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Everything posted by WILDCAT

  1. Why don't you come on over for a hug Val... You've been a very good girl indeed. *Thumbs up*
  2. I would like to learn ciyaar Somali myself... does anyone know of any schools? My family is hopeless with this.
  3. So are you complaining or boasting, original poster? You must be a very dashing memorable sort of man if this happens to you on a daily basis.
  4. Ah. You've shed more light on things now that you've mentioned you had children with your ex-wife. I can see why you might want to give the kids a balanced heritage. I wish you and your young ones all the best luck. Thank you for answering. It's a pleasure to see diversity here.
  5. So, do you wear a macawiis and chew qaad? I hope your Somali-ness doesn't stretch THAT far... I'm generally curious what initially drew you to the Somali way of life, and what inspired you to continue the path even after the separation from your wife... It's difficult to be objective about Somali traits when you are Somali yourself... I always enjoy hearing outside viewpoints... so please kindly indulge me as fully as you possibly can if you have time, and if it's not too personal a request... Wildcat, genuinely interested and curious.
  6. Bumped. For my aunt, who wanted to laugh at this again... :cool:
  7. Originally posted by rudy: All we can hope 4 is that Allah may guide her to the right path!! amiin. Allah tells you through your prophet (saw) that you should not go to your woman as the male camel does to the female. There is finesse and technique required of you in all things. I would suggest that informing yourself of the female anatomy may be of use to you (if only to ensure you have a happy smiley wife who thinks you walk on water )... or you might very well find yourself to be one of those unfortunate men who're served with divorce papers siting sexual neglect - which is a perfectly valid and lawful complaint under islamic law. God's word grants women satisfaction with their husbands, who are you to contravene that? As the first revelation of the quran says: "iqrah" - go read and educate yourself in other words, even if that may entail travelling to China to acquire knowledge... Our religion forbids coarse language and vulgarity, not knowledge and scientific discussion. All knowledge is valuable (especially when it concerns your family) and shouldn't be dismissed as "vile", you misguided prude of a man. I pray that god grants you generousity of spirit towards your loved ones and two functioning brain-cells to rub together. :rolleyes:
  8. That is to say nothing of the spontanious internal orgasms some men and women are capable of achieving merely with mental thought and excitement - you do not need the actual physical stimulation of a penis or clitoris for those... The most famous sexologists to date such as Kinsey and Hite have both documented cases of individuals who are able to achieve spasmodic musculur orgasmic reactions, all without external movement or stimulation of the sex organs. I guess that the truth still holds that the biggest sex organ a human has at his/her disposal is the human brain. Mind over matter after all. When you've made women actually truly believe they are not able to achieve orgasm is when you've really won the game... simply removing the clitoris doesn't quite cut it entirely, if you'll excuse the pun. It all comes down to a game of psychology and forming prevailent modes of thought/sexuality.
  9. The clitoris is a much larger organ than most people suppose. It extends into the body and is as large as any erect penis. Removing the outer tip is merely just the "tip of the iceberg" (so to speak). If you really wanted to completely kill a woman's (physical) arousal, you'd have to do a much larger internal operation. Circumcised women do just fine. Even if their pleasure comes with a little more difficulty. That's not to say FGM doesn't do a lot of harm, but thankfully, it is not as destructive as it might have been if the ancients had been more knowledgeable about female anatomy.
  10. Oh my god. A white woman who's gone "native" amongst us... that's super! I'm pretty sure it's her own voice rather than a dubbing, her somali has a slight accent... but what a voice! I would tend to think she was merely a non-somali speaking accomplished mimic, but the dancing and mannerisms are so spot-on, that really can't be the case... unless she's actually a world-class actress. Really fun stuff, thanks for sharing this... makes me want to check out the Bartamaha website...
  11. I long to be an 80 year old woman bounding up the stairs one day... ...how absolutely touching.
  12. One thing I read recently that I found bizarre and thought I'd share here is... right through to the 50's, doctors who adhered to Freudian beliefs toddled off married ladies who were apparantly "stressed" to supposedly specialist doctors who "cured" these women of their dangerous hysteria by, get this(!), masturbating them. Gives a whole new meaning to seeing a doctor with a good bedside manner. My god, those times seem to be a weird paradoxical mix of backward and completely radical. Unbelievable.
  13. Extremely interesting. I have been intently studying ways in which to become more homely, submissively feminine, vacant-headed, and generally lower my offensive sense of self-esteem... any support in these efforts is most welcome.
  14. ^ Yes, most men are under that conception.
  15. ^ Can you picture an 18 wheeler? ...and you sir are no gentleman, pointing out typos like that... *huff huff*
  16. Xoogsade, darling, who sent you and how much did they pay? Those b*stards... :mad: I am not at all used to being treated well here... if I am no longer being told I am a "blasphemous big" and other such choice descriptions... something is seriously amiss... This is all Athena's doing, I can smell it a mile away...
