Che -Guevara

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Everything posted by Che -Guevara

  1. ^^^lol. Che, these forces if they had attacked the warlords of Mogadishu they would have been seen as aggressors and then the whole clan of Mogadishu would have been united to attack the TFG as nothing more than a clan coming back for revenge. That was the argument of the warlords and some in the courts. How's this any diffirent if The TFG were to attack Xamar today. The Qabiil card would be used. The point is you can't have diffirent Qabiils led by pyschos asserting their independence by curving a little fiefdoms for themselves. Everyone must understand that they are part of country, and as such they must answer to the land's highest authority. But I guess Yeey wouldn't be the man to do. He is so into Qabiil, and could hardly think beyond it. The man couldn't even unify Gaalkayo. That's always amazed me how Pland couldn't control Gaalkiyo entirely.
  2. Duke..Where were the troops you speak of when the Doqon in Jowhar, and Mogdisho warlords( who are so easily defeated by ragtag gardheerayaal) were openly defying the very agreements that they signed on in Nairobi. Only force hell bent on subjugating everyone could only unify Somalia. The courts might be just that force.
  3. Duke..Saaxib, the courts have declared war long time. They have no intention of reconciling with the TFG or any other entity for that matter. I hope they succceed in their attempt to subjugate all Somalia. It is something your adeer when he elected and had the support of all people. Paragon...Local support is necessary in defeating the TFG, I don't know how locals in Bay would feel about such embargo.
  4. He always maintained a neutral role when it comes to politics and neither condemned either side but instead attempted to reconcile the political gap between both sides for the sake of the future of Somalia. That's where he made the mistake. You can't remain neutral in conflicts. He along with every Somali has invested interest in the outcome of the current TFG/Courts struggles. Choose side. One can't be TFG Defence minister and praise the courts at the same time. As for the slander against him, bro the man is warlord. That should say enough.
  5. This is not good for anybody. Bloody war mounted by Ethopians, their stooges, and the Courts in the midst of the poor, defenseless Somali population. The courts leadership should think twice before they rush into war.
  6. Originally posted by General Duke: I belive they are playing into the TFG's hand. Ethiopia never wanted to tip the balance in the Somali conflict, but now has to bring all its might on the side of the TFG because of the silly threats of Eritria and the clan courts. The courts dont undertsand the mindset of the Adis regime. This is why TFG, Hiiraales, and Yeeys of Somalis will lose in the end. You have more faith in their masters than you do in them. It is shame to have Somali using Ethiopia a counter-balance in power struggles. But it demonstrates to the people that the TFG leadership and its many warlords have little to offer, and lacks imagination. Well Mr Duke, I rather have "clan court" than a goverment with subservient mindset.
  7. What happen to your avator? Fierce gaze I would go and see. Are there just for viewing or is there story behind each body?
  8. Shiekh Dahir Riyaale in This is sad. He is oppurtunistic thug, shows you that he has no princuples.
  9. ^^^Setbacks or no setbacks, this doesn't look like well planned assualt on his part. As for propoganda, well that's expected from all sides. P.S Duke, wat does the TFG gain in supporting Hiiraale if he does recapture the port city? I mean he gonna turn Kismayo into another warlord-led clan fiefdom.
  10. ^^^LooL@Idaame. Hiiraale moodkiisaa wada. Like Yalaxows and Dheeres, he should abandon this useless quest and go home in peace. No more Xaraan ku naax.
  11. Atleast we could prove they have been to Buur Habaka. Now what happened to the TFG forces that were there, and wasn't Geedi suppose to visit the town?
  12. ^^^^LoL War Wiilo goormaad militant noqatay mase Mr ME recruit kugu sameeyey. Anyway, umadaan ma qoostaan, qof xaraan ka dhargey iiman malaha. You would think they will learn from former warlords in Xamar.
  13. LoL@ The Point. It would be funny though to see Reer Mudug la karbaashaayo. Xoogsade....Anba kuwaas camal cashar ka qaado kuma dhaheen laakin waxay aamin sanyihiin Alla iyo iyagii ka dhaxeesaa.
  14. Originally posted by ThePoint: ^Straight forward - concentrating on governance not military adventures. The ICU is in control of the largest city in Somalia and its capital. 1 million ppl+ and the entire country would benefit if they focused on the everyday, mundane but vitally important tasks. They have certainly started on this but so much needs to be done. What a showcase it could become for them if they proceed in the right fashion. I understand your emphasis on good governance, but the reality is a stable Xamar sorrounded by clan fiefdoms which are lead by blood-sucking warlords will not achieve a lasting stability unless the warlords in the nieghboring regions are neutralized. an unreformed, and known war criminals! Don't the ICU have those among its rank?
  15. Kuwaan diin ma heestaan ee si deg deg ah cagta u mariyo in la helaa fiican. Ka joog Saaxib, Somali diin iskuma dhaanto. Cimaamad , gardheer, and surgaal gaaban doesn't make the xamar bunch any more religious. Oppose these people for political views, but let's not question their faith.
  16. Thanks, and Eid Mubarak. I hope the good of people Oromia achieve the freedom they have so long sought.
  17. ^^^lool Waraa waa ii dhuumanay, Ana waxaa isdhahaaye I got one past him. or sunow jee, kabii giyaa Pakistan or Bharat.
  18. ^^^Siigo I think I think couples should have Islamic seminars before tying the knot. You would think these should know some of the questions they have posted to the wadaad.
  19. ^^^Kuch Nahii Samajaa, Kiyaa kay rahee Gaandhu. Nice try though...Qudhaafis Jee
  20. MMA...In da case of the Somalis, the ethnicity is equated with Muwaadinimo. Maybe that's why an ethnic Somali feels more entilted to the country than lets say Jareer-weyn or Somali cad cad. The funny thing is faradheer are recent arrivals in the south. Maybe we should change the name of the country to something more inclusive.
  21. It does. Good to see you are not part of the living dead. Keep them coming.
  22. ^^^^Take Tyenol PM or Read the Quran, both have sedative effect, and will put to sleep.
  23. LSK....Beautiful pics, but this doesn't make us anymore informative about this country. Do you mind looking into history and struggles of this nation for the benefit of all. Mabybe then we will have a better picture of their involvement in the horn conflicts. P.S one could still see the Italian influence in their architecture, reminds of xamar caddeey.
  24. Aaliyah416 says, I think Somalis in general both women and men need to learn how to parent. Somalis do know how to parent, and our parents have raised us to the best of their abilities. Their system of parenting worked well for the country, the culture , and people it was meant for. And for most part,children that grew under that system did turn to be well adjusted adults. What parents in the diasparo failed to understand is that we no longer live in Somalia. One has to adjust to reflect the new realities facing our society. Old methods won't work here in the west, new ones have to be deviced to better accomadate our kids, and raise them as responsible and viable beings. I guess one could say, we are still adjusting.