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The SOL Af-Somali Battle

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These stories are far too long, YOu said short stories, these are more like essays (somali is an expressive language)! Give me a short (no more than 7-10 lines)but hard one, and I will, but I'm not taking part of these long stories. But good luck to all. smile.gif

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Take this one yaa Ibtisam:



A Leopard, being no longer able, by reason of old age, to pursue his prey, feigned illness, and gave out that he would confer great favors upon any animal that would cure him. A cunning Fox heard of the proclamation, and lost no time in visiting the Leopard, first making himself look as much like a physician as he could. On seeing him, the Leopard declared that such a distinguished looking animal could not fail to cure him. This so flattered the Fox that he came near, and at once fell a victim to his vanity, being unable to flee because of the disguise, which fettered his limbs.

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Originally posted by NGONGE:

Keep On Singing
(iska hees)



Like any good mother
(sida hoyo walba oo fiican)
, when Karen found out that another baby was on the way
(markay karen ogatay en ay uur leedahay)
, she did what she could to help her 3-year old son, Michael, prepare for a new sibling
( way ku dadaashay si o diyaariso inankiida yar micheal sido ola qabsado walaalkiisa/walaashisa cusub)
. They find out that the new baby is going to be a girl
(waxay og.a.adeen ilmaha cusub eno gabdh noqon doono)
, and day after day
(maalin walba)
, night after night
(eyo habeen kasta)
, Michael sings to his sister in Mommy's tummy
(michael waalishisa aan dhalin ayuu o heesi jiray)

The pregnancy progresses normally for Karen
(uurkan mid aan dhib laheen bu aha )
, an active member of the Panther Creek United Methodist Church in Morristown,Tennessee
( islaantan mid illaahida ka baqata oo kaniisada xaafaday tagta bay aheed, waanay ku dadaali jirtay)
. Then the labor pains come
(way fuulatay)
. Every five minutes every minute
(xanuunka shan minute walbo ku so noqnoqanayay)
. But complications arise during delivery
(caluusha socotay)
. Hours of labor
(saacaday fuulanaysay)
. Would a C-section be required?
(talo miya la qalaya?)

, Michael's little sister is born
(Michael walaashi way dhalatay)
. But she is in serious condition
(lakin ilma buka bay aheed)
. With siren howling in the night, the ambulance rushes the infant to the neonatal intensive care unit at St. Mary's Hospital, Knoxville, Tennessee
(dhaktarka lala cararay)
. The days inch by. The little girl gets worse.
(maalin walba ta ku xigta yarto way ka sii daraysay)
The pediatric specialist tells the parents, "There is very little hope. Be prepared for the worst."
(dhaktrka woxo reerka ku yedhi "es diyaariya, gabadhina rajo ma leh).

O ma God, I literally have tears coming out of my eyes and my sides really hurt! You're starting to sound like a Southerner. :D

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Hey how can you compare people performances when everyone has different stories????


There should be one short story and a time fram of 30min on an agreed date and day. :cool:

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Originally posted by NGONGE:

I am not taking part until KK & JB also agree to take part.

Ma intaa saas u booteysay, baa waxaan lasoo shirtagtay:


iska hees



sida hoyo walba oo fiican, markay karen ogatay en ay uur leedahay, way ku dadaashay si o diyaariso inankiida yar micheal sido ola qabsado walaalkiisa/walaashisa cusub. waxay og.a.adeen ilmaha cusub eno gabdh noqon doono, maalin walba, eyo habeen kasta,michael waalishisa aan dhalin ayuu o heesi jiray.


uurkan mid aan dhib laheen bu aha, islaantan mid illaahida ka baqata oo kaniisada xaafaday tagta bay aheed, waanay ku dadaali jirtay.
way fuulatay.
xanuunka shan minute walbo ku so noqnoqanayay. caluusha socotay. saacaday fuulanaysay. talo miya la qalaya?

aakhirka, Michael walaashi way dhalatay. lakin ilma buka bay aheed. dhaktarka lala cararay. maalin walba ta ku xigta yarto way ka sii daraysay. dhaktrka woxo reerka ku yedhi "es diyaariya, gabadhina rajo ma leh.

LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL...Toloow naagta intee fuushay iyadoo foolaneyso? :D:D:D

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looool@Ngonge :D:D Good-try.


Count me in too.Give me a story that is not too long though.


I happen to think ,my somali improved since joining SOL,and my family has noticed too, they like 'haye Buuxo bal warka cadee,yaa kuu sheekeeyo'.they will not believe its i that has taught myself and have been practising on SOlers.They stuck on their assumption that its some faarax oo somalia hada ka yimid :D

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Ngonge :D


Good stuff. Now that the standard has been set let us have your translations people.


But complications arise during delivery (caluusha socotay).


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Still waiting for you to attempt one sentence. ;)




bal car do this one for me in af Somali :D


Betty Botter had some butter,

"But," she said, "this butter's bitter.

If I bake this bitter butter,

it would make my batter bitter.

But a bit of better butter--

that would make my batter better."


So she bought a bit of butter,

better than her bitter butter,

and she baked it in her batter,

and the batter was not bitter.

So 'twas better Betty Botter

bought a bit of better butter.

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LOOL@KK & JB, adiinkana ma'igu darsanteen some SOL friends you are :rolleyes: Amaan isiiya oo sheekoyinkiina safira :D

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