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Everything posted by Curly

  1. Walaal you were always welcome! There's no doubt about that!
  2. Independance from the Somali Republic, But it's not as bad as it sounds...It's not like as if we're hating on the rest of Somalia, we're just gald we're able to stand on our own!
  3. You shouldn't be frighten, I'm actually quiet friendly and people will tell you that too! Obviously at the moment I'm in the middle of having a war so disreguard anything drastic/abusive I may say or do! Well they don't call it war for nothing!
  4. You just have to have lived or have family there in the region or just support the independance! Everyone is welcome!
  5. I've decided to check it inshallah, but I thought I'd leave before the ciyaal suuq show up! So what time are you lot planning to be there for?
  6. Salafi Online walaal you thought RIGHT! So what gave it away...erm let me think, what could it have been?!! Erm, maybe it was all those posts posted by our SOL family about their oh so many relationships, break-ups and relationship problems...hmm Wait could that be it?!!!!! :eek: **Dan Dan Daaa!** Oh my what brilliant powers of deduction, you have sir! I truly think you should change your name to Sherlock Holmes it’s much more fitting, don’t you think?!
  7. The Atkinson diet is probably the worse diet around! Because you’re eating no carbohydrates at all your body is forced to use up all the stored carbohydrates in your body. Carbohydrates are usually converted into glycogen and stored within the liver and using up this supply will eventually result in cirrhosis of the liver much like that of heavy alcoholics. Therefore you can conclude that staying on a diet like this will either kill you because after using up all the carbohydrates in your liver your body started burning off the carbohydrates in your muscles . Eventually you will start to dissolved you body from the inside out, so technically you’re eating and digesting yourself! or it will make you sicker than a life-time alcoholic! So I wouldn’t recommend that diet to anyone, much less try it! As for it’s relationship to the Somali Physique, Lakkad you’re way off, you see as many before me have stated, our traditional Somali food is rich in carbohydrates. In fact our diet is pretty balanced, therefore by saying that there is a correlation is practically contradicting yourself! As our wise friend Vanquish_V12 said, the male Somali physique is due to genetic or environmental factors. Most Somali people are tall and slim due to the climate in Somalia, call it natural selection or whatever by I believe that our physique is best suited to the life style our ancestors lead, as desert Nomads. Anyways I hope this cleared it up a little, and that I didn’t just state what everyone else was already pointing out! And by the way, the reason why Somali women in Somalia have large rears is due to environmental and climate factors coupled with genetic traits. Women all over the world are known to have a higher fat percentage than men and so in the dry and harsh climate in Somalia, It’s understandable our women are lumbered with large rears. It’s all about survival!
  8. My dream?! Do you really want to know? Well, I’m not sure whether it will scare you as much as it scared me, because obviously it’s centred a round my greatest fear and that is unique to everyone. Well it’s all a little hazy now but it was so realistic at the time, I was at home with my aunty and everyone was saying that it was the end of the world. But I couldn’t believe it and I could feel that everyone was ready to die and were praying to Allah. But I was really sceptical about the whole thing as though I didn’t believe that it would ever come, until I ran upstairs to my bedroom with my aunty and I looked out the window towards east and there in the clear blue sky I saw dark blue Arabic writing, which I couldn’t translate but assumed it said “La Ill laha Il la Allah”. Then I got this weird feeling that after all this time I finally knew Allah exists and that everything I ever questioned had been answered. Then afterwards I realised that it was the end of the world and that I wasn’t ready to face Allah. So I ran to make wadu and all I kept saying was “Forgive me Allah” frantically, while I tried to make wadu but I couldn’t and I knew I didn’t have enough time and I was in tears because I kept asking for more time, saying that I would pray. And that’s when I woke up! I was so scared I didn’t even care what time it was I had to pray at that moment! So I did and I promised myself I would never miss another prayer again, but I’ve already broken that promise. God help me! But the dream was so realistic it honestly got me evaluating my life and why I don’t do the things I’m suppose to do, when it’s so simple!
  9. Thank for the help Caano Geel, I'm going to try that...but it does seem like I've got a lot to do. But thanks anyways!!!!! Oh and Darman walaal, I tried that...but it didn't work. It told me to pick another restore date but it wouldn't give me any other restore dates to choose from!
