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Everything posted by Curly

  1. Hey Qac I'm getting wary of you're little sly remarks! I'm surprised if anyone even understands your little one liners.
  2. CONGRATULATIONS !!!! You must be so happy, a little mini you! And the rest of us should be scared of the thought! I hope the baby doesn't keep you up! Oh a NAME! mmmh I love the name Ilyaas, but hey I'll be honest I actually said I liked the name Iblees once till someone explained!
  3. You know what?! I seriously don't know what to say other than…LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL!!!!! For the love of God! Some of you guys are pathetic! You keep talking about how Eve was made from Adam and how therefore some how men are far more superior. Hello! Have you suddenly forgotten that for thousands of years and probably at this very moment, as you're reading this some poor women out there is going through total utter pain giving birth to yet another ungrateful human being. And you can't even think to give a little respect to women! Oh and were you all aware that word woman was derived from “womb of man” See they’ll never let us forget that ONE contribution to mankind (oops there is goes again MANkind , oh lets not forget HuMAN and of course feMALE) Come on get over yourselves, you’ve already got everything you could possible want, what more do you want?! Oh oh… I know world domination, Money and female slaves?!
  4. Curly

    Free Topic

    Yeah OG I totally understand, it’s so frustrating when you know what the problem is and you can’t do a thing to change it, things like that want to make you give up trying completely with Somalis. What annoys mmmmmmmh, Well what ticks me off is :mad: :mad: when people ask me how I am but aren’t really interested or concerned in how I really am. They’ve managed to have turned it into some meaningless phrase; they probably think it’s like another way of saying HELLO! :mad: WELL it’s not, if you’re going to ask someone how they are, then at least have the decency to wait for a reply or don’t even bother asking! :mad: Okay I think that’s enough for today, I’ll wait and see what annoys me tomorrow!
  5. looooooooooooooooooooool@ Ngonge I’m very sceptical when it comes to love, I’ll even go as far as saying the damn thing doesn’t exist out of bitterness because I haven’t experienced it as of yet. (I stress yet! ) But I sure do believe in lust and infatuation and I think that a lot of people mistakenly brand lust and infatuation as LOVE. Well what on earth is love anyways? Except a cunningly thought out emotion to make us all have hope or something to look forward to in life, or just to get us to breed and reproduce which of course next to Worshipping Allah is the purpose of LIFE! :confused: :confused: :confused:
  6. This was NOT, I repeat was NOT meant to be the ultimate SOL battle of the sexes. People calm your selves! And disregard the foolish sexist banter. They’re only doing this to annoy people for their own silly childish amusement. As Underdog rightly said, this subject is tired, so please get back to the original topic, which discussed why people feel that they must follow this ridiculous culture and disregard Islam so easily and others feel trapped in this way of life and vicious cycle because of our backward society.
  7. Curly

