dhoolla caddayn jiray, the poems, the trips to see him, the shower of praise on him, isma dhaanto iyo dhasheed. I thought people would be different and many have changed, but I am proven wrong. It is 2008 and we still have to contend with warlords and their supporters who glorify them. Funniest part is how people like you think by calling a warlord Mr.president, his dung smells better than others. It is a ridiculous world and mad.



The tragedy continues as long as you and people like you don't see your daily contribution to Somalia's demise.

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Originally posted by Hunguri:

Xoogsade,Nepathy,Jacayl bro and Northner. Nagadaaya qabyaalada
. Wallee Somali bahashaa looga caal heli maayo. Abdillahi Yusuf iyo maamul-kiisu hadday khaldamaan. Maaha in la yidhaahdo qabiilkiisii ayaa shiriyey. Hadii kale idinka laftiina ayaa in laydin daaweeyo u baahan
Waamaxy ummadan wada xanuusanysa

You might want to reconsider or better yet, reexamine your own ideas about others and not assume. Many of those "xanuunsanaya" people tend to get upset about injustices. There's something about righting a wrong, when it's "obviously" wrong, that makes some of us react. This isn't a qabiil issue. Why must everything be a qabiil issue? Once a person assumes the other person is "xanuunsanaya" [read qabilist], all validity of the opposing view is discarded. Yeey is in power primarily and precisely because of this dismissive and arrogant attitude towards the opponent.


Odaga qabiilkiisa sheikh iyo nin-xun labadaba waa leeyahay. We have to take people where they are at politically. Dadka Illaahay isku mid kama wada dhigin. There are those that sit back, bat their eyelashes, giggle and validate this xaq-daro, and those that are being disliked for trying to change it and maybe getting punished for speaking out and going against the grain for believing what they think is right [xaq]. The later group cay igama mudna, xasha! Ka hadal marka adiga naftaada, Hunguri, xaggee safka kaga jirtaa :D , kuwa hore, mase kuwa dambe?

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Originally posted by Xoogsade:

Horta, I told you countless times, Aniga iyo caydiid waxba makala tirsano, we only branch out into different grandfathers but from the first to three levels down, we share common lineage. In somali parlance, you would call him my Uncle.

OMG, i get it now!

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