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Everything posted by Buubto

  1. Asalaamu Aleikum Wr Wb Is sad walaahi what u mentioned is not only happening in mnpls is happening every where we went to. Like LST said there is no doubt that is haram what these sisters & brothers are doing. Laying to nonbelievers does not give u the right to owne extre money. Like our prophet toucht us----> • Rasulullah (sallallaho alaihe wasallam) said : o It is compulsory on every Muslim to seek lawful earnings. Rasulullah (sallallaho alaihe wasallam) said : He who makes efforts to maintain his family out of lawful earnings is like a fighter in the way of Allah and he who seeks lawful earnings after restraining himself will get the rank of a martyr o If a man eats lawful food for forty days, Allah illumines his heart and lets flow wisdom from his heart through his tongue. o Allah grants him renunciation in the world. Once Sayyidna Sa'ad said to Rasulullah (sallallaho alaihe wasallam) Pray to Allah that He may accept my invocation. Rasulullah (sallallaho alaihe wasallam) said : Eat lawful food and for that your invocation will be accepted. o : If a man purchases a cloth with ten dirhams and if one dirham out of them is unlawful, his prayer will not be accepted till a portion of that cloth remains in his body. The fire of Hell is fit for the flesh which has been grown by unlawful food. o if a man does not care where from he earns his wealth, Allah will not care by which path he will enter Hell. He said : There are ten shares of worship, nine of which are in lawful earnings. o He who passes times upto evening in search of lawful earnings passes the night in a state of his sins being forgiven and rises at dawn when Allah remains pleased with him. o If a man earns by sinful acts and gives it in charity or action of an kindness or spends it in the way of Allah. Allah will throw him into Hell after collecting everything. o :The best of your religion is to keep away from unlawful things. He said : If a man meets Allah after refraining from unlawful things. Allah will give him reward of the entire Islam. In an earlier scripture, Allah said with regard to those who refrained from unlawful food : I feel ashamed to take their accounts. o One dirham of interest (usury) is more serious to Allah than thirty fornication.
  2. Asalaamu Aleikum Wr Wb First of all I am amazed :mad: :mad: how come non of the above nomads did not correct this young nomad. You all know kissing is haram & against our religion, even to advise someone to do a haram act is wrong & will be holded against u. Nuune i thought u would atleast correct him since u r xaafidul qur'aan or ex xaafidul qur'aan. No offence though. malik_the_freak Bro with all do respect kissing without marriage is haram, if u do it will counted as a sin. Therefore stop wondering how u going to kiss her & stuff. & start heading the right truck, bro u never know when this soul will be taken away don’t relay on ur youthness. Quit the whole non Islamic dating thing & grab a qur’aan & learn ur deen rather than learning how to make the first move on a girl & how to kiss her. Subxaana laah :eek: :rolleyes: .
  3. Asalaamu Aleikum Wr Wb Originally posted by Rahiima_as-Somaali: [qoute]- Ghastly breathe of course and BO. - Appalling dress sense, especially white socks with dark clothing, OH MY GOD :eek: . I'm not saying dress in the latest fashion, but rather dress appropriate, appealing and most importantly colour coordinated. Girl i got to agree with u on that one 100%. Don't know what is wrong with them but they sure need some tips on that matter . lol waaaaaaaaw girls u crack me up walaahi. A part from the breath, teeth, shoes, religion & cloth. which i don't want to repeat what is said already. here comes my list 1-A man who thinks women r nothing & he ownes them. in another word disrespects them regadless what. u know those one's that think she is his slave. that use this famous line "maxaa adiga laguu sameeyay marka hore". :rolleyes: u know the rest. 2- Dirty nails 3- Dry lips 4- A man who walks like black Americans, u know that show off walk, just disgusts me big time as if he is modeling himself. :rolleyes: God. 5- swearing after each sentence 6- mr know it all the one’s that think they got it all going when is the opposite.
  4. Asalaamu Aleikum Wr Wb Indeed a well written letter but will bush listen? I doubted. Ninkii soojoog laga waayo soo jiifoso ayaa laga helaa
  5. Asalaamu Aleikum Wr Wb Muraad thanx for answering ur own question for us, I had no idea, didn't wanted to ask another question while another one was still unswered. Mansha Allah Majority of our ppl were ahlu Qur'aan b4 this civil war, is so sad to notice the difference may Allah all direct us to the right path (Amin). Nomads plz do not ask another question while there is still a question hasn't being answered. if u don't know the answer give it time, or ask the questioner to answer it Thank u. My question is What is the name of the gate in Jannah that is especially made for the ones who fast?