  10. You people are jokers, Caano Geel already posted that, he thinks it's bugerkings ploy to take over the world! By keeping people busy with this virtual Gimp!;f=6;t=003081 check it out!!! Oh and i asked it to do the following, >do the moon walk >die, *instead it played dead! >lay an egg >turn off the lights >strip *it wouldn't do it instead it came up to the screen and waved it's index finger at me! > have a drink >watch telly >do areobics >jump >dance I still can't figure out how it works, I mean how many commands is there?!
  11. Curly

    Film Review

    Trust you to post a picture of a deformed chicken, or is that a rooster?! Akh, I'm never eating chicken again! to think that's how they look when they're feathers are plucked and still alive!
  12. But I don't want reboot the whole computer and uninstall window XP it's too much hassle and just trying to get it back to how it was would be too much work! Please tell me this is not my only option! PLEASE! **in tears at the moment!** I'VE ONLY HAD THIS COMPUTER FOR LESS THAN FOUR MONTHS!!!!!
  13. Thanks OG-Moti, that was alot of help but does the fact that my computer is intel celeron, make it any worse? And how do I remove these from startup without getting silly error messages?
  14. Come on where are all the computer geeks when you need them?!!! No seriously, jokes aside...HELP ME PLEASE!!!
  15. I think an ideal answer would be to WORSHIP ALLAH! And after the dream I had last night, I know I'm here to Worship Allah and Allah ALONE! Anyways I don't think I can make a great impact in this world! So I'd rather spend my short life span on this earth setting an example to others and showing them that good people do exist in this world full of sick and sadistic people!
  16. OG-moti, I know you're jealous but don't worry, I stalked you once too! So there's no reason to feel so bitter!
  17. Hello, I need serious help with my computer; it’s been playing up on me for a while. I even thought I might have been infected by the Sasser worm, but I’ve tested my computer on the Microsoft website and I'm in the clear. The problem is my computer which is windows XP keeps running really slow at startup and this has been happening for a while, So I downloaded a antivirus software called panda which is quite good, it found over two thousand infected files from the Skynet and downloader worms! I thought everything would be okay until last week my computer was running so slow I couldn’t even shutdown. My CPU usage was 100% and hadn’t even run any programs and once I did manage to shut down all these error messages popped up saying they ere closing programs I’ve never even heard of! So I did some research and I found out this could be due to spyware, and so I downloaded a package called Adware 6, which found and removed in total 222 spyware programs and files. Okay so you would think that the computer would be much faster after that, well it was a little bit better. Anyways, now I have another problem, every time I start Adware 6 my computer setting change to 8 bit. Obviously this is really annoying so I change it using properties and its okay until the next time I open adware 6. I thought this might be due to the compatibility setting for the program but everything seems normal there. I also get an error message as soon as I start-up windows XP saying that I’ve changed the msconfig, which I did because I couldn’t think of any other way of stopping all these useless programs run at start-up. I'm think what’s the point having the option if they won’t let you use it!!!! (Bloody bill gates!) I also found a program called khooker.exe which runs at start-up but isn’t recorded on msconfig but is present well I run the adware scan. The scan detect about 25 programs running (is this normal?) #:1 [smss.exe]* #:2 [winlogon.exe]*isn’t this the program that the Sasser worm disguises itself as? #:3 [services.exe]* I believe this is the Khooker.exe program disguised #:4 [lsass.exe]* this scared me, isn’t it the Sasser worm? The file description said LSA SHELL #:5 [svchost.exe]* #:6 [svchost.exe]*Why is it running two and what the hell is it? #:7 [spoolsv.exe]* #:8 [aolacsd.exe] #:9 [pavsrv51.exe]*Panda software #:10 [avengine.exe]*Panda software #:11 [explorer.exe] #:12 [realplay.exe] #:13 [apvxdwin.exe]* Panda software #:14 [aoldial.exe] #:15 [esb.exe] #:16 [wtoolsa.exe]* #:17 [msnmsgr.exe] #:18 [pavproxy.exe]* #:19 [wsup.exe]* #:20 [wtoolss.exe]* #:21 [waol.exe] #:22 [ad-aware.exe] #:23 [shellmon.exe]* #:24 [aoltpspd.exe] #:25 [rundll32.exe]* A few of these I recognize and seem totally normal but I’ve put a star next to the ones I'm suspicious of. Any help what so ever would be greatly appreciated, I'm not computer whiz kid but I'm sure many of you on SOL are clued up on computers, So please help me!!!!!! Thank you in advance!
