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Everything posted by Curly

  1. Oh and the pass word is Nomad with a Capital N! plus the admin code is 1407 please don't abuse it! with the Username Mid-Waalan
  2. i can't even log on to paltalk now! says something about hardware, what's all that about?! anyways i'll see you all on sunday night because i'm going away today...BYYEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
  3. We had a great time...i'll probably see you lot online on Sunday night. It's been great hearing all your voices!
  4. After waiting ages for a chat room…I had to go off and make my own! I’ve made a private ~SOL users only~ chat and voice room in paltalk In the nationality section! Anyways the password is Nomad and only Nomads are allowed We've had all of interest from SOL users and a few visits...which is great!
  5. Hey I've had alot of interest with this idea the group is called ~SOL users only!~ and password is Nomad and it's in the nationality section! I've already spoken to, Og-girl Athena Spadez Darman Lakkad Shaqsii Urban-Nomad
  6. I agree with sexy a 101%! Salute to you my fellow feminist wanna be! No seriously the whole story is buggered!
  7. Okay, I've made one! It's called ~SOL users only!~ password: Nomad admin code: should I say?! actually i don't see how this is going to work! who's going to camp out there?! Mu username is Mid-waalan
  8. Darman! Hey he could have taken her back...Now that's what I call forgiveness!
  9. Yeah I could open a private room exclusive to SOL users only, what do you think?! and leave the password for the room here or something!
  10. *still sniffing* Well I'm touchy about stuff like that! so watch it...but you're forgiven!
  11. Curly

