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  1. For some weird reasons... I just cant get to the wesbsite.. everytime I click it... "forbidden" is wat I get.. am I that good Hibo, I think you got banned and I wonder what you did that got you banned!
  2. Very interesting topic. I took the "siyaasada Africa" quiz. Eyedama was the president of Togo, not Niger, right? BTW, thanks for posting such a great educational quizes. Harvard-Mafia, Thanks for the correction. It was an html error that did not match with the database. I think, I have fixed it.
  3. Oh.. then it is just silicone, acrylic, human hair, leather and timber trick! If it was not on display, i would have insisted that it was a photoshop trick, but the young girl observing on one of those on displays gave me a good reason to say that it is, of course a silicone, acrylic, human hair, leather and timber trick! Who knows, if the young girl is also another trick on display!!
  4. This just a photoshop trick! See this page http://kulmis.com/blog/?p=13 I can make 1000's of this sort of pics with photoshop! See more of kulmis blog! http://kulmis.com/blog
  5. Well, I made a quiz page for Somalis with lots of questions to answer, like Sport, General Quiz, Islam and more. We have some plans to add more quiz catogories very soon, Insha Allah. You can click on this link to take the quiz. http://www.kulmis.com/quiz/index.php Let us see how nomads can do it, use your nomad name and let everyone else see how you did it!
  6. REMOTE ACCESS SERVER? Well, If you have a Computers that you need to remotely access to files and print services from a remote location, Radmin should be the answer @ http://www.radmin.com/ The latest is Radmin 2.2. I have used many REMOTE ACCESS SERVERS and the best is Radmin. It has many things but security was my main concern. Not satisfied?? http://www.modemhelp.org/termserver.html http://www.georgiasoftworks.com/SystemAdministration.htm If you are not still satisfied, refine your Q's next time and be more specific as haddad said.
  7. We are moving to new servers. Please bare with us. That is what I get if I visit the site normaly.
  8. I read it like a normal text with no error, I think, My brain did not know it at first. I wonder if my Computer could read it oneday and understand it at the sametime Then I tried with my PC ( It read like this) According to a research at Cambridge Inverts, it doesn't mater in what ired the letters in a word are, the only irritant tong is that the Frost and last latter be in the grit pickle. The rest can be a total Mses and you can still Read it without problem. This is because the human mind does not Read Evey letter by itself, but the word as a loge.
  9. It realy is a Fadaro! Fedora Linux Core 1 crashed 4 times wit my Amilo d f-siemens, then I tried with an old HP p3 800MHz/512 desktop, hough it found all da drives later on, It crashed when I started the Gimp and got connected. I tried to update but it did not work... lots of bugs inside. I did not try Fadaro 2 but I have been visitin' lots of forums just.. because.. Gol eeyo aa lagu sahmiyaa.. That is what the guys behind The Fedora Project are doing. Anyway, If it works perfect for others, y should't 't work 4 me. I wont even try fc3! chances are there will be more bugs! I am using the Old RedHat 9.2 and Mandrake 10.0. I will switch 2 fadaro if it gets stable. (Wanna try da bug by yourself. Beta test it! Fadaro.. try me 4 free
  10. I wish I had Internet2 (The fastest known internet Connection) cause my curent ADSL speed is 2048 kbit/s n Upstream 320 kbit/s for 3 Boxes all running on Linux plus windooz and they charge me € 54,95 without 19% TAX! (http://www.kpn.com/kpn/show?id=362680 ) What about if my friends get connected to my PC and take some stuf from my servers? I am wireless and what if my neighbours start using wireless connections too? My Network is secure but if neighbours also use wireless, it gets slowwer. Maybe I'll get next year 4096 kbit/s 640 kbit/s from my ISP for the same fee.
  11. I think, Ad-Aware from http://www.lavasoft.de/ (download: http://download.com.com/3000-2144-10045910.html?part=69274&subj=dlpage&tag=button ) can take care of your problem.
