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Reposted: Yay some say and others nay

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The original thread, titled as above, was posted a few days ago. Unfortunately, as I learned later, within the same day fellow SOLers exchanged some insults, thus facilitating its deletion, which should not have happened.


Courtesy of our brother Ciise/Paragon/Jamaal, a fellow long-time SOLer himself, here is a complete, satirical piece, reposted fully.


[NB - We can take criticism very well, especially constructive, positive ones for it comes with the package of moderating, particularly amongst maryooleys. Being thick-skinned should be part of the volunteering. :D Mistakes do happen, too.]



Yay some say, and others, Nay!


Yay say, supporters of Yeey

Let him stay! Long live Yeey!

Oh nay and never, opponents say

He cannot stay! Not even a day!

Say all you want or even vent!

Yeey’s our beloved president!

Whom none shall ever prevent!


No he’s not, not our president!

The man’s simply Meles sent!

He’s a killer, evil and hell bent!


Yo admin, isn’t this your site?

Calling Yeey evil can’t be right!

Edit the posts and make it right!

Otherwise we may have a fight!


Yo admin, just ignore these fools

None of us broke the site’s rules

These guys are the simple mules

Meles and America use as tools


We aren’t mules, tools or stooges

We’re heroes acting as bridges

Helping people living in the edges

Bring them all on peaceful ridges


No, you are just the evil minions!

Killing many, displacing millions!

You are a curse on our civilians!

Kept afloat by America’s millions!

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^MMA, I am glad you reposted the poem, and I must say, I really appreciate your effort! Here I was starting to worry, thinking what on earth is happening in SOL lately. Now, I can claim that some of my faith, in SOL admin/mods' resilience to take criticisms and consideration, has been restored.


FYI, I did not set out to defame or inflame any party whatsoever but was posting the piece for its 'politically' satirical qualities. What surprised me upon deciding to replay to it was the topic's disappearance whilst having composed a post to add to it. The disappointment made me go back to my boring nightly research ritual... smile.gif


PS: I guess mistakes do happen, after all we're human, and human is to error. However, I hope henceforth, some consideration is given to the fate of posts/threads before commencing on their wholesome deletion.


Thanks again.

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Adaa mudan, duqa. We just don't need, however, to rush into judgement, though. Kistoo in la hubsado ayaa fiican xaalka than rushing to judge. Unintended mistakes do indeed happen, too.


Anyway, I just posted this advisory thread in the Moderators' Office section a few weeks ago, advising and reminding myself as well my fellow moderators. It exactly deals what happened in that deleted thread. Let me repose it on benefit of all SOLers to see and know we strive to do our best.



Moderating is not that easy, especially a one who moderates anything involving with Soomaalis and mid Soomaalida waxee qoraan qof masuul ka ah.


Saas oo ay tahay and nonetheless, sometimes it is not that simple to moderate as best as we, though, try to be.


One such fact is -- some of us delete whole posts and threads than the offending parts. This is not generally a good moderatorship. Deleting the offending parts within a post is. Deleting the whole post, especially if it only has a minor offending words and especially if it is a long one, it is not considered a good moderatorship to delete the whole post.


Same reasoning with the threads. Some threads start with a good faith and some are 'controversial,' and, expectedly or not, there will be a flame-up wars and trolls. We sometimes delete the whole threads, instead of the offending posts within the threads.


People do give both their time and energy to compose posts and threads, so we need to have that in mind when we delete or edit posts and threads.


Also some of the 'offending' words within a post may not be that offensive to one addressed or perceieved to be insulted at. Some are intended as jokes, though may apparently seem not to when glanced from in another way. It is all about seeing the little things before we rush to delete or edit.


It is a little courtesies like these that make the forum exceptional and friendly. We need to be a bit more sensible, lest others assume -- Eebbe forbid -- that we the MODS are abusing the responsibility that comes with it.


We need to be a bit more courteous and considerate of others.

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As long as the Mods and Admins have learned from this fiasco and change their attitude then everything is fine. Good luck coz I wouldn't want to be in your shoes.



Some of us remember when you used to be a SOL Faq*sh :D Ain't Karma a *****? I just find it funny that someone deleted a piece that contained the lines:


Yo admin, isn’t this your site?

Calling Yeey evil can’t be right!

