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Everything posted by nuune

  1. Somaliland is a sovereign state that is internationally recognised government. adigoon articlekan soo galin halkan ayaad intaas SOL ku qori kartaa yaa Xaaji Xeyraan, Ramadan Kariim, sxb
  2. Cadale;988491 wrote: Everything that harms your body is forbidden. And if it harms others, and harms your wealth, and harms your family, and environment waa forbidden forbidden forbidden forbidden lagu darey, u sheeg igaarkan Wadani, illaa hada wuxuu taaganyahay Sura Faatixa sidaas ma aysan oranin!
  3. ^^ Waryaa Wadani, out of your touch ma ahan cilmi uma lihid, wax fahan oo ha boodin, akhri xuruufta waxa ku dhax lifaaqan, ee waa labadeena discussionkeena quran iyo hadith kuma saleysna, ninkaas kale ayaad aayada qurana iyo hadith isla heysaan, aniga iyo adiga ma ahan, that is what of out of your touch means, wax fahan, ilaa al'aankan quraan iyo hadith islama aynaan soo qaadin, seef la boodnimada jooji diinta ingtegrytigeeda ayaan ilaalinayaa dhinacna qaadkaan ilaalinayaa wax caqliga aqbali karo ma ahan, ku noqo halkaa Abti.
  4. Allah Yarxamhaa, polite, quite and of course very respectful, for one to be Muslim doesn't define how he or she dresses, waxaan heenaa gabdho Soomaaliyeed oo madaxa dadan oo asturan oo khamri iyo tubaakada dhuuqaya
  5. but like I told Nuune I do have a vested interest in maintaining the integrity of the deen and so I don't want to see this compromised by edicts based on the misuse of textual sources and weak reasoning filled with holes. I am not here to quote you verses of Quran, or Hadith even though I can quote you multiple Hadiths but that would be out of your touch, but will give you a simple Hadith that says: Wixii nafsadaada halaaga waa Xaaraam. Ma ujeedaa, this Hadith just says nafsadaada halaaga, ka warran hadaad ku sii darsato reerkaaga halaaga, bulshada ku dhax jirto halaaga, maalkaaga halaaga, soo Xaaraam xaaaraam xaaraam xaaaraam lagu darey ma ahan, diinta faham ayey u baahantahey ee kaagama baahna haati daliil ama cadeyn isii, wax kasta hadaad dhahdo haatuu burhaanakum dee sidii reer Banii Israel ayaad halaagsami iyagaa su'aalaha badan ku halaagsamey xataa sideen u cunnaa cuntada qaabkee ayey Anbiyada weydiin jireen, cilmiga qudhiisana caqliga ayuu u baahanyahey in lala kaashado oo kaligiis nafci ma lahan, taasna ogoow Abti! The point is here: - You don't eat Khat - You are clean from it Yet YOU: - Advocate its use in the public - Campaign it to be used - Wants it to be legalized What is wrong with you yaa Wadani, maskaxdii reerka aawey aad dhihi jirtey waa caaqilada reer Banuu Haashim, adeegso dee oo ka dhiidhi, muhiimada loo dhahayana waa Xaaraam fahan, ma ahan in Sura Al Faatixa ay saas dhahdey ee waa bulshada ayaa laga badbaadinayaa iney halaagsamaan, qofka Jaahilka ah ayaa durbadiiba wax fahma illeen Cilmiga laguu sheegayaba waa Jahligii oo is urursadey markaasey butaaceyn, waa butaacistan meesha uu Cilmiga ka soo qulquley.
  6. Wadani;988454 wrote: This is a nonsense fatwa, because any enjoyable thing in this world has the potential to distract one from the remembrance of Allah. Just look at the example of Prophet Sulayman calayhi salaam when he became so preoccupied with his horses that he missed the midday prayer. With the logic employed in the above fatwa horses should be haraam, so should socializing, video games, sports etc. It's the responsibilty of the person to enjoy these things responsibly and in moderation, and these scholars have no right to deem something xaaraam on such a flimsy basis. And my initial outrage to your original post wasn't due to the fact that you said qaat was xaaraam, it was