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Everything posted by Abwaan

  1. Ar u sug bal plz yaan la degdegine anigu runtii waxaan u arkaa sxbkeen nin is bedbedel badan (Xagaayo iga dheh). To be honest waa ka wadanisan yahay kuwa Tikreega u adeega ee Baydhabo dhooban balse dhowr jeer buu isaguba gefey (in kastoo aadanuhu gefi karo), haddii caddayn la rabona waxaa ka mid ah safarkii uu markii hore C/llaahi Yuusuf Itoobiya ugu raacay markii labadoodaba la doortay isagoon ka talo qaadan xubnihiisa Baarlamaanka iyo isagoo shirkii Cadan ka dib Baydhabo hore uga guuray ansixiyeyna in Tikreega maanta jooga la keeno, marka anigu shakhsiyan madaxweyne iska daaye jagada uu haysto waan ka qaadi lahaa Mr Qaadwale....dembise uma raacdeen oo wax badan buu taray oo sida C/llaahi, Geedi iyo Xuseen caydiid oo saddexdooduba sidaan u arko waxba ku fiicnayn (aan ka ahayn in cadowga Soomaali loo shaqeeyo ka ahayn) ma ahan.
  2. Beenta xitaa laga xishoon maayo.........adduunoow adduun....to be honest I was with someone I know tonight who is a blind supporter for the TFG (I say this to him as well)like some of us over here and when some of his friends called him (because this guy is very close to TFG leaders) in order to confirm the very same news as here this is what he said QUOTE "Beenloow ku dheh kan warkaan kuu sheegay, waayo wax dagaal ahba ma dhicin iskaba dhaaf in laga qabsado Diinsoor maxkamadahee" . Marka waxaan la yaabanahay dadkaan SOL space_keeda nooga buuxinaya war aan loo baahnayn oon sal iyo raad toona lahayn. Ar Baliis waxaan u baahannahay inaan meeshan warbixin faa'iido leh ku isticmaalno..........................
  3. Anigaa iri Muqdisho waa nabad. I have been there in August 2006 Alxamdulillaah. I have driven around the city (everywhere except Kaaraan. Of course there was a destruction towards the city caused by the war but it was full of life as well and PEACE of course. If you need proof of how peaceful let me know so that you can borrow 3 hours long tape which has been including the opening event of the port, Isbahaysiga mosque and more................
  4. Somalia, not our war! By Tadesse Tadele -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Nov 30, 2006 — Throughout its history, Ethiopia had experienced repetitive external aggression against its sovereignty and territorial integrity. The Mahadists, the British, Italy, Somalia and very recently Eritrea had taken aggressive approaches and had invaded our country. In almost all these cases the Ethiopian people stood shoulder to shoulder and fought back in a spirit of unity with diversity. During such external aggressions, that threatened our sovereignty our people kept their differences aside and fought and scored victories in all the battles. In the above mentioned wars, Ethiopia was never been the aggressor, but the victim; it never invaded those countries but was invaded. Our forefathers won each and every battle for they had the moral, legal and political upper hand. However the current war declared against Somalia by the PM Melles Zenawi lacks the spirit of Ethiopianness which our forefathers possessed. In this case, Melles invaded Somalia, that is, his soldiers are present in Somalia’s territory and not the other way around. Melles did not present us with any single evidence that shows that the Islamic Court Union (ICU) has crossed into our national border which we share with Somalia. Instead, he is using lame excuses to make the case that ICU is a threat to our national security. One of the excuses is that the ICU has declared jihad against Ethiopia. Yes ICU did declare jihad but only against the Ethiopian soldiers who are present within Somalia territory. Even if the ICU had declared jihad against Ethiopian army present in Bidao, the PM had no legal or moral ground to send our soldiers to Somalia as long as ICU did not attack us within our own territory. In addition to wanting to directly engage the ICU militarily, the PM admits the presence of Ethiopian troops in Somalia in order to prop up the unpopular transitional government of Somalia. Again, PM Melles has neither the moral nor legal ground to be the caretaker for the fragile transitional government that has failed to stabilize the Somalia. It is true that instability in Somalia does affect