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Everything posted by Sensei

  1. Sensei

    Garowe town

    Will be there in 2012 IA.
  2. Lol......Sheekada genetics may gaartey. Somalina, Xaaji Xanjo Allow yaada magac nagu dhajin, was it not Zubayra you came up with ? And now Xaaji Xanjo.
  3. I think it is Tuujiye or Nuune that says wareer badanaa!!! Xaaji- Say Somaliland secedes, will the same apply to Somalia, will Somalilanders be able to vote in Somalia ?
  4. Ninkaa nin rag weeye ee iska daaya. We actually spoke to him not too long ago and did not mention any plans to leave Yemen for good.
  5. Sensei, ciyaal Xamar luqadooda soo Af-Soomali ma ahan? I will stop with the Urdu then, idinkaa wax yar ni xamanay. "Sensei...waxan dhahaa somali nahi..yacni ereyga loogu hor barto waa nahi" True
  6. Bakaa Somali hai. Sawaal samjaa nahii hai.
  7. iskoolkaas qashin qub aa laga dhigay hadda! dadkana wa lagu dilaa!! Maadeeyna waa kan, meel dadka lagu qalo iyo kawaan un buu sheegayaa. Read the topic again, Ciyaal Xamar kaliya that excludes Al-Shabaab and its affiliates.
  8. Let no one be held it Awdal, SSC, or others being subjugated by AS. I love me my PL, but we have not done enough to help the SSC cause. It is time to step to the plate, all Malis.
  9. Xaaji, That was syntax error on my part. Any who, we all know neither Faroole nor any PLander(or Somali) would hide from SL. Maxaa kale oo u cusub aad haysaa ? Please enlighten me about this whole Awdal development, is it for real ?
  10. Zack- Beleive it not all Con.Peter King and Bihi have done was to ascertain the fact all Muslims except for very minute fringe of the community are law abiding, non-crazy citizens. Though Sen. Durbin's intention maybe very noble, it serves no purpose, at least not in our interest to fuel this discourse- a mere provocation. In other words, lets not be hasty and choose our battles, there many more to come. I agree, qashiin^2
  11. ^Dumaashigaa ha ku xad gudbin, Xaaji. Iska go' lakiin dumaasji lama aflagaadeeyo. Was he really hiding from SL ? I thought PL & SSC super troopers were as far as Tukaraq, doesn't seem like hiding. In any case, ninkii soo joog laga waayo soo fadhiiso ayaa laga helaa ina adeer, ee marka daka rabshada ka daaya oo dhulkooda ikaga baxa. BTW, did you hear Awdal plans to secede from SL ? What do you think ?
  12. @ Gheele, Jawaab : Xamar koyi khaas sheher nahii hai bhai. Our 10 mil admi us sheher mee nahi tee. Loo kuch qalad samjaa Xamarkii baare mee.
  13. First off, being from Xamar is not the ultimate compliment.....just saying. It would have been equally cool, or better, if I were born and raised in Galkacyo.
  14. Digfeer see Peshawar tak ? Lambi kahani hee.
  15. Gheelle.T...Ilaahey Digfeer nama geeyo. :D Oh boy, you lot have me laughing. @ Che .....atleast he aint said mera gawn Sialkot hee
  16. My xaafad is Shiirkole, my school was Xaawo Taako and my president is black.
  17. Allow na samata bixi. Nimanyahow & gabdhayahow: we should take her for her story- i.e drugged & raped. We will probably never know the entire story, but some serious pain must have driven her to come forth. Has she ever shared this with family & friends before going public ? I hope she recovers in time from all the agony she has been put through. As for the offender, he should be deported to Kismayu with a label that says "American spy".
  18. Xaaji- Raga waxaan ola jeeday PL. I know you agree you agree with the rest of the statement.
  19. Rag rag dhalay sidii dariskood! Good stuff, anigu waxaan hubaa, it is in the interest of all the Somalis too spread & smear peace all over the horn.
  20. Aha! Yet another to justify SL secession. Partitions are never easy but sometimes the only solution if two people can't live in one tent. Look, in Libya's case it is more like Gaddafi in the tent and the rest of Libyans outside the tent; the only two entities that cannot co-exist in Libya are the dictator & Libyans.