because u likened it to khamri the ummul-fawaaxish. That to you a qaat user and a person who drinks are the shame shows how shallow your understanding of the deen really is. As for qaat being xaaraam there is a difference of opinion on this even amongst Salafi/Wahhabi scholars, though the majority of them take the position that it's forbidden. I am still not totally convinced of this view because from what I understand qaat is just a very strong stimulant like having a couple of cups of strong coffee and nothing like real drugs that lead to altered mental states that affect judgement and cognition. As for the arguments that say it's xaaraam because its unhealthy, well so is fast are we gonna say fast food is xaaraam? Yaa Wadani, maxaad la qeylineysaa, orod afartan jawaan oo midkiiba ku jiro sagaashan marduuf is hor dhig oo ka dharag sidii sac dhabarka ka duleela, ma nafsadaada ha halaagin iyo reerkaaga ayaa lagaa kari la'yahey, ma bulshada aad ku dhax jirto ha halaagin ayaa lagaa kari la'yahey, ma nafsadaada badbaadi ayaa lagaa kari la'yahey iyoi tan dadka kula midka ah, dee orod oo sagaashankaa marduuf sagaashan kale intaad ku darsato habeen iyo maalin fadhiiso darbiyada jidadka iyo makhaayadaha dumarka ay shaaha ku iibiyaan dabadeedna daawo kuuntadeeda mar kastey koob shaaha ku soo ag dhigto. Qofkii naarta galaayo aniga shakhsi ahaanteyda waan ku sii takhaantikhinaa haduu diido talo iyo nasiixo wanaagsan, gal oo tiimbo af af iyo gadaal-gadaalba.
  7. Wadani;988348 wrote: What???? Are you prepared to stand before Allah and say this? What proof do u have to make such a bold statement? Kulahaa qaat is just like khamri, acuudu-billaahi-minashaydaani-rajiim. - Qaadka waqtiga miyuu dhumiyaa(duhurkii saad u fadhiisato habeen kala badh ayaad kacdaa), jawaabtu waa haa - Qaadka maskaxda miyuu badalaa(kolkaad cuneyso daara dhaadheer ayaad dhistaa iyo diyaarado), jawaabtu waa haa - Qaadka maalka miyuu u daranyahey(caruurtoo u baahan caano iyo hilib ayaad marduuf siisani), jawaabtu waa haa - Qaadka bii'ada iyo bulshada miyuu wasakheeyaa(qashinkiisa la tufayo marka la cuno etc), jawaabtu waa haa - Qaadka reerkaaga miyuu ku seejiyaa(xaajiyadoo ku sugeyso inaad la caweyso), jawaabtu waa haa - Qaadka cuntada miyuu kaa xidhaa(dheecaankiisood liqdo xiidmahoo ku istaago), jawaabtu waa haa - Qaadka nafsadaada miyuu halaagaa(ilkahoo casaan ku noqdo, bishimahoo mariid noqdaan etc), jawaabtu waa haa Hadaba, jawaabtu hadey wada tahey haa, dhibkiisana bato, sidaa darteed ...(isug aan farta waaweyn kaaga dhigee) waa XAARAAM qadcan ah.
  8. Haatu;988343 wrote: Xarafka 'Z' Af Soomaaliga kuma jiro. Beddelkiisa waxaa la adeegsadaa xarafka ' S '. Dhowr gaf oo kale qoraalkan waan ku arkaa balse saxintiisa haddaan gudagalo adduun gaddoon baa la iski gaari . isma arkaa Islaamka dhiba ayaan maqli jirey, meelaha aan gaduudiyey oo dhan sidii rati baarqab ah ayaad ku galaangalatey waana khalad ama eray Soomaaliyeed ma ahan, tan kale, goorma ayuu saman noqdey Af Soomaali, ama aakhiro noqotey Af Soomaali, inaad labadaa u soo hesho eray u dhigma adaan kaa sugayaa, mana ku caawinayo, I am sorry Abti, hadaadba sxbkey Nin Yaaban u caga-jugleysay, wax sheeg ma xuma, waxaagu wuxuu ahaa weerar aan laheyn digniin!
  9. Jacpher;987937 wrote: ^You're from Somalia, she is from Erigavo. Two different planet countries. Didn't know it was SHE, nimanka kumaan ogeyn iney dhahaan wft, but again, not all dumarka say wtf, probably boojaal yaroo buubeyso waaye taneey!
  10. Hawdian;987784 wrote: Wtf ^ eeeh???????thats your reaction Are you against by saying "Allahu Akbar", yes, that is my reaction, and your reaction is wft to "Allahu Akbar", we are two worlds apart!
  11. nuune

