Qac Qaac

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Everything posted by Qac Qaac

  1. Ms word sis, taas adiga lee waaye, metrosexual kulahaa..
  2. hope more snow comes, so they could put the guns down, and all could think about how they gonna survive from this snowfall... also the cold could lower their hot tempered too...
  3. Good to see that for once we are talking about somali ween.. guys keep up the good job... my favourite somali hero, ahmed gurey, 2nd sayyidka..
  4. how about u give some money cash, and let them pay off their loans.. cash money.. let her make the choice to buy what she want
  5. Qac Qaac


    modesty chick soo dhawoow adi iyo ur husband ba.. tafadal, this is ur place, act like u being here..
  6. blue, saas hadee tahay sheekada waatahay, ani badda waan ka fogaadaa.. iyo filimaanto nooh..
  7. nin reer xamar aa wuxuu tagay, magaalo ka mid ah, magaalooyinka waqooyiga, marka nin kaan wuxuu rabay in uu iibsado ama gato shaah nooh.. laakiin problem ka wuxuu ahaa waala is fahmi waayay nooh.. wuxuu ku dhahay ninka maqaayadda leh, ama biibitida adeero shaah ha dhalada iigu shub, meaning pour it in the bottle.. raggaan marka dhalo waxee u yaqaan, bidaarta nooh.. marka duqa waxaa lagu dhahay, ina adeero ma hubtaa dee, shaaha wuu kulul yahaye ma dhalada baa kuugu shubaa.. kan reer xamarka wuxuu dhahay haa nin yoho, dhalada iigu shub.. kii kale wuxuu dhahay waa tahay hee, marka ninkii odayga ahaa shaah kulul aa looga shubay bidaarta, meesha dagaal aa ka dhacay marka lol..
  8. ilaahoow, maxaa meeshaan filin filin mee isku badashay.. hadana badda maa loo heesaa...
  9. Hibo, abaydiis gaas gaal gaalka iska dhigaayay weeba ku fiicantahay in ee saas ku dhacday, maxaa tiri mintida tooreey camal uu isticmaalay aa lool.. let me guess hee mintida was on the right side, and the fork and spoons where on the left, drinks are on right.. am i right... doesn't matter if u eat with ur left hand, coz is not the ettiquets to eat or to put the spoons or the fork on the right side.. am not saying u would do that..Hibo, marka ha igu xanaaqin, i am just proving some marax point nooh.
  10. idinka haddii power la idin sii lahaa, culture ka soomalinimada dhan waa badali laheedeen aan umaleen.. into what ever country u guys are in... everything looks good to u guys, except urs, ur own ppl things, and culture.. marax iga dheh..
  11. at the end of long thread... good girls like bad boys, ee sheekada ku dhamaatay.. this is 2005, bad boys are in...
  12. He must be mentally ill, or sick of some sort of.. i would think no normal person would do that in public place like train station..
  13. I was gonna comment on this, but i realized is about dating... who pays for who.. well sorry for ur jab.. i can't believe it u r sharing this..
  14. lol mizz.. true.. we will try.. thanks again.
  15. Rahiima, i think, u got ur answer from the other 2 brothers before me.. anigana 3 iiga dhig.. hooking my sister up.. u crazy..
  16. if u don't like the topic, don't even read, just pass by.. so u don't have to listen to the nac nac, and shake ur head..
  17. a sister shoping for her brother.. ilaahoow hana ceebeen, ar wiilka si xun aad ugashay, ee ka gambiso nooh.. ama some of the somalies would say, war inanka waad bah dishay..
  18. Mizz lander that was good, thanks.... is kind of hard to fast now, days are getting longer then nights.. but we'll see..
  19. ar yaa saa isku ogaa maxuu yahay dagaalka akhyaarta.. men and women should take part in anywhere they like.. girls keep the subject men.. it is fun..
  20. smilez u r a teen age miyaa loooooooool..
  21. Do I see somali guy defending America.. looooool waraa waad hilmaamtay miyaa, in aad shalay timid wadanka.. buddy stop watching a lot of cnn u know the most trusted network lool.. Somerican, can i ask u this, aren't the americans are the ppl that come to june in canada to ski
  22. Afro, i was gonna give the answer u deserve, but u r lucky Qac has changed.. besides i think this is a forum, where ppl exchange ideas, opinions, maybe i am wrong of what i think of this place.. u could enlighten me if u want..of what shall we do in here..
  23. Hey Gossiping is Haram anyways.. so I agree with the mayor, although i think, putting someone in jail for that is a bit too much, but hey he knows his town.. if it is leading to death i guess he is right...
  24. waxa aad ogeen kuma dhibaan, ee iska cun duqa..