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The ceasefire is holding so far

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Originally posted by xiinfaniin:

abu ansaar17
, the situation is very fluid right now. It seems particular clans are beginning to waver in the face of determined tfg. Ethiopia wants to play safe. It’s not in their interest to be seen siding with a particular clan. So it seems it begun to contact certain tribal elders and tame their animosity against it.


But when the bush comes to shove, that kind a stance is untenable one for both Ethiopia and these elders. The real sentiment of the fighting force is against Ethiopia, and not against Puntlanders. But you have people like Ulusow and others like him who wants to appease the powers that be while opposing tfg. He wants to challenge the old man’s ascendancy in Xamar on clannish grounds. It won’t work, I predict.


Those knights whose intent is purely to drive Ethiopian forces are the real power to reckon with. Waxaa kale waa dameeri dhaan raacday adeer.

I hope your right brother! I am afraid some power hunger might hijack this delacate situation to his favor.


Some tribes are arleady saying the ethiopians should be "Neutral" all over the audio tribal elders are saying its they who are fighting and are fighting not against the ETIOPIANS but PUNTLANDERS.

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^^^Tribal elders of the clan courts masters?

The TFG is fighting the clan courts remenants, who are now trying to turn the thing into a PUNTLAND vs H Clans issue, which does not exist.


Will this save them, no.

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I really won't reason, with the justifiers of such immoral and inhuman acts. Surely let the rejoice but their conscious will inshallah come back to haunt, but I don't believe that they have any conscious.


To brother Xalane, Walaal I know what you mean and I want the same but we have to face the reality on the ground. I don't welcome nor support this ceasefire called by the Ethiopians who made a truce with the cannibalistic animals that instigated that horrific and beyond savage act, some people try to excuse as 'They knew what they were getting themselve sinto'. So does that mean their bodies to be mutilated, stoned and to be burnt and set ablaze? Sick minded individuals indeed. I shall not reason with them because whatever wrong one does, one should not transgress in the most barbaric, savagery, animalistic and horric and inhumane way possible. You killed them what else do you want? Really sick minded people and they do exist in this forum. I shall not address but soon they will understand inshallah.


However Xalane, that force cannot come because of that truce. I wanted the civilians to leave the city for the government to enforce its security operation without any restraint but the Ethiopians dealing with the cannibalistic animals made me very angry and now we're in a difficult situation.


Ina Dhiigsokeeye tried that brute force but the Ethiopians went in between our soldiers and the animals that instigated the burning and dragging of our soldiers in the street.


What do you do know? You cannot use that force whilst the Ethiopians are holding up a truce and ceasefire Xalane. Believe me there will be nor war whatsoever today Saturday and it will cease because not we want it but because the Ethiopians did a deal behind our backs with the criminals, that we want to pay for the crimes they committed.


Ceasefire is a reality, I don't like it and you don't like it but the Ethiopians made that deal and now our hands are tight. We have to wait for the Politics to presume Xalane. Certainly the military operation is on hold. Although as much as I dislike it that's the reality on the ground. I want revenge for these boys mistreated in that savagery, barbaric and inhumane way.


Shame on the cannibalistic morons in this forum, who utter their illogical nonsense in here. Don't listen to them for as their mind and conscious is closed. They themselves rejoiced and think like that and in a simliar way. I don't have any further issues with them nor will I further address the advocaters and justifiers of savagery, unislamic and inhumane act. Shame on you.


We shall see inshallah politics would have to be resumed but people here have to realise also that the people who committed such savagery will not stop and that they're against governance. If you cannot see the mistakes and wrong actions this people are committing then you're indeed blind. They want to instigate and provoke Somalis into a civil and clan war that would surpass that of the ealry 90's. They think if they do that it will be the only way to bring down the government of President Abdullahi Yusuf Ahmad.


They will enage themselves in reprisals, kill innocent people because of their clans, loot business belonging to certain clans, set a torch innocent people in order to make this a clan issue, where people have to take sides. They're working very hard to achieve that and some people don't see what is happening. I know this morons and how they think but will they succeed to bring the old clan hostilities back to Somalia?



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Mogadishu is calm and peaceful. Now it's around 10:00 am Mogadishu local time. As I already said yesterday, there will be no war whatsoever today and if there's a war on the magtitude of wednesday and thursday you can call me any name you want.


The weapons are silent as I predicted already yesterday. There will be no single shot fired today and the reasons for it are quite obvious and I don't want to repeat my words.


Mogadisu is peaceful and there's a ceasefire at place, that will not be breached today at all. I predict this all and it will happen that way inshallah. Mark my words.

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The truce is holding, no one will breach it at least not today. There are political ramifications to it which are hard to understand.


Mogadishu today is calm, serene and peaceful. No war, conflict or anykind of hostilities. No shots are being fired because of the truce. I predicted this since early yesterday morning and I still stand to it. If there's a war in Mogadishu today, you can call me all the names in the world you want.



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Sakhar, Violet, Xalane, and Taako Man,


For once, I'll hold back on mockery(cuz thats what you really deserve in this thread) and try to speak calmly and rationally. Nothing infuriates me like a shameless wanton display of hypocrisy and selective victimization, but I'll do my best for the record. Bismillah.


1- Let's get a few things out of the way first: You stand with the Ethiopian army, I promise you, you will fall down with it. In this conflict, there are two sides, The Tikrey/TFG alliance and Everybody Else. Those who choose to side with the Ethiopians, regardless of their purported reasons will not get preferential treatment (ie, not targeted and killed) just because they happen to be Somalis or Muslims. This is a battlefield, not a tea party. I hope you're able to understand this concept. When I look at the Etho/TFG enemy, I don't see tribes or regions. I see the military uniform their wearing, I see their purpose; I see a single unified enemy that has come to do me and my country and my faith great harm. If after all of this you still want to play the Qabil/Reigon card, be my guest. Just understand nobody on these boards is buying it and you're simply exposing yourself.


