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Everything posted by nuune

  1. waxa qulqulaya inuu magac yeesho soo ma ahan, following is the qulqulka, current baa la rabaa kolka, qulqulka soconaya wa un isla following. circuit: mareegta, maybe waxaad ka wadaa wareegto, since all circuits contain components connected from every corner, hence, wareeg, wareegto, mareeg waa web ama website saan ogahey.
  2. SomaliPhilosopher;985782 wrote: Well this clears up some things. Those should note there is a difference between being asked to 'partake' in corruption and doing things that may 'open' the door to corruption. A much softer allegation, if an allegation at all. Never thought someone will come and declare their full support for a corruption that was taking pace and is taking place right now and in the future
  3. Hawdian;985731 wrote: ^ This is about an incident with a somalilander politician. Btw do you know that Northern Ireland and the republic of Ireland are two different countries :cool:. Beenaale, Ilaah ka baq intaad isku dayayeso inaad qodob muqaddas ah cadeyso. Educate yourself, raid wiki and google, and come back, please
  4. Your Excellency, I am sure you are aware, Part II, Section 3, Article 6 of the Central Bank of Somalia Act states: “Except as otherwise specified in this Act, the Bank, and the members of the Board or the staff, shall not take instructions from any other person or entity, including Government entities. The autonomy of the Bank shall be respected at all times and no person or entity shall seek to influence the members of the decision-making bodies or the staff of the Bank in the performance of their functions or to interfere in the activities of the Bank” I can swear that the president NEVER read this part, or any of those guys called TOPAZ, SAACID, TARZAN, FIQI, all of these and others as I mentioned before in any another thread have messengers who regularly visit the Central Bank, these messengers are well known to the staff, the staff themselves were hand-picked by the said officials to work closely with the messengers. This is tragic, this is sad, this is the end, the hope we all had with this president is all but yet gone, ninkii aan laheyn Soomaali buu isku keenayaa maadaama uu wlaigii Soomaaliya joogey, waaba dharaboow madaxweynaheena, dhuudhi lugaha dadka ka gala oo aamusan hoosna kaa jaqayaya sidii subxaanya qeyd xidhan.
  5. Resistor = iska caabiye noogu dar listyga, laakin Current following in a circuit maxaa iyadana lagu dhahaa Af Soomaali, bal maskaxda soo tuujiya.
  6. spartacus;985351 wrote: Average Velocity: Kaynaan Celcelis Momentum: Daabadayn Diffusion: Saydhin Capacitor: Madhxinta Capacitance Capacitor: Madhxinta madhxiye Radio Activity: Kaah Infrared: Casaan Dhiimeed Decay: Qudhmis Decay series: Qudhmis isdaba Joog Resistance: Iska caabin Concave Mirror: Bikaaco Golxeed Convex Mirror: Bikaaco Tuureed Virtual Image: Humaag Beeneed Real Image: Humaag runeed Displace Ment: Baro bixin Noble gases: Hawooyinka Wahsada Vector: Leeb Aad baad ugu mahadsantahey walaal, aad baana uga helay erayadaas
  7. ^^ String theory can be translated into Somali, string waa ceyngari, theory waa fakir daadsan, laakin dhibka jira ayaa waxey tahey isku geynta labadaas eray ee ah string theory science ahaan waxa ay noqoneyso, I will dig further and come up waxaan meelaha ka soo dhiitiyo Inshaa Allaah.
  8. The whole article was eaten by this last piece in the article, it really damaged a good reading about the budget: In order to achieve lasting peace in Somalia, the world must adopt the plan of Somaliland towards Somalia. The independence of Somaliland must be accepted, in order to let Somaliland stabilize the former sister. Somaliland has experience of stabilizing Somalia, because Somaliland Scouts imposed curfew on Mogadishu in 1960 and eliminated the robberies and armed bandits off Mogadishu streets.
  9. Xaaji, yaa waaye qofka cudurka jinka ku dhacaayo, ma madaxwenaha, mise wasaarka, aniga bada ha i soo galinin jinka aad sheegayso waxaan u sheegayaa iney caawa manaam kuugu yimaadaan adiga iyo duqdaadi tafta weyneyd
  10. ^^ Can you address my post, maxaad uga gabani, maxaadse noogu wacdini wax aadan adigu ku dhaqmeyn, sxbkey Xaaji Xeyraan, horta tubaakada ma cuntaa
  11. Labaduba waa laba sakaraat ah, a fact that every Somali only realized recently!!
  12. Xaaji Xunjuf;985304 wrote: Imagine if every Somali can settle where he or she wants regardless of what region , how easy that would've been. It starts with you, if you can accept that, then everyone can roam freely wherever they want regardless of what region, balse intaad sheegato Afro Hashimitte iyo East Timor iyo waxyaala kaloon la maqal ood dhahdo yaan la ii soo dhawaanin waan idin ka fadli badnahayee ha i taabanina Qaanfuurianskiina, wacdi anaga ha noo akhrin yaa Xaaji Xeyraan aadan ku dhaqmeyn.