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Isseh Awoowe, I think that piece of yours is hilarious and harmless in every sense of the word. What does it say that warrants its deletion? Absolutely Nothing. The problem for moderators (and you have experienced it yourself) is when multiple pages of back-and-forth insults and personal attacks overshadow such benign thread creating floods of criticism against mods and compromising forum quality. It is time consuming to edit pages and pages of attacks. Damned if you do, damned if you don't. :D It is my believe that personal attacks more than anything ruin the quality of this forum. We would rather have few missing threads than pages of back-and-forth insults being archived for millions to read. That has always been our practice.


Laba-Xiniinyood, awoowe adigoo raali ah repost your original thread if you can. The whole thread was deleted because of the reason mentioned above. If you search the archives of SOL (general, women, politics) you will notice there are tons of similar complaints about missing threads being deleted for the same reason over the years. SOL is a heavily moderated forum and that is what makes it unique. No one should be insulted or attacked on this forum under any circumstances. Yes it is unfair to the “thread owner” to see their article removed but every now and then we are forced to make these difficult decisions in order to provide you all with a clean platform for mature discussions.


PS: I was in Edmonton, Canada for an engineering seminar when the party started getting out of control here. Often times moderators don’t get the luxury of catching attacks before it is too late. Waxaadba mooddaa in nala fiirsado markaan meesha ka maqan nahay.

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We would rather have few missing threads than pages of back-and-forth insults being archived for millions to read. That has always been our practice.


The thread itself was the source of insults and I am glad it is gone. If LX bring it back, the same thing is going to happen. I think banning and deleting are the only tools you have to keep the forum decent.

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As long as the Mods and Admins have learned from this fiasco and change their attitude then everything is fine. Good luck coz I wouldn't want to be in your shoes.

This is a public forum, and all the MODs are volunteers. Qalad iyo wax kale wuu dhacaa, wuuna dhici doonaa. Qalad is not intentional. We are now trying to correct our mistakes publically.



Originally posted by Laba_Xiniinyood:

MMA, Why was my post deleted?

I do think same mistake with Ciise's original thread happened to your thread as well. I did not delete it, but however wixii dhacay waa dhaceen and I will explain the rest in private.


However, I retrieved your original post through google and, with your permission, allow me to repost it now. [This thread now seems like raaligelin mid noqotay. :D ]


My Encounter with the President's Wife...


There she stood, bored stiff and looking rather lethargic in her oversized grey coat and flowing multicoloured dresses. A scarf rested on her head and the silver rims of her gigantic spectacles reflected the bright fluorescent lights above her head. A weary look was plastered on her joyless face as she surveyed her surroundings at Terminal 3, Heathrow Airport.


With an aura of inherent monotony she lifted her feet and managed a few steps before returning and leaning against the wall. I stood by Miller’s Cookies, awaiting the arrival of my cousin, observing her and her entourage. Beside her stood a young girl of dark complexion – her hair, dark and straight, was split into two at the centre and covering her ears. Pulling her shabby black overcoat tightly, she folded her arms and walked to and fro in her dowdy jeans, herself seeping of insipidity. She managed a smile or two, though she would have been far better off without it.


She can neither be described as the sort of woman whom a man may be enticed by her physical appearance or admire her sense of decorum nor the sort of woman whom anyone may attempt to love - even accidentally or in jest. And that’s when I looked around for him.


I looked for him, expecting to see, at any minute, his wretched appearance and those vile hollow eyes that exuded a personal ignominy and betrayal of a whole nation. I rummaged through the hundreds people, the multitude airport shops and my entire surroundings for the abhorrent soul that had sold my land and my people. My eyes searched frantically through the horde of people, probing the area for the creature but to no avail.


He was not to be seen. Instead, I was pointed to his personal body guard, Cabdullahi Dheere, a repulsively corpulent chap, rather bulky than brawny for such a position. He walked in his slothful penguin-like steps, with his feet pointing either sides of his burdensome body, towards the information screens at the seating area, a few steps from where I stood observing them. My nephew who was with me, an acquaintance of the corpulent chap, was greeted by the lot and were engaged in a conversation.


I stood, several feet away. My conscious would not allow me to make acquaintance with them or greet them. I felt a personal pride in distancing myself away from the progeny and family of the traitorous individual. But had he been there, I wondered, what would I, a rational man, have asked him? What would I have done? Where would I have started? I did not know…


What would you have done? What would you have said to him?


p.s For those of you, the deranged souls, who thought of my 'Encounter with the President's wife' as being something else and entered here expecting some repulsive story, hadaba Ninba si buu wax u arkaa! - Welcome to Somali Politics.