  18. I think I'll ignore OG-Moti's post!... Anyways!...My little brother who was 10 or 11 at the time, either loved to embrass us or was just silly. :confused: My family mostly consists of boys and everytime we were watching telly and an 'Always' advert also always came on and my little brother would forever ask the same question! "What is that?" and everyone would get embrassed and reply in unison "Just Shut up!" and change the channel. Oh and when he was younger he also asked us what virgin meant and my older brother total him it was one of the months of the year. Which supprisingly he believed! lol
  19. Haniif, I'd like to make a confession! I'm your stalker!!! Seriously I was just reading a reply to a post you wrote ages ago "The one eye is watching you!" and I thought I'd check your profile and see what you've written lately and I was totally shocked when I found you wrote a topic about cyber stalking walahi I was competely shocked! so I just had to confess! This is soooooo weird!!! :eek: Oh and to answer your question, the reason why i found you so cyberattractive was because you have a twisted sense of humour which I really liked, oh and the sarcasm! The other people I was stalking this week was NGONGE and Caano Ceel
  20. Feynman137 luv don't knock till you try it! :mad: science journals are so interesting!!!! try it, believe me you'll get hooked! I'm actually going to subscribe!
  21. Qac Qaac walaal you can't go around asking silly questions like that. I was born in arabta and I don't think that Somalis from Arabta change much when they come over to the western countries. I find that it's actually the Somalis who come from Somalia who adopt the western culture so eagarly! I believe that this maybe due to the fact that the Arab countries are already westernised, so there isn't much of a culture shock when they come over to the western countries. I know this because in Abu Dhabi the majority of the younger somali generation all have American accents and dress like Americans, which I thought was weird when I asked them where they were from, I found out that they were all actually born and bred in Arabta and that many had never even steped foot outside Arabta.
  22. After seeing those disgusting pictures of poor Muslim Iraqis being treated so sadistically by American soldiers I’ve lost all hope in the western justice system and all that it stands for. Never in a millions years would I have ever thought that people could do such horrible demeaning things to one another. I use to watch those depressing American Vietnam movies and think that people are too civilised to perform such acts in this day and age. And now I don’t even know what to think anymore, other than that I'm living in a world where justice doesn’t work or even exist! And all this hypocrisy makes me feel tearful and sick to the core, they would never had accepted a simple apology from Sadam or Osama bin Laden, so why should be settle for any less? To think that Muslims are doing nothing when their fellow Muslims are being treated worst than animals and then the western media beams these demoralizing and soul-destroying images around the world, and still we sit and do nothing! I know I feel completely powerless and I know so many probably feel the same. But when and how are we going to break this vicious cycle?! Because I can’t carrying on living my life like as if everything is normal…So how can you carry on living your lives so normally, as though nothing has happened when everything has happened!!! So how do you feel about it?!
  23. looooooooooooooooooooooool!!!!!! Caan Geel, My new found friend (either accept it or say hello to your very own stalker!) But one Thing!, personally I think Bush is Pinky and Blair is Brain! Rahima, really did you have to do that? Don't worry LIQAYE she doesn't really mean to sound like that!
  24. Oh wow! That is so crazy, I've sent it to everyone I know. Seriously this is way better than that virtual pet I use to have or the Sims! Lol@ World domination by a man in a chicken suit! and I thought I was paranoid! But then again if Bush can do it why not a 6ft chicken?! for some reason I have flash backs of "Pinky & Brain" when I think of Bush and Blair!
  25. You know I have a twisted way of seeing things and If that had happened to me I would just assume that this guy obviously doesn't care how these white women see him but he's more concerned about what you think of him so he's obviously embrassed and that's why he didn't pack your bags! And personally if I was in that situtation I would have packed your bags and had a converstation with you because that just the way I am. But if it was a Somali guy's shopping I wouldn't be so eager to help, however I'd just get on with it because it's my job!