Ethiopia, however, the Ethiopia PM is creating a very unstable Somalia by trying to install and safeguard a failed warlord led government that has been rejected by it own parliament. Therefore it was the illegal presence of Ethiopian soldiers on Somali soil that led the Islamists to declare jihad, and as far as the Ethiopian people are concerned the jihad was declared on Melles and his group not our country!! The PM of Ethiopia also accuses the ICU of having links with terrorist organizations such as Al-Qaeda, therefore, it poses a threat to Ethiopia’s national security and international peace. We can not say for sure whether ICU has such link or not because neither the US nor Melles Zenawi had provided tangible evidence. Moreover we have not seen a single terror act conducted by ICU. Therefore I would say that these accusations could be similar to that of America which accused Saddam for having Weapons of Mass Destruction. As we know today, the truth is there was never been WMD possessed by Saddam. The accusation was based on false evidence to justify Bush’s aggression and invasion of the sovereign Iraq. Even if we assume that the ICU had links to terror groups, Melles has no legal ground to invade our eastern neighbor in defiance of the international communities’ plea to restrain. As terrorism is becoming a global challenge, the war on terrorism should be fought with a wider participation of the international community. The PM should learn from the failure of the Bush administration who declared a unilateral war on Iraq defying the legitimate international body, the UN. President Bush, who disregarded the UN and other nations because of the American hegemonic power, now faces uncertainty and unpredictable crisis. The US who went to Iraq to “finish the job” in less than 6 month is still stuck in Iraq after 3 years, which is longer than the American involvement in the WWII. At this time America is in a position where they can neither pull out nor stay in Iraq. If Melles proceed with his current madness and send our youth to Somalia without the mandate of the Ethiopian people and the international community, the horn of Africa will be embroiled in a crisis much worse than the one we are witnessing in Iraq now. The third excuse Melles present is the role Eritrea is playing in training and arming the ICU. Mr Afaworki, the President of Eritrea, just like his counterpart in Ethiopia is making a terrible mistake by involving in Somalia’s internal affairs. This actually shows the basic similarity these two leaders have. These are the two leaders who collaborated in dismantling Ethiopia, and later triggering a nonsensical war between the two states that cost the lives of more than 100,000 innocent youth for nothing. Having said that, Melles does not have to invade Somalia just because his rival is involved. As long us Eritrea does not re-invade our sovereign territory along the ICU, Melles has no legitimate reason to declare war on Somalia. For Melles who actually stopped our soldiers from capturing Asmara that could have deposed the current regime in Eritrea, it is a shame to prepare our youth to be re-slaughtered again for the same ****** proxy war with Eritrea on Somali soil. The unjustified invasion of Somalia that the Melles regime is undertaking is simply Melles’ war, and not Ethiopia’s war. If this war break up as it is declared by Melles, the Ethiopian people do no benefit any thing. It will have a devastating consequence for Ethiopian people in general and for our people who live in the East bordering Somalia in particular, namely Hararghe and ****** regions. It is important to remember that these are the regions that had suffered frequent drought especially during this regime and recent flood disaster from which they have still not recuperated yet. It will be a crime against humanity for this regime to make these people suffer from this unjustified, illegal, immoral and pointless war once again. Therefore, Ethiopians from around the world should voice against Melles’ war-mongering stance and help stop this regime from leading our country to disaster. We should tell the world that this is not our war; neither does it reflect the tradition in which our country has engaged its neighbors in the past. Our Somali neighbors should