  6. Asalaamu Aleikum Wr Wb Mizz-HurriCane thanx i agree with u too. Nice input muna & canbaro_luul, I disagree one thing when both of u said, if he is the one to blame by framing her, is small community ppl will know that she was innocent. Well that is not for all cases though, I have heard & seen a lot of girls that in that position & she still got the blame. U know why, cuz of going out with him when things were smooth if ppl see u being in his car or sitting with him in restaurant. After the breaking up they will hold against u, cuz the mentality they have is if she was sitting with him in restaurant or she was in his car alone. There is hight chance she is the one to blame, & he is right what he is saying about her. Like our ppl say "timir laf ayaa ku jirto". Didn't u see a lot of guys saying no I don't want to share future with this girl simply she dated many guys though it is normal dating. The point I want to prove here is we as girls need to be aware that our society are harsh on us, good or bad we the one to blame, so don't never relay on, is small community his dirty work will be discovered. One thing that girls need to understand is our society isn't fair, if the guys do bad things, he will be accept by the society. But for the girls never which can damage her future. Therefore that is why we need to control the situation in the first place, once u let it slip away though ur fingers u loose badly. I remember a saying that my auntie told me once gabar waa tii cir yar, cag yar & cod yar. Hope u understood what it means. To guys OG_moti & Abdinuur hold on ur horses we not doing anything wrong here we simply saying something that happens in our society often. U might not be one of those guys we talking about, like we previously indicated some guys so don't be so defensive. Let the sisters educate each other.
  7. Asalaamu Aleikum Wr Wb To try to answer ur q, it all depends on what kind man we taking about, if we talking about a religious man then most likely he wouldn’t do such a thing, cuz he has good iman & accepts what Allah gives him. If we talking about other men, there is high probability they would do such a thing cuz I think men can’t stand rejection therefore to protect their so called name they frame the girl. Which shows they r lack of iman & patient. The other reason which I think the cause of this problem occurring is, to date a man in non Islamic way in the first place is wrong, if u do u will come a cross endless problems. Like our ppl say “laxba meesha ey is dhigto ayaa lagu goracaa”. Hadee gabadhu sharfteedu iska disho oo ey ninka calanka u lulusho, she will get what she deserves even if it is not true. sorry girls but I think we r the one’s to blame, why cuz we agreed to disobey our beautiful Islamic dating & that is what u get when u do, as long as we keep doing this, this nonsense untrue fadeexo won’t stop cuz of it.
  8. :mad: :mad: Subxaana laah :mad: :mad: . Oh my loard, gaal ka dabo dhifleen ayaa ilbax & raaxo la mooday. I feel so shamed & shocked walaahi :eek: . To even learn that she is Somali, no no way I can’t believe this. Is this accurate information? If this is correct information then this lady is lack of iman & knowledge about Islam. She doesn’t know what she believes in & most importantly she doesn’t have clue what Islam all about. If any one is backwards is her & all non believers. Like this lady she doesn’t deserve non other than to be ignored or punished according our religion.
  9. Asalaamu Aleikum wr wb Subxaana laah, Allahuma najeynaa. Is really scary to learn we r such a risk. I thought we broke the world record of two mine diseases Ulcer {Gastariiko} & gold- blooded {xameyti}. To learn that diabetes is in the list as well is more frightening. Subxaana laah is amazing how u could come a cross new diseases when u change locations. May Allah protect us (Amin). Cushtic_Cutie I agree with u, well sis what can I say we Somalis we never give up what we love the most. I have seen many ppl who have diabetes & still eat xalwo & other sweet foods. This disease is heritage like shaqsi said walaahu Aclam. But u know what no matter how much human being trys to prevent not to get this disease, they will if Allah meant for them to get it. Doctors might have an idea what causes it but Allah knows best. May Allah protects us all form all the diseases he created. (Amin).
  10. Asalaamu Aleikum Wr Wb U had me all the way, I thought how on earth this god fearing prance would allow, what they worked for years and years to be destroy just like that. When I reached at end it was like wake up call, it made sense walaahi. I immediately remembered how the prance let the kids be best friend with this stranger & at the end blame it on the society that we live in. when it all started from this stranger that continuously brainwashing them 24/7 in their lunchroom. Subxaana laah. This stranger not only brainwashing the kids but it also brainwashing the adults. Indeed is very well written article & unenlightened one. P.s it will be a wake call for many prance if u make many copies of this articles & give it to muslim prances. U never know it might change money families problems.
