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Everything posted by dawoco

  1. garab tuujiye, lazie girl markeey waxaad qortay aqriso yaa kuu maqan oo kaa celin doona toloow? amuuraha allah kuu fududeeyo, geesi aadba iska dhigtayee... J-11 anigunah islaamaha aad sheegeeyso aan kasoo hor jeeda. Ameenah iyo kooxdeeda hadii eey islaamaha ka tirsan yihiin ayaka eey u taalaa, laakikinse inteena kale habar nimo ha nagu tilmaamin
  2. lool@checkmate, ma azt aad caano qaboow kasoo cabi jirtay waaba yaabee, u sound like this dude oo la tarxiilay "Arday joogta iskuulka Odayaal talinaaya Ilaahii ina siiyey Isagaa ku abaal leh Way ahaataye maanta Si wanaagsan u ciida" oh now all i need is a firimbi and buufin to complete my ciid and i'll be a happy camper. Hope u guys are enjoyin it too
  3. *Weey ahaataye maanta, si wanaagsan ciidaa* Oh our holiday is upon us again, happy ciid to my fellow nomads, the good the bad and the plain argumentative May allah grant us all the blessings of the ramadaan and make us see the next ciid in peace and happiness all across the world. Nafta, schatje, speciale groeten alleen voor jou , gelukige suikerfeest
  4. ^^^ hadeey walaashaa ahaa leheed sideeh u dhaqan celin leheed? Moti v. Gogh is talkin about how the film was made to point out how females that were unlucky to be borne in a certain country and religion had to endure the abuse of their men. That the film was made to show how sensitive these women are and to give them a voice. Other females argue with him that it doesn't apply to everyone and that he is demonising all islamic men. The women, who i guess are muslims, argue that it is the fact that he used a naked woman in the film that antagonize muslims. Theo's argument is that it was done to bare all hidden facts or something ridiculous along those lines. And that the film was useful because of many letters that ayaan hirse has received after the making of it. I didn't watch the rest of the programme cos its really disturbing to see Allah's name uttered by an almost naked woman. It is sickening, literally.
  5. Rendezvous, what do u mean by the title of this topic? Do u mean the discussion between van Gogh and the other women? In her biography page it is said that she wanted to attack Islamic schools in Holland.It is linked to a law that gives a freedom of education under which many religious schools operate, not only islam. In the Netherlands there are many christian schools ranging from primary schools to high schools and are usually attended by middle-upper class dutch children. As soon as that law came under question, ayaan had to back off and couldn't lay into Islamic schools to get them closed. The respect she has for the gaalo culture is jst disgusting. I couldn't listen to v. Goghs explanation as to why the film is educational and vital. I'm not sorry that he died, only that the guy who killed him was made a prisinor instead of a hero.
  6. Xoogsade, thnx for posting that link, i couldn't read the other one and didn't know what everyone was fighting about. It is harsh, being a foreigner. if we were in our own country we wouldn't put up with half the things we have to in these countries. It is usually the parents that realise the difference between how we were treated back home and how we are treated now. Most of us we have become too used to these systems. We don't see that it's better to be a poor citizen rather than a rich and unwanted refugee. I hope to god that the workers win their cause, they seem to have legitimed reasons for striking. May Allah grant them what they rightfully deserve, amiin.
  7. Ur aunty must adore u to give u such honor. Now lets get down to business... If i had twins, the boys would be shooble and rooble If i had two daughters they would be wardheer and wardo Now, if it was a combination, they would be arboco and jimcaale I just love traditional names, since everyone is taking modern ones, they are becoming unique. Good luck with the choosing sis.
  8. iskey, u wanna test a guy? Make him have dinner with ur mom. That way his true colours will show. Hooy sheeko baraleey oo "baby ur so beautiful u make the stars jealous" ah looma keenaayo. A guy is forced to act normal and put his smooth ways away. That way u see from the little boys tryin to score to ragga daacada ah. It is true that u don't marry the first guy u come across, but at the same time u don't want to be associated with too many guys sis. Girlfriends are fun, but with a simple argument everything can change. U are right tho, only allah can judge u.
  9. dawoco

    W O M E N?

    Rudy, how is marital life treatin ya? U know,u have left these single faarax's behind u now, they tryin 2 distract u from ur lovely xaliimo xaawo, they are all jealous, watch out bro Nice translation btw, u coulda just asked for a translation instead of butcherin the language Anywayz, i have seen moti's report, it was carried out by a female inspector and she interviewed over 1000 women on each continent to gain insight into how we females rationalize things. Mtoi, continue Girls, i think we should try walkin in the worn out boots of these misguided men, maskiinyaasha, they were once normal too, before they tried to outsmart the global xaliimo, now they just confused
  10. dawoco

    W O M E N?

