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Everything posted by wacdaraha_aduunka

  1. War Jb orienteeshinka bal ka waran qaybtee baad aheyd guulwadayaasha loool
  2. Good news I have family in Chile,Equador and Brazil and I've lived Venezuela myself so we need more spanish and portuguese speaking somalis
  3. She's there to sing Riyaale through the mugging process and couple of years more in power. Shimbiriyoow heesa heesa heesa heesa bey uu qaadi doonta
  4. She's there to sing Riyaale through the mugging process and couple of years more in power. Shimbiriyoow heesa heesa heesa heesa bey uu qaadi doonta
  5. Sxb Sayidoow iska ilaali aw FuFu waad ogeyd at the other post wuxuu yidhi ragu sheeko macaan buu ka sugaa
  6. Atleast I have some respect for FuFu eventough him and he's likes still gather for October fetivities But Abwaan who thinks Aideed was some kind of somali leader and worships USC and its deeds as holy summs up his character. Marka shimbiriyoow heesa ileen waa laba shimbiro isu yimid
  7. Sayid waxaaba uma baxo sxb, Mr FuFu aka Snoop Siyaad wuxuu iga rabey malaha sheeko macaan garan maayo wuxuu ka wadey loool Abwaan'na isagoon magalaadis tagin buu magaale kale ka hadli jirey ee bal dhulka soo baro intaad kuwa kale ka hadli lahayd.....
  8. Tii Duke baa weli ku taala e deal with it.. labadeenu waxba inagama dhaxeeye ee jawaabti xagaa iyo duke ii weeci ee yeesan raganimadaa uu dhimin
  9. horta af somaliga bal soo baro markaa raga lasoo shirtag.. Adeer waxba kaa si ah oo maxaad raga ka sheeko gureysa oo ma hadaba mid macaan lagugu sheekayo baad dooneysey adeer iskaga tag meesha
  10. so will the ugandans defend the italian envoy too or will they provide their own backup... Maybe Sharif can hitch hike sometime to the airport and let thoose poor ugandans take a little holiday
  11. Sayid waaba kugu taagantahay sxb ka soco meesha
  12. Ahlan wa Sahlan sxb ileen Snoop is in tha house huh where did Siyaad go. If you cant contribute sxb to the post then then dont post at all. Ragu lama bartil mameedsado oo wakthiyada ee soo galaan lagama qoro dumarka ba loo daayey arrinta
  13. Adeer hadaad iska celin weydey Duke dadka haku dhicin. Confront duke who made the comment not those who laughed at it.
  14. Sayid the all time attention seeker. Duke any future government will need heavy military hardware but at this moment and at this fight, tans wont play a decisive role at all. Tanks destroy other tanks and military installations like bases and building not an ak47-wielding thug with a cimaamad
  15. Layzie adder raga meesha uu daa ee u jawaabi maayo. Due bro tanks are used when two armies are facing each other and they have bases in which u can blow up. But the only thinks tanks are going to add is blowing up whole neighbourhoods and buildings. Ku dhufo oo ka dhaqaaq waxba ka qaadi maayo
  16. this would be the dumbest move that government has ever taken if its true. Tanks dont do nothing when fighting a insurgency. This guys dont have a base nor a place where the government can take those tanks to and fight. Shariif haduu moodey taangi baa wax ka qabanayo ku dhufo oo ka dhaqaaq iyo dilal qorsheeysan dee marka isaga la kulmi doona ciqaabteeda
  17. Moonlight what do you think FuFu and Kashafa has in common. Both of them are serious followers of Hip-Hop politics Thats what mixing rap and somali fadhi-ku-dirir produces