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Everything posted by Curly

  1. Curly

    Small world GAME

    Okay I get the point you lot aren't interested in my game. Well you're the ones loosing
  2. I maybe westernised with some of my views but I still know who I am and what my culture is, It's not like as if all those other people are eagerly as attentive to our culture as some of us are to theirs.
  3. After watching the film Six degrees of separation I’ve suddenly become very interested in the whole concept. This concept being that an "ideal" person in society would have just about as many friends in the rest of the county as in the neighbourhood, just as many in the rest of the country as in the county, just as many in the whole nation as in the country, and so on, as you might find in a highly mobile society. Therefore it is assumed that there is up to 6 degrees of separation in society, which means that you can virtually make a connection with anyone, whether they’re on the other side of the street or the other side of the world, which ultimately means that the world is a much smaller space than you think. You can test this theory by playing a game; this game demonstrates in a dramatically clear way why it makes sense to spend some time thinking about highly correlated systems with many degrees of freedom. There are several variations of the game but the basic theme is always the same. The idea comes originally from Stanley Milgram, who conducted the following social experiment: He addressed a number of letters to a stockbroker acquaintance of his, who lived in Boston. He then gave the letters to randomly chosen people in Nebraska, who had to pass them on to people they knew on a first-name basis, and who they considered socially closer to the Boston stockbroker. When the letters arrived and their path was traced back, it turned out that - on average - each letter had taken only 6 steps to get to the specified person in Boston. Milgram concluded that 6 was the degree of separation between two randomly chosen people on earth. Whether 6 actually is the correct number is at least arguable but it has been confirmed that only very few steps are necessary to connect any two people in today's social network. So without breaking any SOL rules, I thought that it would be an interesting game to play ourselves. (You don’t have to give out any personal information. ) I thought maybe we could try this with someone famous and see how many of us know the same person and through how many degrees, so I’ll start off with someone Somali who’s famous. Rageh Omar Oh and what do you make of this poster?
  4. Obviously they can't find out exactly what someones been up to and there are many cases of men breaking guidelines. Here's an interesting article I found on ------------------------------------------ National Blood Service (NBS) advertising campaigns state "Do something amazing today - save a life". This is what many gay and bisexual men want to do, yet the guidelines which stop them from doing so don't bother to explain why this is felt necessary. Consequently many, many people in the LGBT community see it as either bigoted or just baffling, and certainly offensive. Gay and bisexual men feel that a respected government organisation is judging them all to have "dirty blood" - especially by lumping them with drug users and prostitutes. This failure to communicate is entirely unnecessary. A good example of good practice in other national blood services is the Canadian service, who state: "All men who have had sex with another man since 1977 are permanently deferred. This is based on current scientific knowledge and statistical information that shows that men who've had sex with other men are at greater risk of HIV/AIDS than other people." We feel that a slight change to the guidelines, including a similar statement to the one above, and preferably also clearly explaining the statistical evidence supporting the ban, would help to overcome the current widely held suspicion of institutional homophobia. This suspicion was hardly helped by the reply last year by the NBS Chair to a Pink Paper reader who asked if he was evil for lying to the NBS about his sexuality: "The answer is yes, he is evil and also a liar." No lesser a source than the NBS Communications Manager has since admitted, "I don't think that we've been particularly good at communicating; it's a sensitive issue, which needs to be handled in a sensitive manner." The other problem with the current guidelines is that by not defining 'sex with another man' (which is understood very differently by different gay and bisexual men), the NBS is failing even to distinguish between high-risk and low-risk sexual practices. In fact, the guidelines were officially changed in March 2002, so that the relevant entries now read: - You must never give blood if you are a man who has ever had oral or anal sex with another man, even if you used a condom or other protective. - You should not give blood for at least 12 months after sex (even if you used a condom or other protective) with (if you are a woman) a man who has had oral or anal sex with another man. ...which is better, but appallingly has not been updated with these new guidelines a whole year later. -------------------------------------------
  5. lol...and I thought I had issues. Bisinka!!! For what it's worth I'm sorry, but to be honest you have changed. Who knows you might have a good reason for being pissed off but still, there's no point taking out on people.
  6. Proof you say?! How much bloody proof do you need? only have to watch the telly for a couple of minutes to realise that women are treated unfairly by the media. I’m not saying that those women who are on the adverts, exploiting their bodies were forced into it but the female race as a whole is forcibly being exploited by the media. And for what?! Sometimes I see adverts with women prancing about with hardly anything on to advertise the most unlikeliest of things. Like chewing gum, perfumes and car adverts. For goodness sake this is coming from a business with the motto “sex sells”. So I how can you lot complain about a few comedy sitcoms which are totally non-realistic dramas designed to get cheap laughs at the expense of other people, so in this case it was making a mockery of the male species? So what! I’m not saying that because women are under injustice so should men, because two wrongs don’t make a right. But what I am saying is that, when we women protest about things we’re suddenly branded feminist or as Haniif put it “vicious, Venomous, godless feminists” But when you guys decided something is wrong and distasteful it’s completely acceptable. And Haniif what’s wrong with change? Don’t you think this world needs to be changed because I do!
  7. If I didn't know any better I’d say someone was suffering from PMS. Really, all you seem to do nower days is be negative about anything and everything...ease up a little! You've even got me cautious about what I out she's about to blow!
