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The SOL Af-Somali Battle

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^^^I already said this was a trap and I'm not taking part. I never ever claimed that my somali is perfect, unlike some people :rolleyes:

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Let me see if I can transtlate this one, since serene gave up.


A man was working on his motorcycle on his patio (nin baa ka shaqeynayey motarsaykal kiisa, isagoo jooga barsadiisa) and his wife was in the kitchen (iyo xaaskiiso joogto kijada). The man was racing the engine on the motorcycle when it accidentally slipped into gear (Ninka waas ku ciyaarayo motosaykal enginkiisa ilaa marki dambo ay gacantiisa ka baxdey). The man, still holding onto the handle bars (ninka oo wali haysto meesha gacanto), was dragged through the glass patio doors(yaa ku dhacey albaabbka glasska aa barsada) and along with the motorcycle dumped onto the floor inside the house (iyo motosaykal kii waxeey ku dhiceen dhulka guriga). The wife(xaaskiia), hearing the crash,(maqashey qaylada) ran into the dining room(ku soo oradey barsada) and found her husband lying on the floor(waxay araktey ninkeeda oo dhulka jiifo), cut and bleeding (jaran iyo diigbaxayo) the motorcycle lying next to him,(motosaykal kii oo agtasiisa jiifto) and the shattered patio door(iyo albaabki oo jajabey). The wife ran to the phone and summoned the ambulance(xaaaskiisa way ku uratey telephoneka waxeena wacdey ambulance). Because they lived on a fairly large hill(sababti waxay ku noolayan burjo aad u wayn) the wife went down the several flights of stairs to the street to escort the paramedics to her husband (xaaskii waxay aday hoos xooga jaranjaroos oo jidka si soo wado dadka caawiya ninkeeda).

After the ambulance arrived and transported the man to the hospital,(markii aa timid ambulance oo u qadey ninki isbitaalka) the wife righted the motorcycle and pushed it outside(xaskii wadey motosaykal oo u riixdey banaanka). Seeing that gas was spilled on the floor,(markii ay araktey gas in uu dhulka kuu daatey) the wife got some paper towels,(xaaskii waxay soo qaadey istaraasho) blotted up the gasoline,(don't know) and threw the towels in the toilet(ku tuurtey istaraayinya suuliga). The man was treated and released to come home (ninki wala dawayey iyo guriga loo soo dira). Upon arriving home, he looked at the shattered patio door and the damage done to his motorcycle(Markii oo guriga imaadey, wuu fiiraya albabka jajabey iyo waxa gaarey motosaykalka)

enjoy it :D

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Originally posted by NGONGE:


KK, bal car try to do on full paragraph. Choose any of the stories posted earlier. I dare you.

You would like that wouldn't you? I still say 'sakiin laq'...

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Lol@this topic.


Odey Caraale: 'Adeer Sabeen baan kugu xiray' ku dheh gaalku

Cali: 'My uncle is saying 'I tied a sheep on you' '

Gaalka: 'Say what? Whoa! Whoa! Back up, back up! What's your uncle implying?'





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Since I miserably failed my homework.This is my well crafted response.......



Marka hore waa EEBE mahadii. Marka hore salam adeerayaal iyo edooyin. Hortaa hadii aan boogta la taaban oo aan mililka laga dhiijin, waxaa arintu noqoneysaa in la dhaamiyo foosto gun la`a. waxan aad usoo dhawenayaa mashruuca halkan kasocdo. Warar Xaqiiqo ah oo aanu ka Hayno illo Xogogaal ah oo ku dhaw dhaw Madaxtooyadda Somaliaonline Sheegaya in nimanka halka iskushegayo Somali Expert inaynaan afka iyagaba garaneeyn. waxa hubaal ah in aad ka mid tihin odayaasha tirada badaan ee Ummadda soomaaliaonline qastaay . Halkan waxaa ka taagan khilaaf balaadhan oo huursan, kaasi oo soo shaac baxay maalmihii la soo dhaafay. Aniga oo aaminsan in qof kastaa Afsomaliga ugaaraanaya. Haddaan aan dib ugu noqdo waxaat tiiraahdheen. Maadaama ay waxbarashadu tahay lafdhabarta horumarka umadaa, Afkaa waain taatkaa labaroo ann lagu Qosliin

Is arag danbe oo wanaagsan


Scroll Down,



I Cheated through Family Member :D

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Just go to Salaxley saaxib and stay few months. Their are people oo afsomaliga loo daayey. :D

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Originally posted by The End:

quote:Originally posted by NGONGE:


Still waiting for you to attempt one sentence.




bal car do this one for me in af Somali


Betty Botter had some butter,

"But," she said, "this butter's bitter.

If I bake this bitter butter,

it would make my batter bitter.

But a bit of better butter--

that would make my batter better."


So she bought a bit of butter,

better than her bitter butter,

and she baked it in her batter,

and the batter was not bitter.

So 'twas better Betty Botter

bought a bit of better butter.

I'll join and hijack Ngonge's Betty:


Betty Botter wax yar suubaag heesetee

Lakiin waxii sheegtay; suubaagkan wa gareer..

hadii aan kariiyo suubaagkan oo gareer ah

batterkegii xita gareer ba nogonee

lakiin suubagkii hore wa ka fiicanleheed

saas oo suubagkegii uu wanaagsanyahay


Betty Botter Suubagkii oo yar wa gadatay

mid suubaagkii kale oo gareer ah ka fiicanyahay

batterkeed wa ku kariisay

batterkii gareer ma nogoniin

Betty Botter qofkii fiicaan la daha

wax yar suubag so gadatay


Inaalillaahi Wa Inaa Ilayhi Raajicuun ,,,, :D:D:D:D

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Just go to Salaxley saaxib and stay few months. Their are people oo afsomaliga loo daayey

Let me try to say this while it is still safe and Sane. Alla Ciil badhanaa.JB iyo North oo reer Burco aahh ayatoonaayaa inn niin reerra Salalaxley iyo Awareey inaybaaraan Afsomali . smile.gif

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ayatoonaayaa inn niin reerra Salalaxley iyo Awareey inaybaaraan Afsomali

Now, which language is that ??? ,,,


Yaa kugu yidhi reer burcaan ahay ???



North, I didn't get your question sxb ,,

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^^^I feel, without any real reason of course, that you are from one of those outskirt cities of Hargeysa.


Stop the wobbling tongue and read it again ;)

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^^Whoaa!!!See I'm Psychic.I bet you are wearing a blue shirt and a well pressed black pants....Let me stop before I tell you more about you! :D

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Originally posted by STOIC:

quote:Just go to Salaxley saaxib and stay few months. Their are people oo afsomaliga loo daayey

Let me try to say this while it is still safe and Sane.
Alla Ciil badhanaa.JB iyo North oo reer Burco aahh ayatoonaayaa inn niin reerra Salalaxley iyo Awareey inaybaaraan Afsomali
smile.gifDon't worry saxib I understood all of that :D

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