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Everything posted by Samafal

  1. You should know by now he never criticizes Lafta Gareen, anyone else is a game. For him he is infallible, cajiib.
  2. Lol adiga reerkaaga iiga waran meeqa dal bay xoreeyeen? What is their contribution to the Somali race?
  3. Caqli xumo!! They are the least intelligent Somali clan so much so they produced the smartest leader and most brilliant Somali poet ever Sayid Mohamed Abdalla Hassan; Ahmed Gurey, brilliant miliatry man, wiil Waal and counless other briliant figures in Somali history. What did you so intelligent clan contribute: Faisal Ali Warabr
  4. Two big mistakes of Hassan which had not been well thought through: seeking lifting embargo and joining East African Community. Lifting embargo has created clans seeking to import arms illegally and through unscrupulous countries like Ethopia and Yemen. Joining the EAC at this momemnt of time was wrong because Somali's social and economic realities are not equal or close to those countries. The only thing that happened so far is that Somalia's middle class are removing their businesses and their families from Somalia to countries like Kenya with their hard currency and that also means there is less money in circulation in the country increasing poverty and economic hardship. With them also goes the younger generation who are pivotal to any country's development.
  5. From what I remember Sheikh Mohamed Edris's father is not Eriterian, he is Oromo that lived in Somalia. You are confusing him with Sheikh Salah from Sweden.
  6. This is Xunjuf when he did not chew for days on serious note though, imagine the same Amhara that mistreated you that way getting access naval access and becoming stronger than ever??? How would they treat you then? Just imagine!!!
  7. Odaygu waa ka dhacsanyhay and the reason ilmo Ismail will not do well in politics. In politics it said, there are no permanent friends and enemies but just interests. Egypt are here beacuse of their own interests not because they love Somalia and want to defend it. I would not advise any foreign troops on Somalia soil at the moment though because that will adversely affect building a credible Somali National Force due to always relying on foreigners forces.
  8. Sir, with all due respect you do not have what it takes to be a leader from your mere statement above You just proved to be another Somali madman who if they get couple of hundred men with ak47s and couple of technicals think they own the world. You would be following the same old tried and tired strategies of using the barrel of the gun and force. Somalia needs a statesmanlike who can unite the country and does not have any other alterior motives.
  9. He learned that from your beloved Farmajo, didn't he? We cannot second guess what HSM intetions are but his actions of defending Somalia's sovereignty and territorial integrity are commendable in my opinion and must be supported without ifs or buts. We must criticize him for his failures such as not seeking unity at this crucial time for fear of compromising his re-election plans. Somali leaders are mentallty disabled by re-election. It is centre of all their disputes. For example, Farmaajo's strategy was to sideline Puntland and take the South by force or coercion. He succeeded that at some extent but when it came to it the plan did not work. HSM using same strategy and from begining he sought to sideline Puntland and dominate South by force or coercion. It will not work and it is already crumbling with Laftagareen siding with the enemy for his own personal re-election strategy. Insanity is the of doing the same thing over and over again while expecting different result!!
  10. Waxaan aa qabyaalad lagaa dhahaa. Ceesh calaa qabyaalad. Imagine this was Dani and Puntland!!
  11. They are in deep shit. But why Egypt and Somalia not taking advantage to finish off Abiye? They should support Fano and Tigre so that they could overthrow Abiye.
  12. Where does he mention Siad Barre? Kkk odayga rubuc qarniga mootan waad ku saladhaan. Abtigiis can say and do whatever he wants but he knows deep down when shit happens the great majority of the population will always be Somalis. It is same for the Laftagareen and who ever thinks the Melez Zenawis's1990s divide and rule of Somalis will work. Most Somali bar the seccssionists will fall behind their government however they oppose HSM. And also Ethopia of today is not Ethopia of yesterday.
  13. Somalia without Somaliland would look like a d*ck on the map so that is why we would not allow you to seccede Xaaji kkkk
  14. It seems Ethopia is falling apart before our eyes. I hope the two Muslim communities find a way to live together peacefully.
  15. This person that you are responding to has long term contemp for anything Puntland. Mindhaa islaan aayadiis ah oo reer Puntland ah baa soo korisay. You will never see him say anything positive in any Puntland developments but to th contarary wuu ku xajiimoodaa magacaba. Marka warka ha iskaga dhameen. Soomaalidu waxay tiraahdaa caanahaaga dhame baa caydaada yaqaan.
  16. But with all it's dustiness it has never been the curse of Somalia where famine, Tuugsi and displacement of millions happens every few years. Even more with all it's dustiness it hosts thousands of your lot who live and so happy to live in it's IDPs. So before you talk you need to know where you are from.
  17. Don't write Deni off yet. He has a good chance. He has the support of most of Mudug, Sanaag and Bari. SSC is hit and miss and would expect to get a big chunk of them. I don't think any Garowe constituent would assume presidency this year. The closest they would get is if Juxa leaves his minstry position and became a candidate. He is the only viable option to Dani and many people would find him acceptable.
  18. If anything this shows the irrelevance of these odayaal that lived 1000 years ago. Both scientifically and religiously any blood relation that many years ago cannot exist and it is time Somalis leave this useless tribalism. For example, East Burco Clan and Sool clan are more closer to each other in terms of blood relationship than they are with Marehan & Gabiley Clan, it is a fact Somali tribalism ignore. If advanced DNA could tell I am sure Sool clan and Marehan would have near zero blood relationship or just DNA shared by most Somalis so are the Gabiley Clan & East Burco Clan. This is true for many clans in Somalia who have been fighting for centuries over stupid reasons.
  19. Latest, Faisal Abdi Botan captured. This is a big blow for Somaliland and we might be seeing the end of what we know as Somaliland.
  20. The author is misinformed or deliberately economical with the truth. First of all not all the political parties are in his pocket. Sincad and Mideeye bitterly despise Said Dani. Horseed of Faroole are with the armed rebellion in Garowe. The other 4 don't seem to want to give him a blank check. They have their own political agenda and demands. He is also implies that the parliamentary system is better than direct vote of the president by the people because people are not well educated to make informed decision. I am sorry to say that I would have the people than bunch of corruptible hardly educated men. They are usually used and abused by the president of the day and are teeth-less without his blessings.
  21. Opposition don't like this even though it works in their favour because elections are time consuming and require deeper pockets. It easier to bribe dozens of MPs in the selection process than to ask votes to the people.
  22. Kaah will do well in Mudug. Mideeye and Ifiye in Bari.
  23. Too many spoilers. Puntland needs Dani second term to do a proper clean up and disarmament.
  24. The problem is there is no accountability in their systems and it is deliberate so that they manage things how they want it.