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LayZie G.

Tuujiye: To be or Not to be a Gaal:that is the question

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Johny Baraavo, war adiga labadeena ballan baan leenahay in Ringbey this summer, maraxyahow ha ii goyn sidii last year eed Addis Ababa iska aadey,


anaa jinkaaga kicinaayo camal ee ii sii gogol-xaar :D

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Definition of Tolerance: allowance: a permissible difference; allowing some freedom to move within limits


Definition of Religion Tolerance: willingness to recognize and respect the beliefs or practices of others


Tolerance doesnt mean I'll attend Sunday Mass with you at your Episcopalian church and you attend Friday prayer with me at my local Mosque. Tolerance means, I recognize your faith and I respect you as a fellow human being. So I'm confused when people, "progressive" people are insulted if I dont want to go to hold hands and sing. Accusations of intolerance fly and any practicing Muslim is labeled extremist.

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Lol@ JB!!.. waraa adiga baadari ayaa tahay axaa rabtaa ninyahoo loool.. adiga baabkaada gooni waaye oo buufis kuma haayo unlike some people..rageedi ayaa tahay oo waxaada waad cad yahay lool...


Aniga iyo nuune ma ogtahay in aan aniga kuu roonahay? lool nuune "saar" uu iska cuudshaa iyo "boorame" markee diin diin iyo xaalkaas imaado lool... nin dadka jiniyada ka saari jiray aa hoosta ka galee lool...


JB i'm only against dadkaan diinta Islamka iska daba heysta oo nala soo raadsada Fox news quuqda ee kasoo maqlaan! kuwaas oo kale aniga Al-shabaab aan u geen lahaa lool...



C&H kaalay adiga B iska daa nooh! war kaas sakaraad waaye oo tacbaan dhaafay! aniga maalinta uu qarkaan ngonge shaagaayo iska tuuri lahaa aan sugooyaa! buufis la kor dhabay oo wili la hoos dhabay aa haayo!



Wareer Badanaa!!!

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Tuujiska, wa sida nin qalal ku dhacay aa noqotay, ee iisheeg waxa aan badalay?


The purpose of opening this thread was to help you realize the same self-defeating behaviors you have adopted from others(you know who you are) as of late and why your behaviour is unislamic.


You were two posts away from calling Ibti gaaalo if I did not attempt to halt this madness.


A good bililiqo boy like you oo Muslim ah dadka inuu ku dhaho maaha diinta aa ka baxde, mase diinta aa daciif eh, mase waa gaalowday.


Sheekeo oo adiga kuu taalo maaha, waayo, adiga slave of allah aa tahay, which means you are out of your element when it comes to making declaration about Islaanimo. YOU ARE NOT THE MUSLIM POLICE.


Ailamos waxa aad ku haysatey for days, which you brought my attention to was because he refused to confirm or deny inuu Muslim yahey.


Ibti's crime was telling you to stop your qeylo and to behave with dignity, another moment and you would have declared her unfit and even gaalo.


and when I try to help a brother out by confronting his madness head on, you accuse me of being dafiic, why? because according to you, I know less about Islam than I do about anything else, which is why I have a favourite religion, how else do you explain your madness? What does favouring a religion have anything to do with my knowledge or lack of about Islam? How did you make the connection?


You are mad, you know it and I know it. People with aqli xoolo leh will always find ways to deflect attention from themselves and come up with sideshows so that they dont have to confront their problems head on, namely YOU.


If my only crime is to say, hey, Tuujiska you have a problem, you are not helping yourself or Islam by calling people gaalo and your respond to that is, ma aniga? I LOVE GAALO, I am so tolerant that I can even tolerate gaalo aan la shaqeeyo but I cant accept that a Muslim can favour another religion, even if the Muslim says so.


You , like most people here, make unsubstantiated accusations about people, public attacks on cyber characters (today its the internet, tomorrow ak-47 aa qaadanee and you will declare jihad on the neighbours)especially those who you declared to being unfit and gaalo like or gaalo raac without due process. You dont confront the individual and demand an explanation, instead you turn on the attack mode without first understanding what it means to bash a religion?


Adiga oo Tuujiye eh, maxaa bashing u taqaanaa? what does it mean to you to bash something or someone? Better yet, define bashing for me.



Its one thing if people attacked Islam, its another to accuse them of such and its ridiculous for you to even pretend that you are on the right when you promote hate and bigotry against gaalo and anyone that isn't Muslim.


A good muslim leads by example.


Your idea of dadka Islam wax ka sheege is ailamos who refuses to confirm his religion status, so it must mean that he is offensive to Islam and even a gaalo according to you, including and not limited to the subjects he discusses in the open.