also call up on the ICU not to cross into our national boundary. The Somali people deserve to be ruled by the group they believe would bring peace and harmony to their country. If they support ICU for such reason, the Ethiopian people would not object. However, the ICU must refrain from crossing our border for any reason whatsoever. The question of Ethiopian Somali’s should be addressed within Ethiopia through peaceful negotiation with groups such us the ****** National Liberation Front (ONLF). ICU has no legal ground to speak on behalf of Ethiopian Somalis and nor does Melles has the right to invade Somalia. Our Eritrean brothers should also demand their government not to use Somalia for a proxy war with the Melles’ regime. The war PM Melles is gearing up to start in Somali will be a disaster for the people of Ethiopia, Somalia, Eritrea and the region as a whole. In order to prevent such a disaster befalling the horn of Africa, the war hawks in the region, particularly Melles Zenawi should be stopped sooner than later After all this is not Ethiopians war! This war is the desire of Melles and his cohorts who are accustomed to thriving by terrorizing our people, this time in order to divert attention from its domestic political tensions. Stop them NOW and safe thousands of lives! * The writer is an Ethiopian college teacher residing in Dire Dawa and can be reached at tadessetadele@yahoo.com
  5. Waa runtaa, Soomaalidaa tiraahda been sagaal guur ah ayaa run galab carraw ahi ka daba timaadaa! Car yaan SOL laga waayin xubnihii meeshaan wararka maalayacniga ah la wareegayey.
  6. Wax la sheego ayaa la waayey markaas baa Al-qaacida lagu raftaa!
  7. UPDATED ON: THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 30, 2006 8:20 MECCA TIME, 5:20 GMT The UN Security Council has approved a new group to monitor weapons trafficking to and through Somalia in violation of a 1992 arms embargo. The resolution, passed on Wednesday, will establish a new monitoring group which will continue to investigate violations of arms embargo following the release of a controversial UN report last month. The last monitoring group - a Belgian, an American, a Kenyan and a Colombian - issued a report accusing 10 countries of providing weapons, money and training to rival sides in Somalia. Many of those named denied any involvement and complained about being on the list. Experts and diplomats questioned some of the report's allegations. Critics questioned the finding that 720 Somali mercenaries fought alongside Hezbollah in its July battle with Israel and that Iran shipped arms to Somalia's Council of Islamic Courts in return for access to uranium mines. The UN also reiterated "its insistence that all member states, in particular those in the region, should refrain from any action in contravention of the arms embargo and should take all necessary steps to hold violators accountable". US proposals Meanwhile, the US consulted UN council members on another resolution that would lift the arms embargo for a regional force. Richard Grenell, spokesperson for the US mission, said the resolution the United States is working on is in response to a recommendation from the group monitoring the arms embargo. The US supports the proposal by the Intergovernmental Authority on Development, a seven-nation East African group, to deploy an African force in Somalia, he said. The force, totaling a battalion or two, would train and protect the transitional government, based in Baidoa, to establish a balance in Somalia that would convince the Islamists that a military victory is impossible, he said. Conditions Diplomats said the European Union has proposed amendments that would block any of Somalia's neighbors from participating in the force. That would prohibit participation by troops from Ethiopia, Djibouti and Kenya - but not Uganda which has volunteered troops this far. The Europeans also want the force to be authorised for a limited period of time, the diplomats said, speaking on condition of anonymity because the US draft has not been finalised. "We're going to remain engaged to prevent any escalation of tensions in Somalia which could lead to a wider regional conflict, and the deployment of this regional force is a step to ensure this doesn't happen," Grenell said.