    Somali Jews

    I don't like that references to tribes
  8. Curly

    Somali Jews

    shouldn't this topic be deleted?
  9. I know in Islam suicide is a Haram act, but I think a few of you are being alittle emotionless. We should let Allah punish her for her sins and refrain from judging and condemning her ourselves. I was more concerned about what drove her to it and why she felt that she had no choice but to resort to suicide. I know life is a ***** but people survive worse my next real life story, which was also set in the same setting. This woman was a lot younger. She couldn’t have been any more than 23 years old when I met her in Somalia in such a desperate state. But when this ordeal happened to her she was around 22 years old. She was walking through the city centre late at night; it was during the rainy season so it was heavily raining with mud everywhere. When five men in a pick up truck attacked her and gang raped her, they left her for dead in a ditch. She staggered back home the next morning as soon as she could, she had been beaten badly. And when she told her family and friends of what happened they accused her of sleeping around. But after seeing the bruises on her body they believed her and went in search of the five men who had attacked her. It was later found out that the five men concerned were involved in a serious accident and all but one had survived. They guy was severely hurt and was left disabled. Now this is the shocking part! After they man was returned to the city and had recovered he and the woman were forced to marry, due to that shame that was brought on to the family. The woman was forced to marry and live with this man, but because she was upset about the whole thing she decided to start a court case to get him jailed. The court case was long and lengthy and by this time she was already pregnant with his child. I met her when she was heavily pregnant and depressed; she was in tears constantly and didn’t know what to do, when her family were so unsupportive of her situation. She asked me for money so that she could leave the city and go to another city where she had other supportive members of family that would help her out. So I helped her and then a few days later we received a call from a man she had got a lift with in a nearby city that she had been hospitalised for high blood pressure and risked loosing her unborn child. Her family blamed her for all that had happened to her and were too busy wondering who had given her the funds to travel, which of course I didn’t confess to….lol I didn’t find out what happened to her after but I can’t help but think what I would do in her situation and after giving it thought I think that I would probably be weak enough in Iman and feeble enough to pity myself and take the cowardly route out and put an end to my life. But hey Allah doesn’t burden a soul... more than that soul they can handle.
  10. I could have died of a heart attack because of you! :eek: I'm still abit shakkkey!~~~~ Oh my heart! You insolent Child! :mad:
  11. This is a tragic real life story and probably not the first nor the last to happen. I’d like to introduce you all to a woman who lived all her 30 years living in a city dilapidated by poverty and war. She wasn’t the best of people, but what can you expect from someone toughen to the core from years of having a hard life. She was a divorced woman living with her only living relatives two small and tired old women. She spent here days washing, cooking and cleaning for them, tending to their needs like a robot without emotions or care. After she finished her daily chores she’d spend what little money she had on skin bleaching creams. She skin had gotten so frail and pock marked it actually diminished the whole point of lightening herself as a hope of beautifying herself. Her venomous mouth was constantly cursing, arguing and bickering with anyone she dared. Years earlier she had come close to death after being stabbed several times in the chest by women she had clashes with. When I met her she was perfectly healthy but still as venomous as ever, she was surprisingly nice to me, but I put this down to me being a foreigner. Anyways while I was with her I noticed she had a pretty vibrant nightlife. She had many male friends and one in particular who was forever hanging around her. A year later I heard she was pregnant and to be married to that very guy who had been hanging around her like a rain cloud, this guy happened to also have another unsuspecting first wife. People as per usual blamed her for the whole ordeal, and even accused her of badgering the guy to marry her, they said she seduced him and this was solely her fault. And of course the guy took responsible for getting her pregnant and agreed to marry her but decided that he would not live with her. Of course she did loved this guy very much and within a couple of months of giving birth news arrived to us that she had tried to commit suicide and set herself alight with kerosene and would inevitably die. She died later in hospital with the supposed rumour that her death maybe accidental after she tried to fill an empty lantern with kerosene. The whole incident made me evaluate a lot of things and question what would drive someone into suicide and of all the ways she could have done it she chose to the burn the skin she valued and cherished so much and leave behind an infant so easily. what's your take on this?
  12. This isn’t another one of those battle of sexes SOL posts you see all too often on SOL. But this is a more of a mature and lighthearted approach to an issue that’s bothered me for as long as I can remember. And before I get thrashed by male nomads I’d like to clear up a few things before I begin, firstly I’d like to say that in this post any references made about ‘men’ does not necessarily represent the entire male species as a whole but rather the majority of pigheaded Somali men we see all too often! And I’d also like to make clear that I’m not saying that women are in anyway innocent themselves. For years I’ve been attacking any one who dared to say that women are weaker and therefore not equal to men. Obviously years later I’ve realised that YES, I have been brainwashed by the ‘west’ to some degree. Woman’s equality with men is virtually impossible since the nature of men and women is different in terms of physical, mental and psychological abilities. Quite frankly different things cannot be the same, it defies all laws of common sense! Anyways, yet society chooses to take advantage of those who are weaker and less able for their own gains. Whether that is in a so-called ‘Islamic Society’ or in our case a cultural one, where our people decide that mixing culture with religion is correct. I know that all too often Somali elders use religion as an excuse to get away with so many despicable acts, which may or may not have rooted from Islamic principals and since then has been distorted hideously to serve a barbaric sense of pride and selfishness. Where else in the world would you find a culture so eager to condone acts such as FGM, the abuse of polygamy, sexism and tribal wars? Okay now I’m getting swayed from the real reason why I decided to post this topic in the first place, which was solely to bash males...opps did i say that out loud?! In Islam women have many rights, which are all too willingly forgotten when it comes down to crunch. Islam is growingly being depicted by the western media as a religion, which oppresses women when in actual fact Islam was the first religion to enforce women’s rights. So why is it that they’ve come to this conclusion? Well to be honest their idea of freedom is quite deluded in the first place, they’d rather we exploited ourselves, by prancing around half naked in the belief that they saw us as equals! But they ‘the west’ also sees the rising cases of people who wave the Islamic flag as an excuse for abusing human rights and even Islamic Laws! For example the countless cases of honour killings by fathers, uncles and brothers who believe that they can take the law of Allah into their own hands, by killing when Islam condemns the killing of another Muslim! The countless cases of Somali men who choose to accept the tad bits of Islam that pleases them and then decides to not acknowledge the rest. A brilliant example of this being of course polygamy, when all to often Somali men disregard the conditions of polygamy. So to conclude and explain why this topic is titled ‘inferiority complex’ I’d say that this was the only way I could describe and maybe even explain why Somalis choose to act like they do. I think that Somalis must be suffering from some sort of inferiority complex just because they feel as though they have to belittle another human being, race, tribe or gender just to feel better about themselves. To be honest I could go on forever but I know how people on SOL dislike long posts! What do you think? Have I finally lost the plot and are these the rantings of a mad woman?! :confused:
  13. Curly


