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Everything posted by Valenteenah.

  1. Happy 10th anniversary, Sayid! (PS: You're not the oldest active member. )
  2. In a Somali context, it's a reasonable question. When you're asked cidaad tahay, waxaa ku xigta yaa ku dhalay, as in your mother's name and clan. LoL...Somalis know no boundaries. In an online setting, it's a bit more complicated as many people use mother's names as answers to security questions.
  3. Howdy Malika, it sure is beautiful out there. Since spring is this warm, does it mean summer will be a washout?!
  4. What's with the blank posts then? Juxa, that sounds nice. I'll PM you.
  5. *Waves at the regulars* (Continuing from 2 pages back)......Hi Juxa, how are you keeping? All's well with me Alhamdulilaah.
  6. No one will do anything for you for a Dollar. Maybe $20?
  7. Salaam Khalid, hope all is well! Hello NG, it's not doing too good. I'm not linguistically gifted.
  8. Nice place. I like the traffic and street lights. Qandala, I don't know much about it either other than it's a booming city worth investing in. Several UK relatives have set up shops and hotels there and seem to be loving it.
  9. Hi's it hanging? Naxar glad to see you're becoming a regular in here. Nuune, have a safe trip Insha'Allah.
  10. The comments in here are weirder than the actual story.
  11. I see. So where are you these days, the States? Iyaga uun baa naga dambeeya.
  12. Nice pictures. Masha'Allah, loving that feast too - what a lunch! Thanks for the images, Oba, and welcome back!
  13. It's Saturday actually, Nuune. Did you lose a day? Is that a goat?
  14. Aw Masha'Allah and Mabruuk to LST! May Allah bless and protect your family. :cool:
  15. Soldiers make the hardest of leaders. Better you stand for something than fall for anything, I suppose. Whatever their mistakes, they did what they believed was the best for their country. Can't say the same for any of us here, can we?
  16. Sheekadaa xagaad ka maqashay, Sayid? (Not that I'm looking down on NZ sheep, it's simply the best! - Aniga i weydii anaa soo cunay ee.) BOB, tii si fiican kuu soo dhaweynweyda indhaha faraha ka geli.
  17. Thanks, Blue. Hope you're well. And don't feel offended at NG, he is only mean to people he likes.
  18. Juxa;807693 wrote: lol@val. i dont want to be mean but ragaaan oo badankooda xagal shaaha raadinaya maxay dumarka wax uga sheegaan? i think i should warn all the men...MAYA = MAYA. unless you want in madaxa lagugu salaaxo xabsiga dhexdiisa! Juxa, bal adba. Waxaad moodaa iney wada jeeb qoyanyihiin, Allow yaa ogaada. Taleexi, waan arkaa inaad dagaal weyn ku jirto.
  19. LoL...obviously it was a typo and the figure is 200 and not 20 @ Nuune and Sayid. Istaakhfurulaah, I kid people. Maxaan ku falayaa geel oo ilma adeeraday iga dhacaan madaama aanan hawd joogin? Waaba xoolahooda xoola kale ugu dar. I don't think so. Aaliyah, hadaan helayo waaban rabi lahaa AK47. It's always been my gun of choice.
  20. Walee Taleexi waa lagu qaboojiyey. Why do meher threads turn into an auction? These sums of money wey i wareeriyeen. All I asked for were 20 halaad and an AK47. PS: To the thread starter: make it what you find acceptable and good luck.
  21. Valenteenah.

    Photo Diary

    Thanks, Blessed. I got a lovely new Nikon as a pressie and I've been trying to put it through its paces.