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Everything posted by Valenteenah.

  1. ^ Honestly, do you even think before writing? Why are you questioning the faith of a whole group of people? You're not long for SOL, adigu.
  2. He lived to a ripe old age, despite all the knocks to the head. Can't ask for more than that.
  3. Yes, you did say it was gained from experience. I was being cheeky. It's very important to protect yourself from over-usage.
  4. Back and forths between members with entrenched loyalties are bound to go on infinitely. A tiring prospect, for sure.
  5. Yes, it's a pretty poor country. But they still manage to control us. How much do they spend to keep all the entities in their pocket?
  6. LoL, what is he doing there if he isn't being paid? Comedians, these politicians.
  7. ^ You have none to offer miyaa, old man? Malika, that is a headache-saving, blood-pressure lowering lesson. A waste to spend your life competing with others. And who knew Khadar was such a selfish bloke? Guarding his own happiness like a precious stone!
  8. ^ Is that a new euphemism for unemployment? Thought you were teaching. Wonder how long it takes to drive from one side of Hargeisa to another, surely not that long!
  9. A_Khadar;756450 wrote: Ceerigaabo,(lasanod Online)- Si kastaba ha ahaatee xaalada Gobolkaasi ayaa faalooyinka laga bixinayaa sheegayaan in weftigii ugu danbeeyay ee loo diray xaalada Cirka ku sii shareereen. Waxaana arrimaha Isha lagu hayo ee ugu waaweyn ah in weftiga loo diray aan uahayn kuwo ku haboonaa oo durtaba Beelaha is hayaa ka dhex arkeen arrimo Siyaasadeed iyo qabyaaladeed labadaba. Sidoo kale waxa loo arkaa wasiirka Warfaafinta Xaabsade oo kale inaanu munaasib ku ahayn in loo diro beesha *********** ee Aanadu dhex taalo beesha kale ee **********, taasoo ay sheegayaan aragtiyaha Samakataliska ahi in ay ku wanaagsanayd Siyaasiyiinta Reer Ceerigaabo in hawshaas loo daayo, gaar ahaana C/raxmaan Talyanle iyo Siciid Maxamed Cilmi oo hawsha hore ugu jiray, balse la sheegay in dhinaca Siilaanyo laga diiday. . Sending one minister who is despised by his own clansmen and another from the other beel involved in the fights plus askar iyo hub, all to intervene in what was basically tit-for-tat local killings. Yup, that wasn't going to blow up. It was either very poor decision-making on the part of the Hargeisa Admin or a purposeful act to escalate a couple of gunfights into a bloodbath. Precedent dictates the former, which seems to be a chronic problem for these regional entities. Whatever happened to the accepted tradition of sending elders and other respected members of each community to engage in peacemaking? Goormaa askar iyo sell-out politicians la isu diri jiray? Finally, a possible positive: maybe we'll now see and hear less of Mr. Xaabsade after this.
  10. Most large employers in the UK allow some staff to work from home for a set number of days per week or month. I like the flexibility it offers to parents, e.g. if your kid is ill but you don't want to take a day off. But it would be pretty useless to someone like me. I am tres lazy at home, so trying to work from home would be the opposite of effective.
  11. That's lovely. It was well enjoyed, am sure.
  12. That's awful. Everyone seems to have a tale to tell about Kenyan customs, but this does seem extreme. Why invade a country if you can't hack it, consequently instilling fear in your own population?
  13. Cara, I am all agog. What happens to milk after 10 days (assuming it is refrigerated)? Bluelicious. Fantastic life lessons. If taken to heart and lived by. I can never quite manage to integrate 1,2 and 4 into my brain though. My life lesson: Everything ends. It doesn't matter what you are going through, good or bad, it will pass soon enough. Since I learned this lesson, the weight on my shoulders got a lot lighter and I got a lot happier.
  14. ^ Lol Look at how many ido have been slaughtered. Reer buuhoodle hilib jeclaa! Love the images.
  15. Classic Xunjuf mis-title. As usual meeshii la dhexdhaxaadin lahaa dadka is haysta ayaa askar one side u hiilinaysa la keenay. And adigaa intruders ka hadlaya. Guess Kalshaale waxba lagama baran. Ilaahay dadkan hakala xijaabo.
  16. Ciid wanaagsan dhamaan reer SOL.
  17. Che -Guevara;756085 wrote: Val.....I wish it was actually everyman for his clan, atleast the clan would have benefited in some way. Nobody benefits but the man they blindly support. Abdullahi ditched Puntland the moment it was no longer of use to him, the late Aidid put his tribe through hell, and the list goes on. Good point. Power hunger is a disease.
  18. My bad. I see you two sorted it out in the politics section. Waan idin daayey.
  19. Knight of Wisdom;755873 wrote: Bluelicious, haha, you guys can't get it both ways. The so-called Feminist movement of the 20th and 21st Century gave you women freedom, which I personally support, but if I remembered it correctly, it wasn't meant to subjugate the men for the women. Washing the dishes for Aaliyah and you should be enough for one night, especially on a Monday night Football. Holly crap, talk about a misunderstanding. Bluelicious you took it the wrong way. Clearly the man is saying washing the dishes for both you and aaliyah (labadiinaba) should be enough for the one night, yacni he thought you guys wanted a regular dish washer. Especially when he had already acquised to do the dishes on a football night. Get it now? Goodness me, talk about getting the wrong end of the stick. And the Sharmaarke one read it in the same vein? Miscomprehension galore. I actually feel sorry for this poor knight, he thought he was being a good sport, agreeing to wash weel when he saw himself as a noble in a macawiis, only to receive abuse and accusations for his efforts. All because of how he phrased his words. If anyone should receive an apology, it's the poor man who thought he could joke with you.
  20. Abtigiis;755897 wrote: If one can't transcend tolka aspirations, what is the point of calling him a professor? Gandhi must talk to the TFG, talk to UDUB land and other clan entities in Jubboyinka, use the external support he is getting to assist the TFG project of reclaiming statehood. He should embrace the bigger national interest. If he can't do that, he is another Barre Hiiraale. A darker one and with degrees, but nonetheless a Hiiraale. Talking of lofty ideals, yours are sky high, my dear. I admire that, but in today's Somalia, it is a very different world. Not to echo NG, but I'm beginning to think it really is every man for his clan.
  21. Well, that's how you come across.
  22. Knight of Wisdom, You would feel differently if you went to Hajj. The first Eid goes with Ramadan, the second goes with the Hajj pilgrimage. Bet you forgot that, didn't you? Kids these days. Tut tut. Eid Mubarak reer SOL. Kulu caam wa antum bi khayr.