2- Another thing that’s evident on these recent threads is how desperate you are to politicize the barbarity that happened in Mogadishu. Not one single nomad condoned the burning of the bodies, so you had to fabricate and invent non-existent people who supported what happened. Some of you found in it, a ripe opportunity to revive old hatreds, to cough up all that clannist rhetoric inside. Do not think for a moment that nomads do not see through your contrived anguish and tears. Only the lowest of the low peddle so shamelessly in human tragedy like this.


3- Finally, you’re not even remotely qualified to speak about an incident like this. Why ? ‘Cuz it’s screaming selective victimization. Throughout the Ethiopian invasion and subsequent occupation, you were cheerleading for Zenawi’s war, and at best, you were silent about all the atrocities committed. Who the flying frack are you to chime up now ? Be frank with yourself and us: The only reason you’re burning up inside now is because the desecrated victims were supposedly from Puntland. What a $hitty mind-set in 2007. Where was that affected anguish when AC-130 planes were cutting up civilian bodies? Where was the chorus line when Xalane still believes that leveling Hargeisa to the ground was the right thing to do and others are advocating nuking Xamar ?


I can condemn this incident, I have my track record. Xiin can condemn this incident, he has his track record. Ditto North. Ditto MMA. And many others. But those who are silent, and worse, are cheerleading when Somalia is invaded and occupied for the first time since the colonial days, have no right to speak up. The charge against you is a heavy and unrelenting one: Selective victimization by way of prejudice and regional pride. Your crime is compounded by trying to politicize(more like tribal-ise) this human tragedy.


Yet you still manage to keep a straight face amidst your suffocating stench of hypocrisy. Incredible. Simply incredible. Professionals, dheh. And I thought General Duke or Oodweyne were something.


Watch them come back with a pathetic line like "Oh, you hate Puntland". Howsabout if I tell you that if all goes right, I might become a xithid with Puntland :D


I may have spoken harshly, but don't take it personally, it had to be said. The politics section is being plauged by group-think and is getting divided along reigonal lines. Stand up and be counted if you consider yourself a sincere independent-minded Somali.

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How the hell are the ethiopians going to play Mediator?????


This is what they wanted all along. now they will sit back and watch, and arm each side.

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Clap Clap Mr Kashafa.


And you are right, their answers will be nothing but rubbish.


They have exposed themselves, many of us knew before, now we all know.

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Lol, Kashafa. I think, with your post, the argument from our debating bench has been well presented. There is nothing more to be said. :D


Nice one.

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Advocating blanket bombings then talking about 'savagery' and 'canibalism' makes one wonder if certain nomads ever went to school :confused:




However Xalane, that force cannot come because of that truce. I wanted the civilians to leave the city for the government to enforce its security operation without any restraint but the Ethiopians dealing with the cannibalistic animals made me very angry and now we're in a difficult situation.


Ina Dhiigsokeeye tried that brute force but the Ethiopians went in between our soldiers and the animals that instigated the burning and dragging of our soldiers in the street.

One barbaric act is condemned and another is encouraged :rolleyes:


Thanks for clarifying your position ;)

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I shall be civil inshallah. The savage and barbaric act of setting ablaze and mutilating dead corpses committed by certain elements of south Mogadisu residents only showed to the rest of the world what kind of sad cannibalistic animals they're (the people that committed that vile act that is) but certainly they did not harm the dead corpses they mutilated and the people they set ablaze alive nor did they harm me or Puntland for that matter but only themselves. What kind of hate must one feel to do such kind of thing? Allah is the judge and he will judge every person on what he used to commit and this is no different. The barbarians, who thought by mutilating and setting ablaze dead bodies, they're going to avenge a wrong, have erred and it only highlights how much fear and insecurities they must be feeling inside, because otherwise the dead corpses wouldn't have been mistreated in the horrific and animalistic way we have seen. They tried to provoke a certain reaction but they will not get what they're looking for. I'm sorry to disappoint you folks but I can only condemn such actions but it won't change my resolute nor the governments resolute to bring lasting peace and stability, to the chaotic capital of Somalia, which has seen far much more worse atrocities in the last 16 years of its pitiful existence.


Unlike many here, I know that there is Allah, who is just and who will inshallah bring the people who did this to justice. Certainly they only harmed themselves by transgressing unjustly and Allah is not with the unjust. There will be a day, where everyone will be summoned and judged according to what wrong they used to commit. I'm faithful that this people who participated in that cruel and savage act, will face eventually justice, whether it be in this world or in the hereafter. So I nor others shall get too worked over it inshallah.


Allah is seeing this and he surely will judge those folks on the wrong they committed. He will punish them for it or forgive them but I shall lay my hope in Allah that he will avenge and correct the injustices and wrong committed and I'm confident in my lord's cadaalah and he will deliver for me.


So let's keep that in mind inshallah, as I say there's no higher authority than Allah and he sees and judges people according to their actions. He will deal with it and judge the people who committed it accordingly, I will put my faith and trust into him.


Allah is just and he hates evil and wrongful acts committed by sick individuals who transgressed in a extreme way and he will certainly bring them to justice inshallah for their wrong actions and crimes committed.


I'm confident in that inshallah.



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You dont need repeat posts saying the same thing.


Allah is the judge and he will judge every person on what he used to commit and this is no different.



Unlike many here, I know that there is Allah,

incorrect (and a sin by the way)


and you wonder why your not taken seriously :D

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