  13. ^^ Exactly,. every Kenyan knows this land belongs to Somalis, but our own Somalis don't want to refer this land as Somalis, I have never seen a Kenyan origin saying this NFD land belongs to Kenyan, they always watatu wa Somali ayaa iska leh oo dega.
  14. These 500,000 Somalis are in their land, nothing to deport back, they are living in their own land as IDP. Ps: In their own land as in NFD, the camps where the refugees live are Somali Lands, like Somaliland, Djibouti, Soimali Galbeed, these are lands that belong to Somalis.
  15. Kenya Airways Officials using Ethiopian Airlines to get into Hargeisa, very strange, if they are willing to start NBO - HGA service, then they lost the plot to ET, because they have promoted ET service which connects NBO-ADD-HGA. Why is this in politics section!!
  16. ^ Oba, sxb, I have no problem with Somalilanders, just my old time friend Xaaji Xeyraan was educating me on who were the true gate-keepers of the holy cities of Mecca & Medina
  17. Okey, that explains why there are so many ethnic Somalilanders named Cusmaan or Cismaan, that is after Cuthmaan Ibnu Dhalxa who during Jaahiliya time and after was the keeper of of the Ka'bah. Adigu Xaaji, ma reer Dhaa'if baad tahey, tan kale, ma qeeb gashey duulaankii Ghazwatu Xuneyn la oran jirey.
  18. Somaliland and Arabs do not get along fine Because the Arabs stole the keys of the holy cities of Medina & Mecca from Afro Hshimittes(ethinic Somalilanders), that is what you said in another thread!
  19. ^^ Back home, we used to call them saqiir suujis, or saqiir juujin, or qasiir tuujin, ama saqiir toosin, ama Laba Shilindi
  20. Alpha, the French or those guys you mentioned borrowed the word maariin from Somalia, Soomaaliya waxba lagam soo xadi karo miyaa, soo tiri bal, imisa eray ayaa Afk Soomaaliga laga soo xadey, the best tuugo are Persianka and Hindida, when they used to trade with us, they used to take all our ancient stuff including written words, symbols and evcerything, what about Tuugii weynaa ee Talyaaniga, people only see istaraasho, istakjiin and suugo faankuulo ah as borrowed Italian words, what about them, imisa eray ee naga xadeen, maxaa loo sheegi la'yahey, why do we always confess ourselvies as being the biggest tuugo of Afafka kale, indhaha ha la furo akhyaareey oo aan joojino dhulkaan isku jiideeno sidani si ma ahan.
  21. Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar;984153 wrote: gaar ahaan dalalkaas saxarada ahaa ee Imaaraadka iyo Qadar. loooooooool that is true, saxaraha dheh waraa maalmahaan waaba kuu gambiyey Afka wah Saalax, the third time is coming soon, but you are OK, except that sometimes you are as extreme as Fox news.
  22. ^^ 3rd visit, maxey ku soo kordhisey, I don't like to see empty faces there.
  23. From the article posted by SomalilandSun: Qatar is the only country in the Arab world which has direct relationship with Somaliland politically. Now I understand why Xaaji Xeyraan, is posting this, waryaa don't fall for this, Somaliland is as strong as ever and don't need the influence of some fat Arab king!
  24. He should be killed, he would be killed, he could have being hunted mar hore, and many more, war ma idinkaa dhimashadiisa gacanta ku hayo, Ilaah baa nafta ka qaadi goortii ay tiisa gashaa, niman waaweyn oo ganfuur iyo suxul leh ayaa waxaas la soo shirtagayo. Hadee qofkii rabo inuu dilo cidna idin kama xigtee orda ugu taga meeshuu joogo oo gowraca intaad halkan waxaan caruurta ku hadlin la soo shirtageysaa, yes, sharciga ha la keeno, balse waa in la dilaa, waa inuu dhintaa, waxaas ma hadalbaa, acuudu billaahi, war si isku dhaama, Tabaaraka Wa Tacaalaa