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Everything posted by Sensei

  1. Crisis, I do not know. Challenges in Galkacyo; absolutely the case. The place needs a mayor that will actually be allowed to keep his post beyond the usual two-week-mayorship, only known to Galkacyo. As Galkacyo ascends in importance, it also attracts trouble makers as Al-Shabaab & Ahlu Sunnah; and you must attribute some of this violence to their turf war. We also have the lone-wolf terrorist that randomly shoots elderly coming out of the mosque. Yet an other problems, are the Caalins, the Duxulows, and even our own Jiirow Bakaal oo xikmadooda noqotay inay wax un ay sheegaan. Allow na samata bixi, kuligeenba.
  2. Gabbal;745051 wrote: I think the day the Gedo community expelled the combined militias of Koojaar and Afgaduud following the removal of the ICU was the day the population statistics of the city of Kismaayo became apparent to all who cared to look Seriously!? Kismaayo degaankeeda wey iska cadahay, taasi muran kama jirin, not even our dear leader Siad barre was lost on that. Nin shalay guri ka gatay ama xoogay lagama hadlayo. But, in all honesty, reerka greater D + cidkasta meesha wey degi karaan.
  3. The is not a general, and was never one. Secondly, dude was not in even in the country at the time he was said to have committed these crimes. Daadkaan ma quustaan.
  4. caydarus;738797 wrote: sxb aniga reerka kama dhigi karo al-shabaab walaa al-qaeda but the fact is ayaga ayaaba kusii qulqulaya sidii tusbax lafurey marka waxaan dhihi lahaa in ay ka waan toobaan argigixisa nimada. I am least sympathetic to the Somalilander cause, but when you show up with *ish like this, I must side with logic. Do you want to pick on them ? I will will be more than happy to supply you enough logic amo, let me know.
  5. Caydaruus, Maxaad soo wadaa, reerka waa Al-shabaab iyo Al-qaida ?
  6. NGONGE;738578 wrote: I'm loving the part where the neighbours talk about his wife 'delivering' every year. May be the dear wifey is artificially inseminated! They would be fools not to follow the courier that delivers the semen from Kismayo.
  7. Why are folks nervous about Somalia drilling oil ? I thought they wanted to leave and be all oil-less.
  8. Somalina;734973 wrote: It may not be the city we knew prior to '91, but today it sure beats Garowe and any other Somali city when it comes to clan diversity. Not quite the truth. Both are more diverse, maybe time to visit and not solely rely on cousins.
  9. Ma bilaawdeen ? Isku miis miisa, adiga iyo adeerka JB. But, if it is true, Atom is no longer threat to the people of that region, nor is his skirmishes any measure of success.
  10. Timur, Armay magaladaan Buuryiqab tahay ?
  11. Wadooyin bilicsana lagu daro weeyaan boowe, IA.
  12. I wouldn't know, I myself went to the Nepal embassy school located at the basement of Xaawo Taako.
  13. Thank you Xiin, useful stuff; especially useful for the above folks. On the first mention of Qaranimmo, xajiin baa qabata.
  14. Anyone but Indhocadde should be heeded. Indhacadde warkiisa yaa ku jira abti.
  15. Probably the best way to have this resolved is to start an online petition. Have Mr. Cheese keep his post, let the Sharifs depart and maybe hope for Somalis. I think Faroole would actually benefit if he comes to Farmaajo's rescue, some will probably accuse him of qabiil-motivated move but who cares really.
  16. Y'all should let me know if you hear from Abu Eesa Niamatullah, I would seriously travel for the dude.
  17. Oh, they have pretty good idea how the man looks.Sooner or later the man will have take his niqaab off.
  18. People continue to make up stories about who is related and whom shall depart. Abdikarim is not the impressive strategist y'all make out to be nor does he care for SSC, the man continues to remain significant because he has aligned himself with the power-brokers of Mogadishu.
  19. Xaaji Xunjuf;728447 wrote: Where and when? Awoowe, there where probably 1000 clashes in Somalia past couple of days, including the deaths of a minister and an Alqaeda leader, but you always find PL more news worthy. I assure you it has everything to do with SL. Yaa been ka gadee ?
  20. They figured out that the skinies will wipe themselves out, and no need to directly participate. But in all seriousness, the use of drones requires intense intelligence capabilities which are not in place now. If it ever becomes viable option, it would probably be covert CIA mission with zero liability of any death & destruction.