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Why Do Somali Girls Grow Faster Than Their Counterpart

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waa layyaab markaan arko ama aan maqlo gabdhaha aan isla meesha ku soo wada kornay amaba aan isku da'da aheen in ay 8 ama 9 cunug wattaan amaba ay ninkii sadexaad marayaan,yacni way furniin badanyihiin bissinkee,taas waa caadi,laakiinse waxaan ka hadlayaa sida ay dhakhsaha badan ugu korayaan,badankood anaa ka dheeraan jiray laakiinse hadda waaba idhaqaayaanba,uma maleenayo wadamada kale gabdhahooda in ay sida somalida gabdhahooda camal u dhakhso korniin badanyihiin!!


i have my own reasons why they grow faster than the boys,here is my list in somali:


-Habeen kasta dhag dameer in dhan ayaa ku darsanto

-Way naga xidida badan yihiin

-dhiigooda aad buu ushaqeeyaa sababtuna waa xididada kuyaal meel kastooo jirkooda ah


well you can disagree with the reasons i wrote but heey that is my knowledge of what i think of them ;):D


actually if u have any reasons why they grow faster then let me know,am not asking you to give me some scientific experiments but rather magnetic answers or reasons to the above question!!



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Geber aan ka xishoon jiray in aan shukaansado ayaaba hada i dheheysa duqa, see camal ani waba kaa weynahahe!


Gacan aan ku tagay dadkaan, laakiin anaga kaliya ma aha... qolooyin badan aa nala qabaan dhibkaan.!

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It's not just Somali women, but women in general MATURE faster than men... That's all, ain't nothing more to it... That's why you see, in most of the relationships the man is older, at least a couple of years... I can't imagine myself dating a guy about my age... they are just too immature... Sorry, but that's the truth...

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Saxib you're right..

Females got older and also die earlier than men..that's why you need to have a younger partner who can atleast chill with you a while!

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Asalaamu Aleikum Wr Wb

I agree with kool-kat. According to science

Puberty generally starts earlier for girls than it does for boys. This is why many girls are taller and may act more mature than boys for a few years until the boys catch up.

Women do age faster than the men, look our society u see 2 couples where the husband is about 5 years & more older. When they get older u can’t tell the age gape b/w the couple, u assume as if they r same age or some cases she might look older than him. cuz in life women tend to go through a lot of body development which might have effect on their appearance. Where men don’t experience any body developments.


According to science there is big different b/w men & women which explains in details why they look different, growing process & aging process. Wallahu Aclam.

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Lefty, actually walaalo, we women on average have longer life spans than our male counterparts :D


As for the topic, without a doubt speaking generally girls mature earlier than boys, but eventually as we get older it evens out.

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without a doubt speaking generally girls mature earlier than boys, but eventually as we get older it evens out.

spot on!


And Nuune walaal halayaabin about the girls aa islasoo korteen & them having 8-9 kids now, this has absolutely nothing got to do with Somali girls maturing fast, but rather that our girls tend to get married at a young age. That's all.

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Boys grow stadily and slowly while they gain more creativity along the way. They will mature physically and mentally at once - most of them i mean. But our sisters? Girls are not good at creativity are they? oh! they chose BEAUTY instead of creativity. And they are like a DOTCOM company, they boom and then burst.


Inan yaroo shan iyo toban jir ayuu odey hebel guursadey? thats child abuse oldman!

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gents you are making good points here but the ladies seem to be talking about maturity stuffs!!


if we are talking about early maturity,we gents are in that case while girls ay ku caqliyeestaan da' yar ama ayago dhowr iyo toban sano jiro lagu daro nin si ay caqligiisa oola wadaagaan ama maskaxdiisa dhanba kala dhaxbaxaan,iam not here talking about the maturity you know as the period!!


as jamaal-11 said ladies are much more obssessed with beauty and dhalaalis,nothing is wrong with that,laakiin waxaa waaye gabdhaha soomaaliyeed sidii geedka camal bay ubaxayaan ama u weenaanayaan ayagoon wali aqliyeessan amaba inyar oo caqli kujirin xatta,sorry for the ladies who had 400 IQ while they are 16 and so on!!


samira,you are right,girls tend to get maried while at young age,this is not the thing am wondering,it is the thing to do growing faster than the boys.

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Nuune, Incidentally, did you know that the average age when girls reached puberty in 1840 in North America was 16.5 years?

It's now about 12. Improved diet, health, medicine, and medical knowledge are the cause.

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^^ :D stop diggin those topics waraa, see camal :D



damn it, now, that is what I call a topic looolz

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But what exactly where you getting at Nuune? :D


It sounds like one of those topics that is sparked by a specific person or event but one tries to generalize so they can rant about it?


"Why do men not call when they say they will and then when they call they don't pay attention when I want to complain about my sister-in-law's fashion sense for an hour and then why don't men call back to apologize if you get mad and hang up on him, er I mean them?!" :mad: :mad:


Was there a qalanjo with childbearing hips and a generous bosom that turned out to be a 13 year old who just wanted you to buy her Mars bars?

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