Xaaji Xunjuf

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Everything posted by Xaaji Xunjuf

  1. Originally posted by Jacaylbaro: u want that to happen eh ?? ,,,, don't worry we're smarter than u think bud ... Who is we udub
  2. Wasiirkuxigeenkisa wa ina shaqada laga erya hadu iska hadlayo oo anu la tashanayn kuwa xililka waweyn u haya
  3. waxba kama jiraan Silanyo wa mujaheed hargeisa na wa ka so dagaya bal wa cidi iska hor istaagta? Haday cid xidhayaan Gudoomiyaha Kuxigeenka kobaad Mudane Muse bixii cabdi ba hargeisa jooga bal car ha ku dhacan inay xidhan.
  4. Obviously their target was the security police forces in bosaaso.
  5. General duke his home is Lascanood and he still hasn’t returned home , and he knows punland is not his home.
  6. NEWS Qarax ka dhacay Bosaso January 22, 2010Waxaa caawa uu qarax bambaano ka dhacay bartamaha magaalada Bosaso ee xarunta Gobalka Bari, Qaraxan oo la sheegay in lala bartilmaamsaday ciidamada Amniga ee Bosaso. Wararka horudhaca ah ee soo gaaraya Warqabadka Horseed Media ayaa sheegaya in qaraxan uu ka dhacay nawaaxiga Xarunta Xalwo Banaadir ee bartamaha magaalada Bosaso, halkaasi oo ay ku sugnaayeen ciidamada Amniga oo waday baaritaano. Sida aanu kasoo xiganeyno qaar kamid ah dadkii halkaasi ku sugnaa, waxay sheegeen in bam gacmeed lagu tuuray goob u dhaw halkii ay ciidamada ku sugnaayeen. Taliye kuxigeenka Booliiska Puntland Maxamed Siciid Jaqanaf oo Horseed Media la xariirtey ayaa u xaqiijiyey inuu qaraxan dhacay, isla markaana wuxuu Taliyuhu sheegay inaysan jirin wax khasaaro ah oo halkaasi ka dhashay. Col.Jaqanaf ayaa intaa ku daray in hada ciidamada ay wadaan baaritaan ku aadan qofkii weerarkaasi ka danbeeyey, asagoo sheegay inay gadaal ka shaacin doonaan wixii tafaasiil ah. Qaraxan ayaa kusoo beegmaya xili ay magaalada Bosaso ka socdaan hawlgalo amniga lagu sugayo, ayadoo dhawaan magaalada Bosaso lagu dilay xildhibaano ka tirsan Baarlamaanka Puntland. Horseed Media
  7. Where is xassan by the way ma lala kacay lol ma ictraafki somaliland marku tageerat aayaaa dhabida loo qoray
  8. Originally posted by xiinfaniin: ^^he did it and rattled the whole place once awoowe. What makes you think he cant do it? Majority of somalis oppose these tactics, it's not unique to those living in SL. I don’t see the people of Kismayo demonstrating I don’t see the people of bay and bakool demonstrating against Alshabab. Cowardly attacks happens every where but we persecute these terrorist. And thee people of Somaliland are very anti Militant Islam
  9. Originally posted by xiinfaniin: ^^narrow-mindedness, and bigotry baa ka qubtay. You are trying to BS your way out of it, but it's not gonna work awoowe. There is no ethnic somalilander. Somalis in the north does not practice different Islam than the ones in the deep south. If you are trying to link alshabaab phenonmenon to the south, you need to know that the man who leads it is from your neck of the wood We overrated this Somali and we mixed it with lots of things, Somali is just a language Nothing more nothing less. Well one man leading The militant Islam in Koonfuria. The reason why he cant do that in Somaliland did you ask your self that , because the people of Somalia.are open for militant Islam , While the people of Somaliland oppose this Besides Islam is a world religion
  10. wax maxay ah meesha ma caanan ku iibinaye maxaan qubbay?