    The Best Tv-series

    I don't really watch telly anymore! But I use to be a big fan of Will and Grace, My family, Absolutely fabulous,So Graham Nortan,the Kumar's at Number 42, Daisy Daisy, Scrubs, Frasier, Charmed, 2D TV and Vicar of Dibly. Well anything hilarious and weird I guess Oh and I loved Monk! I wonder why I gave up Tv? :confused:
  12. Huh?! are you ridiculing me! I'm *sniff* *sniff* upset now I can't even comment!
  13. Since people like my usless facts I thought I'd share some more with you! Did you know that in Japan there have been two cases where men have been thought to be Alcoholics for years but had both claimed to not have not drunk a drop of alcohol for years. After one of the bloke’s doctor had become extremely worried about the guy’s health he was sent off for a biopsy and there in is lower intestine they found Alcohol producing yeast which had grown on this gut lining and was fermenting his food and in turn passing alcohol in to his bloodstream. This obviously gave both men a drunken disposition practically all the time. I think I’ve mentioned the gay animals somewhere before, but I thought this was so hilarious I had to repeat it! Well apparently this was researched into by a group of scientist using rams. They found that rams who behaved in a homosexual manner had in fact different size hypothalamus to that of the heterosexual rams. They also found that this was true in gay men; however this was through a study using the brains of dead AIDS victims. A recent study has shown that people with implicit prejudices are left mentally exhausted after interacting with someone from a different race. Strangely the study showed that areas in the brain associated with self-control light up in white people with implicit racial biases when they are shown images of black people. Weird huh?! brain Oh and obesity has been associated with breaking up sperm DNA, therefore the study showed that overweight men had more DNA fragments in sperm which lowers fertility and increases the chances of their partners miscarrying. Also another study has shown that in the early stages of a romantic relationship spark activity in dopamine-rich brain regions associated with motivation and reward. The more intense the relationship is, the greater the activity. So it’s not really love at first sight and this very same activity is similar to the activity seen in the brain of people enjoying chocolate. See science isn’t BORING!
  14. Oh and I forgot to mention that I think Farah is sexist! He's too quick to blame everything on his wife and divorce her while he stays friends with this zina commiting bloke! If he was giving is friend a second chance, maybe he should give the wife a second chance too!
  15. I think this guy Farah is a fishy bloke...if you ask me!, because I'm think why would he be lying to his wife telling her he's at work when he wasn't?! Mybe he's been up to something himself and was too shamed to let it all come out in the open without geting caught out himself! Also in a weird way I understand why he kept quiet, He problaby wanted to keep his honour and his wife, and probably thought letting it all out in the open would make him a laughing stock! Anyways I don't think I could marry a push over like, who's too worried about what people think of him, than go and express his true feelings! And if he did because he was religious then I'm sure in Islam he's allow to show some emotion!
  16. I never chat up guys. but if I did, I'd probably say... 1# Me:"Hey, how you been?...I ain't seen you in a while!" him: "Huh?! do I know you!?" Me:"Oh my days you forget me already!? how could you!?'s me *****" *Sniff* *Sniff* Well I guess by then you'd be both cracking up and if he likes you he'll play along!
  17. So what you're saying maybe not be the truth and even if it is...SO what! as long as the Somaliland people get what they want, who cares HOW and by WHO! My signature might say what it does but it doesn't mean we have to settle for it! I’ve only just started reading up on the Somaliland politics and its surprisingly seedy and the more I ask people about it the more corrupt it seems. Yet I'm left asking myself “what did I expect?” this is Africa, is it not?! Or maybe I thought these stories you hear in the western media might have just been over exaggerated propaganda. But I guess not, it’s not like as if all the dodgy dealings that go on are well known Ms London. Seriously so many Somalilander are clueless to these facts or rumours (whatever you want to call them!) But I was really annoyed that so many UK Somalilanders went to that rally for recognition and went there to cheer Riyaale on and ask Blair for recognition after 14 years of being a self declared country. Walahi it really upset me to see people supporting a cause they know nothing about, all those youths shouting about SNM when the majority I asked went there just to have a party and check girls. I guess that’s what I was trying to say!
  18. I regret saying silly things and not having the maturity and courage to saying sorry properly and explain myself like I should have done. I regret smiling when I was unhappy. I regret pretending I was strong when I was weak. I regret acting like I didn’t care when I did. I regret not speaking up when I should have rebelled. I regret too many things in my life, but I doubt they regret anything…so I guess I regret regretting!
  19. oh you people use paltalk? it would be nice having a SOL room!
  20. THANKS OG-MOTI!!!!!!!! I've finally been given the status I
  21. How can Somaliland say they are freeing themselves from the oppressors, dictators and warlord who killed and tore their homes and families to pieces by declaring themselves independent and then electing a man like Riyaale? ---------------------------------------------- This is an extract from an article I came across, Posted by Ahmed A Hassan on the Hiiran Online website: If not now, one may ask, when is the best time to scrutinize the records of a former colonel in the National Secuirty Service(NSS) of the former regime in Berbera? After he assumes power? That would certainly be a mute effort, especially when we know that Africa's political history is littered with dictators and where the "winner takes all." Mr. Riyaale Kaahin was not a mere police officer or an ordinary army colonel in Berbera. He has served as an officer in the notorious National Security Services (NSS), which was fashioned after the infamous KGB of the Soviet Era. Moreover, he was a member of the Security committee of Berbera district, or "Gudida Badbaadada Degmada Berbera." Moreover, the committee was charged to set strategies to intimidate local people while undermining the armed struggle waged by the former Somali National Movement (SNM). Riyaale Kaahin was a senior member of this notorious committee that was only accountable to Siyaad Barre and to the regime's inner circle. Given such a background, which is so far unknown to most voters in Somaliland, and the fact that his name was mentioned in a credible document of human rights as far back as 1990, Rakiya's revealing article is timely. At minimum, it helps inform the public, prior to the presidential elections, what type of a president they will get in Rayale in the event that they vote for him. ---------------------------------------------- Riyaale has a lengthy history in politics, unknown to some but known by many who choose to blind themselves from the truth and brand these facts as tales and rumours. I'm a proud Somalilander and before anyone objects to this statement I’d like to make it clear that I think separating Somali was the correct choice at the time and actually benefited many, but I do hope that one day we can settle our differences and bury the past and unite to our former glory. However, I'm surprised that so many Somaliland extremist can actually stand by this man when he stands for everything they’re trying to rid themselves of and reject! I was told he was chosen because of tribal difference in the region, therefore making it impossible to choose someone from one of the dominate tribes in Somaliland. So they thought they’d choose someone who would be impartial and fair. But I guess they went wrong there!
  22. here's another one i just remebered This was from some white guy... "It's true about what they say!" Me: what's that then? "Somali girls are beautiful"
  23. lool How about, "I've seen you some where before!...and no it's not a pick up line, seriously!" but I think guy's are catching on that pick up lines are lame!
  24. Very fitting! ---------------------------------------- They welcome him into their homes But do not think of the many homes he destroys They cheer for him But they do not hear the screams They shake his hands But they do not see the blood To them that was yesterday, but for us it is today How can you support something you helped destroyed? How can you smile when it’s all but deceitful wiles? How can you forget when you were not forgiven?
  25. you know after reading an article on "New scientist" about Gay animals and how their brains are actually wired differently to that of the heterosexual animals. new scientist article I started to think that maybe this maybe the case with Humans. Because It isn't as black and white people are lead to believe, you can't choose who you fall in love with. Gay marriages should be allowed becuase, it's pointless telling them they can't it's not like as if it's going to change anything and some how make them heterosexual!, they'll still be living together in sin! So how cares?!