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The Tuujiye Show

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Tuujiye goofkaan mataramaakis nuur badanaa ka shidayee see camal duqa? Waxaanoo wara ma kugu aasnaayeen? Walee war badnidaada waan moodayey inay sidan keeni, laakiin daandaansigaan maxaa ka danbeyn doona hee. Widaayoow armaa sabaaxad laguu taagaa? Igaar cirka biyo kaala soo cabaa iman minaad warka deynweydo.


Aryaa kan naastaro ordeyduu labo jir ku liqday? Buugii aakhiro buuxsimuu ku dhow yahay.

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Salama Caleykum Dhalinyaro..


I have noticed some people don't like the way I write here in SOL but you should all know by now that I don't care. taasi kow dhaha...


This show is for mature people who could actually take a joke. I don't care if you see it as personal attack but walaahi I don't mean to attack anyone personally I just write what ever I want and tell the truth that some people hate to see. I have interviewed some of my good friends in here too for example Og-moti, he is someone I have never met in my life but I have found out that he is a funny cool person to me and I decided to make fun of him. Next it was brother Nur who I really respect but I know he is very mature and he will laugh and see this malaayacni thing I'm writing is just for fun; maybe he would wish me to waste the time in a good I do that too brother lol..


Then comes the cool guy CASTRO..loool..

Believe it or not I was getting bored at SOL till castro came along. .lol.. Castro gave me a reason to stay back at this place and have fun. Castro SXB waxaan U qabay in aan is fahmeyno so Raali noqo sxb ooyaaye weyn aa nugu

Kaaba laadar camal aa shib ii dhahday oo aduun igu soo reminded the new movie the man shaqada waa loo sameynaa Waraa Cafis sxb but I know Rageedii aa tahay..


For the girl named Athena Abaayo horta you should know that I have nothing personal against you and I'm saying this in public now, But you should wait your turn for the show. aaaaaaaaaaa.. I have a special episode for you 4real get some dabeecad or borrow some from others. Abaayo I don't need to prove my man hood I am A MAN and since aa runta iga qaadan weysay is about time some one tells you the need to have an understanding and never to think everyone likes or would do things your way. You have to be an open person! But be open to knew Ideas, You don't have to so paranoid from me sis because In Sol everyone is Equal to me..I have friends in SOL that We clicked but is because of the same back ground just like How you have friends that you understand better. So As long as your a member in SOL, I will be talking to you and saying Hi with ilko it or hate


Barwaaqo or AERow maa is cool laakiin ogow adiga xitaa nafta aan kuu keenaa oo maku cafinaaye so iska baashaal oo oohinta dhaaf. everything I write in SOL is not personal so if you take it personal nasiibkaa maraxyahee..chichi iyo fraga aaba isla noqoteen adi iyo Tookadaada show la sug too






ps..sorry about the show xoogaa shucuuc aa soo galay but we will continue soon as possible..


Tuujiye will sit with NOVA next..


Wareer Badanaa!!!

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Originally posted by Tuujiyee:

Salama Caleykum Dhalinyaro..


I have noticed some people don't like the way I write here in SOL but you should all know by now that I don't care. taasi kow dhaha...

War heedhe UR Right...we DON"T LIKE UR WRitting..YEs...Qasab miyaa??? Heedhe qeelada naga dhaaf...waxyahow iksu darsamay...yaah...Ee Leave NoVa'out of ur Interview2(Betta make it GOood or else waa taqanaa waxa kugu dhacaayo Waji Kaakiyahow)"know where ur azz LIvez...I'swear 2god I"ll post ur azz in ur pajama' Dadkaan iska dhaaf waraa.....



Ninkaan wareersan yaa naga qabto oo qarasta ka saaro ee Qandhada badan :D

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Tuujiye, yaakaa xanaajiye?(whoever it is, just brush them off Tuujiye, they are just bitter yeah)


I just read my interview with you and I can't say I am impressed. I thought we would have some r-rated things to discuss on your show to the point were your producers would have to *beep* out almost every other word, but you made me sound as if I was some nac nac girl, c'mon now,I know you can do much better than talking about jerseys. Lets see the real Layzie up in here.(encore, encore, encore)


PS:Wassup Nova, are you still breathing? I didn't know tuujiye wore pajamas much less knew what they were, but I wanna see it.

