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Everything posted by bilan

  1. he was not american problem it was up to iraqis, i do not think they should humilate him like that,after all he was a president,i wonder why did not they treat serbian president the same, did they ever humilate him in public tv no,because he was white and he deserved some respect.when sadam was killing his people who was supporting him!!!.
  2. salaam it is funny qac qaac, i asked things that no one asked you before,i did not attack you, unless you call questioning attack,i read and reread what i post to find where i attacked you, and unfortunatelly i can't locate it. i do not really care who acts more westernized cause i care both brothers and sisters equally, the point was there are good and bad ones in every gender.anyway if what i wrote bothered you then raali ahoow.
  3. salaam maybe we would not have a war at the beggining (if there is one) if some people were more sensative and respectful. girls ask one question or comment something and they are accused being western.what do you want us to do, accept it?!!
  4. salaam i really do not understand where all these anger come from, the girl was talking about certain men, she did not say all men, so unless you are one of these men, it does not apply to you. also qac qaac i do not understand what made you think if girls are educated they will act like gaalo, westernized theory is old.there are girls who act like western as there are men who do that also. you keep repeating you want women to get islamic education i'm not asking you why you did not include men as well. but also islam gave the women the right to speak up, prophet (PPUH) used to ask his wives' opinion, if we demand that our men to ask our opinion i'm sure we are exercising our islamic rights, so do not assume that if we get all islamic education you want we will say ok all the time.i do not know whether you want us to follow somali culture or islam, because as far as i know somali culture contradicts islam.
  5. bilan

    Women travelling

    Originally posted by Athena: Is it me or does Opinionated pose such a threat to certain people? If I'm not mistaken, Raxmah , Bulo and Qori Xabaalan refuted the Maxram idea too but I dont see any1 bouncing on them ... :confused: salaam i did not want to add anyting what i already said but could not help when i saw my name first of all sis athena i never denied the existence of the mahram in islam, nor i questioned its wisdom behind it, i did not give my own personal opinion since i'm not qualified to do that, but gave a daleel what scholars said about mahram, with the hadith. i can not deny hadith clear as the mahram cause i have enough sins in my record. i hope i made my points clear to you.and i'm sure sis opinionated does not pose any threat to any one, however when one questions the rules of islam without evidence rest of muslims are required to correct not you think we should say something if people start to ignore the sunnah.
  6. Originally posted by underdog: Besides if you're all tough and can handle anything and everything this world can throw at you, you don't need a man to do anything for you. [/QB] both genders need each other. but i do not see any competition if the wife's direction is not that of her husband,all they need to do is talk and at the end they will do what is good for their family if they are smart one is always right,or you expect your wife to do whatever you tell her right or wrong. and also how do you respect her "strong opinion" if you expect her to stand behind you?
  7. salaam because some men get used to kind of women who will listen and do what they were told to do, and that is also part of our culture, so when they see woman who is outspoken,intelligent, they see that as a threat to their manhood, and they are afraid the roles will be reversed. most of these types of men are insecure.
  8. salaam i do not understand what is so difficult to understand that college education is very important to sisters :confused: , simply it is a weopon in our hands that we can use it when necessary, some of you said that why education is important if the husband will take care of the family, what i always say is that who can guarantee that the husband will be there, how about if he dies, has an accident and can not work, what if my parents need money, or if he just leaves, what is the solution, if God forbid something like that happens i do not want to go and beg my brothers for money, but i would rather be able to take care of my children with dignity. so brothers should encourage us.the reason that muslims are what they are today is the lack of education. i would have understood the objection if the debate was career vs marriage.
  9. bilan

    Women travelling

    salaam it is good to talk about these issues, but i think there should be a base that we all agree, i heard before i do not know who said it something that roughly translates to "if the religion was based on opinion then we would have wiped the shoe from the bottom(for wudu) since the bottom of the shoe is where gets dirty, but in the sharia we wipe the shoe on the top".
  10. 21-24 1 education 2 marriage 3 children 4 career
  11. bilan

    Women travelling

    salaam i never said it is not part of the islam , the reason i posted that hadith was sometimes women can travell without a mahram.
  12. bilan