    SOL government

    ^^ I can only imagine when Safferz was looking or searching that image on Google, she typed something like this on Google: "niman qaaqaawan" "niman with kastuumo kaliya" "niman feera yar yar" Cadale, 2002, you were only 8 years old, sxb
  12. Angola thinks they are rich and Muslims are taking their properties, the sad thing is that Angolans remain one of the poorest people on earth despite their economic boom(The Chinese take everything). Indonesia already cut ties with these wannabe Portugeese
  13. The winners: - The rise of the Somali Shia Population - Syria - The West The Losers: - Saudi Arabia & its gulf chocolates - Israel - The Afro Hashimittes of Xaaji Xeyraan -
  14. nuune

    SOL government

    HAATU, prove that I am from Wardheer. Che, this HAATU belongs to Suuqa Xoolaha Garissa, he never heard of Wardheer let alone seen this great place which is why Ethiopia can't defeat ONLF. Haatu xitaa Garissa wuu iska sheegtaa, I will not qarxis HAATU anymore as I received threatening messages before when I told him to respect the NEP politicians, he only respects Affey in which he claims is his uncle but when I said Affey is also my uncle, HAATU never said a word to me, he ran into the wilderness, that is the problem when dealing with someone from Suuqa Xoolaha Garissa oo hada isku badashey suuqa digaaga, the likes of HAATU ayaa geelii iyo lo'dii iyo arigii la keeni jirey dhahey dooro bas aan rabnaa, wakaa reer Jilib dhibkaas ay leeyihiin, the last bit is a hinted qarxis. Safferz , I am from Harer walaal, to be exact, I am Cadari, born and bred in Harer, and never seen Kililka, except a place called Dabanicis at the border of Somalia, that was 1977 when I was a soldier, Dable ayaan ahaa daraja saasa maan laheyn oo damiin ayaan iska ahaa dusle ah inta badana dhaka ama basa weegaarsan.
  15. nuune

    SOL government

    AfricaOwn;987176 wrote: This is how my cabinet will look like (mostly Somaliland players) President : Stoic Chief of Staff: Blessed Vice President: Oodewayne Secretary of State: NG Secretary of Treasury: NORF Secretary of Defense: Salaax (a little aggressive, but right man for the job) Attorney General: Ibstisam (gave a woman an important role) Secretary of Commerce: Xaaji Secretary of the Interior: Lander Secretary of Transportation: Nuune (my first none lander appointee) Secretary of Homeland Security: Wadani Secretary of Education: Alpha Head of Intelligence Agency: AfricaOwn Head of Central Bank: Mintid Farayar what evidence do you have that I am a none afro hashimitte ethnic Somalilander, sometimes if you don't know anything, it is better you don't write things you have no knowledge at all, the fact I have the blue flag on my two sides tells you that I am a none lander, is that where you get your observation of me!!
  16. Boeing 737-400 is a retired aircraft, it is owned by Slovakia based company, SAMAIR, this is not a good start but at least it is better than NOTHING. source
  17. At least one person has reportedly to have been killed and more than others were wounded after landmine explosion turn on and went air on Wednesday in Burao town, the provincial capital of Togdher region in Somaliland. Police commissioner of Togdher region, Col. Hassan Ahmed Abdirahman told to reporters that the explosion was caused by a landmine adding that there are some other undetected landmines in the town. He called on the demining agencies in Somaliland to tackle the landmine issue in the region which has claimed the lives of several people in recent months. Meanwhile, Togdher region governor, Ahmed Omar Haji said that the local authorities are planning to carry out Deming activities in public places in an attempt to tackle issue, Xafiiska Warqabadka Tafatiraha Wabka
  18. Safferz;986759 wrote: It's now 16 new threads in less than 7 days. Banooni aaryada ka sii baxeesa waaye camal, or miina aaryo aalta viista muundo seendada muuska
  19. ^^ Jid kastoo la baneesto hadaad raacdo abeeso ayaad afka u galeysaa, ka feejignoow
  20. ^^ Not really, when you translate it like that it loses its science meaning, marka wax kasta sidee yihiin looma fasiro adeer
  21. ^^ Waad ceytameysaa waryaa Apophis, akhyaar baad aheydee maxaa kugu dhaceyna. Garoobta soo nafley ma ahan, soo dareen ma lahan, soo dad ma ahan, soo xaq ma lahan,
  22. ^^ The virus is in your phone, get anti-virus applications for phones! The pop up you mentioned could also be explained by PM you received from nomads, illeen all Nomads think you are an NFD MP, waa waxad ugu sheekeysay adiga lol
  23. Why does a stinging lady had to define who you are, just interpret what you have being told and tell her that iney tahay dhusuqleey, that is all. Would you go mad if you were American and doing the same job but had to interpret that a woman stings. Dadkii wey waasheen, wada emotional baa la wada noqdey, war ma sidan baa wax lagu qabsan karaa