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Xukummada Somaliland Oo Ka Hadashay Qarixii Saaka Lagu Dilay Taliyihii Aaga Ciidamada Bariga Somaliland Iyo Ciddi Ka Danbeysay Qaraxaasi



Hargeysa(HWN):-Xukuummada Somaliland ayaa markii ugu horey ka hadashay qarixii saaka ka dhacay Magaalada Laascaanood ee xarunta Gobolka Sool, kaas oo uu ku dhintay Alle ha u naxariiste Taliyihii qeybta 12aad ee Ciidamada Bariga Somaliland Marxuum Cismaan Yuusuf Nuur, waxaana ku dhaawacmay 4-qof oo laba ka mid ahi ahaayeen ciidanka qaranka, halka labada kale-na ahaayeen shicib.


Sidaa waxa uu Wasiirka Gaashaandhiga Somaliland Saleebaan Warsame Guuleed ku sheegay Shirjaraa’id oo uu goordhaweyd ku qabtay Xafiiskiisa Magaalada Hargeysa, qaraxan saaka uu ku geeriyooday taliyaha ciidanka qaranka Somaliland ayaa waxa uu wasiirku eedeeyey inay ka danbeeyeen cadowga reer Somaliland, balse cid gaar ah farta kumuu fiiqin.


Ugu horeyn waxa uu Wasiirka Gaashaandhiga Somaliland Saleebaan Warsame Guuleed uu hadalkiisa ku bilaabay oo uu yidhi,“Sidaad la socotaan waxa saaka Magaalada Laascaanood ku geeriyooday Taliyihii qeybta 12aad Marxuum Cismaan Yuusuf Nuur, isaga oo ku geeriyooday qarax ka dhacay Magaalada Gudaheeda, isaga oo wakhtiga gudanayey hawshiisi shaqo oo ahayd kormeer”.


“Marka hore waxaan tacsiyadaynayaa ehliyadii uu ka geeriyooday Alle ha u naxariiste Cismaan Yuusuf Nuur, marka labaad waxaan tacsi u dirayaa Ciidamada qaranka”ayuu yidhi Wasiirku.


Mar uu Wasiirku ka hadlayey qaabkii uu u dhintay Taliyaha Ciidanku waxa uu yidhi“Marxuumkaasi waxa uu ku dhintay qarax ka dhacay laamida garabkiisa, isaga wakhtiga soconayey, waxay ahaayeen laba qarax oo kala danbeeyey qarax ayaa dhacay markaasu iska taagay, kabacdi qaraxi eeg ayuu is yidhi waxaana ku qarxay qarixii labaad oo uu isagu ku dhintay oo ahaa dagaal qorsheysan ama dil qorsheysan oo ay fulinayeen cadowga Somaliland, marxuumku sidaas ayuu ku dhintay”.


“Waxaan u sheegaynaa cadowga Somaliland in ciidamada qalabka Sida ee Somaliland inay diyaar u yihiin inay shacbigooda difaacaan, shacabka waxaanu uga digaynaa inaanay dadka cadowga Somaliland ahi inaanay ku soo dhex dhuuman,”ayuu yidhi Wasiirku Gaashaandhigu.


Mar Wasiirka la weydiiyey cida ka danbeysay qaraxa saaka dhacay waxa uu ku jawaabay oo uu yidhi “Baadhitaankii uu socda oo ciidamada ayaa baadhitaankii gacanta ku-haya”


Md. Saleebaan Warsame Guuleed oo ka hadlayey cida ku dhaawacantay qaraxaasi waxa uu yidhi “Laba qof oo shicib ahna waxa soo gaadhay dhaawac, laba Askarina way ku dhaawacantay baadhisna way socota, alaabooyin gacanta lagu hayana way jiraan” ayuu yidhi Wasiirka Gaashaandhigu.


Qaraxan saaka dhacay Magaalada Laascaanood ayaa waxa guud ahaan laga dareemay Gobolada iyo Degmooyinka Somaliland, iyada markii qaraxaasi dhacay ee gebi ahaanba Caasimada Somaliland ee Hargeysa isla markiiba amaankeed la adkeeyey ciidamada Somaliland heegan culus-galeen, iyada wadooyinka qaar la xidhay.

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“Waxaan u sheegaynaa cadowga Somaliland in ciidamada qalabka Sida ee Somaliland inay diyaar u yihiin inay shacbigooda difaacaan, shacabka waxaanu uga digaynaa inaanay dadka cadowga Somaliland ahi inaanay ku soo dhex dhuuman,”ayuu yidhi Wasiirku Gaashaandhigu.

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Las Anod, 1 November 2009 (Somalilandpress) – A roadside bomb killed one military official and wounded four early Sunday morning in the Eastern town of Las Anod. Mr. Osman Yusuf, the commander of Somaliland’s 12th infantry division was the intended target, he was instantly killed.


The four injured, two military personnel and two bystanders were also rushed to local hospitals and are said to be in an stable condition.


An eye witness from the city told Somalilandpress, two remotely controlled bombs were used in the attack, first one missing its intended target – second blast causing all the damages.


Somaliland police have been put on high alert and reinforcements are said to be on their way to the city to take part in the investigation.


There is no official statement from the government and there is no immediate claim of responsibility for the blast but Somalia’s Al Qaeda linked hardline group, Al shabaab is believed to be behind the attack while many suspect militias loyal to the Puntland state could also be behind. Puntland and Somaliland have fought over the control of Las Anod in many occassions and in the past radical militia loyal to Puntland have carried out similar attacks.


The attack comes two days after Al shabaab threatened to attack Somaliland and other countries in the Horn of Africa including Uganda and Kenya.


On Thursday, Somaliland marked one year since deadly blasts rocked the capital, Hargeisa, that left 24 people killed and more than 30 others wounded.

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JB, I mourn with you. This is indeed a cowardly act and I hope Al Shabab are behind it. Because, if this was in anyway sanctioned by any person from SSC to get back at Hargeisa, then they have dealt a huge blow to their righteous struggle against the secessionist enclave. A very sad and shameful day for the descendants of the darawiish.

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Originally posted by 'Dalmar':

One more Somalidiid-land militia gang member was eliminated

Dalmar what a hateful person you are.


MODs can someone please delete these comments gloating over peoples death.

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Originally posted by Cowke:

Mr.Somalia, Las-Canod Is a Very Pro Somafiland Town sxb, what are you talking about!!!!

In that case, why the heck are they taking out their co-hearts?



To Ibtisam:


This is the politics section and freedom of speech reigns supreme. I may disagree with the method of his death but one less secessionist traitor in Somalia isn't as bad as it looks.

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MOGADISHU(Mareeg)—At least five officials of Sool region administration in the breakaway republic of Somaliland have been killed and several others have been injured in Las Anod town in Somaliland after landmine targeted them, witnesses said on Sunday.


Residents say the bomb was a remote controlled one and targeted a Hilux Surf Toyoto car they were travelling with in the town of Lasanod today.


Witnesses said the blast destroyed the car completely and has also wounded some civilians in the town.


The wounded patients have been taken to a hospital in the town. No group has claimed the responsibility of the attack.


There is no word from Somaliland officials about the blast that killed the officials on Sunday

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