For me, I opened a topic about you, gave you examples of gaalo, so that means I know nothing about my religion, if any, which means I too need help? Thats aqli xoolo walaalo. Thats not something like a maryooley like you should even speak off.


In order to communicate with another human who has the equivalent of aqli xoolo, one would need to write it in big letters, spell everything out for them, ABC style.




TUUJISKA, if you have a question, just ask, dont assume you know anything just because you had a lapse of faith and now that you are reborn Muslim, true to the word of ALLAH and the hell with everyone else and their gaalo raac- like attitude eh? C'mon, dont give yourself heart attack, admit you were wrong and tell me how you will change, dont tell me how much you love gaalo. I want to know the steps you are taking to m ake a change in your attiute and behaviour in general.



For now, I will wait for your reply about the folks who attacked Islam here and why it is you are still claiming to be tolerant yet show no sign of improvement.


If I were not a nice person, I would call you a bigoted Muslim but because I am nice, I will refrain from such talks.



Ibti, waali or not, xaalka aad ninkaan ka heshay u gudbi Cara because she has been victimized by everyone here....(and u owe me 1, waali or not you love it icon_razz.gif .) Also, I didn't read all of your replies but count on it that the next spring cleaning will be about you when I return later. (PS: in defense of Nuune, for as long as I can recall, he was calling me LayZie-Gaal because in his defense, carab laawe waaye....)



PS: Tuujiska, I have been very consistent, you can go back and re-read anything I wrote, I never once retracted my statement but you on the other hand, you went from loving gaalo to hating to loving them in just 2 days, 10 pages full of evidence :D )

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:D:D:D:D @ Lazy. Your post above I agree with and makes sense to me, wax kale from before is In any case I have been defending people and attacking ones who easily or have a habit of calling others gaalo, waaxas oo trouble adiga, cara, Aliamos, Naden, Beer Gaal and few others baa ii geliye because I have to keep fighting with people not to call you gaal or this or that, and YOu want me to thank you. Ciika uu bood and send me cake icon_razz.gif


What I most agree above, "A good Muslims by example" All his shouting and labelling.


Sherban, I read your post, I dont agree, I do not think your main point is valid, I dont think you are interested in a convo or discussion so I am suprised that you even bothered in the first place. Also I think you have me confused with someone else, unless when you say YOU, you mean it in generally rather than my attitude or what I do. :confused: In ANY case you said you was not interested, so I will let it go.

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^ I just want to be a troll in this page...Since you are the defender of all the "gaallo" I'll sing you my favorite innocent song (NOT religion now) :D


Row, row, row the boat

Gently down the stream

Merrily merrily merrily merrily

Life is but a dream


Row, row, row the boat

Gently down the stream

If you see a "gaallo"

Don't forget to scream


Row, row, row the boat

Gently down the river

If you see a "gaallo"

Don't forget to shiver


Row, row, row the boat

Gently to the shore

If you see a "gaallo"

Don't forget to roar


Row, row, row the boat

Gently in the bath

If you see a "gaallo"

Don't forget to laugh


Row, row, row the boat

Gently as can be

Cause if you're not careful

You'll fall into the "gaallo trap"!

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I am not the defender of all Gaalos, Acuudbililah. I just said we should all make our points without making everything personal or having to get a forum name written in blood to ensure they are blue blood. This forum is crazy.

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^ Hahaa...I guess you didn't get the joke..Why would I think you are defender of ALL gaallo...I was poking fun at the whole pointless nursery type lecture of RESPECTING others space...Chill Ibti I know you are NOT someone who is a bed-wetting Rush Limbaugh style talking point and I have no reason to suspect you are defender of gaallo (not that there is anything WRONG with respecting others FAITH after all it is a Universal)

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As a peacemaker of this forum,I propose the following conflict resolutions:


1. No Gaal should communicate with Muslim females through the pm


2.No Gaal should start a thread about Islam



3.No Gaal shall be allowed to have ratings


4.All Gaals should have their pms monitored


5. Every tribe should ostracise their gaals


6. No Gaal Should from here on in should address Tujjiyye in an argumentative manner


7. No Gaal shall be allowed to use the troll section


8. All Gaals should behave themselves on this pious forum full of pious Muslims



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^ Hahaha..all these "gaallo" people should not be allowed to share the SAME air with us....It is like inviting TYPHOID MARY in the hospital wing and expect no contamination..they should be denied access to our pious site.... :D

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Everything I said in reply to your post was strictly in reply to your post, which I still find wack no matter how many times I go over it. What I said isn't an observation about you in general, but about that post which denotes an attitude I'm criticizing.