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Haaaaaaaaaaaaa heeeeeey!!

Wlc back to the Tuujiye which now rated R which means for mature audience only.!!!


In today show we went on the streets of Genaral Section and womans Corner and we found a famous girl who we all wondered what kind of a person she is and how she looked. This girl is none other than NOVA aka ABOO ANIMIYAA!!


T: Noviina wlc yaaqee!!

N: tnx aboowe macaan..HI! everyone ehehehehe!

T: Novina wax badan waa lagu faanshay laakiin qof caadi lee tahee!

N: what do you mean tuujiye maxaan ahaan lahaa?

T: Ani waxaan is dhahaaye qoftoo isku dhaceeso oo wili doolsho doolsho camal aa tahay laakiin caadiyoos lee tahay…

N: baaba adba waa ogtahay ani gabdho badan aa luuqa galinaa…waraa ifiiri nooh!

T: Nagatag kuma fiirfiirinkarno manta dhanee weesa noo dhooran ee naga nax!

N: ahahaahhaa!

T: Nova kaalay, saabuunta MARIS la dhaho maaku soo quweysatay because adi dhan go’ iyo foodare foodare camal aa usoo carfoosaa!

N: Alla anaa iska dhintayeeeeeeeee!!!! Warayaa peeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep…..misa peeeeeeeeeeep maxaa I dhahday?

T: Saabuunta quweeska aa iga dhamatay dheh nooh!

N: Tuujiye Horta waxaan maqlay meeshaan Xarash aa laguu hayaa maxaa ka jira oo gabdho badan aa kugu jajabsay!

T: Lee caadi waaye waxaas adiga aa joogto oo kugu soo jibinaa hadii la igu

N: maxaa ani ii qabtaa waraa? Jiimbaartaadiyaa wasaq yahoo!!

T: Nova run ahaantii How was your summer?

N: It was great!!! I met dad badan..

T: Niman ma iska dhahdidoo

N: ihihihihi!..waa shiixaa nooh

T: Kaalay ani markaan T.O imaaday maxaa iigu ganbisay?

N: Goor maa imaaday?

T: Yarta imatinkeega iska daaye wili waxaan kor kaa arkay adigoo aga gaarkaa Macmacaanka Al-Curaba bur ku ruugeysid oo nin koo gaaban oo yuul wallet kiisa gacanta ku heysta oo asaga u celinaayo..

N: Ala beenta daa wasaqyahoo madaxa weyn leh!

T: see been ku sheegay! Ma anaanan ku arag adigoo 2000 oo jijimood qoorta kusoo gurtay sidii masaydii?

N: Tuujiye your just mad because you did get a chance to see this beauty

T: Beautiga aa sheegeysid waa soo jeedkaada mise siijeedkaada..

N: loooool..labadaba nooh!..loool

T: naga tag geed yahoo looqabo in iyada iyo Opera Winfred hal meel kazoo wada baxeen!

N: war bax geed yahoo aragiisa aad u qabtid in uu kazoo haray gumeysigii talayaaniga!

T: Yarta showgaan ceyda looma ogala yaah

N: anaa show gaan ……….!

T: Alaa…yaa dhimbil dab ah carabka kuu saara! Bax naga hor dhaqaaq..

N: ok jaw…………..WAIT……

T: abaayo mar labaad intaa fadhiisatid kac yaaqee…baaaaaaaaaaba….

N: waryaa iga xishoo nooh baac yahoo

T: ok know you’re my home and you meeqa mar aan xitaa hal istaraasho isla isticmaalnay..I KNOW…

N: so jaw hee Tuujiye

T: fiiri jaw raqiiska ah maxaa waaye..Horaadkaa ma isaareysid markaa jaw I dhaheysid?