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It's quite strange that things were handled like this. Nonetheless, I admire the Moderators for stepping up to the plate and telling their side of the story and expressing their genuine concerns.


With that said, this could have been left well enough alone. Poor judgment in reposting it [whether or not it was an error], in my opinion. Everyone left their final say or tried to. What would reposting it accomplish now? Just like everything else, comments are only interesting the first time you read them.


Unless ofcourse, the Moderators are thinking about making these two threads read-only "sticky" at the top of this [politics] section.

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Originally posted by AYOUB:


Some of us remember when you used to be a SOL Faq*sh
Ain't Karma a *****?



In other words you saying mac sonkor to him sax?

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MMA, Your PM inbox is full. Waad ku mahadsantahay inaad soo celisay Post-ga but that is not the post i was initial talking about. The above post was deleted because Baashi went berserk and insulted the female forummers. Simple - but like you said, they could have deleted the posts with insults and retained the original posts and the contributions by lots of peole.


What i am concerned about is the post "Tyrannical SOL is pro-TFG" which was deleted without any reason. It contained neither insults (unless some was exchanged in my absence) nor profanity of any sort - yet it was deleted adn i want to know why?


dmin/Mods should own up and say that we deleted such and such post for such and such reasons - or are they cowards.


Again this is not aimed at you brother MMA. You did not delete it. I have a feeling that LSK deleted my "encounter with the president" thread but I want to know why my second thread was deleted.


Delete it if you will, but give us reasons for doing so - not plain absue of power. I have every right to hurl depracating remarks at the TFG and if the Admins don't like it, they should join the conversationnd partake in the debates, rather than resorting to complete totallitarian rule and deleting anything unfavourable to them.

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With that said, this could have been left well enough alone. Poor judgment in reposting it [whether or not it was an error], in my opinion.



War MMA, while digging for topics deleted, I need my 2003 post that was deleted without it being explained back... :D OK, I am just kidding, but couldn't let that one go...


Now as for topics or posts being deleted, we need to keep in mind that this is a privately owned site (still wondering who this owner is :D ), and the owner is trying to keep this wonderful site as clean and decent as possible for its members (thank you) and that's where our lovely MODs come in...These are people who volunteer their precious time to keep this place as reasonable as possible...Though at times, we might not agree with the way they do their moderating, we shouldn't fuss about it...Sometimes it is easier to delete than read page after page after page after page of insults...


As busy as the owner/admin/MODs are with their lives, we shouldn't expect for them to sit in front of their monitors reading each and every post of each and every topic....


As LST said:

We would rather have few missing threads than pages of back-and-forth insults being archived for millions to read.

I agree 110%...

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Labo-Xiniin, inadeer we don’t stifle content based on a TFG, BLC, BBN gauge. That just sounds meaningless looking at SOL archives. Your quick seizure of the mantle “SOL doesn’t allow anti-TFG content” comes off as irrational and makes you seem a relic of absurd conspiracies. There are diverse opinions on this platform and it is my sincere suggestion you have a peep at the plethora of assorted opinions on SOL archives. There is long history archived here and the most anti-TFG material you can find anywhere on the internet. Take off the magnifying glasses akhi. The world is not as black or white as you may perceive.


As for your second thread, it was a complaint thread attacking SOL and the integrity of its staff. If anything was worth deletion it was that thread. We don’t allow such topics on this forum. That has always been the case. It is against the golden rules of SOL to create complaint topics. You have every right to ask Moderators for an explanation in private as to why a specific thread was deleted or edited (MOST NOMADS DO THIS), but we don’t tolerate topics being created as a gripe subject.

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Sanka, welll said, but you don't have to defend your position to any of these people, because it goes in one ear and out the other.


I, personally applaud you for not publicly expressing your support to any particular polical party in somalia.


I also applaud you for allowing folks to be themselves and put down any somali political figure or party as they see fit.


Too balls, you have issues eedo. There are tons of anti-TFG threads created daily, if they were pro-TFG, they would have cleaned up this section of the forum, so please, stop the calaacalka.


You accused Baashi of disrespecting the female forumers, can you please post the evidence that supports your accusation?


Character assassination isn't going to fly around here, I read what Baashi wrote and it was far from an insult. He was merely explaining to the rest of us who hadn't had a chance to read how the thread escalated to a point of deletion, so for you to start accusing the great abti, is a new low even for u, ee please grow a third ball.

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