
Muuse Lokal: Axmedoow, meet me, see me, please

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XOG: R/wasaaraha Itoobiya Oo Meel Mariyey Ballan Uu Hore Kaga Qaaday Farmaajo

Bishii Luulyo ee sanadkaan waxaa kulan uu dhexmaray R/wasaaraha Itoobiya Abiy Ahmed iyo Madaxweynaha Soomaaliya Maxamed Cabdullaahi Farmaajo.

Kulankaasi waxa uu ahaa mid qodobo badan iskugu jiray kolka laga soo tego xiriirka udhaxeeya Labada dal, ganacsiga, iskaashiga, amniga iyo diblomaasiyada.

Qodobka uu hadda meel mariyey R/wasaaraha Itoobiya kana ballan qaaday Madaxweyne Farmaajo ayaa ah inuusan la kulmin madaxweyne kale oo Soomaalida deegaanadeeda ah.

Wasiirka Arimaha Dibada Soomaaliland Sacad Cali Shire ayaa warqad codsi aheyd u diray R/wasaare Abiy Ahmed balse waji gabax kala kulmay.

Codsigaas waxa uu ahaa mid lagu doonayey kulan dhexmara Madaxweynaha Soomaaliland Muuse Biixi Cabdi iyo R/wasaaraha Itoobiya.

Dr Abiy Ahmed ayaa sheegay in Madaxweyne Farmaajo ku heshiiyeen in cid aan Soomaalida isaga aheyn hoggaamiyeyaashooda la kulmin si gaar ahna S/Land uusan la kulmin, isna waa uu fuliyey codsigaas.

Soomaaliland ayaa 1991-kii waxay sheegtay inay ka go’day Jamhuuriyada Soomaaliya iyadoo ilaa xilligaas aysan helin ictiraaf ama aqoonsi caalami ah.


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I think the 2 block president of villa amisom was him self humiliated  by the galla pm who released and removed the so called ONLF and  qalbidhagax after the cheeseman tried to throw his own kin under the bus to please the Ethiopians. Speaking of which the same Ethiopians who occupy this miskin macruuf guy his ancestral home land for almost a decade. 

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1 hour ago, Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar said:

Never ever used any of theso-called memes before, but for this, I couldn't resist.


Good things happen to good people. Somali people deserve a chance, lock up all criminals with chain.

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This has to be the longest that a Somaliland president had to wait to meet with high ranking Ethiopian officials. Mr. Bihi must act quickly before the rumors that Ethiopia is actually pushing for a regime change in Somaliland become mainstream. Many of the Somaliland elites in Virginia-DC area believe that Abey wants a regime change in Somaliland. Some argue that Col. Caare's rebellion is getting a nod of approval from Addis.

@Old_Observermay have more information on this.

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Who are you listening to?

If I was a Somali anywhere in the Horn or around the world, I would oppose Ethiopian involvement in any Somali region let alone Somaliland.

Soomaali waxaa si ka'ah.

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Abey ahmed siduu u yimid, shumac dambe lagama shidin hargaysa

Ayagoo rajo beel ah, yaa ustaad saylici xajkii kasoo noqday una sheegay in baqorku sacuudigu qaabilay 

Madadaalo iyo marqaan waa meheradooda.

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Gooni adeerka farmaaajo kawaran eeh hogaga ugandheeska ku xaraysna. Mamuul goboleedyadi kagooste qaraxyadi kubatte meelu ka bilaabu  garanlaayahay.  Rajaad sheegeysa quus bu taganyahay.. somaliya masidaasa mamuulkini noqday inay dadku madhaan idinkuna dhuumatan

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Muuse Lokal kolay marnaba xabashi waardiyayn mayso isaga iyo dadka uu hogaamiyaba. Shaw ceeb looma dhinto. Waar bal eega aragtidan duubani marka ay marayso 10:30!!! Iyagoo xabashi hoos fadhiya ayay Soomaaliyeey toosoo qaadayaan. Heestan baas ee walawayn qaado aragtidan duuban ayaaban ku nacay. Rabbiyoow yaanuu damiirku naga guurin. 

  • Haha - That was funny. You made me laugh! 1

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10 hours ago, Holac said:

This has to be the longest that a Somaliland president had to wait to meet with high ranking Ethiopian officials. Mr. Bihi must act quickly before the rumors that Ethiopia is actually pushing for a regime change in Somaliland become mainstream. Many of the Somaliland elites in Virginia-DC area believe that Abey wants a regime change in Somaliland. Some argue that Col. Caare's rebellion is getting a nod of approval from Addis.

@Old_Observermay have more information on this.

My friend. Here is what I know from reading, listening to big men's conversations by chance or accident of simply being there, following real actions taken..etc


During the Derg SNM was suspect, I think Derg intelligence officers had a hunch that the Somalilanders felt more the mistakes and failure of 77. You can easily read from a nomads face no matter how much he wants to act english on you.

With Tigray they had one understanding and very trusting. Somalilanders knew the Tigray have no interest what so ever in war close to kililka if they can avoid it. Somaliland had the same interest and even with Puntland they had modus vivendi.

