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Everything posted by Khalid-Jnr

  1. There are in an aura of elegance and grace about her innocent look, something that is not often associated with P-land. But then, she could be a Khaatumite native who became P-lander by association....
  2. MMA, On the questions German doctor's - it's so true that somalis believe German are the best Doctor's on the planet. Not long ago, I was advising a relative of mine who got sick and needed urgent medical treatment, his family doctor referred him to local hospital which happen to have one of the best hepatologists (liver doctor's) in Europe. We could not convince him to have him treated here in UK, and was happy to fork out over 10,000 euros on German doctors for something he could have for free. Once he finished his main treatment in Germany, he came back to UK and decided to continue his after-treatment here (mainly finance reasons). When he met the UK liver specialist, the first question the doctor asked was "why you Somalis always go to Germany for medical", don't you know our hospital is among the best in Europe etc. The doctor was actually livid, and had to play a mediator role...
  3. MMA, You took the literal meaning sxb, I think they are announcing their coming of age.....It's like nice way of saying "Y'll Faarax's, we are ready to get hitched, come on get us"....etc I think the little one on left is proper wadaadad yar, she has been led stray by other
  4. Chimera;812514 wrote: Dude is sweating like crazy. Because the German guy was wearing bulletproof vest in the scorching sun of Mogadishu...It was bit over the top
  5. Sheikh Xasan danta unbaa ku khasabtaye ma filayn in uu ahaa qof ay Shabaab isku madhab noqon kareen. Hase yeeshee nasiib daro political space-ka Somalia ayaa cariiri la galiyey - ama ku biir the illegitimate government of Shariif ama Shabaabka raac.
  6. The Obama family were elected by the people through the ballot box, whereas the Sharrif's came through the barrel of Ugandan tank. The first is concerned about public perception and want to be seen to be to connect with people (...ultimately its them who decide), whereas the Sharrifs don't seem to care as long as it's Somalis whom they meeting. I bet if she met Mrs Museveni or Mrs Azeb (Meles's wife) - it would have been different pose.
  7. Though I disagreed with many the policies of late president Col Yusuf, but the unqualified criticism by certain fanatic is unwarranted and highly objectionable. Whether one loved and loathed, Col Yusuf has passed away. At least we should have the decency to leave the old man alone.
  8. I never knew the good professor was also aspiring qaraami singer, Rageedi!...
  9. Abtigiis, be very carefull brother and take all the security arrangements possible to safe yourself and family from any potential harm from the Ethiopians. We pray for you insha allah. As Abu-Salman commented above, you are a priceless assett to the struggle gainst the injustice, tyranny & opression against our people. As you are probably aware, the Tigrinya's have assasinated several people in Kenya whom they saw us a threat, both somali and non-somalis, so never underestimate any potential from that direction.
  10. Showqi, Yes, the principle is the same and it's called Echolocation.
  11. Stingy waaxid, Scotish ayaa meaness lagu xaman jiree dad ka daran ayaaba soo Folks from that part of Somalia talk alot, and I suspect with best will on the world, you will not be able to get 100 of them tell a story and document all of it. I suggest you up your offer and get smaller sample (selective ones you capture the essence of H town).
  12. Hi Nomads, It's been a while since I have been here. Hope y'all are keeping well. The summer time may have started yesterday, but my body clock hasn't changed yet.
  13. I watched on Channel4 or five few years back. Indeed, it was an amazing feat. If I remember it correctly, he was using sound to navigate through his way. Sorry to hear that he passed away
  14. ONLF has never targeted infrastructure of any kind, be it bridges, buildings, power installations etc. That is is not our modus operandi waryaa! Those who peddle such hearsay are simply liars. It was the TPLF, who are on the helm today, who used to use every kind of terror method under the sun. Read their history
  15. Duco iyo best wishes waa la dhameeyey... ee Amiin ayaan ku daray! Rabbi haka dhigo mid dadkiisa, diintiisa, dalkiisa anfaca........Amiin
  16. Waxaan ilaahay uga baryayaa in uu Jama caafiyo, insha allah uu ka kaco xanuunkan...
  17. Walee Shariif Jowhar wey ugu jirtaa. Iska baashaal dheh inta kuu hadhay...
  18. Beautiful scenery!, I like the kid from Canada - he obviously seems to be enjoying reconnecting with his roots.
  19. This is nothing new, we knew the number of under-25's not in any kind of work, education or training (NEETS) had been on the increase over the last few years. The number of neets is now stands over 1 million. The problem is a socio-econimic one, not a racial one, and ought to be read with caution!. Unemployment has always been high for black communities, who invariably find themselves in lowest social economic bracket.
  20. Gheelle.T;789674 wrote: Adi meeqa meel aa daganeed horta? Xaafada Hodan (KPP) soo dhahaysay aa deganaa in other thread. Private school Aw-Bustaale waa dhigan jirtay Yaa Aw-Bustaale dhigan jiray? the private school in Jidka shaqaalaha Hodan saw ma ahan?
  21. lol...@ embrace ethiopian birr. They were actually paid in US$ denomination, the first installment was paid before they set foot in Ethiopia.
  22. I think it means I ball of some sort!..............I could be wrong though, but doesn't sound like baby chicken to me.
  23. Some women actually find bald men attractive!, so you never know, this may give you an edge. Also this baldness phenomenon is hereditary, so there is a good of having it if your dad had it. I know some people attribute it to age, but is not true, I have seen people in their early twenties who are very bald. So all hope is not lost.
  24. Maadeey Mahadsanid sxb - I was on on a self-imposed exile from SOL for sometime.
  25. Aaliyah, Gabdhahana ka waran, da'dee "ideal" ah?. Mise da'da raga minus 10 weeye?