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Everything posted by Khalid-Jnr

  1. Ibti, I am also sick and tired of working for someone, I even wrote my reluctance to go to work in here earlier this morning. May be you should consider being your own boss (self-employment), it has been on my mind for sometime now...
  2. Alla maxaad dad aan is lahayn aad isku keentay Scarlet Johnson, Paris Hilton,Camron Diaz, and Tyra Banks. Ma intaas yaad celebrity showbiz ka taqaan sxb? E-mailka whitehouse .com ma ahee waa .gov (ie government). Caku badow reer magaal is mooday!
  3. Wacan oo wanaagsan, Waryaa JB ma salaad subax ayaad u toostay inaad tukato mise inaad meelahan mirqaanto (metophorical sense). It's 7.33am my local time and I am dreading to go to work, don't know why?, Perhaps its to do with my broken car.
  4. Redsea, providing names of the recipients of the funds plus the location of the family will be useful for anyone who would like to assist.
  5. I wonder if this debate is about upstaging one another, or a genuine intellectual dialogue. Whatever the case may be, the only think that comes to mind is how Radio and cable TV increasingly seek colourful individuals of completely opposed view points to feature on their current affairs programmes. Why? Perhaps conflict boosts viewership/ listenership, hence financial incentive to do so. The participants of such contests often have little interest in promoting a comprehensive or balanced perspective. Instead, each attempts to shift the balance of opinion by presenting a radical and uncompromising extreme. In such environments, civility and good sense suffer, and talking heads morph into shouting heads. While I am not drawing a complete parallel between the good nomads at SOL and the behaviours of ubiquitous liberal think-tanks in the popular media but one think I could not understand is the motives of certain protagonist in this same page. In my last unorthodox and definitely unscientific method of gauging Somali public opinion revealed the vast majority were against this so called "peace" initiative spearheaded by our very unfriendly neighbour. As there are no public opinion to sway and certainly no visible financial benefit to gain (at least to me), I just wonder what motivates this guy? Bal hala ii jilciyo nimanyahow…
  6. Waa arin laga murugoodo walaahi, allahayow u sahal inta hada nool, koley hadii ay noolaadaan psychological damage iyo stigma attached ayaaban dhib yareyn. Soomaaliyeey toos, toosoo ilaahiina seegee isku tiirsada... I am moved...
  7. Wsalaam Ms DD, Nabade ma barideeen?, JB, wali ma ii dudeysaa mise...?
  8. You should have seen this guy in real life, he is even more wackier!. He should have done better job cleaning the streets of Helsink, Finland.
  9. Malika waa iska OK, I don't want to be the cause of your stress level going over the roof. Thanks for WLC message, I am trying to find my way around the SOL universe, the place is pretty damn big.
  10. LooooooooooooooL @ Adeer waa Bruce Lee, karate uu cayaaraa..... Did this dude actually said that in the past, this is hillarious walaahi!. I like the sarcasm, ku digo sidii ay dadka ugu digan jireen intay laayaan waliba... :eek:
  11. Malika looooool @mirqaan, I can understand where you are coming from, but I will observe few days before replying to what I consider an offensive coment against the opposite gender... :confused:
  12. LooL@ beating up the chasier, you know if that unfortunate scenario ever happens, you will find yourself on the duc charged with "inciting violence". Writing a disclaimer at the end of your post will probaby help
  13. It will be quite interesting to see how the myth of TFG will unravel in the coming few days/weeks.
  14. Thanks Ms DD, I hope your instincts are right, this little rebel already started a war of words against me. In the spirit of this blessed sunday, I will let him get away (pardom him) this time. Nuune, the legend of SOL, Mahadsanid sxb.. Waryaa JB, dee waa kusidee sxb, dhaqanku ma aheyn in hablaha saa loola hadlo!, aniga saad doonto iga yeel laakiin not to hablaha
  15. I can now understand your fondness with Xabashi yaa JB, ileyn qolyihii sesessionistiga ayaad aheyd. Proclaiming "Ethiopia" ayaan u socdaan at this time of heightened political climate is insensitive at best and insult to majority at worst.
  16. War kani wuuba hiiqsanyahay, cyper warior SOL style. halkaa ka sii wad adeer...
  17. Adeer saw adiga is kashifay ma ahan, hence my intention.... So for you travelling to Ethiopia must be very exciting, the land of your masters I guess!.
  18. Research conducted by the US national institutes of health revealed that male circumcision can cut HIV infection among hetrosexuals by 50%. Similar study in South African revealed even better success rate of 60% reduction in HIV infections, both better prevention methods then traditional aproaches. Read more at Despite this staggering success rate, the trails were halted, I bet it is much to do with its potential in denting the wallets of big pharmacutical companies who depend on the sale of aids medicine. As some else mentioned, there are a whole lot of non-muslim African tribes who use male circumcision. Remember the kenyan post-election tribal disturbance, apparently one of the ways to snif out the enemy within was to investigate their private parts (The Luo circumcise the male, Kukiyus don't).
  19. Morning Fellas, This is my first ever posting in troll corner, and yes I am new if you didn't figure out that already. Big hello to all sane SOLers out there,
  20. This reminded me an incident that took place in a mosque which had a large somali worshippers. There was this guy who used to be regular at the mosque, he did not had any distinguishing feature, just looked an average somali farah except he was dumb and informant for secret services. Ofcourse this was at the time of the rise of ICU in southern Somalia, this guy was praying one day in that mosque and while he was prostrating his spy ID card fell to the ground in full view of all other worshipers. Kala carar ayaa ka dhacay!. I
  21. This is bad news for all muslims and particularly our palestinian brothers/sisters who depend great deal on the good work of Interpal charity. This is just part of concerted effort on the part of US to punish the Palestinian people for excercising their "democratic" right to elect Hamas, after all, this is not the first time a British bank has refused to deal with the good charity. Natwest Bank has in the past ceased its dealing with Interpal citing pressure from the US legal system. This whole things stems from allegations made by the US treasury back in 2003 when it accused many charities including Interpal of so called "terrorist" links, despite being cleared by the UK charity commision (statutory body in charge in regulating the work of charities), it seems this this time a fight of different kind is being used i.e direct pressure on financial institutions.
  22. War ma carabaha ayaad ku wada nooshihiin, inaa lilaah. "admiring that beauty from a distance " kulahaa Ngone, is this not what the arabs say when the are doing ........ on the car. If you can't have it appreciate from distance weeye xaalkiinu show (Somali)... Don't you guys know talking of global demographic perspective, we have more women on planet earth then men, the local implication of this stastistics is that there are 3 free women waiting to be hooked for every 2 men on SOL. good news isn't it, go get em!. On a serious note, I don't think it is appropriate to scrutinise sisters too much,