Somalilanders can tell you but from Ethiopia's side had no prefered person in any of the Somaliland elections.

Another thing they understood each other very very well was that Tigray would be last government on earth to recognize Somaliland, but Tigray were more than happy to help Somaliland for economic, security..related diplomacy.

Somaliland officials are also very reserved and less open with Ethiopians.

The one thing Tigray were very interested was more Somalilanders to study in Ethiopian schools. The reason is fundamental, but very simple. If Somaliland and Somalia stay together there is an army of government officials in Somalia who will not be guided by bias, false info about Ethiopia. Can be best friend or an opponent but very intelligent about you. You can talk things wich any nomad will lift a gun while smiling.

Its also very easy for economic integration when you have labor force that can understand each other to work cohesively even in one company. Ethiopia has 6-7 million Somalis which means ready made that may just need tour or orientation of one or two weeks.


Not sure what Oromo thinking would be, but I don't think will be any different unless Somaliland had been wrong side of Isayas some day in the past.


For sure there is difference regarding Mogadishu power houses. Oromo are friendly to them, Eritrea is most friendly to them. Tigray were always more concerned with bordering states and peoples/clans. Djibouti, Somaliland, Puntland, HirShebelle, Bay and Bakool and now Jubaland were all friendly or do no harm areas for Tigray.

With Oromo of course have land interest, are close, they will be more guided by Eritrea and UAE even Egypt.


Egypt is very very angry at Somaliland for being refused base.

But Egypt is very very weak country, while wicked.





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24 minutes ago, Old_Observer said:

During the Derg SNM was suspect, I think Derg intelligence officers had a hunch that the Somalilanders felt more the mistakes and failure of 77. You can easily read from a nomads face no matter how much he wants to act english on you.

A Tigrey agent on a clear day light admitting who were the sycophants from day one. In other words, those dying breed of secessionists can always be bought and influenced by the highest bidder. Awal Ingiriiskii xumaa ayuu ahaa, maantana Xabashadaan.

No wonder faracooda meeshaan SOL nala joogo, always Xabashi u adeego, always Xabashi caabudo, always Xabashi isku qor qoro. Marqaanimo and drug addiction zombie-like dhibkaan ayee u horseedaa. Ceeb looma dhinto.

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14 minutes ago, Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar said:

A Tigrey agent on a clear day light admitting who were the sycophants from day one. In other words, those dying breed of secessionists can always be bought and influenced by the highest bidder. Awal Ingiriiskii xumaa ayuu ahaa, maantana Xabashadaan.

No wonder faracooda meeshaan SOL nala joogo, always Xabashi u adeego, always Xabashi caabudo, always Xabashi isku qor qoro. Marqaanimo and drug addiction zombie-like dhibkaan ayee u horseedaa. Ceeb looma dhinto.


If it helps its Derg Ethiopia that brought AiDiid from India to later lead USC.

You may also think Tigray and Amhara are all Xabeshi, but the cultural difference is quite big. Tigray are more autonomy federal kind/type even when they had their kings on top. Every shindig can run its affairs.

Unless you are one to follow developments closely the knowledge and information your great father had is quite different now. The Tigray lost a million people to famine/starvation. On a 4-5 million people that can change your attitude dramatically.





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Nabadda haddii aan lagu shukrin oo lagusoo dhaweeyo "misliyiin" ama gaalo lagu dhunkado ciqaab baa ka dhalanaysa

Abey ahmad haddii uu ka dhabeeyo inuu federalka soomaalida u aqoonsado sida mitka itoobiya ama  joojiyo fara gelintii tikreegu ku kala qaybin jiray dadka iyo dhulka soomaaliyeed waa nin daacad ah

Waxaa ay aad u dhibaysaa ama dhib uga imaan karaa qudhiisa itoobiyaankii rumaysnaa in soomaali midaysan aysan danu ugu jirin maslaxadda itoobiya.


Farmaajo waxaa ku furan dagaalo faro badan oo noocyo badan haba ugu daraado midka fikriga ah oo aan la kala garan karin qofka yaanyada gadanaya iyo kan doonayo inuu is qarxiyo 

Hogaamiye federaalka oo wadiniyad lahayn  fikir qabiilaysiguna la haray

Ganacsato la xisaabtan iyo canshuur maqli karin 

oday dhaqameed labada dhanba ka quraacda

Siyaasiyiin uusan fikirkoodu gaarsiisnay ama kala garan karin farqiga u dhaxeeya wax dumin iyo mucaaradnimada wax dhista.

Xaqiiqdii si kadtaba ikama dadaal xuma dad badaba waa dhiman hadduu joogo iyo haduu tagaba

Dr odweyne

Ma jeclayn inaan dumar soo hadal qaado balse hablaha soomaaliyeed qaarna xoog baa lagu kufsaday qaarna soo dhaweyn gaal baa raali looga noqday aakhirkana waa sharaftii soomaaliyeed lama kala xigo.

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