  17. Celibacy sounds pretty good to me right now. The only surefire way. If this were a Conservative campaign, they'd be saying: "no dicks, no danger".
  18. ^ Why do ya' think it got the chop? I wanted to wash and go, just like the adverts told me. Xoogsade, you should never make assumptions about people on the internet, it is perhaps the one thing that can allow you to get things so infinitely wrong. I may need to hand you a pair of sunglasses if you were ever to look at me, I wouldn't want to traumatise your poor eyes, being the delightful man that you are (verybody who likes me is delightful and of extremely high intelligence, naturally).
  19. "Some people need a dozen roses, and that's the only way to prove you love them..." I just want to be truly listened to and understood, that's better than five-star trips and fancy dinners to me... what's the good of those things if you're sitting across a table from someone you've begun to loathe only because you're with them for the superficial gestures they make? I would rather be with a garbage collector who shows he knows me, and talks with me about the things I like, and gives me the best morsels from his plate (you know, like your mama would do), rather than a big flashy dude who gets me stereotypical things and couldn't care less about my little day to day likes and dislikes, who has to look up the meaning of tenderness in a dictionary.
  20. They said I didn't look right in a diric with short hair, so they took me to a wig shop... I'm a polite sort of girl to my family, so I indulged them and obediently allowed myself to be toddled off to an Afro shop... then after perusing some truly horrific hair-pieces with them for a suitably respectful length of time, I quietly told them that to my extreme sadness, there was no wig in that shop that quite suited or fitted me in the perfect way I was looking for... they (my aunt and cousin) then quickly and eagerly offered that I should take a tour of further wig shops that day, so as to immerse myself in the wigs and pick and choose to my heart's content... this was said in a tone inferring that I should be as excited about such a trip as I might be about say, a wild no-expense-spared shoping trip to Diesel for a pair of top of the line Italian jeans... "erm yes, of course" was my reply. I went home wondering whether it is completely normal behaviour to ask a girl to place some ort of plastic or horse-hair montousity on her head... Was it wrong and indeed foolish of me to refuse? please advise. Thank you kindly.
  21. Originally posted by Baashi: Wildy awoowe any success with those “lower in the food chain†skipping your naval and hitting downtown all the way! Talk about trashy drama queens! Keep projecting these cyber images and rest assured the oldies will keep calling urs what it really is – TRASH. No disgracing about that. That you resort to name-calling proves your own point against you... "trash" are we? ninka sheega ma'dhaafto... you need to cool down dude. Perhaps giving that wife some attention ( ) might do the trick for you... you are obviously under a lot of stress... there are things you can do to improve your condition. I wish you all the best.
  22. Originally posted by Socod_badne: xishood baa kaa dhumay... gabar nin ka weyn la aflagaadameysa wili la ma'arkin... waa lagu khasaaray. uskug foqol uskug! [/QB] *Guffaw* :eek: :eek: :eek: Amelia certainly made you loose your clean mouth didn't she? That is, if you ever possesed one in the first place... Since when do "bigger" men try to TRIPPLE-TEAM a young girl? Does the job really need that many "manly-men"? Has it really come to that for you guys? ...that must have been some nerve we touched... *chuckle* Should we give out one of those apologies that you so inserely give all the time? Would that make you feel more manly, that you had won some sort of fight? A fight everyone with a reading age above 12 can see you guys had disgraced yourselves in...
  23. ^ I would like to help you out, which way did you come in? Who died and made YOU mod hmm? Put a sock in it, fogie. Originally posted by Baashi: With that said...it is unbecoming of a gentle man to engage la tirsi exercise with ur likes so I'm out. I am not aware of any "gentleman" here abouts... :confused: Wow, you're one pretty bitter boodhle, I must say... something happen while I was gone you're not telling me about...? ***Edited*** [ June 08, 2006, 21:54: Message edited by: Warsan ]
  24. ^ Oh yeah? They are normally down to my naval, and I have to use a mega-phone to speak to them "hello down there!"... it's excessively annoying... *Chuckle* What's your height Baashi? And are you a jelly-boy? Is that why you are chaffing so much? Does your width measure more than your height? Ahhh, never mind. *Pats him on the head* Size doesn't matter really. You should see someone about this complex you have... you're being tiresome all over the forum.
  25. Originally posted by Baashi: Amelia and Wildy do u gals practice polyandry by any chance? Are you intimating there's something wrong with the practice? What you consider to be offensive, I take as compliments... *throws Baashi a biscuit for pleasing his master* You're right, I am soft, to those lower in the food chain.