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Everything posted by Nin-Yaaban

  1. Aint really got anything against Qaniisiinta as long as they keep that stuff away from children and the general public. Could really careless what two qaniisiin do in priv or behind closed doors.
  2. not bad idea at all. it will balance out FOX New's biased view of arabs and the middle east in general.
  3. that was totally wrong. there was no need to repeatedly hit that guy in the face like they did on that video. but he will be few million dollars richer though. probably all worth it.
  4. i was reading some article on that on the washington post. supposedly, the few somali shops in the area are driving other south african shop owners out of business. thats why somali business owners are targeted. police said they are looking into this. RIGHT!!!
  5. Originally posted by Jimcaale: ^^ Common sense expects people to practice what they preach! Do dead people fly? No you don’t have to be dead to donate an organ. You’ll be put to sleep in a comfortable bed for few hours and will wake up and glad to hear your organ is on its way to the right destination. Do you look dead? I could not answer. Anything is possible in this world. SOL member has recently confessed of seeing weird dark forces around these blocks. I don’t want to step on a wrong stone and end up in a ditch. well i heard if they know you are an organ donar, they would not do their best to save your life. just something i heard somewhere.
  6. well regular dvd's with blu ray are in the $900. gettin a ps3 is a better deal.
  7. reality check, thats if anyone can figure out which one of my two AGES i am using for a password. gudluck.
  8. the blu-ray thing is suppose to be the next thing in dvd technology. if anything, i might buy it just to watch some dvds. much the same way i use my ps2. i am really too old to be playing video games.
  9. how about this one? "wac wac"
  10. alot of people from out of town mostly big name hip hop artists show up. most local clubs (love, H20) charge you alot of $ to get in. last homecoming they had p.diddy and luda and some others coming through.
  11. i remember my password after being away from here for like a yr. thats bcuz its 4 digits. something easy to remember.
  12. its a good day the republicans lost the house, the senate is still up in the air and they could loose that too.
  13. Nin-Yaaban


    and when the chief of police was asked what happened to his face,,, he said, "ummmm, nothing he must have fallen or somethiing". Here.
  14. you want a honest suggestion? Single Mothers 4 Single Fathers! the two understand better than anyone else, and they probably feel the same way about having more kids.
  15. s.tupid chinese. they need to stop prosecuting their muslim minority in their country.
  16. they are both wrong. he is wrong to use her for his personal interest, and lie to her. that was dumb and s.tupid, and i am sure he is not going to try it on anyone else. and she is wrong to do what she did. very s.tupid and dumb of her. and she too had learned her lessons.
  17. Nin-Yaaban


    Qabiil = Dumb, and s.tupid anyone who uses Qabil = dumb and s.tupid thats the end of it
  18. saw this on the paper today... FBI: Woman falsely tied husband to terror An Ohio woman was charged with falsely claiming her estranged husband was plotting to bomb the U.S. and Saudi embassies in London. Last month, Khadro Farah Ali told the FBI that her husband, Osman Yusuf Dirie, told her that he and four Moroccans were going to bomb the embassies, FBI spokesman Michael Brooks said. The FBI notified the CIA and British authorities. They interviewed Dirie in England, where he lives, but did not charge or arrest him Khadro Ali, 42, later said she made up the story to hurt Dirie, who she said married her to become a U.S citizen, the FBI said. Both are from Somalia. Khadro Ali, who is charged with conduct with the intend to convey false information, was released pending a preliminary hearing. She could face up to five years in Federal prison if convicted
  19. Originally posted by OG_Girl: ^Stop crocodile tears and hire a lawyers! That is the way should be if you feel injustice?No! Most of you send money to warlords right? Safe that money and hire lawyers! Salam ARAB faa'ido maleh.
  20. i didn't read through the whole thread, but do you guys think if those men were Amerikaans the sauidis would've cut their heads off? og girl, in another post you mentioned that you are half arab, so we all know which side you are on. let me ask you this, what if those men were amerikaans?
  21. isn't "robots" a cartoon? most people i saw going into that movie were little boys. here are my list of some of the dummest movies ever: 1. Star Wars - people must be dumb to believe there are flying aliens. 2. Lord of the rings - another very dumb movie 3. QABYO2 - the 1st one was great, too bad they couldnt capture that in the 2nd.
  22. Originally posted by LANDER: quote: "Keep it locked," he cried to a hysterical Adan. His face bloody from the pistol-whipping, Warren chased after the gunman. But he was gone. I have a hard time believing this part. Its understandable to put your life on the line for someone you care for, but to chase after a man carrying a gun while your empty handed? don't know bout that. or why couldn't he call 911 and tell them where the suspect was (and collect the reward $)? i guess he couldn't imagine leaving his beautiful somali girl-friend with that menacing killer. god knows what he would have done to her.
  23. brave lad. would love to have him for a son.