  8. UPDATED ON: THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 30, 2006 8:20 MECCA TIME, 5:20 GMT The UN Security Council has approved a new group to monitor weapons trafficking to and through Somalia in violation of a 1992 arms embargo. The resolution, passed on Wednesday, will establish a new monitoring group which will continue to investigate violations of arms embargo following the release of a controversial UN report last month. The last monitoring group - a Belgian, an American, a Kenyan and a Colombian - issued a report accusing 10 countries of providing weapons, money and training to rival sides in Somalia. Many of those named denied any involvement and complained about being on the list. Experts and diplomats questioned some of the report's allegations. Critics questioned the finding that 720 Somali mercenaries fought alongside Hezbollah in its July battle with Israel and that Iran shipped arms to Somalia's Council of Islamic Courts in return for access to uranium mines. The UN also reiterated "its insistence that all member states, in particular those in the region, should refrain from any action in contravention of the arms embargo and should take all necessary steps to hold violators accountable". US proposals Meanwhile, the US consulted UN council members on another resolution that would lift the arms embargo for a regional force. Richard Grenell, spokesperson for the US mission, said the resolution the United States is working on is in response to a recommendation from the group monitoring the arms embargo. The US supports the proposal by the Intergovernmental Authority on Development, a seven-nation East African group, to deploy an African force in Somalia, he said. The force, totaling a battalion or two, would train and protect the transitional government, based in Baidoa, to establish a balance in Somalia that would convince the Islamists that a military victory is impossible, he said. Conditions Diplomats said the European Union has proposed amendments that would block any of Somalia's neighbors from participating in the force. That would prohibit participation by troops from Ethiopia, Djibouti and Kenya - but not Uganda which has volunteered troops this far. The Europeans also want the force to be authorised for a limited period of time, the diplomats said, speaking on condition of anonymity because the US draft has not been finalised. "We're going to remain engaged to prevent any escalation of tensions in Somalia which could lead to a wider regional conflict, and the deployment of this regional force is a step to ensure this doesn't happen," Grenell said.
  9. Ninkii dhoof ku yimid baa geeridu dhibaysaa, Wakhtigii dhammaayoo wuu dhaqaaqi doonaa, Dhulka soo anigu (Soomaali) ma lihi.
  10. MOGADISHU, Somalia: Islamic fighters ambushed an Ethiopian convoy close to a camp where the Ethiopians are training troops loyal to the weak transitional government, witnesses said Thursday. The Islamic fighters targeted the convoy with a remote-controlled bomb, blowing up one of the vehicles, 35 kilometers (20 miles) south west of Baidoa, the government's headquarters. Islamic militia told The Associated Press around 20 Ethiopians were killed during the attack. The claim could not be independently verified. A Somali government official denied the attack took place. Tensions are high in this Horn of Africa nation where the Islamic movement and the Ethiopian-backed transitional government are vying for control. Analysts fear a war could engulf the region. Today in Africa & Middle East Rice plans Mideast visit but the dialogue falters An African rarity in Congo: Honors for Brazza, its colonial governor UN draft resolution drops threat of sanctions against Iran Late Wednesday the U.N. Security Council condemned the "significant increase" in the flow of weapons to and through Somalia in violation of a 1992 arms embargo. The top U.S. diplomat for Africa, Jendayi Frazer, warned the same day that al-Qaida militants are operating with "great comfort" in Somalia, providing training and assistance to a radical military element loyal to the Islamic group. The United States is consulting council members on another resolution that would lift the arms embargo for a regional force to help promote dialogue between the transitional government and the Islamic group that has expanded its control across much of southern Somalia. However the Islamic movement is fiercely opposed to foreign intervention. The latest attack on Ethiopian forces occurred late Tuesday as a convoy of six vehicles crossed the border into Somalia, heading for Baidoa, the only town the interim government controls. "The Ethiopian convoys were targeted with a remote controlled bomb, then one of their vehicles exploded," local resident Abdullahi Gaafaa told the AP by telephone. He said both sides then opened fire on each other before the Islamic group melted away into the surrounding areas. Ethiopian officials were not immediately available for comment. There have been heightened tensions in Somalia and fears that an all-out war could engulf the region. Ethiopia backs the transitional government, whose authority has been severely challenged by an Islamic movement that has taken over the capital and much of southern Somalia since June. On Tuesday a top Islamic leader accused Ethiopia of shelling a town in central Somalia. On Nov. 19, witnesses said Islamic fighters ambushed an Ethiopian military convoy, killing six Ethiopian soldiers and wounding 20 others. A confidential U.N. report obtained last month by the AP said 6,000-8,000 Ethiopian troops are in or near Somalia's border with Ethiopia, backing the interim government. Ethiopia says it just has a few hundred military trainers in the country. The report also said 2,000 troops from Eritrea are inside Somalia supporting the Islamic movement. Somalia has not had an effective government since 1991, when warlords overthrew dictator Mohamed Siad Barre and then turned on one another. The interim government was formed with the help of the United Nations two years ago, but exerts little control. Copyright © 2006 the International Herald Tribune All rights reserved