  12. I would just study its behavior! I have got a PC with lots of Trojans but they can't communicate with their server. Because this PC is out of my network and stands alone for testing software purposes. I am glad to know that you have an idea of what your PC is doing when your online, because Many guys don’t even know what are Trojans or a remote nimda (admin) tools. How do you get a Trojan and what is it? Trojan is kind of software that a h4ck3r or an script kids use to get a full control of your PC. They want to use your PC because they want to know what your doing or they want to use your PC as a route To get into other PC. You get usually infected with Trojan if you download software that is in a P2P networks like Kazaa, BitTorrent, Klite, (I use BitTorrent) DC++, GLT Poliane and many more. Hackers usually bind the Trojan with popular software like Photoshop, Homesite, Flash MX, Nero, Office. Etc. Usualy the software you download that has been binded with the Trojan works perfectly but a Trojan has been sacredly installed in your PC. You also get a Trojan if you download some software’s that are freely available in many sites, for example, some people tell you that there is a program that make you invisible when using Paltalk, And you can download that software from their sites. Well, Such a program don't exist, it is only a Trojan. There are even sites that advertise their Trojan By saying that they have software that, when you use, you can hack someone’s email and get their passwords. Or you can get via some people if you accept somefiles they send you like those in chat rooms or in your MSN or yahoo or Paltalk lists. If you don't want to get infected, use Antivirus and if you can, a firewall. Well, for those of you PC Experts, you can use advanced admin tools that can detect new or unknown Trojan horses to secure your network and know what Ports are available and what applications are utilizing them like those here below popular software’s: http://download.com.com/3000-2085-10220545.html?tag=lst-0-13 http://download.com.com/3000-2155-10190743.html?tag=lst-0-10
  13. I would just study its behavior! I have got a PC with lots of Trojans but they can't communicate with their server. Because this PC is out of my network and stands alone for testing software purposes. I am glad to know that you have an idea of what your PC is doing when your online, because Many guys don’t even know what are Trojans or a remote nimda (admin) tools. How do you get a Trojan and what is it? Trojan is kind of software that a h4ck3r or an script kids use to get a full control of your PC. They want to use your PC because they want to know what your doing or they want to use your PC as a route To get into other PC. You get usually infected with Trojan if you download software that is in a P2P networks like Kazaa, BitTorrent, Klite, (I use BitTorrent) DC++, GLT Poliane and many more. Hackers usually bind the Trojan with popular software like Photoshop, Homesite, Flash MX, Nero, Office. Etc. Usualy the software you download that has been binded with the Trojan works perfectly but a Trojan has been sacredly installed in your PC. You also get a Trojan if you download some software’s that are freely available in many sites, for example, some people tell you that there is a program that make you invisible when using Paltalk, And you can download that software from their sites. Well, Such a program don't exist, it is only a Trojan. There are even sites that advertise their Trojan By saying that they have software that, when you use, you can hack someone’s email and get their passwords. Or you can get via some people if you accept somefiles they send you like those in chat rooms or in your MSN or yahoo or Paltalk lists. If you don't want to get infected, use Antivirus and if you can, a firewall. Well, for those of you PC Experts, you can use advanced admin tools that can detect new or unknown Trojan horses to secure your network and know what Ports are available and what applications are utilizing them like those here below popular software’s: http://download.com.com/3000-2085-10220545.html?tag=lst-0-13 http://download.com.com/3000-2155-10190743.html?tag=lst-0-10
  14. I discovered today that kazaalite k++ project has been shut down by Sharman Networks on grounds of copyright infringement. The project, which had been set up to block spy and ad ware within the Kazaa Media Desktop Program has achieved notoriety within the P2p world through its simplistic approach and success in reverse engineering the Kazaa application. I have checked lots of mirrors and and could not find any server that hosts Kazaalite. The latest version was 2.4.3 which was built on Sep 14, 2004. If you have any version in your Box, you are lucky 'cause it still runs. I did not test kazaa diat at http://www.dietk.com/ Maybe, Sharman Networks are also going to shut down this project because this project runs KaZaA that is free from - Cydoor - The GAIN (Gator) - Altnet Topsearch - Altnet Peer Points Manager - My Search Toolbar - Joltid P2P Networking - Euniverse PerfectNav - Euniverse WUpdater - PopUps Maybe, It is time for some people to say goodbye to Kazaalite k++ ! (who knows it goes underground)
  15. I discovered today that kazaalite k++ project has been shut down by Sharman Networks on grounds of copyright infringement. The project, which had been set up to block spy and ad ware within the Kazaa Media Desktop Program has achieved notoriety within the P2p world through its simplistic approach and success in reverse engineering the Kazaa application. I have checked lots of mirrors and and could not find any server that hosts Kazaalite. The latest version was 2.4.3 which was built on Sep 14, 2004. If you have any version in your Box, you are lucky 'cause it still runs. I did not test kazaa diat at http://www.dietk.com/ Maybe, Sharman Networks are also going to shut down this project because this project runs KaZaA that is free from - Cydoor - The GAIN (Gator) - Altnet Topsearch - Altnet Peer Points Manager - My Search Toolbar - Joltid P2P Networking - Euniverse PerfectNav - Euniverse WUpdater - PopUps Maybe, It is time for some people to say goodbye to Kazaalite k++ ! (who knows it goes underground)