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Everything posted by Samafal

  1. Where a commander of a brigade has been killed, you can imagine what happened to his foot-soldiers.
  2. It is not the locals that are preventing voter registration. It is small nasty group called Aaran Jaan who likes to pull the strings behind the curtain to gain economical gains. I would have Dani any day than this group. They did not want to have their own political party because it is against their philosophy of our way or the high way.
  3. You just wonder with all the anti-Somali flag shown by secessionist admin there how do people manage to fly the blue flag in a spur of a moment? Just shows where their heart lies.
  4. Even Ceel Afwayne joins the blue revolution
  5. Ma adiga sadex ka dhigay? Qaab-dhismeedkii Gobollada iyo Degmooyinka Soomaaliya 1969–1991kii) A-Gobolka Awdal 4 Degmo Baki Boorama Lug-haye Seylac B-Gobolka Waqooyi Galbeed 4 Degmo Hargeysa Berbera Gebilay C-Gobolka Tog-dheer 4 Degmo Burco Buuhoodle Ood-weyne Sheikh D-Gobolka Sool 4 Degmo Laas-caanood Taleex Ceynabo Xuddun E-Gobolka Sanaag 4 Degmo Ceerigaabo Laas-qoray Ceel-afwen Baran F-Gobolka Bari 8 Degmo Boosaaso Bandar-beyla Qardho Isku-shuban Qandala Caluula Baar-gaal Xaafuun G-Gobolka Nugaal 4 Degmo Garowe Eyl Dan-gorayo Bur-tinle H-Gobolka Mudug 5 Degmo Gaal-kacyo Hobyo Xarar-dheere Jarriiban Goldogob I-Gobolka Gal-gaduud 7 Degmo Dhuusa-mareeb Ceel-buur Ceel-dheer Cadaado Cabuud-waaq Gal-hareeri Balan-bal J-Gobolka Hiiraan 5 Degmo Beled-weyne Buulo-burte Jalalaqsi Matabaan Maxaas K-Gobolka Shabeellaha Dhexe 7 Degmo Jowhar Bal-cad Cadale Aadan yabaal Mahaddaay Ruun-nirgood War-sheikh L-Gobolka Shabeellaha Hoose 9 Degmo Marka Af-gooye Wanle-weyn Qoryo-leey Baraawe Sablaale Kurtun-waareey Dajuuma Aw-dheegle M-Gobolka Jubbada dhexe 3 Degmo Bu’aale Jilib Saakoow N-Gobolka Jubada Hoose 5 Degmo Kismaayo Jamaame Af-madow Badhaadhe Xagar O-gobolka Baay 5 Degmo Baydhabo Buur-hakaba Diin-soor Qansax-dheere Berdaale P-gobolka Bakool 6 Degmo Xuddur Tayeegloow Waa-jid Ceel-berde Yeed Rab-dhuurre Q-gobolka Gedo 6 Degmo Garba-haarreey Luuq Baar-dheere Beled-xaawo Dooloow Ceel-waaq R-Gobolka Banaadir 17 Degmo Xamar-weyne Xamar-jajab Boon-dheere Waaberi Wada-jir Dharkeyn-leey Hodon Howl-wadaag War-dhiigleey 10- Shibis C/casiis 12- Kaaraan 13- Huriwaa 14- Dayniile 16- Yaaq-shiid 17- Shingaani Isku dar waa 87 Degmo
  6. Except Ceerigaabo which is shared town and Ceelafwayn, all the other districts namely Badhan, Lasqoray and Dahar are under Puntland administration. As we speak Puntland is holding a voter registration there.
  7. This terrorism talk is not for Somalis. He just feeling pressure from his beloved Ingiriis Cade for using RRU.
  8. Dhulkaa dhaqaaqay baan maqli jiray. The people of SSC have spoken and the will of the people must be respected by everyone.