  8. That's exactly how I see it, they are brainwashing us, but it's a gradual thing. All this propaganda on the telly is over used, people are use to associating Muslims with words like extremist and terrorist. Anyways I thought I'd point something weird, which is totally off the topic. I found out recently. Apparently homosexuals aren't allowed to give blood, it's one of the guidelines for blood donation. But they aren't so eager to state this in the ever-increasing surge of new blood donation adverts dominating the media at the moment.
  9. Haniif I think me and you are going to have problems...Oh and you're NOT funny! :mad:
  10. Haniif, you sound crazier than me!
  11. So let me get this right! After years of sexism towards women and blatant woman bashing and female exploitation, this bloke has the bloody nerve to complain about a few comedy shows and adverts??!!! You're joking RIGHT!!! Please tell me you are! :mad:
  12. Hang on the people who wrote the site sound a little schizophrenic if you ask me. :confused: You realise I was joking about the tin foil,right!? right... yeah!!! I don't think anyone can control your mind to that degree, other wise they could already be controlling our minds and we wouldn't be here talking about it.
  13. Yeah it's like when you drink tap water you hardly want to think about where it's come from! (yUCK! )But the majority of people know. They say ignorance is bliss, and sometimes I live by that
  14. Hang on since when did OG moti avoid conflict?...hayee has the world gone mad!? :confused: Next people will be civilised towards one another on somalinet! (thats a thought!) :eek:
  15. looooooool, you people are more crazier than I thought! "Eedo is watching you!", "off limits for the negro" and "buug data" !!??? Okay people talk about going straight off the bloody topic. Firstly Somalians do keep tabs on each other but I'm not too worried about them, At least with Somalians you can carry on like you don't care and after a while they get the hint and move on to their next victim! And underdog, Somalians would probably be caught out when this database happens and they realise you have more than on identity because they have iris codes on there and they might even include DNA. and last but not least Lakkad...well what can I say or do beside look puzzled and wonder every time I see your name again! :confused: You realise I'm not fluent in Latin right!
  16. Underdog...yeah that was a really interesting site,Thanks! Since listening to that 'shadow' tape a couple of years back I've been totally skeptical about anything and everything! To be truthful it scares the sh*t out of me. Here are a few that i've spotted: *Tomb raider- The Illuminati *Matrix- zion *dollar bill *AOL But I have (out of curiosity) tried to join the freemasons on their official website, only to find out that women aren't allowed to join, which is an issue I won't pursue! Oh and yeah pearl, it is just another method of breaching privacy laws and abolishing the whole idea of freedom totally, which I don't believe in anyway! If they keep tabs on us like this I'd rather be in prison, what's the difference anyways?! besides getting free food, shelter and clothes.
  17. I don't know if any of you remember a topic I posted about a year ago about an American office set up called (IAO) information awareness office. Which I thought to be rather creepy due to the coincidently Masonic/ Orwellian looking logo they used with the slogan "Scientia est Potentia" meaning Knowledge is power in Latin. Well I found out that the logo has actually mystically disappeared, which leaves me thinking that it was due to the probable large amount of brow raising it caused in the global community,lol However I don't think this form of large scale tracking and surveillance is only isolated in the USA. I'm starting to believe that most of Europe has been doing this for some time unnoticed. This form of database has recently been introduced to the UK in the form of smart cards which will ultimately be used to identify and keep track of British citizens. But unsurprisingly these smart cards haven't gone down too well with the locals. And due to me being extremely paranoid I've even boycotted most of my friends and family from using Oyster cards which I believe serve the same purpose to some degree. Thanks to today's society I think it's only a matter of time before I totally go crazy and start wrapping tin foil around my head to block microwaves and other waves used to probe our minds. Anyways I thought that this amusing article, in the link below might be of interest to you lot.
  18. My new years resolution is to... start studying and stop messing about like i usually do and stop getting side tracked with other stuff! I also want to become a good muslim, but i keep saying this and never do anything about it! I want to become a emotionally stronger person and stop taking crap from people! I want to stop wanting more and be happy with what i have and be gratefull for what allah has given me!
  19. Forget discounts I can stay there for
  20. mum will be devestated, what will we eat with the barris? anyways if all the naturally grown bananas get wiped out we'll have to settle with eating Genetically modified ones that will probably be straight for storage reasons and have all sorts of different animal genes in it. BTW does that mean bananas will be haram then? :confused:
  21. hey for all those students out there, here's a dua for studying...I got this from a mate Dua while studying something difficult "Allahuma la sahla illama ja-'altahu sahla anta taj 'alu al hazana eza ma shi'ta sahal" Oh Allah! Nothing is easy except what you have mad easy, if you wish, you can make the difficult easy Dua for concentration "Salla-l-laahu alaa Muhammad wa aal-e Muhammad. Allahumma inni as'aluka yaa mudhakkira-l khayr wa faa'ilahu wa-l-aamimira bihi adhakir-ni maa ansaani-hi-shaytan" "Blessings of God be upon Muhammad and his progeny, O God, I ask you, the one who metions goodness and actualizes it and commands it , remind me of that which the shaytan makes me forget" Inshallah Allah will make life easier for you
  22. Curly

    Eid Mubarak

    I was making another topic when it got messed so I decided to say eid mubarak my eid was boring I went uni for half the day and then stayed at home and had a eid/graduation party for my brother,which was alright though!
  23. Curly

    Eid Mubarak

    hey everyone eid mubarak...I hope you all had a good eid!
  24. Curly

    Crazy Sayings!

    lol Your'e telling me, My personal favourites are... 5. Do I look like a freakin' people person? 6. This isn't an office. It's Hell with fluorescent lighting. :mad: 8. I pretend to work. They pretend to pay me. 9. If I throw a stick, will you leave? 14. Whatever kind of look you were going for, you missed. :confused: 25. You say I'm a Bit*h like it's a bad thing. 32. Is it time for your medication or mine? 34. I plead contemporary insanity.