  11. Asalaamu Aleikum Wr Wb Mansha Allah may Allah reward u sis. I honestly loved it waaaaaaaaaaw I am speechless. Like the sisters said, if any brother just printers out this beautiful article & tries to fellow it, their dream might come true to be treated King. & probably who knows 911 calls will be reduced & bag bucking lol.
  12. Asalaamu Aleikum Wr Wb Walaahi I liked the positive responses u nomads have towards this issue. No doubts this qabiil thing had destroyed us in anyways. Walaahi this issue is very sad one, it shows that we can’t even compromise little things, forget about establishing government together. As to why young ppl marry to their own sub-clan. I think because of sense of trust & being safe within their sub-clan. There is a lot of hidden hater between the qabiils. Walaahi what amazed me is if u marry to ur sub-clan or ur mom’s sub-clan u get tremendous support & love from both sides. But if u go for outsiders u r misbalanced cuz there is a lot of hidden enemies within the families. Even if u go for outsides the chances of ur marriage being succeed is limited, because of the families they will hunt each other & put u b/w it. Nowadays is not like our prance time, we live in society that is totally corrupted, ignorant & selfish. Therefore people feel safe within their clans. Have look around for the last 10 years, compare the divorce rate for the one’s married to outsiders & the one’s married to their sub-clan, which one is high? Guess u got ur answer. That is the only explanation I have for young people wanting to stay within their sub-clan. Don’t get me wrong there are a lot of successful marriages for the one’s married outsiders. As for me, I agree SCORPION_SISTA Though I fee more comfortable with my clan. But I don’t mind marrying to outsider as long as he fulfills all my requirements & as long as my parents approve. Without their approve there is no go, like they say parents are wiser.
  13. Asalaamu Aleikum Wr Wb First of all wlc to this nomad family. Secondly Somalis are well known their harsh judgments, they will tease u about anything whether is ur background, ur body shape, ur habit or so on. That is why the majority of us have nick names. Thirdly most of us r ignorant therefore we tend to hurt each other, that is why we can not establish peace between us. To be honest with u they pick on anyone of us, even if we not mixed, u will be surprised the useless reasons they tend to pick on us. So is normal for them to react this way, u just have to learn to ignore them & don’t pay any attention to them. don’t let them push u away from ur people, u just have to find some good one’s, trust me u will see their good sides .
  14. Asalaamu Aleikum Wr Wb First of all wlc to this nomad family. Secondly Somalis are well known their harsh judgments, they will tease u about anything whether is ur background, ur body shape, ur habit or so on. That is why the majority of us have nick names. Thirdly most of us r ignorant therefore we tend to hurt each other, that is why we can not establish peace between us. To be honest with u they pick on anyone of us, even if we not mixed, u will be surprised the useless reasons they tend to pick on us. So is normal for them to react this way, u just have to learn to ignore them & don’t pay any attention to them. don’t let them push u away from ur people, u just have to find some good one’s, trust me u will see their good sides .
  15. Asalaamu Aleikum Wr Wb First of all wlc to this nomad family. Secondly Somalis are well known their harsh judgments, they will tease u about anything whether is ur background, ur body shape, ur habit or so on. That is why the majority of us have nick names. Thirdly most of us r ignorant therefore we tend to hurt each other, that is why we can not establish peace between us. To be honest with u they pick on anyone of us, even if we not mixed, u will be surprised the useless reasons they tend to pick on us. So is normal for them to react this way, u just have to learn to ignore them & don’t pay any attention to them. don’t let them push u away from ur people, u just have to find some good one’s, trust me u will see their good sides .
  16. Asalaamu Aleikum Wr Wb First of all wlc to this nomad family. Secondly Somalis are well known their harsh judgments, they will tease u about anything whether is ur background, ur body shape, ur habit or so on. That is why the majority of us have nick names. Thirdly most of us r ignorant therefore we tend to hurt each other, that is why we can not establish peace between us. To be honest with u they pick on anyone of us, even if we not mixed, u will be surprised the useless reasons they tend to pick on us. So is normal for them to react this way, u just have to learn to ignore them & don’t pay any attention to them. don’t let them push u away from ur people, u just have to find some good one’s, trust me u will see their good sides .
  17. Ahlaan, MMA, Cabaro_luula & STHLM_Lady thanx for wanting to meet me. I do want to meet u guys too. About the topic actually i don't mind meeting everyone in this nomad family if Allah says so, since we all live different continents.
  18. Asalaamu Aleikum Wr Wb OG_Moti: loool buubto.. nice one, u just said that u will not accept less educated man in a nice way and u said u want more making money man in a nice way too loool Correction i never mentioned money nor it is my concern but if Allah blessed him with money why not. It only means more trips to the shops . lol
  19. Asalaamu Aleikum Wr WB Sister Jazaaka laah kheyr may Allah reward u for sharing this informative article with us (Amin).