N: war bax…

T: ok he bax sii



Next Tuujiye sits with the one and only SULDAANKA from the thuged out streets of politics section in SOL…


Wareer Badanaa!!!!

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Wlc back to the show which is still Rated MA..mature adults only..


My guest tonight is cyber Politician who uses as he claims "budh" and none-stop "chewing qaad" which made him had the disease maskax-falluuq, Waa nin wadooyinka la taagan majin jaad ah oo qalashay 10 sano kahor oo kuna tuqsuusay sida looga murmo ama dooda siyasadaha ee xaga Somalia/somaliland!

Aqris wanaagsan


ladies and gentlemen, Please welcome SULDAANKA


T: kusoo dhawoow showga shiiraayahaa tahey cunee

S: waryee waanu ku salaanney, Soomaaliland ha guuleesato!!

T: saan maa wadani ku tahey waraa, maxaa waaye somalilandta, wax jira ma tihid

S:ma qadiyadeena ayaad ka soo horjeedaa weger

T: abbaa salaan lee ka hadloonaa maxaa waaye quraafaadka aa akhrineesid

S: haye

T: fiiri duqa, waxaan maqley in lagu jarjarey, maxaa ka jira

S: war miyaad waalatey, war kani xaggeebuu ka yimid, ma suldaan baa la qowrici karaa

T: haa nooh, waxaa ku helay aan maqley wind.talker iyo Yoonis , sida loo doodo ma taqaanid, maxaad ka leedahay

S: warkaas sal iyo raad toona malahan, ma DAYNIILE news baad kasoo maqashey

T: mayee jamhuuriya newspaper, adiga waa madax adagtahay, burus aa laguug qaraacaa

S: burus maxaa waaye, war dee budh maad tiraahdid, wallee Gibiley baadan ka iman

T: adigaa gabgab qabo habaarka iga daa waridkaa janada ha galaanee

S: waryee inankaaga yar, maxaad showga ii keentay

T: een kabax warkaas qarbushyahoow, sua'aasha koobaad?

S: hee

T: why do you always agree with somalialnd cyber supporters even if they are wrong

S: what do you mean

T: are you stuck, next question,

S: soo daa kolley kheyr masoo wadidee

T: whom did you vote, and why?

S: I voted for Siilaanyo as he is the only man who can bring peace to Somaliand

T: ma waalateyna, I thought Somaliland was in peace, that is what you told us

S: I meant who can bring economy, afka ayaa iga xadey ha ila yaabin

T: duq aan ahey ma dhaheesid afkaa iga xadey maxaa waaye

S: adiga gardarreesiga iga daa Ilaah haddaad taqaano

T: haye hadana maxaa waaye oohinta wax lee ku weydiiyee

S: ilaah baa igu og inaan ka dhaqaaqi showgan

T: duqa duqa, xanaaqa jooji hee, haddaa su'aalaheyga ka jawabi weyso Tolstoy i caawi dheh nooh

S: war xamaraawigana maxaa ii keenay caawa,

T: su'aasha kale

S: soo daa bal

T: what is your position of Jumatatu, general duke and soomaal

S: to be honest, I think Tolstoy is classic,

T: I didn't ask you about Tolstoy, answer the question

S: you mean the three guys you asked eariler

T: yes

S: I think three of them use the same ideology as that of Geedi/Yeey/Shariif

T: elaborate that please

S: No comment

T: Tolstoy, is he a cyber warlord, we can see that in his many posts, do you agree?

S: I think he is great writeer

T: he is great writer in copying and pasting only according to SOL

S: don't you ever say a word about Tolstoy

T: ma u ceeb qarinee, okeey waa ka qaleeyay

S: waan ka tagayaa showgaaga, mar danbe hadaad ila hadasho waan ku budheyn ilaah baa igu og

T: kir aan ku dhahey bax sanboorka ila dhaaf

S: somaliland ha noolaato baasaboor cussub aan heesanaa dal ku gal aa lagaaga baahanyahay hadaa imaaneyso hargeysa

T: buufkaa usheeg bacayahoow caloosha buudhan

S: war nabadey

T: thanks for coming ax jira ma tihid, igu salaan Ms Edna kuuseey


Next Show we will have an special guess host.



