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Everything posted by wacdaraha_aduunka

  1. Originally posted by nuune: haashtariiga ii dhiib yaakhey Yaakhi dadkaan wareer badanaa, War meeshan Iskaashato baa loo furay waana Support Group intended for folks who want to quit or have done it laakin qash-qashaad baad la timaaden meesha. Nuune iyo Musyapha ka yaaca meeshan Marlboro lights kulahaa
  2. Waranle your on the wrong track saxiib ,,, Xiin is a classic example of guy who's lacked something to champion and now found Shariif to be the 'new in' fashion logo to sport and even concoucted a term for that syndrome ala 'Peace Caravan'. Him and like-minded people called Abdullahi a traitor when he went to Mustaxil but called Omar Xaashi (AUN)a leader when he did the same in Godey. They will go so far to claim that Shariif doesnt allow the ethiopians to come in into the country by saying let hell go loose on all somali cities except when it comes to the 'Holy Grail Muqdishu', while the truth is all hell has been loose on that city ofr 20 yrs while the rest of Somalia is relatively spared. Xiin and Miskiin and all of the others are bunch without morals and principals and would not only sell the seas of Somalia but any city excluding Muqdishu for a host of reasons including tribal, ********imo and trying to be down for whats in fashion today.
  3. Oo Mansa waxaa aan soonka aan ku khal-hal gelinayo maxey tahay? Horta ma wax yaabaha soonka jabiya ma garaneysa? Mise cay iyo anshax-xumi baad la shir tagi lahayd Cajaa'ib, koleyba hadeysanbil ramaadan eysan kaaga banaaneyn dee markaana bill caadi'ba ma wanaagsana.
  4. Intaan sxb hadeey ka cadahay inagaba xidh sheekadaan duxba laga heeli maayo
  5. Dance moves oo sick ah buu wadey.. War Jb bal inoo raadi video,,, this guy must be awarded the Somaliland MP with dance moves of the year walle
  6. Originally posted by nuune: Your retirement waxba kama harin,,, Dhulkii hooyo wuxuuba la jooga waa uun retirement kiisa Aleeylahee ishaad ka riday Nuune
  7. Originally posted by Abwaan: quote:Originally posted by wacdaraha_aduunka: Home visits are possible if the schedule allows but PM me beforehand lol...hold on...background check horta SOL yaa u qaabilsan intaan talo faro ka bixin?! Abwaan sxb maba ku jirtid ba offer'ka as you dont qualify marka maxaad background check isku wareerin KK walaaley Nin yaaban hala yaabin but self-denial is the biggest one sign of addiction marka i used to enjoy smokin during any stress, is-qarxiskana waaba waxaan uu furey this thread
  8. I like the first guy hehe,, looks like is about to break into some crazy *** dance moves hehe moon-walk through that parliament
  9. Belo baa ka dhacay meesha ileen. Kan gadaal ka riixiya ma uu jeeda Duke
  10. The box-office hit of Riyaale Mugging vol 2.0 is showing right now in a cinema close to you
  11. Poker war sxb adigu sheekadu xagee kala qabsatey hahah adoonan garan baad meel kasoo boodey. Qaran weli waa shaqeeysaa ee raggi dhisey baa yaqaan Roonow bal yara fadhiso meel
  12. War meesha Jaceyl balaadhan oo safaf uu kala hadheeyey baaba ka dilaacay oo ninkii jaceyl bari jirey baa uu hogaan ah cajiib
  13. Sxb waa iga dhab ololaha baan ka mid ahay Waxaan soo wada qalab casri oo xagaa Puntland ka keenay oo diiwan-gelin casri ah sameeya heheh. Caawaba waxey kaga socotaa hodheeliki Nationa iyo bar uga dhaxeeysa sladhiga dhexe iyo buundada ma garatey. Aniguna iga waaye meysid maqaaxiyada dumbuluq iyo Jig-Jiga yar adba waad ogtahay xaruunta dhexe ee Qaran waa dalcada tagta hodheelkii mansuur
  14. War ku dambeyn maayee sxb, howlo ololaha doroshooyinka baan uu imaan. Waxaan ku kulmi doona xagaa iyo daarta isbitaalka gaboose sxb ileen anigu Qaran baan ka diiwangelisanahay hehehe
  15. Miskiin sxb waa leeyihiin iskaashato sabato yaa iyaga uu doodaya hadeysan aheyn unionkooda hehe,,, War ninyow Pm aan kuu soo direy weli igamaadan jawaabin bal warka soo jeex jeex baan ku idhi
  16. Sxb I dont need to show up nor hide from anyone in any part of Somalia as adigu sas iyo jirdiido baan kala nooshay nafsadaa laakinse anigu meel ay dan iga gaadhi Somaliya waan tegi wala Riyaale iyo Shankaroon-landna igama horjoogsan karto laakinse sheekadaa waxey isu badashey balan aan dhigano. Ma rag farabadan oo reer Puntlandna baad safarkooda ka dhursugeeysey oona balanta aad uu dhigtey kugu jareen War waxa qaar ilaahey abuurey sameyskooda amakaag badaana cajaa'ib badana
  17. AfricaOwn you always seem to exceed any expectations i have about your simple mathematical skills cajaa'ib. Lets do simple calculation shall we..... Somaliland is comprised of Minus - Sool, Sanaag and what used to be part of Togdheer region Cayn Minus- Awdal And what do you have left = Simply Waqooyi Galbeed plus the city of Burco and Oodweyne and i would count on these cities after Riwaayada ama Masraxa Riyaale Mugging vol.2, the beta version is soon to be released near Maqaaxyad ku taal golada agdhow Ex-Morgans Residence in Hargeisa
  18. If you think Puntland proclaiming independepence would seal the 'fate' of your 18 yrs of seeking independence then am very sorry to inform that wont happen ever. Puntland is an integral part of Somalia and will always be under any situation, whether under continued full autonomy or as a state within a fully functional federal Somali Republic and that includes Waqooyi Galbeed.
  19. Just like west been feeding Ethiopia/Eritrea their breadcrumbs since 1984 hope you dont choke on it
  20. Oo anigu waxa kugu jabna iyo kan Gaaroodi ku jaban ma isku mid baan idhi, Laakinse waa isku ab iyo isir laakin
  21. Adiga iyo GAAROODI walle waxbaa idinku jaban oo fujisteydu aanu insi iyo jinnba isku taxalujin karin