Che -Guevara

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Everything posted by Che -Guevara

  1. Cambarro.....You might be lucky enough to visit there in time for regime change. Inshallah, the remnants of the old guard kicked out of the land of the Somalis.
  2. Cambarro.....You might be lucky enough to visit there in time for regime change. Inshallah, the remnants of the old guard kicked out of the land of the Somalis.
  3. War Me...we are missing the action. With the way things are going, the Qabiil Lands will be thing of the past. Now before we talk about Sland, lets first see how Pland mafia crumbles.
  4. War Me...we are missing the action. With the way things are going, the Qabiil Lands will be thing of the past. Now before we talk about Sland, lets first see how Pland mafia crumbles.
  5. war Smithy.....Stop sensationalizing this sad event. Let's just hope the poor fella gets his day in court.
  6. Ka daroow dibi dhil...what are you talking man. What Nabi? Mr.Redsea.....If I read the article right, I think the girl was only referring to the SLand administration, but not the region and it's people. Still , she should be measured in her critism even though her frustration is understandable.
  7. I guess Sol cracking hard. What happen to S-a-d-e part of your Xoog...I think yours is noticeable cuz you have been consistent in your grinning. The same can't be said about some of our esteemed heavywieghts in political section.
  8. Scoffing kulahaa....I had to keep it light to get my mind off da menu listed below. - Greek Salad with everything (Olives, feta, sun-dreid tomatoes, red onions, cherry tomatoes, different varieties of lettuce and home-made dressing) - Marinated Lamb chops - Roasted Vegetables - Creamy Mashed potatoes Very tempting ayeeyo. I agree with Serenity. Danbi noo Horseeday. I actually had to think of more sinister staff to keep food off my mind . N speaking of a thought, unfortunately our stomachs don't understand or feel thoughts. You gotta do better than that.
  9. This one made laugh. Turki Rambo weero muu samaynaa. His forces don't even share border with Hargeysa, and their taageero in Sland isn't all that powerful.
  10. This one made laugh. Turki Rambo weero muu samaynaa. His forces don't even share border with Hargeysa, and their taageero in Sland isn't all that powerful.
  11. Laba dollar.....High robbery yaaqeey even in da Somali deep south. I say form union, and start negotiations right away. P.S Xoog****, I can see your smiles these days man.
  12. I sympathise with the poor the girl, but let's not call our fellow Muslims Gaallo.
  13. LoooL...Talk about virtual Ajar.
  14. Originally posted by me: Che guevara you are out ofline there man. You don't know much about the situation, so its an insult to suggest that the arrest was qat related. [/QB] Insult or no insult, it is either Qat or Qabiil. I don't know wat else would force Islaamaha out onto the streets. Apparently Afmadow and Buaale have also fallen to the courts.
  15. Originally posted by me: Che guevara you are out ofline there man. You don't know much about the situation, so its an insult to suggest that the arrest was qat related. [/QB] Insult or no insult, it is either Qat or Qabiil. I don't know wat else would force Islaamaha out onto the streets. Apparently Afmadow and Buaale have also fallen to the courts.
  16. That's better....Horn horta Ma isla waydiiyay Ragaan dhulka Yaa kaxiga. You and I ain't any more Kismaayood than Turki.N as far as could tell the events of the early 90s are not unfolding in Kismayo. If they spared the city murder and mayhem,and connected it to Benadir, Iam all for it. we need a single unified entity in Somalia, not fiefdoms run by "good" warlords in the name of their clan.
  17. That's better....Horn horta Ma isla waydiiyay Ragaan dhulka Yaa kaxiga. You and I ain't any more Kismaayood than Turki.N as far as could tell the events of the early 90s are not unfolding in Kismayo. If they spared the city murder and mayhem,and connected it to Benadir, Iam all for it. we need a single unified entity in Somalia, not fiefdoms run by "good" warlords in the name of their clan.
  18. LooooL...Acuudi Bilaah...Ramadan Isku Shixood. Qararacbadan jooji. All of sudden when things are out of your hand in Kismayo...The Islamic militia became militia beeleed. Paragon... Maxaa iri ninyahow. Ninkaan ciil aa haaya. I don't care if the woman that got arrested is related to the Ugaas. This man would have us believe these the guys from xamar are any worser than Barre's boys. Buddy you lost...shuush move on now!!!!!
  19. LooooL...Acuudi Bilaah...Ramadan Isku Shixood. Qararacbadan jooji. All of sudden when things are out of your hand in Kismayo...The Islamic militia became militia beeleed. Paragon... Maxaa iri ninyahow. Ninkaan ciil aa haaya. I don't care if the woman that got arrested is related to the Ugaas. This man would have us believe these the guys from xamar are any worser than Barre's boys. Buddy you lost...shuush move on now!!!!!
  20. Islaamahaan Qaadkooda Ha udaayaan!!! You gotta earn living somehow!!!!
  21. Islaamahaan Qaadkooda Ha udaayaan!!! You gotta earn living somehow!!!!
  22. ^^^Then they should punish whoever shoot this though we don't know where was this filmed.
  23. It might be hoax, but then again Isn't Somaliland the same people that tortured and raped a young girl while in custody and accused her of being an assassin. That was story was dismissed altogether when it first came out. I say Somalis are capable of anything, sick minded people.
  24. Now it is time for change in Bay/Bakool, and Pland. The Somali people have far made the right choices though some very relectantly. Lets keep the pressure. P.S Grievances can be addressed, and from I understand Indhaccade will hand over Shabbelle Hoose to the courts. They understand their success will largerly depend on how eqiutable they are.
  25. As long as one group of Somalis are winning, and considilating their hold on the country, Iam all for it. Horn...Get it over duqa, Barre is gone and he ain't coming back. Now let's move to Gedo, and Mudug.