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Rock on Hijabee

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I've noticed that too,the majority of our sisters if they want to greet/know/have a conversation with you, they'll keep staring at u with this *Somali deep look* from ur head to ur toes LOOL.

everywhere social gatherings,public places,,,,etc


I like our Old ppl wallahi, easy & simple ppl. They know how to say *salamo calaykum* and the conversation starts with no difficulties/ complications.


QQ is right, all what we have to do is to greet our sisters and its upto them if they wanna reply or not. Not only greeting but smiling also in their faces; its a charity and good deed as the Prophet(PBUH) said.


So sis Ameena: keep greeting the Cambaros :D

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I don't know what kind of Somali sisters you see , but those here are very friendly.. and every time I see somali femeles I don't say only Salam Alaikom , I even add some few words I know in Somali to make them feel I am one of them like " eska waran" and they feel so happy and excited and ask me where did I learn Somali or do I have Somali friends who tought me... but my answer Papa is Somali. smile.gif


Just be friendly they will be friendly.


Rock on Hijabee STRP-SHN-01-BLK_0.jpg




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Mashallah Ameenah thanks for sharing. Definitely rock on sisters.


On the topic about sisters not responding to salaams. I have seen it, but not only in Somalis though. I guess is just kibir, especially not responding to salaams. Keep sayign it, if you dont get a response, angels will respond to your salaams.

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^ I have to say that more often than not, others say salaam to me than I to them. I don't mean anything by it, I would never pointedly ignore someone's salaams on purpose, its just that by the time I hear it, turn around and try to see who said the salaam, they are gone. I'm so deeply immersed in my own little world these days, that I scarcely notice those around me. Which is terrible, I know. redface.gif


Anyhow, do rock on sisters. :cool:

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Bee...I know sometime you might not hear it, but here I'm talking about people who look you blankly at the face roll their eyes, and walk away, sad part is they have no reason to.


Just couple hours ago I was on my way to the library, I saw a sister walking towards my direction, said my salaams, she just ignored me as if I wasnt even there, I was surprised to hear a brother respond to my salaams, and told me to ignore his sister becuase she has issues. :confused:

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And I thought sisters do behave this way only towards I feel better...knowing you guys got issues within


Nice piece Ameena.

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LooooooooooL@ mobb deep...


Hey ladies I have a question!!!!

why do some girls wear the Hijab like erica that considered as hijab?

Why is their some sisters that wear the Hijab the prefect way but then they wear clothe so tight that show everything?.....DAMN...


wareer badanaa!!

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I get deliberately ignored too! The woman will be looking right at me and will choose not to reply. Cajiib. It's usually the ones who're checking me out. I catch them at it, greet them and they don't respond. There's something else going on in that mind of theirs. Perhaps they don't like the look of me. Still, I rock on. :D

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Garab...i too don't agree with half hijabis as i like to refer to them...either wear it the proper way with decent clothing, or don't disgrace it at all....if ur not ready to make the full commitment of changing ur clothes, then dont' wear the hijab for the sake...doesnt count much anyways.....other than that...rock on sistas...soon i'll join ur force...when im brave and my imam has improved...inshallah


As to the greeting thing....i find some weird like others describe...for some reason...its a scene of mean girls the movie almost...u see somali sistas and immediately they look at each other with suspiscion.."is she or isnt she?"...then sometimes...its almost a lil competition...hataretion goin least from what i viewed, not to over generalize....i do believe though that men in that respect may be slightly better than us...(that cost me a lot to say)...i admire how many of them meet each other and easily get into conversation while the girls look at each other sometimes with suspicion....



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X waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaw we have agreed on something finaly....I wish I could do "alalaaaaaas" alalaalala!!!aroos know I'm coming to T.O in dec..And I will eat at afgooye alot specialy for lunch.....The xamar weyne for little macmacaan.. ;) ..


I have to admit, I have hard time talking to some girls with hijab. Is like in ee buufis qabaan..Jiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiqda aa ku dheeratay oo waxee u bahan yihiin in laga nefiyo I think..Why they all have "af tuuran" like in aa hada kohor gurigooda dhar kaxaday oo yaabkiiiiiiis!!!


wareer badanaa!!!