    Women travelling

    salaam you are all welcome sisters, shukri sis i do not have the knowledge to give that kind of answer,maybe others can,but what i understood from this fatwa was as long as woman is travelling with group of people they can travell if it is neccessary,and no one has the right to deny woman to go to the haj because she does not have a mahram.
  13. bilan

    Women travelling

    salaam this is what i found from, and it makes sense, it is long but it is worth to read The Travel Of A Woman Without A Mahram Date of Reply 23/ March/ 2000 Question of Fatwa I am intending to continue my graduate studies in the USA next year Inshaallah in Dramatic Writing -a major that the Muslims all around the world badly need. But the problem is that I have no "Valid" Mahram to come along with me. My only accompanist is my friend at the university Content of Reply The principle in Sharia is that a woman is not to travel by herself; rather, it is obligatory upon her to have as her companion her husband or a mahram. This ruling is founded on what was reported by Al-Bukhari and others from Ibn Abbas (may Allah be pleased with him) that Allah’s Messenger (pbuh) said: “A woman is not to travel except with a mahram and a man is not to enter upon her except if she has a mahram.” And it is narrated by way of Abu Hurairah that: “It is not permissible for a woman who believes in Allah and the Last Day to travel a distance for one day and one night without a mahram with her.” Abu Saeed narrated that the Prophet (pbuh) said: “A woman is not to travel a distance for two days without her husband or mahram with her.” And Ibn Umar narrated that: “She is not to travel for three nights, except if she has a mahram.” Apparently the differences in narrations are because of the different petitioners and questions in which answers were given to them. Abu Hanifah preferred the last Hadith of Ibn Umar and was of the opinion that a mahram is not needed except in travels in which prayers are shortened (also reported by Ahmad). These hadiths include all types of travel, whether or not it is necessary, like visiting, trading, seeking knowledge, or anything else. The basis for this ruling is not an evil assumption about the woman and her manners, as some people unreasonably think, but it is to take care of her reputation and dignity. It is to protect her from the desires of those who have diseased hearts, from the assault of a rapist or a thief. And this is even more so in places that the traveler must pass through, like deadly deserts, in a time when there is no sense of security, and where the places are unpopulated. But what is the ruling on a woman, who does not find a mahram to accompany her in a legitimate travel, whether obligatory, preferred or permitted? And there is within her reach a group of protective men, or trustworthy faithful woman, and the streets are safe? The jurists have researched this topic whenever they discussed the obligation of hajj upon women, and they kept in mind the Messenger’s (pbuh) prohibition of a woman traveling without a mahram. Their thoughtful opinions include the following: 1. Among them are those who hold on to what is apparent from the mentioned hadiths, they prohibit traveling without a mahram, even for the obligation of hajj. And there is no exception to this rule. 2. There are those who make an exception for older woman with no desire, as has been transmitted from AI-Qaady Bin AI-Waleed Al-Yaajee, from the Maliki madhab. It is especially for women in general if we look at the meaning as was said by Ibn Daqeeq AI-Eid. 3. Some of them make the exception that as long as the woman is with trustworthy and faithful women, then the travel is permissible. Furthermore, some conclude that it is enough for just one free trustworthy and faithful Muslim woman. 4. And some concluded that the roadway must be safe. This is the opinion that was chosen by Sheikh ul-Islam Ibn Taymiyyah. He mentioned that Ibn Muflih in Al-Faroo' said: “Every woman can perform hajj without a mahram as long as she will be safe.” And he said: “This is directed towards every travel in obedience... Al-Karabeesee transmitted this from Ash-Shafi’i pertaining to the supererogatory hajj. And some of his companions also said this about supererogatory hajj and about every travel that is not obligatory, like visiting and trading.” The proof of the permissibility of a woman traveling without a mahram is incumbent upon there being security and the presence of trustworthy faithful people. What was reported by Al-Bukhari is that during the final hajj of Umar Bin Al-Khattab (may Allah be pleased with him), he gave permission to the wives of the Prophet (pbuh) to perform hajj. So he sent with them Uthman Bin Affan and Abdul Rahman. Umar, Uthman, Abdul-Rahman Bin Awf and the wives of the Prophet (pbuh) all agreed to this. None of the other companions rejected what they did and therefore this is considered to be consensus. Second is what was reported by AI-Bukhari and Muslim from the Hadith of Ada Bin Haatim is that the Prophet (pbuh) told him about the future of Islam, its spreading, and its light going throughout the earth. Among what he mentioned is: “The day is near when a young woman will travel from AI-Hira (a city in Iraq), going to the Sacred House with no husband accompanying her. She will fear none but Allah.” This information does not only prove that this will happen it, but proves its permissibility, because it was mentioned in a phrase praising the spread of Islam along with its sense of security. Here I will state two additionally important precepts. The first is that the basis of rulings on acts of dealings is to focus on their meanings and purposes. This is the opposite of rulings on acts of worship. This is because the basis of acts of worship is just to worship and obey, before focusing in on their meanings and purposes, as was firmly established by Imam Ash-Shatiby, who clarified this and verified it with proofs. The second is that prohibited things are not permitted except if there is a dire need. And things that are prohibited so that they can be an obstruction to evil are permitted during times of need. And there is no doubt that the prohibition of a woman traveling without a mahram is prohibited so that it can be an obstruction to evil. It is incumbent upon us to look at traveling in our time. It is not like how traveling was in the past. It is not filled with the dangers of the waterless deserts, encounters with thieves, highway robbers, etc. Now traveling is by various modes of transportation that usually gather large amounts of people at a time, like ships, airplanes, buses or cars that travel in caravans. Thus, this provides plenty of confidence and reliability, removing feelings of fear for the woman, because she will not be by herself in any place. This is why there is no objection for the woman to perform hajj within this safe environment, which will provide all the necessary security and contentment. And with Allah is the success.
  14. bilan

    Women travelling

    salaam correct me if i'm wrong, but what about the hadith that the prophet said something with the meaning that time will come women will travel from yemen to makkah alone afraid nothing but the wild animals, and the narrator said i have seen that happen, why did not he mention the mahram?
  15. salaam i always get confused with the people who say they are good muslimahs, and etc, but can not wear hijab, my question is if they are that good why do they have problem with following the rules, but also the one who is doing dacwah has to be nice, and do it in a good way, why people always have a problem with the ladies who wear jilbaab etc , could that be jealousetc!!, because we are not strong as them.i might not agree how they do their dacwah some of them, but i do not think it is right people to talk bad about religous god fearing women who follow the rules wherever they are and do not care what people say about them. and islam as a religion is a moderate religion, but not as moderate as the western want us to be.
  16. bilan


    salaam good point, but, and i heard from some sheikhs saying that chatting has the same rules as writting letters, or talking face-to face, as long as what the two parties are talking about is not haraam,but person has to be careful, i will try to find something, but if you have daleel then let me know, because i do not feel comfortable people saying this is haraam,without evidence, i mean if chatting is haraam, that means msn messenger is haraam too.what about if you if you see someone you know from opposite gender, @school, in neighborhood etc, what are we suppose to do, do not talk to them?
  17. Question : is it permissable for a non muslim to read the Quran without the thourough cleansing of self beforehand like a Muslim would? Answer : Praise be to Allaah. The Holy Qur’aan should not be touched by anyone except those who are purified. Allaah says (interpretation of the meaning): “Verily, the Mushrikoon (polytheists, pagans, idolaters, disbelievers in the Oneness of Allaah, and in the Message of Muhammad) are Najasun (impure)” [al-Tawbah 9:28] On this basis, the kaafir should not be permitted to touch the Qur’aan, whether he is a Christian, a Jew, a Buddhist, a Hindu or anything else. But it is permissible for him to listen to the Qur’aan on radio or TV, or from tapes, and it is permissible for him to read the translations of the meanings of the Qur’aan which are available in different languages. Shaykh Ibn Jibreen (
  18. salaam if one believes that hijab is must for women, then it will be easy for them to wear it. but then you must bear in mind that if you live in the west is not easy, it is more difficult to get a job, people will stare at you, even if they get used to see muhajabat. so i guess girls must be prepared.this is the verse that keeps me going, and made me realize that i did not had a choice: It is not for a believer, man or woman, when Allâh and His Messenger have decreed a matter that they should have any option in their decision. And whoever disobeys Allâh and His Messenger, he has indeed strayed in a plain error. so i guess if someone wants to be good muslimah, she has no option but to wear it, so good luck sis, it is hard at the beginning but it will make you strong.
  19. salaam majority of the shi'a has a problem with the sahaba,(not all shi'a believe that ) and they even argue whether aisha(RA) was a mother of the believers or not, they call abu-huraira names too, those things from their books sayfulaah, and i can post them if you want. even there is a du'a from khumeini where he curses abu-bakar, umar, hafsa and aisha(RA) and he calls them "sanamy quraysh and their daughters",i for one would not call them non-muslims, but in my opinion we have obligation to defend those great muslims. you said "this is also very disputed topic among sunis.alot of sahab do bellieve that muta was halal and it was only prohibited my omar binu khatan.this well-known,now can someone disagree with omar?wel sahabah did disagree with him." i thought all sunnis agree on mut'a marriage been forbidden,but as you said there were some sahaba, do you mind telling us who were they, this is what i was able to find. Imaam Muslim said in his Saheeh: Baab Nikaah al-Mut’ah wa bayaan annahu ubeeha thumma nusikha thumma ubeeha thumma nusikha wastaqarra tahreemuhu ilaa Yawn il-Qiyaamah (Chapter on Mut’ah marriage and the statement that it was permitted, then abrogated, then permitted, then abrogated, and this prohibition remains in effect until the Day of Resurrection). From Iyaas ibn Salamah from his father, who said: “The Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) gave sanction for contracting temporary marriage (mut’ah) for three nights in the year of Awtaas [after the Battle of Humayn in 8 AH], then he forbade it.” (2499) From al-Rabee’ ibn Sabrah from his father: on the day of the Conquest (of Makkah) the Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) forbade temporary marriage (mut’ah) with women. (Saheeh Muslim, 2506) And also from him (may Allaah be pleased with him): that the Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) forbade mut’ah and said: “It is forbidden from this day of yours until the Day of Resurrection, and whoever has given anything [as a dowry] should not take it back.” (Saheeh Muslim, 2509). From ‘Ali ibn Abi Taalib: that the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) forbade temporary marriage to women and the flesh of donkeys at the time of Khaybar. This was narrated by al-Tirmidhi, who said: the hadeeth of ‘Ali is hasan saheeh and this is what was followed by the scholars among the companions of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) and others… this is also the view of al-Thawri, Ibn al-Mubaarak, al-Shaafa’i, Ahmad and Ishaaq. Sunan al-Tirmidhi, 1040. Either this man who has deceived you is an evil Raafidi who is following the religion of his community, who permit mut’ah marriages which are forbidden in Islam, or he is a corrupt Muslim who is taking advantage of the matter to fulfil his own desires, or he is ignorant and needs to be educated and advised. Islam Q&A Sheikh Muhammed Salih Al-Munajjid (
  20. salam to be honest i'm not willing to die for any country, not somalia or anywhere else
  21. salam i guess that person is the perfect person that we are all looking for, and i doubt they exist these days in this western world.
  22. Originally posted by Che: At one point, Lynch said, she overheard Iraqi doctors planning to amputate her leg. "I started just crying and screaming and just doing everything that I could … And they just backed off. They took me back up to my room and left me there." since the doctors were speaking arabic,and i'm sure she does not speak arabic,so how did she understand,what they were saying :confused: ?
  23. salaam why would not we come to defend our religion when people are trying to twist it, if we did not who would? yes he did attack islam when he mationed 7th century in a big negative way,like a dark age. and yes he attacked islam when he mationed that poem. "Shaydaan aanad arkayn, oo shaambinaaya agtaada, waa naag shaadhir hagoogan.” isn't that mocking a ayah, and making a fun about women who follow the rules of our religion?.if that is not attacking our religion? then i do not know what you consider attack on islam. lastly wahabism is western term,but since some people agree with them may i ask them what is wahabism?.
  24. bilan

    Ramadan Kariim

    salaam as i heard somalis in Mn and Ohio are fasting today(sun), but ISNA said ramadan is mon, so most people in north america are fasting monday, but the thing i do not get it is this, way before sha'ban was over ISNA said ramadan will be mon, cause they follow scientifically, already they posted when the eid will be, so what happened to moon sighting, why do we have to follow scientifically??.