    Lol DA you can't say I didn't try to save the poor bloke some face, but aye you can't win all the time!
  14. Curly

    Well DA you're blessed with a gob, what can we say other than SPARE US, PLEASE! You don't just scare the crap out the blokes; you scare the crap out of everyone!
  15. Curly


    Now children lets not be so hasty, maybe this was a cunningly thought out pun on words by Xisbi. However I’m sure you all doubt that but I just thought I’d bring that to attention! It worth a thought is it not?! :confused:
  16. Vanquish...I am a woman please do not undermine me unless you're willing to reap what you sow! Thank you
  17. I hope you all realise that you’ve ruined a potentially good game! Shame on you all! Okay I’ll try and salvage the game, and carry on by answering Mojam's question. Of course the person who you quoted from was none other than CUTE_LILGIRL, which shows I was paying attention! Here's my contribution to this game, who did I quote this line from? “Small minds do indeed talk about people”
  18. Sadly I use to like Vanquish, till he decided to be so snobby and look down his nose at us. Well Vanquish if you can’t say anything nice then don’t say anything at all! And I don’t see you starting any “better” topics; so I guess we’ll have to make do with talking about something that we find interesting! Which I thought was the point of SOL, but then again I could be mistaken! Oh God! This is too much for me to comprehend… I’m confusing my little head! :confused: **Stares blankly into space**
  19. Nope he hasn't yet,I haven't been watching it but since BB has made it big and is now being reported on the NEWS who doesn't know what's going on in there?! Well they're getting drunk and brawling and the police had be called and a couple have been kicked out of the house. SO where's Ahmed in all on this? fast asleep in bed! And whenthey're all hung over inthe morning and sleeping the day away, he's left all alone doing nothing. Oh and mashallah the guy actually prays in the house and he hasn't touched a drop of alcohol. But I've also heard the bloke has a temper! He's been smashing plates and stuff, and now everyone reckons he's just insane!
  20. Ameenah yeah part time students have to pay taxes which is really silly but oh well!
  21. Lmao Oh my bloody days! Walahi that's hilarious! Oi don’t you have proof that you were charged tax like a payslip of something, and I believe you need proof that you we’re a student during that time too!
  22. OG luv that’s exactly what I was thinking too when those disgusting pictures of the abused Iraqis came out Of course these people they send out to fight for their country, who are most likely from the bottom of the social scale would have twisted enough minds to carry out acts such as those, so why was the American government shocked about it?! Ngonge you’re right, the world suffers from apathy! When it comes to doing what’s right that is. People exploit one another for the own gains; it’s what makes the world go round so the chances of this changing over night is slim. I myself am guilty of selective amnesias, when you’re life is all you see in front of you it’s very hard to think of others much less do something constructive for people who are on the other side of the globe.
  23. Am I imagining it or was this Arab news website being a little too bias against Somalis by insinuating and planting stereotypical views into the minds of readers? From the title of “Somali Indicted in Ohio Mall Bombing Plot” you’re left wondering why this reporter decided that the origin of the man involved was so important that he had to mention it in the title. The motives of this website are quiet clear to me, especially after they unnecessarily decided to mention the Somali population of Columbus. “Columbus is home to more than 30,000 Somalis, the second-largest Somali community in the United States, after Minneapolis.” I believe that this is all just a ploy to belittle Somalians as much as possible, I'm sure many of you all know the great amount of esteem Arabs have for Somalians. But it’s sad that Arabs would rather concern themselves with the actions of us…their brothers and sisters in Islam, rather than the sordid and demeaning actions of the non-Muslims against the Muslims! :mad:
  24. “Millions of pounds are unwittingly being paid by the UK’s student population in taxes they don’t even owe!” The Guardian, Rachel Gordon- 26th Jan 2001 It’s bad enough some of you have to pay off ridiculous sums of money to student loan companies, and for the government to charge taxes on our wages is just down right dreadful! So don’t put up with it claim every penny back and make sure your employers are aware that you are students even if it’s just for the summer holidays fill in a P38(S). However if it’s too late and you’ve still got pay slips from your student days try and claim it back. You should know your rights!
  25. Curly

    Romantic Rhymes

    Lol, Trust you to be the inventive one! but what exactly is Gaaf anyways?!