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Garab Tuujiye,


Magac xumidaa ninyahow, adaaba ka daran gabdhaha aad sheegtay oo xirta dharka ku dhagan. Waxaana ka siman tihiin adiga iyo gabdhahaas hal arin: Aduunka maanta maalin uu ka dhar badan yahay ma jirto, sidaas ey tahayna waa aragtaa gabdho xiran wax aad is leedahay talow ma dharkii baa ka yaraaday, sidoo kale, adiga magacaaga wuxuu ilaah magacyo fiifiican badiyay ma waxaad ka dooratay inaad la baxdid Garab Tuujiye oo macna qalafsan xambaarsan.


Wareer badanaa!



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Lol ale u baahne...


waraa shaqo la'aan intee kaa badatay baa waxaa keentay hada in aa magaceega daqartid...geedyahoo wijigiisa aad u qabtid "dooli marqaamay" you most def'need


waraa sxb aniga wax kama qabo gabdhahaan xiranaayan waxa ku dhagan aslong as ee la xiran aa u qabtid in lagu kor "tole" aygoo xiran, intee soo xirtaan ee xijaab kusii qabanaayaan. Markaasee kaa horkeenayaan "salama caleykum"..jaaaaaaja..wiligee salaantaas qofkama qaaday anigoo fiiris baabah kaga na'mean...


wareer badanaa!!!!!!!!!

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Lovely poem, Ameenah. Though I don’t approve of the catchphrase “Rock on...â€. It might require them to take their Hijaab off and become complete head bangers! (Ah! What an image!). :D


As for the greeting part, it’s not a woman thing. It’s not even a Somali thing. It’s just human nature. Some people, were told by their mothers not to talk to strangers! This is where the “Waji Looox†comes in. If your intention is to greet someone, who cares if they reply or not? Just greet them and be on your way.


All that remains to be said is Rock on, erm, err, no don’t. Just put your hijaab on your hair and tie like you just don’t care..say Saaaa laaaaa m...Saaa laaaa m..Saaaa..Saaaa..


Again, nice poem. :D

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Originally posted by Garab Tuujiye:

Lol ale u baahne...


waraa shaqo la'aan intee kaa badatay baa waxaa keentay hada in aa magaceega daqartid...geedyahoo wijigiisa aad u qabtid "dooli marqaamay" you most def'need


waraa sxb aniga wax kama qabo gabdhahaan xiranaayan waxa ku dhagan aslong as ee la xiran aa u qabtid in lagu kor "tole" aygoo xiran, intee soo xirtaan ee xijaab kusii qabanaayaan. Markaasee kaa horkeenayaan "salama caleykum"..jaaaaaaja..wiligee salaantaas qofkama qaaday anigoo fiiris baabah kaga na'mean...


wareer badanaa!!!!!!!!!

Garab Tuujiye,


Saaxiib hadaan arki lahaa dooli marqaamay waan kula qosli lahaa, oo waxaan dhihi lahaa aleylahey ninkaan wuxuu sheegay wax cajiib leh, laakiin waan ka xumahay inuusan jirin dooli marqaamay, xitaa aan wali lagu qorin jaraai'dada kasoo baxa meelaha qaadka lagu iibsho.


Fiiri, hada waxay kaaga dhagan tahay soo maaha naag la fiirsho oo indhaha laga kaarikeesto? ehehe, abti maa iska guursatid hadeey xaajada sidaas tahay, maxaa kugu wato inaad meel ciriiri ah wax ka raadisid. Mideeda kale mawaadan ka baqeyn in sida aad naagaha u fiirsaneysid lagaaga fiiriyo naagtaada, ama cunugta aad dhali-doontid, ama ... ama ... ama and so forth?


War iyo dhamaantiis, waa kuu jeedaa shactaro inaa wax kaga dharagtid aa rabtaa, laakiin been makuu sheegaayo saaxiib shactaro iyo indha-indhees wax naag looga qaadaayo ma jirto, ee masaajidka kuugu dhow is gee, oo imaamka ku dheh, adeer waa iiga cadahay hala ii kaalmeeyo qoftoo macquul ah oo iga fiican ha la igu qabto. Then, wareerka waaku daayay, adiga iyo indha indhees maalintaas aa kuugu danbeeso. Hadii kale, iska soon, si ximada ku heeso kaaga dhamaato, OK.


That was your simple brother Alle-Ubaahne. :D

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the hijabis with tight clothing... i think its social pressure... on both sides. someone told em to wear the hijab, and society told them to be feminine, you gotta show yr femininity. however, i think its better than not wearing the hijab, cause at least it identifies them as muslims and in that sense they are more likely to steer clear from haram, cause they know they are representing islam.


garab, what was that about aff buran hijabis? i didnt understand the rest of it, bt i felt kinda targetted.

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