I never said I'm not interested in a conversation, I said I don't have the energy to argue with you when you come at me with a very rudimentary understanding of my faith and then try to say "well, look it's so different than mine!" How could you know it's different when you don't even understand it?


LOL, what? Are you suggesting I believe in more than one God? Or that I don't believe in the hereafter? Or in all of God's prophets and all of his books?


I couldn't care less how extreme you are in your beliefs, but please do inform yourself before you start mocking saints. Just as your comment about the model Iman shows, you assume that I'm as ignorant about Islam as you are about Christianity, you're projecting your ignorance on me. Think again.


All that being said, please do know that I like you as a person (from what I see on this forum) and I wish you only good things in your life.

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They say you don’t really know a person till you travel or have some what of conflict with.

For the past few days, I was out of my normal SOL character “baqti Lagde” and took on a role which I shouldn’t have. The reason being is the fact that I wasn’t the right person or maybe the best person for that job. With my joking attitude and open personality, people in SOL never saw me for someone who really cared for religion or even practiced for that matter. Some of those people happened to be my friends. After seeing how my character changed a little, they stepped back and started looking at me different lool… were am I going with this?


As you all know here in SOL, I considered my self as Layzie’s friend and knew her for a long time here in SOL. However when I saw how Layzie was always arguing with others about Faith, I decided to look in to it and see what the big fazz is all about… I noticed people like Raamsade and few other x-muslims or non-muslims taking cheep shots at Islam. I told my friend Layzie to stop arguing about religion because does who argue about faith, don’t really know the true teachings.


When I couldn’t take some of the comments that few x-muslims where making, I decided to tell them the truth.

Maybe the way I did things wasn’t diplomatic but it was getting my point across. In doing so, some strong words like “Gaal” where used to does that I knew were not a muslim! Some of you argued that I couldn’t call someone a “Gaal” if they haven’t told us so. laakiin if one doesn’t believe one of the pillars of Islam, is a gaal and most of them don’t believe in Allah forget the rest .…


I’m not a religious person and I’m not a person who hates or has anything against any other religions laakiin I know enough to help me live in peace and not doubt my beautiful Islamic faith. As a muslim, one should never question diintiisa and if you do have some questions, you should seek some help before sheydaan takes advantage.


I have realized, by using the word “Gaal”, I have hurt some people and I hope they forgive me. I’m not saying my friend layzie is a “gaal” because like I said before she is not!! But she changed and posted a Topic that was dedicated to me. Her goal was to show you guys that I “somehow” have two face or maybe that I’m one of them Al-shabaab to be with an AK-47. Laakiin the truth is Layzie really knows me and how I don’t really care about who is who and what but when she saw this new tuujiye who didn’t agree with her, she decided to cut me loose lool… our talk went from private to public lool..


I like to apologize to Ailamos! Sxb you are maybe the first person who made me come out of my Tuujiye character and write something serious in SOL loool.. And is all because of your tactics when it comes to challenging or questioning Islam. I know everyone knows about you by now and I promise to leave you alone. Enjoy your stay here in SOL and please continue to respect Islam as long as you remain in SOL.


Layzie abaayo raali noqo for everything and ilaahey garabkaada ha galo (may god inter your shoulders)


From now on, I shall remain Tuujiye aka ina baqti lagde aka qaar maroodi aka balaq dafe aka ..mawadaa…


Hala is cafiyo.. Sheekh nuune hanoo duceeyo baan dhihi lahaa laakiin nin niikis mashquul ku eh iyo 3 qudbo siiro tabar maas haayaa?



Wareer Badanaa!!!

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Tuujiye, maantaad serious noqotay lol


Too much has been said and a lot of it nonsense. However, is calling someone who has declared himself a non Muslim a gaal offensive to him/her?


I don't get it.


I think Muslims may be offended more because it is encouraged to speak to them with a kind tongue.


Waar apologise to the Muslim SOLers.

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Norf saaxiibo see yaalaa hee? meeshaan washamsi in la isku aqriyo ee u baahan tahay...


reer xamarka markee kala saraayaan galay iyo buunshe, xaarin aa loo istic maali jiray laakiin Sol maxaan u istic maalnaa...


Gaal= non believer laakiin qof muslim ah oo diintiisa daciif tahay oo wili cuqdadka qaba erayga "gaalnimo" xumaan buu kaaga qaadan karaa in kastoo eesan gaalo aheen ma i fahantay duqa? lol


SOL Muslims bal raali iyo rubac ahaada! lool happy norf...


I missed my Tuujiye ways!!!!



Wareer Badanaa!!!

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