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Asylum seekers posed as Somalis

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AN Irishman and a woman who claims to be Somali -- but whose fingerprints are said to match those of a Tanzanian national -- have lost their bid to be allowed to marry.


Mr Justice John Hedigan said yesterday that it was clear Lelia Ismail Tahir "has at least two identities".


The judge dismissed the challenge by Ms Tahir, of Drishane Castle accommodation centre, Millstreet, Co Cork, and Raymond Paul Sheehan, of Shandon Way, Shandon Street, Cork, to refusals by the Registrar for Co Cork and an tArd Chlaraitheoir to issue them with a marriage registration form.


They had been refused documents because Ms Tahir had not provided sufficient evidence of her claimed Somalian identity.


Ms Tahir arrived here in June 2008 and applied for asylum, the judge noted. Some weeks after her appeal against the refusal of asylum was rejected, she and Mr Sheehan decided to marry.


They were given an appointment for late June 2010 to fulfil the necessary requirements to provide the required three month notification of their intention to marry.


Their solicitors wrote to the Registrar in late May 2010, stating that Ms Tahir was a Somali national who was unable to obtain identity documents.


On being told evidence of identity was required under law, their solicitors replied there was difficult obtaining identity documents from Somalia.


The identity issue remained unresolved during several visits by the couple to the Registrar's office, After their third visit in August 2010, a detective from the Garda National Immigration Bureau (GNIB) informed the registrar he believed Ms Tahir was not from Somalia.




The Registrar referred the file to an tArd Chlaraitheoir who contacted the GNIB and was advised there were serious questions about Ms Tahir's identity.


Dismissing their case, Mr Justice Hedigan said Ms Tahir had claimed to be a Somali national but failed to state asylum was refused because her fingerprints matched those of a Tanzanian national.


Ms Tahir's explanation for the matching fingerprints -- that she met a man in Kenya who said he could get her documents for travelling and took her to an office "very far from Kenya" where her fingerprints could have been taken -- lacked

War waxa been badanaa. Tansaaniyaankaan noo tashtay, leenkeena naga xiraayo. Nuunka habartaan soo baadi goob oo qarxi filankeeda yaaqeey.

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^^ Malika yeysan ku maqlin camal smileys.gif


Nothing much I can say, my first time of hearing this, waayadan Ireland kuma badni marka lama socdo waxa ka dhaco.


Anaa soo ogaanaayo bal her true identity, kolleey cadaan ay guursan rabtey kolaan ka reebnaba smileys.gif


This is what happened, or how they found her fingerprints, from irish Times:


Ms Tahir was informed in June 2009 by the Office of the Refugee Applications Commissioner her fingerprints matched those of a Tanzanian who was issued with a six-month visa for the UK in Dar Es Salaam in December 2006.

So she arrived in UK with Tanzanian passport on 2006, probably iska dhiibtey in the UK but loo diidey sharci which lasted untill 2008. then sneaked into Ireland in that same year of 2008, she could be Somali after all we don't know yet.

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By the way, Somalidu miyee ilaaween marke dulkaasii soo mareyeen ee basaboraha dulkasii soo qaateen to be able to reach the western shores iyo lands?


Ama waxaad shegeysiin there were direct flights from every tuulo in Somalia to wherever laa joogo - Somalida basaboroo Tansaniyaa iyo Kenya ama Uganda siitaa aa soo duule - marka maxaa laa yabeysaan marka aad aragtaan dadkale isku shegeyaa something

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Malika;831658 wrote:


By the way, Somalidu miyee ilaaween marke dulkaasii soo mareyeen ee basaboraha dulkasii soo qaateen to be able to reach the western shores iyo lands?


Ama waxaad shegeysiin there were direct flights from every tuulo in Somalia to wherever laa joogo - Somalida basaboroo Tansaniyaa iyo Kenya ama Uganda siitaa aa soo duule - marka maxaa laa yabeysaan marka aad aragtaan dadkale isku shegeyaa something

I agree with Malika, we, Somalis are the ones who ruined these east african countries passports and made it worthless in the west, I mean before 1992 the kenyan, Uganda, and Tanzanian passports were highly regarded and were allowed into the EU without visa, but when Somalis started abusing these passports and obtaining them illegally, then these passports became worthless.


Midda kale, do you know which nationality Somalis used to claim before 1991 when they apply for asylum in the west? it was Ethiopian.


So please let other nations who are in difficulties let them claim to be us as long as that makes their lives better. for the vast majority of them they just want to work hard and send some rimiitances to their families back home.

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LOL@ Sujuis and Casiiris claiming to be Somaali.


I've met this Kenyan girls at a friends BBQ this summer, straight faced she was like 'I went to London in the early 90s, we thought since we look these Somaali, we might as well make the most of it'... LoL.

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^And they have done so in droves!...The officials should have asked them to 'aftiirsoo' - then again miid Somali oo lawyerka uu shaqeeya would have made money from distributing all the 'aftiriis'


Moonlight, indeed.

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Layla Ismail Tahir - this is a distinct Somali name. She could be Sujui but Somali. I can't think of any Swahili person with that name. Their names sound this, Undugu Matoto, Yareeri Julias, Kawkwete...

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^Bless! If you want to pretend to be a South African maa Axmed Musse Dahir baa isku dibiii leheed ama you would take a Zulu name of Celekwazi?..Lol. Qandalawi, waa kuu sidhee.

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Let them pretend to be Somali's~ when they become doctors they can boost our status in said country~

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This reminds me of a conversation I once had with other sujui's. We were asking ourselves which magaalo baad qorotey :D one guy wuxuu qortey inuu Xudur ka yimi :D

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^LOL. haye... ma waxaad uga sheekeeseen in la idin dilay oo guryihiina la gubay?


LOL.. Malika, I'm sure people ayaa taa ku lacagaysta. I'm not so bothered by it, runtii. Somaali badan ayaa Kenyati iyo Ethio. ku jooga even in carabaha.

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I've met this Kenyan girls at a friends BBQ this summer, straight faced she was like 'I went to London in the early 90s, we thought since we look these Somaali, we might as well make the most of it'... LoL.

Lol@ we might as well make the most of it. Indha adeeg.


I have heard of such stories. Never met anyone claiming to have done it though.

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