  11. Website-ka wax soo waraystay ma Idamaalaa? Ninka la waraystayna ma Ciid baa? Sheekooy ku nacay!
  12. Geedi laba jeer baa Ilaahay badbaadiyey waxay ila tahay mar saddexaad in halkaas tiisi ku gasho. Isku imoow dheh!
  13. I'm guessing you should probably take a little more than a week off if you say you're pregnant.... by MC Xamar. i agree with you. One shouldnt take such a risk for just one week.
  14. An interesting topic sxb. I saw this on the net around 98 and found it interesting. If you come across more on this could ou please paste it here.
  15. An interesting topic sxb. I saw this on the net around 98 and found it interesting. If you come across more on this could ou please paste it here.
  16. http://shabelle.net/2006/november/n9594.htm
  17. If you folks got something better ,they would be more than happy to destroy this school in favor of one that wasn't originally built by a colony,but who will step up,you perhaps Djabuti and Khayr? I don't think so sxb. If they were they wouldn't make such unnecessary comments.
  18. Runtii waan yaabanahay, Djib-Somalia. Waxaan la yaabay isticmaar baad ka sheekaynaysaa, kii u weynaa adigaaba dhulkiisa jooga (United Kingdom) wiilashaan iyo gabdhahaan Soomaaliyeed miyaad ka xun tahay walaaloow? Bal xoogaagaan waxbarashadaa xitaa mallaga soo horjeedaa? Oo haddii xitaa ay kombiyuutar wax ku bartaan ma dembi baa? Adduunoow adduun, maashe dhulkeennii sidaas u baaba' maad warka iska caddeysatid oo tiraahdid qabyaalad baan horumarkaan uga soo horjeedaa. Anigu aad baan ugu faraxsanahay bilicda dugsigan taariikhiga ah iyo sida loo soo nooleeyey.
  19. Sheekh Shariif “Haddii Mellez Zenawi Ciidankiisa oo dhan uu soo geliyey gudaha dalka, dagaalna uu iclaamaiyey, umadda Soomaaliyeed waxay diyaar u yihiin…” Guddoomiyaha golaha fulinta maxkamadaha Islaamka Soomaaliyeed ayaa si kulul uga jawaabay hadalkii shalay ka soo yeeray ra'isul wasaaraha Itoobiya Melles Zenawi ee ahaa inuu dhammeystiray qorshe dagaal oo uu la galo maxkamadaha Islaamiga ah, isagoo sheegay in ciidamada maxkamadaha Islaamiga ah ay diyaar u yihiin iney iska difaacaan dagaal jihaad ahna la galaan ciidamada Itoobiya. Sheekh Shariif Sheekh Axmed oo xalay shir jaraa'id ku qabtay xarunta maxkamadaha islaamiga ah ee magaaladan Muqdisho ayaa intaasi ku daray in cadowtinimada Melles Zenawi aaney aheyn mid cusub balse ay mar hore soo bilaabatay “Markii la riday dowladdii Maxamed Siyaad Barre, 16-kii sano ee ka dambeeyey Itoobiya waxay hubeyneysay hogaamiye kooxeedyadii si xal looga waayo Soomaaliya, gaar ahaan caasimada, Isbedel wuxuu yimid markii ay magaaladan Muqdisho ka xorowday nimankii xoogga ku heystay ee iyada wakiilka ka