  20. Asalaamu Aleikum Wr WB I have nothing againist to the ppl who do it thumbs up for them. Honestly I wouldn’t gone for younger brother, why cuz I am one of those ppl who r fussy about that. Besides if anything goes wrong I will be the one to blame cuz I am older therefore I should be wiser. The other thing, girls age earlier then the men. By the time I am 35 I will look like his mother, On top of that ppl talk. So plz no way. :rolleyes: :eek: .
  21. Asalaamu Aleikum Wr WB W.Aleikum Salaam WR WB bro same goes to u.
  22. Asalaamu Aleikum Wr WB I agree with my sisters Xamdiya & kamila. As much as it is painful & heartbreaking to let him go, I would for Allah sake. what Is better than dying for Allah sake. This soul is given to us temporarily & any minute could be taken from us. So why hesitate to let him go, when u know he isn’t yours forever? Besides u get reward from Allah by encouraging him to go. Many sisters have done this over the years, some let go their fathers, brothers, sons & husbands in one jihad (Maansha Allah). Look at their braveness. May Allah make all the sisters the righteous wife’s to encourage their husbands to go jihad. & May Allah bless Muslim Ummah (Amin) OG Moti looooooooooooooooooool Biiq waaxid :rolleyes:
  23. Asalaamu Aleikum Wr Wb What do u exactly mean less educated? Do u mean religion point of view, or other world based education. If u mean religion one then that is big no no, he wouldn’t be use to me if he can correct me nor help me to lean more about our religion. If u mean other types of education then that depends his type of personality & how strong his “iman” is. Whether he is understanding, respectful & faithful to what Allah gave him. And most importantly be loyal to his wife & happy her achievement, success & happiness. If he has “iman” believes in Allah fully & understands Allah can give more to whom he likes & can give less to whom he likes, and if Allah makes his wife higher than him so be it. And be happy whatever he has got. But if he is the type man who believes in only man can set at the top then that is big no no. cuz he does not value his family happiness & most importantly he is lack of “iman”. P.s Probably I would have chosen a man who is higher educated then I am just to be safe. Safe I mean, man like to be the dominators if they not they more likely to feel pointless, if they do then that is where the problem begins. & I hate dealing a jealous man all the time & living in unstable house. Even if he got all the correct qualities including “iman”, I would still try to make him feel somehow he is higher than me. Walaahu Aclam.
  24. Asalaamu Aleikum Wr Wb Sister Rahiima thanx for ur correction I wasn’t sure as well, there u go we learn new things everyday may Allah bless our knowledge (Amin). Bulo to answer ur q who are the seven whom Allah will shade on the Day in which there is no shade? 1. A Just Ruler 2. A youth who grew up in the worship of Allaah 3. A man whose heart is attached to the mosques 4. Two men who love each other for Allaah's sake 5. A man who is called by a woman of beauty and position but he says: 'I fear Allaah 6. A man who gives in charity and hides it, such that his left hand does not know what his right hand gives in charity 7. A man who remembered Allaah in private and so his eyes shed tears. I got to easy questions who r related. 1. What is the name one of the prophets mother, who ran seven times in safa & Al-marwa? When her son (whom late become prophet) was dying thirstiness in the hope of finding help. 2. who are the two prophets who first build together macca / kacba (beytul Laah)?
  25. Asalaamu Aleikum Wr Wb OG_moti U amaze me walaahi I wonder why u can’t stop discussing this subject. Are u one of the men’s who being thrown out of the house? Ileen timir laf ayaa ku jirtee. Like our ppl say maxaa dhariga kuleelka ka keenay. No wonder why u opened 3 similar topics attacking somali women. aha iska jir budkaada ha iila dhicin ani lee waaye lol Bro I guess is time 4 u to stop pointing fingers to ur sisters & start accepting the reality. I don’t need to contribute this topic cuz what I was going to say it I said it all in the other 2 different topics which is:- 1 Somali men lost their dignity in the Westlook at it bellow-----------> http://www.somaliaonline.com/cgi-local/ubb/ultimatebb.cgi?ubb=get_topic;f=2;t=000135;p =2 2 what is the reason for some somali men leaving their wives?look at it bellow---------> http://www.somaliaonline.com/ubb/ultimatebb.php?ubb=get_topic;f=8;t=000077;p=2 I am sure u will get the same response that u got for the pervious 2 topics. Let's top talking about them & aan u duceeno labada gender-ba inta haleysan in uu ilaahay soo hadeeyo.