  11. Originally posted by Complicated: Oo kan daga Puntland ama Baydhabo iyo Bu'aale ma kala ummad, dhaqan iyo af baad tihiin iyaga? War nimanyahaw kala xishooda oo nacnacdan meesha ka daaya, after all your bullsh*t will not change an ounce from waxay ugu yeedhaan politics in that godforsaken area called the Horn of Africa. Dee ninka puntland joogo Isku af maha Ka ay baydhabo jooga marka siiday isku jinsiyad ama isku qawmiyad u noqonayaan?
  12. Originally posted by Xaji_Xunjuf: Let me tell you something people say Somalis are homogenous group of people I don’t believe that , I believe there is 3 Ethnic groups In the horn of africa Su maal The nomads Tu maal The black Smits And Biyo maal The farmers Don’t confuse them with a Somali clan group. And the mistake was when we said every one is a Somali Which is not true Xiin knows it Che knows it. Xiinfinin Inadeer anigu Cuqdad ma qabo Dad an takooro na ma jirto mise an fogeyo haba ka yaabin laakin waxan aminsanahay dadka Somaliland wadda dagga inay isku qawmiyad yihin qabilkay doonan ha dhashan eh wa ummad isku dhaqan ah isku af ah isku dad ah jinsiyad ah isku dhul ah That’s what I am Talking About when I am saying Somalilands Ethnic group.
  13. Let me tell you something people say Somalis are homogenous group of people I don’t believe that , I believe there is 3 Ethnic groups In horn of Africa Su maal The nomads Tu maal The black Smits And Biyo maal The farmers Don’t confuse them with a Somali clan group. And the mistake was when we said every one is a Somali Which is not true Xiin knows it Che knows it. Xiinfinin Inadeer anigu Cuqdad ma qabo Dad an takooro na ma jirto mise an fogeyo haba ka yaabin laakin waxan aminsanahay dadka Somaliland wadda dagga inay isku qawmiyad yihin qabilkay doonan ha dhashan eh wa ummad isku dhaqan ah isku af ah isku dad ah jinsiyad ah isku dhul ah That’s what I am Talking About when I am saying Somalilands Ethnic group.
  14. Originally posted by Che -Guevara: ^No sovereign nation or state "allows" another nation to intervene in its internal affairs. If Ethiopia intervenes in Somaliland's internal affairs, it is cuz weaker neighbor or vassal state. In your sordid attempt to divide people, you are attempting to add new terms into our lexicon. There is no such thing as Somaliland ethnicity-the word Somaliland itself is oxymoronic and it hardly differentiates from those you are running away from. Well the people of Somaliland have their own culture their own customs and even have another form of Islam , which is not that militant Islam , unlike Somalia. Well the people who are from the hawd and reserve area Are Ethnic Somalilanders they share the same values and costumes with the people who are from with in somaliland . We don’t distinguish them from other Somalilanders those who are from Beyond the borders have every right to have the somaliland citizenship Somaliland has every right to intervene with Ethiopian affairs because it concerns our people.
  15. Denmark and Europe have a strategic and political interest in supporting and recognizing Somaliland. The country has a strategic location in relation to shipping in the area and are highly interested in all initiatives to support law and order in this part of the world. The country will under no circumstances be integrated in Somalia – and why should it be integrated into one of the world’s worst regimes? A strong European alliance with Somaliland would be a strategic holding.
  16. Originally posted by Che -Guevara: ^You are confuse citizenship with ethnicity, all deliberately! N you haven't answer, why intervene with Ethiopian issue anyway? Doesn’t Ethiopia intervene with our issues, why can’t we return the favour? , why is it if we intervene with their issues it’s seen as a crime
  17. Ethnic Somalilanders live in Ethiopia the same way they live in Djibouti
  18. Originally posted by Duufaan: poor and dirty as any where else. they are depededent on livstock market from other somalis Whether they are dependent on livestock or other trade , riots happen in the most developed and peaceful countries of the world , but the demonstrations never undermine the law and order in somaliland.
  19. Riots happen every where in the world Big deal it’s not like we are in anarchy like the koonfurians
  20. sxb waxaasii waxba kama jiran wasiirka warshada muxu dhagaxa u dhigaya mu iska dhisaan uun dawlada ka saaran oo ay private ka dhigtaan arimahooda. why let the goverment take the credit for it
  21. dhagax udub dhigto manad idinku ka ilbixin ba horta.