ahaa, waxaa qasab noqotay hadda in wakiilkii uu hadda howsha u istaago markii meesha laga saaray kuwii isaga wakiilka u ahaa ee uu ku adeegan jiray, wararkiisana waxay ku socdeen maraaxil kala duwan, markii ugu horeysay wuxuu ku dooday inay u joogaan gudaha dalka ciidamo tababareyaal ah, markii dhexena wuxuu sheegay iney ciidamo rasmi ah u joogaan, hadda oo ah markii u dambeysayna wuxuu cadeystay inuu qorsheeyey duulaan uu ku soo qaado maxkamadaha Islaamka oo loola jeedo Soomaaliya guud ahaan” ayuu yiri Sheekh Shariif Axmed oo sheegay in umadda Soomaliyeed ay ka guuleysan doonaan cadowga, iyagoo ILAAHOODA kaashanaya. “Meesha dagaalku uu ka soconayo ma ahan Addis ababa iyo dhul Itoobiya ka mid ah, waa Soomaaliya gudaheeda maxkamadaha islaamiga ah waxaa waajib ku ah iyo dhamaan umadda Soomaaliyeed iney difaacaan dalkooda Jihaadna la galaan cadowga soo fool leh, Melles Zenawi wuxuu sheegay sababta ay u dagaalamayaaan iney tahay maxkamaduhu iney Jihaad ku iclaamiyeen, jihaadkuna waaa dariiqa rasmiga ah ee muslimintu isaga difaacaan dulmiga, haddii Mellez Zenawi ciidankiisa oo dhan uu soo geliyey gudaha dalka dagaalna uu ku iclaamaiyey Umada Soomaaliyeed wax kale lama gudboona oo aan ka aheyn iney iska difaacaan cadowga” ayuu yiri Sheekh Shariif oo intaa ku daray in Melles Zenawi uu haatan dibeda si dhigay cadowtinimadii uu muddo dheer qarsan jiray. Hadalada kulul iyo hanjabaadaha ay is dhaafsanayaan maxkamadaha islaamiga ah iyo dowladda Itoobiya ayaa laga cabsi qabaa iney keento dagaalo lagu hoobto oo labada dhinac dhexmara, iyadoo dhinaca kalena weerarka uu Melles Zenawi ku hanjabay ay dad badan oo Soomaaliyeed u arkaan mid daandaansi ah, bacdamaa ciidamadiisu ay yihiin kuwa xiliggan ku sugan meelo ka mid ah gudaha Soomaaliyeed oo isla markaana jihaadka maxkamaduhu ku dhawaaqeen uu ku siman yahay oo kaliya ka saarida ciidamada Itoobiya ee ku sugan gudaha dalka oo weerarna aysan ku aheyn ciida Itoobiya. Cabdishakuur Cilmi Xasan, Muqdisho, Somalia cabdishakuur48@hotmail.com News Update in English www.dayniileone.com Web www.dayniileone.com Ku noqo beejka dayniilecom @hotmail.com
  20. I couldn't stop loughing when I saw this SYL image becuase I heard that when the civil wra broke back in 1991 and bililiqo started some M o o r y a a n wanted the statue for Copper (Maar). Not thinking wisely to get wiish ay kula soo degaan waxay bilaabeen ineey qori jiib la dhaho inta geeska la istaagaan ay madfac ku billaabaan. Ilaahoow na fakso, qiyaas iyo aqoon fiican xitaa qoriga looma lahan ee maxaa sugee. Madfaca keliya ee gudbaya ee Xamar Weyne iyo Xamar jajab ku habsaday waa la yaabay, waxaase ugu darneyd markii ay taalladii noqotay macdan.
