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Alloow nimaan wax ogeen ha cadaabin..Some guys in here think Indian Girls make better wives than our Somali Girls! Ilaaheey haidiin gar gaaro.




Sxb I am happy for your friend but for you to say Indian girls can hold candle to our girls is simply uncalled for but before you get all excited just remember one thing, every body reaps what he sow and there is no woman who is genetically programmed to make a good wife and vice versa so if you treat some one be it your sister, lady friend or workmate the way you are supposed to then they will treat you the same way and your wife is no different and believe me you have no idea how sweet,caring and loving our Somali Ladies are...too bad you and your friend miss that and your topic is one of the million reasons why our Somali sisters act the way they do towards us because we seem like we don't even know how to treat them right...which is very sad!



I can't even imagine marrying some one who isn't Somali and imagine when you hear "Macaane ka kac jiifka oo Tuko, weesadii waan kuu diyaariyee" Ooooooh just take one second, close your eyes and imagine your beloved wife saying that to you in the middle of the night.


I am grateful to Allah and to my Somali Queen for making my life nothing but pure bliss.


Peace,Love & Unity.

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do indian gurls have more buuf than our own gurls, I don't think so :eek:


gabar kale oon somali aheyn inaa xattaa saa u fiiriyo ma rabo, carab walaa acjami kale, carabtu waa arbacuun dhudhun kuuntadooda, hindidana isbaalahooda garbaha ayuu ku yaalaa ninkii arkey baa arkey marka eesh calaa faaiida, stick 2 your own somali girls.

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^^^ ;)icon_razz.gif:D


Originally posted by BOB:

.."Macaane ka kac jiifka oo Tuko, weesadii waan kuu diyaariyee" Ooooooh just take one second, close your eyes and imagine your beloved wife saying that to you in the middle of the night.


haba haba haba! kweli kabisa ndugu-staki nidream sa hii but that fantasy is something to wish for :D;) walaahi no wonder u are a brilliant poet :D

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sxb ukaadi hana da dajin.


maxaa tir ma doo neeysaa gabar ka fiican gabdhaheena? are you serous


sxb tanoo kale waligeey ma aan maqlin walaahi runtii dhalin yarada saaxiibadeey oo hada qaba gadhaha ajinabiga ah waa ay xishoodaan marka ay noo sheegayaan xaaskooda.



si hoos hoos ah ayeey kugu leeyihiin saaxiib gabadheeyda soomali ma ahan ayagoo kanax san jawaabtaas.


so that tells me, that you have to be very proud of who you are.


naxariista ay leedahay gabar soomaaliyeed gabar kaloo leh waligeey ma aanan arag.


mideeda kale sxb luuqad aan luuqadaada aheey jaceelka iyo shukaansiga maba kuugu baxaayo.Macaaneey hasiibin diricaan waa kubaxeeysaa :D


saaxibadaa nasiib kood waxeey gafeen macaanka gab dhaheen soomaaliyeed ay leeyihiin.


nin_ yaaban


saaxiibadaa udir meeshaan icon_razz.gif

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Qac Qaac   

It is just damn wrong to say all somali girls don't make good wives, and all indian are good wives.. and i have nothing against Indians.. every culture has they own bad apples.. but to say all of them, is wrong..


I personally would marry somali girl.. simply because who is gonna marry them.. then when someone else like Arabs, or Jamaicans.. or African Americans marry them u guys get mad..


anyways all i know is that. our generation coming up, those who gonna marry soon.. we gonna have lots of problems coz we are confused of which culture to fallow, do we fallow our own one in somalia or the ones in western countries.. so God help all young somali families.. we would be needing lots of marriage counsellors...

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Whoever's confused, hawl u taalo waaye. I've seen many cultures and their norms, and I have yet to see a culture that's better than ours (Somali). If I don't marry a Somali girl, I won't get married at all.


Anyways, about the Indian chicks - what we supposed to do with that **** alwaax? :confused:


The guy must've lived amongst white folk too long and gotten used to that flat shyt!

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Well am impressed for the first time i had seen a topic wc insults our gals n guess wt , u got ur answers from the guys who were all against ur theory :D .

Anyways bro let me tell u one thing ,its true that we all have to be raaliyaas becoz ALLAH says so.But i had lived in pakistan for many yrs n interacted with their gals n believe me these gals were trained from an early age to be like that.

But the wosrt part is for them they are told they r fed n brought up so that she can get married n once that happens she is not to get divorced even if he is the worst man on earth, she has to live with him no matter wt.

If u see their gals the way they behave before marraige :eek: u will be shocked coz they know there is no fun after she is taken to a man she had not even seen( i attended a wedding of a freind who saw her husband after the NIKAAX), that is too much n unislamic period.

Besides why would u want a woman who will not share ur worries n give u advices(although most men pretend they know it all :cool: ego!) but regardless u still need someone to spice up ur life not someone who will act with u like SEESAYED n SIT AMIINA,those who know arabic will get that.

N those who dont, lets just say that u r not very nice to ur wife at all.

Although calaf is there for marraige weather she is somali or not, but plz we have alot of good women, so give us credit man!

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Sheekadaan mid jirta ma aha, ma aysan dhicin, mana dhici doonto.


Ajnabi qofkii guursada --Muslin ha ahaadaan ama yeeysan ahaan -- waa in ay labadaan midood dhacdaa


1) Inaad reerkaaga iyo dadkaaga uga harto.

2) Hal luqad/dhaqan guriga lagu isticmaalo.


Qof ajnabi qaba oo 100% ku faraxsan maan arag, mana maqal.

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Originally posted by -Femme Fatale-:

I pray to Allah that you find what you are searching for, and I hope that you are happy when you do.



I did find my soul mate a long time ago..just pray for me to Marry her please and don't worry i am not going to ask you to sell your jewelry to help me finance her dowry smile.gif no..don't worry about that...i will sell my own blood if i have to....just make sure you send the prayers and everything else will follow soon Insha Allah.


Peace, Love & Unity.


1 Love & Peace To All The Somali Ladies Across The Globe, We (Somali Guys)Love You To Death, Please Remember That.

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1 Love & Peace To All The Somali Ladies Across The Globe, We (Somali Guys)Love You To Death, Please Remember That

WE?, Dude speak for yourself. I only love one xalimo.


I love you babe. icon_razz.gif (even the imaginery ones do reply?-eh ;) )

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Originally posted by Brown-Brotha:

WE?, Dude speak for yourself. I only love one xalimo.

i wasn't referring to no Albino..i mean Brown people. I was talking about me and my own kind.. Dark, skinny with big forehead. in other words REAL SOMALI with the complexion and everything.


PS. Give my regards to your Xaliimo, tell her i said "Maxaad Sheegtay Abaayo



Peace, Love & Unity.

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