Wareer Badanaa!!!

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Qac Qaac   

waraa bini aadamka faraha ka qaad fadarayahay.. dadkaan dhan waxmaa ka sheege adi.. and if u gonna apologize, apologize fully, and don't caay at the end of it.. uff..


gabdhaha soo gareeskooda ooga dafeesay, wee kugu soo wada jeesteen hayye, markaas aa hadda calaacal nagu bilooday..


laakiin nin caadi ma tihid, haddaa Nuur xattaa wax ka sheegtay.. iga tag.. and u right, spend ur time with good things.. marax yaho.

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Qac' Sorry ninyahoo mardanbe ma igu arkeysid jiljileeca yaaqee..

But did I tell you that I don't like the new you.......see what going to finland did to you and UK, waraa roob aa kugu soo da'ay oo dooro biyo ku dhexdhacday camal aa fajaq usoo noqotay..maka helin filinkaan cusub waraa atoore waxee aheed oo bir holceysa gacanta ku hestay hadana waxaa noqotay koo balaq iyo kuris LO gacanta ku heysta..bax iska soo dhaq wijigaan cusub yaaqee!!


Wareer Badanaa!!

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Qacoos, waraa duqa ka leexo shiikh aan ahey aa saas ku leedahay miyaa,


Tuujiska looooooooooooooooool@Suldaanka


Now your show is being rated as the most current Drama in SOL, waaaay toooo goooo

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T: Nova run ahaantii How was your summer?

N: It was great!!! I met dad badan..

T: Niman ma iska dhahdidoo

N: ihihihihi!..waa shiixaa nooh

loooooooooool :D

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T: .....waxaan kor kaa arkay adigoo aga gaarkaa Macmacaanka Al-Curaba bur ku ruugeysid oo nin koo gaaban oo yuul wallet kiisa gacanta ku heysta oo asaga u celinaayo..

N: Ala beenta daa wasaqyahoo madaxa weyn leh!

T: see been ku sheegay! Ma anaanan ku arag adigoo 2000 oo jijimood qoorta kusoo gurtay sidii masaydii?

N: Tuujiye your just mad because you did get a chance to see this beauty

T: Beautiga aa sheegeysid waa soo jeedkaada mise siijeedkaada..

N: loooool..labadaba nooh!..loool


loooooooool :D:D warheedhe Indhaha Bajaq Bajaqa aa ka siinaysid meel kalo fiiri wax la fiirshaaba iska jiree meeshaan...Intuusan Indhaha kaa soo dhacin 4 no reasonz :D


Lakiinse i was hopping inaa ii jarjartid ...what happend??? lol...Waa jiljilacday runtiii, this isn't U...naah i was hoppin' some xrated Shit aa lakala cararaayo that even ADMINka kaa saaraayo meesha like what u did b4 the interview b4 mine :D ...Instead waaba i faanisay ajaaajaba... anaaba is checkout gareenaaya xataaa haha...


Layziiiiiii i'm breathing girlllll alxamdulilaaah. How ya doing adiga??? its being long time since i last seen ya lazzy'azz ma is tiri????...i hope everything is going' greatttttttt alxamdulilaaah....

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Qac Qaac   

waraa nuune shiikhnimaday xaggee ku aragtay adi, hadda ka hor aan quraan ku saaray miyaa.. markii mingiska kugu dhacay..


Nova, tuujiska wuu kaa helaa baan umaleen, adi waaba lagu faaniyay, nooh. aniga xattaa saas imaa faanin, that sell out..

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Yarta wlc back yaaqee!!!!lol...

I missed you too...this show atariisho aa ka


Abaayo wlc back and ramadan kariim...



PS...Can I still do the show even in Ramadaan???

inta aan afurka sugaayo aan iskaga qaras bixilahayee!!


Wareer Badanaa!!!

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