  21. Ku soo dhawaada wararkii ugu dambeeyay Soomaaliya iyo Caalamka Guddoomiyaha golaha fulinta ee midowga maxkamadaha Islaamka, ayaa si kulul u weeraray ra'isal wasaaraha dalka Itoobiya oo maalntii shalay aheyd shaaciyey in uu dhammaaday qorshe ay Soomaaliya ku weerarayaan. Hobyonet. Muqdisho. Jimce, Nov 24,2006 Sh. Shariif Sh. Axmed oo shir jaraa'id ku qabtay magaalada Muqdisho, ayaa sheegay midowga maxkamadaha oo garabsanayo shacabka Soomaaliyeed aysan oggolaan doonin in Itoobiya ay gumeysato ciidda Soomaaliya. Guddoomiyaha golaha fulinta ee midowga maxkamadaha Islaamka, waxa uu ku tilmaamay hadalkii ka soo yeeray ra'isal wasaaraha Itoobiya mid aan laga fiirsan oo ay ka dambeyso siyaasad mala-awaal ku saleysan. Sh. Shariif waxa uu sheegay in ay dagaal jihaad ah la gali doonaan ciidamada uu Meles Senawi sheegay in ay dagaalka ku qaadi doonaan midowga maxkamadaha Islaamka, isagoo sheegay in ciidanka uu doonayo n uu Meles adeegsado ay yihiin dhalintyaro Tikree ah oo ah qabiilka uu Meles Senawi ka dhashay iyo ciidamo qowmiyado kala ah oo la soo qasbay. Sh. Shariif waxa uu ku celceliyey in dagaalkaasi ay ku guuldareysan doonaan ciidamada weerarka soo qaado haddii Alla idmana jab dhabar loo huwin doono siyaasadda Meles Senawi ee dalka Soomaaliya. Guddoomiyaha golaha fulinta ee midowga maxkamadaha Islaamka waxa uu shirkaasi jaraa'id ku canbaareeyey dowladda dalka Mareykanka oo uu ku sheegay mid hadal macaan ku hadasha, balse ficilo xun xunku dhaqaaqda, isagoo intaa sii raaciyey in dowladda Itoobiya aysan ku dhiiran karin in ay ku dhawaaqdo dagaal ay Soomaaliya ku qaado, haddii dowladda Mareykanka waxba ka ogeyn. Sh. Shariif waxa uu sidoo kale ka hadlay dadaalka dhawaanaha loogu jiro in cunaqabateynta hubka laga qaado Soomaaliya, taasoo uu ku tilmaamay in haddii la qaado ay macnaheeda tahay in ummadda Soomaaliyeed dagaal loo iclaamiyey. Guddoomiyaha golaha fulinta e midowga maxkamadaha Islaamka, waxa uu ugu baaqay M/weynaha dowladda federaalka Soomaaliya iyo xubnaha dowladda in ay ku mowqif noqdaan maxkamadaha, oo ay ka qayb-galaan dagaalka shacabka Soomaaliyeed ay iskaga difaacayaan ciidamada Itoobiyaanka ee duulaanka ku ah dhulka Soomaaliyeed. Shirkaan jaraa'id, ayaa waxa uu jawaab u ahaa kadib markii ra'isal wasaaraha dalka Itoobiya Atto Meles Senawi uu maalintii shalay aheyd u sheegay in baarlamaanka dalkaasi in uu dhammaaday qorshe ay ciidamada Itoobiya ku weerarayaan ciidamada Maxkamadaha Islaamka oo uu ku eedeeyey inay halis ku yihiin jiritaanka dalka Itoobiya. Maslax Osmaan Maslaha1@hotmail.com
  22. quote: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Originally posted by Mr. Red Sea: Wixii ku dhintay dagaaladii Allah ha unaxariisto,cidna naf baxday masoo celin karto,dhimasho iyo dhaawacna cidwalba way ugaysatay cida kale,so no need to single out Somaliland as being the only victim of the wars,we are all victims. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ishaad ka tuurtay sxb Soomaali waxay u badan tahay dhibbane.