    lol@nafta kinderachtig noem ik dit, altijd wel een of andere bullshit moeten ze weer zeggen over vrouwen...GROEIII OPPP walahi SOL begint zijn touch te verliezen, deze mannen hebben een heftige les nodig om ze weer op de goeie pad te brengen...krengen! Meid, je weet watvoor kerels ze zijn, mislukte romeo's allemaal Wat ze nodig hebben is geen les, maar een flinke klap op hun kop, werkt wonders voor zulke krengen
  11. Waaw shoobaro, all the girls and habro oo ilaaheey abuuray maa soo interview gareeysay? How do u know every female plays games? I can swear that i don't know how to play chess, if that helps, and the last puzzle i did was 10 yrs ago and i am sure the same goes for many females. To the girl that posted this topic, all i have to say is that i now understand why so many families have tried to arrange the marriage of their daughters by the time the daughters hit puberty. Garabkaada allah galo, life aint a tv show to catch cheaters.
  12. salaams, I have forgotten names and certain places, cos i never really went beyond our neighborhood, but i remember the atmosphere. The sense of community, and more importantly, the sense of belonging. I don't know about others here, but for most there are many painful memories back home. It is better to forget the place and all the bad things that happened there, according to many people that i know. But i hope to god that we can go back, so that our children don't have to feel foreigners in their places of birth. I wouldn't want my own children to be branded second generation refugees or citizens. I don't really know how it will work out, but i hope to see my country in peace time. The thing that scares me the most is that things won't be as i remembered them. Too many faces have disappeared.
  13. I would head the MoD of course. Men haven't got the wit to deal with that position and are ruled by their tempers, me thinks
  14. Jacaylbaro, simply NO because then you aren't inlove, but in lust. That is my take on it, but then again, defining the whole things is impossible as everyone has their own take on it. As for having a crush, my dugsi teacher was in his 40's and i was around 4, so i didn't get the oppertunity to explore that particular emotion. If only he was 10 yrs younger and i 2 yrs older
  15. no-one at all wanted to live in Nigeria - Africa's most populous country. lol, isn't that ironic? Nice one northerner. It is nice to see that all though the inhabitents of Africa are so diverse, that there is still a common "african pride".
  16. rokko, shame on all of us then soma inc, as ur sister i still can't detect the difference. It must be one of those pics where the detail is hidden by the color scheme. And the music is distracting too! Let's see how many nomads agree with me
  17. Nice one, what a sweet picture, i really couldn't tell the dference. I wonder if any nomad can I knew what to expect when i read "zoek de drie verschillen"
  18. jumatatu that woman is such a strong and proud character. I wonder how she got richard to marry her But seriously, am I imagining things?
  19. You people, is it me or is moti playing mind games with us? I remember him askin about what to do when going back home not so long ago. I can even remember someone tellin him how to exchange the money and i am sure that i even told him not to come back, so i don't want to do it again. Am I losing the plot? Did I dream this stuff all up? Moti, what r u up to? Have u changed destination or am i as mad as hyacinth bucket's dad?
  20. ^^ i used to like that song as well, untill it was played at every somali gathering. My favorit song is "meeday" by salaad derbi. It has this line that i love saying "hadaad maqantahay magalada dhan, mugdi weeyo weey madoowdahay". such a strong image, if only the new generation faarax could speak like that eh. Haven't got the full lyrics, but if any of u does, do share.
  21. I don't know if any one mentioned this one, just too lazy to read everything. But i am a big Oday cabdulle fan. My fave quote is "adeer ha dhiman, minaad dhimato neh aaqiro ha dhaafin" I probably said it wrong, but u guys know what i mean
  22. I find it hard to believe these stories, they may be used to scare wayward girls into behaving themselves. That doesn't mean that there aren't bad people out there, so i feel bad for the naive girls that fall for rehearsed lines. It can happen to any one of us, regardless of intellect or upbringing. My way of staying on the straight and narrow is by making sure a member of my family, mainly my mother, knows everything that happens in my life from day to day. That is a handy way of knowing right from wrong. If you can't tell your family, then it isn't worth doing! Anywayz, ramadaan kariim to you all, and my Allah keep us safe and untarnished by all the evil around is, amiin.
  23. dawoco


    Well said Quantum. If you look at the asian society in England, most of them have the top jobs because they had help from an uncle or a family friend. The black comunity is starting to have organisations that encourage their educated people to get into highly desired positions, to further their community. With the somali community there is too much mistrust for a progression to take place. Those that make it usually use their new gained position to snub the rest and show them that they are in a position of some power. They always make sure that there is an evident line that shouldn't be crossed. There also is the fear that if we bring someone into our work invironment, they might progress further faster, leaving us behind. Most of us like to look good in the eyes of our community, and if there are too many people in the same position as we, we won't look special. Having said that, there are many people that do share their expertise and help those that haven't found their footing. It is just that we need more of these types, so we still have a long road ahead of us.
  24. Garab tuujiye, ciyaal suuq aad tahay, laakinse macaleesh, ciyaal suuq dabeecad leh aad tahay. Waxa la soo qoray nus aan ka fahmay, laakinse halahaas aa igu filneed, oo qosolka iga dhameeysay. Foorjo ma aqaani,maba isku dayaayi in aan idin daan daansado, so mihiina ka wata
  25. All I gotta say is, his dude gives homosexuals a bad name, lol@lazie girl, and here i was thinking that it would be pretty impossible to give homo sexuals a worse reputation than they already have Seriously though, even tho every1 is entitled to have their own opinion, we should b a lil bit more cautious about labeling and stating outrageous opinions for the shock value. If somali guys look down at somali girls, and the girls do it the other way around, what will we be left with, except 80 year old an boney & plucked homos? I have never seen a somali homosexual, i think it is difficult to know it for sure, unless someone down right tells u that they are the other way inclined. I mean, can u tell by the way they wear their macawiis alone?! :confused: