Che -Guevara

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Everything posted by Che -Guevara

  1. Originally posted by Cushitic-C quote: I never said that. I said dark caucasians according to those times were black people (who weren't really black just very tan) what is Black? I simpliy said lets refrain from using Negroid. Cool! quote: When people say the Natives around the world (Brazil, Native North Ameircans, South Pacific and Africans) they refer to them as Indigenous meaning Original Inhabitants. In southern Sudan they are Bantu and yet they are still considered Indigenous. I was merely pointing out the word "Africa" is not synmous with Bantu. They are one section africa's many indeginous diversi groups! I never did say Bantus were Indigenous to all Africa now did I?. My bad! And where did I say it wasn't? Yu didn't! First, you say sure they have intermarried with others. Then you say they are not the product of bi-racial inter-mingling. Make up your mind. Just pointing out, no one is pure anything. There is no pure white, black , yellow or red man and certainly there is such no thing as pure bantu. Many purist west africans would love to argue that cushitic people are all bi-racials and the bantus are the "pure" africans Finally! something we can both agree on. I think yu also will agree cushtic people are indeginious africans much like bantus from west africa! Yes, diversity is very good. And diversity means differences. But are we really that different? as humans? really? No we are not, but by our nature we categorize each other into groups. Even if there was a world occupied by a homogenious society, there will still be categarization of people. and whats wrong with that? [/QB] Nothing is wrong with that except it is realistically talking a stupid concept to pursue. There is no one racially, politically and culturally homeginious Africa.we are not one big happy black family and will never be one,and yes we never were to begin with
  2. Exdane......Going back to somalia to discover if you are in love.....thats really ironic....a land over-burdened with hate inspires yu to find your I hope that spreads to the rest of somali people. Good luck to yu two, it is nice to see a farah and halimo hitting it off and getting along
  3. HornAfrique.....I wish i knew a site to talks about this in detail. I didn't see any site yet. N Plz...we can refer the hutus as bantus, and lets drop da N word. Mojam and Miskin......I think the tutsis are cushitic tribe who originated from the horn. They are considered as immigrants , the hutus see themselves as the locals. Thats in the 94 genocide, hutus and congo leaders used the race card urging people to kill the non-bantu tutsi immigrants. Though one must keep in mind other factors played an important role in the genocide, since hutus were under represented in goverment and the colonial legacy also played an important. Germans and Belgians use to favor tutsis over hutus. Like S.O.S said tutsis were considered black caucasians. S.O.S....So we be clear, we are not putting down bantus and denying them their accomplishments and civilazations. I gotta to disagree few things yu said though. Bantus are not the indeginous people of the most of Sub-sahara Africa(Aka black africa), They have originated from west Africa and replaced indeginous people in many parts of Africa in series of migrations. Pygmies are indeginious people to the congo. Bushmen of the Kalahari are indeginious to southern Africa. Bantus have also replaced many indeginious in east africa. The bantus were technologically advanced than local people who get assimilated or cease to exist. The bantus have reached as far south as the great zimbabwe where one of the great bantu civilazations was born. To say bantus are indeginious to all of sub-sahran africa is misleading. This is not a whiteman's account of african history, it is the truth. It is also misleading to say the so called hamites aka somali, ethios, etc are result of black and the invading armies. we are not the product of anything. Sure ,we have inter-married with other people but who didn't. Could anyone in this world possibly say iam pure anything. The cushtic people, their cultures , and languages are unique and have been so for all ages. They are not the product of bi-racial inter-mingling. The idea that cushtic people are white/semitic origin doesn't hold any ground anymore. I do agree with you that was something used by europeans to claim any civilzations in Africa for themselves. They wanted take a credit for everything from Egypt, Aksum ,punt, to nubia and great zimbabwe. But the truth is africans built these civilazations. N These africans were bantus and cushitic people. we should acknowledge the diversity of within africa itself instead of calling our selves one big happy black family.
  4. Scorpion-Sista.....My bad.....Yu know wat i think it would be cutier if da story was in nomad I love how our anscestors expressed their love through keep writing when ever your mode strikes!
  5. Scorpion_Sista...I don't read usually romance but i did read this one. Nice keep it coming. P.S i second da legend of Zu though, iam not urban person. I like stories set in the country. There is something romantic and beautiful about nature itself. A good story like this set in the country would have made the imagery more beautiful.
  6. Jewel....The one thing i wanna change in the opposite sex would be to find way to stop their desire to change us(males) . Everything else is ok with me.... lol
  7. N Please cut the link....I think we all would agree that we don't a racist website getting many hits! Ali-Somali...Yu know, you could have made your point without insulting the brother.
  8. Jamaal....David Duke was former Ku Klux Klan member, A supremicists group. He is racist to the bone. Though many things he says might be true , his intentions are pretty evil. He wants complete white America where there are no blacks, hispanics, asians , jews or arabs and no natives. He hates everybody who ain't white. The arab channels are making fool of themselves by interviewing him!
  9. I thought yu changed your name or something today....Keep da Scorpion...It is dangerous
  10. Scorpion_Sista.....You are very sweet. Hummm... Taking Risk?...maybe dats my
  11. Scorpion_Sista....Thanks for I guess iam not da only not there yet .lol Clown says " there is no in somali community". Dude.....Speak yourself only!
  12. Congratulations.....Good luck both of guys!
  13. I can't stand muslim goverments(Puppetsof the west) suppressing the very people , they are suppose to serve. I can't stand muslim armies being used to suppress democracy in our countries. I can't stand people saying every Islamic political party is extremist. Iam atleast Turkey finally experiencing some democracy where an Islamic Party won majority vote to form a goverment. Our armies should respect the wishes of our people. Thankfully, the turkish army didn't interfere this time. I can't stand somali warlords prostituting our country and its resources. I can't stand "US" doing nothing about it. I can't stand muslims running from the very self and seeking answers and salvation in other places. If we want changes, Changes come from within!
  14. Jawahir....Let me rephrase, I have never been in love( what ever that means)....So, i wouldn't know the feeling anyway. happy, thank yu. Sheytan....Do yu think human waste time and energy on this love thing. I think the only reason people wanna in love is that they don't wanna end up alone. No one wants be at 60 and all alone.
  15. KickAssPrincess.....Man, Could yu atleast let me I don't think that too much to ask. Yu like lazy Boo....Damn it ,where were you when i was sitting around on my azz 24/ later
  16. Boyz-at-LoveZone....Iam one who used the word " wierd"....N My apologies if it was little insensatative. The cultures of Asia are ancient , beautiful and rich cultures, but just like any other human cultures , Asian cultures have their downside.We are not putting down or degrading these cultures. We are merely discussing important social issues that goes in these cultures.I have lived in south Asia , pakistan to be more specific. Though pakistan is muslim country , it still holds on much of its past hindu culture much like we somalis have some of our past pagan beliefs in culture. I have seen first hand that women in that part of world are violated beyond belief. India might be rich in culture but there is a lot of ugly things that goes on in that culture. One can't excuse it by hiding behind centurie's old beliefs. Iam sure things like cannabilism , incest and human sacafrices were common in many human cultures but those things came to end coz people ended these cultural behaviors as everyone it is violating humanity. No matter how one puts it , killings of innocent babies is simply wrong and immoral. N about Indian wives being more respectul to their husbands , i beg to differ , it is more servititude than respect. Coz of the taboo associated with divorce in their culture, Indian women have no chioce but put up with their husbands even if they are very abusive. Unlike somalis and many other cultures, a life of a woman in india is ruined if she is divorced by husband. They don't have luxury of re-marrying agian. Scorpoin-sista....I think you are right , parents might see sons as better investment. They might their sons as someone who carry on the family name. Princess-Sexy.....I would to see what the chinise will do when they are more men than women? is sad situation!
  17. Lefty....That still doesn't justify killing innocent kids. I think it is in their culture that a bride's family must pay to the groom's family. of coarse now with a billion, it makes a financial sense too, imagine being a guy and having your bride pay for everything. I think you should ask your indian peepsa and see wat they say.
  18. Scorpion-Sista....They have some wierd cultures...I think this goes beyond culture....I mean we have gender inequality in somalia too, but we don't go around murdering our little girls. N you are right, once a woman gets married, oddly enough she literally becomes part of husband's family. In pakistan and India, If husband kills his wife, the wife's family does nothing. Somalis would have gone to war. Nova....It is sickening thing. I can't believe it is happeningin dis age. S.O.S.....I think the brother bought into darwinism. It does only apply to animals. If darwinism applies to humanity , than there would have no jews. They have been powerless and stateless for ages but they never went extinct. Boyz.....I think you might be right, Goverments are ignoring the problem coz of over-population,
  19. I like women who be there for me in good and bad times. N won't quit on me when i most need her! N yeah Good food n Sex! later nomads
  20. I don't believe in Love , so i guess there is nothing to prove!
  21. somali english Urdu Trying to learn Spanish!
  22. Og-Moti.....Ok bro , i got yu. S.O.S.....who eats calool in somalia?.. i have never came across anyone who eats caloolay?
  23. Lucky......This is one of those things that one can't hide behind their culture....Any society condoning the killings of babies must condenmed. They are not killing baby girls to control over-population, they are doing for it for other reasons. S.O.S.....I was surprised that anyone would compare the murders of innocent babies to the darwinism crap. Lefty....It is not matter men of women outnumbering, infact , some places in these countries men outnumber women, and the grooms had to travel to find brides. In India, it is not brides are wealthier than grooms , it is culture that women will pay for everything when she is marrying, everything from the marriage ceremony , the couple's future house ,or whatever. It is wierd! The idea of relocating these children to less populated countries like somalia is not right.every human being has to live in peace in own homeland.
  24. Princess-sexy....thats great....I hope all somalis will protect themselves...The virus is spreading like wild fire in minority communities in north America. S.O.S.....Maybe people in general like to believe in myths.....You will be surprised how many well educated people still believe in myths, folk tales and lengendary charcters that might have never existed.
  25. Scorpion-sista......I hope many others join in the crusude. n Yeah...iam still wondering how my reply post ended up in da other topic....loooooooool I think it is either the moderators are doing too much editing , deleting or moving around or i might be getting little It was funny though...i was laughing at myselfy for awhile.