  9. Nothing new here sxb. As I told before, time to time when those in villa Somalia become dictatorial and try to grab power, the mother comes in and stops her children on their tracks from misbehavng, a case in point the political novices Farmaajo & Fahad thought they could sideline Puntland and do as they pleased but they failed miserably. Before them this same Hassan and Sharif thought they could have their way but the mother always kept them on check! HSM knows he is wasting his time by trying to sideline Puntland, and I know he will come round in no time. What he is doing right now is just posturing and trying to negotiate from high bar so that he meets in the middle ground. That is one of his objectives. The other objective for him is to consolidate his power over the weak and inept states in the South central first, get them to sign and agree to a centralised power agreement that is just federal by name. He knows these states mostly are not economically viable and they already rely on the federal government on security, education, health and on monthly hand-outs. Puntland has a head-start and has working government institutions that are well ahead even the federal government. Big and important infrastructures are taking shape and diaspora are investing in the country. The state has one of the most resourceful people in the country and could use them in its advantage anytime need be. So comparing the mother to the secessionists junta who have no strategic foresight other than digging graves and wailing to the international community every time the going gets tough is an insult my brother. Puntland has an agenda to push and pull when and where it wants so that country could be saved from unruly and intoxicated lots. You just watch and keep commenting
  10. Lol your obsession with Puntland can only be matched by naag masayrsan . What does Puntland need for Hassan? If anything he needs her to have legitimacy. Anything agreed or done without Puntland approval will never work and will end in failure. Puntland has a responsibility to safeguard the country's unity and agreed federal system, and will not leave it for the anarchists and crazy secessionists to dismantle the nation. So, that is why time to time the mother of federalism need to discipline her misbehaving children to teach them a lesson. Nothing more nothing less.
  11. Again no need for Booto. You have been making these threats for a long time now, it is time to make good of it sxb or shut it. As I said nin raga booto joogta ah uma fiicna.
  12. Lol horta dhagahaaga iyo afkaaga ma is maqlaan?? Soow adigii maaalintii dhowayd lahaa waa jiiraynaa goormaa is badashay ?? The days Ina Cambaashe and other Horgalo are no more markaas aan aragno inaad banaanka istaagi kartaan idinkoo SNM ah. But as long as you are hiding behind sell-outs like those you can continue with your booto.
  13. Kkkk Waligay waa maqli jiray reer waqooyiga wax ka booto badan majiro. Forget about Yoocade, you were chased from Laascaanood by mere 20 young-men with AK47s. Also, if you are a man, too much booto is not good for you so why don't you come to Yoocade and just see? You either make good of your threats or shut it.
  14. Lol Comical Ali 30 sano oo uun aakhiro lafahooda lasoo fagayey iyo calaal Dowlada Muqdishaa Laascaano naga saartay hysteria ka wayn majirto Ninyahoow hysteria iyo cuqdad qabiil waa waxa la idinku sheego.
  15. Waa aduunyo gadoon meesha SNM ay dad ugu yeerayaa qabiil hysteria aduunka wax walba waa la arkaa. Our Comical Ali is increasingly becoming restless, opening one thread to another. War meel iska naso Sool dad baa leh iyagaana utashanaya sidaad idinkuba ugu tashateen Waqooyi Galbeed.
  16. Lol. Have you ever considered being a comedian kkk Garaad Jama called SNM junta to leave the whole of SSC land as well in the same statement, are you going to comply that too?
  17. Lying again . His father never took part the said conforence. Ku noqo kkk Also if shoe-shining for Siyaad is an insult most of your current and former leaders cclean something ( God knows what) for him at one point so he is in good company in that regard, no?
  18. Lol why are you resorting to lying? SNM never came 25Km to Garowe, stop the lies. Also, you have got your facts mixed up! During Farole SNM captured Lasanod and Puntland troops were outskirts of L.A. You think just because people do not respond to your bravado you can get away with fabrications??? During Tukaraq war, it was well documented the frontline did not move one bit and no side had upper hand to dislodge others. In the end UN and international communities intervene and negotiated a ceasefire.
  19. Latest Magaalada Laascaanood ee xarunta Gobolka Sool waxaa maalintii shanaad oo xiriir ah ka socda banaanbaxyo waaweyn oo ay dhigayaan dadka magaaladaasi. Boqolaal dadweyne ah ayaa maanta waxaa ay banaanbax xooggan ka dhigayaan bartamaha magaalada. Dadka reer Laascaanood aad uga careysan dilalka ciidanka Somaliland ay u geysteen dad dhigaa banaanbaxyada. Banaanbaxayaasha ayaa waddooyinka Laascaanood ku xiray biro iyo dhagxaan waaweyn, isla markaana laamiga dhex-diisa ku gubaya taayaro. Horseed Media
  20. Allaha unaaxariisto dadka masaakiinta ah oo meesha ku dhintay. If mudaharaad don't stop things will dramatically change. There is already war drums going on in Garowe and Buhodle. Today angry demonstrators stormed Ahmed Karaash's house in Garowe. But real turn around that will change status quo is if SSC militia in Lasanod switch sides. There is a report one of the militia leaders have already moved his men outside Lasanod.
  21. 99.99% of your argument is political. I am not talking about whether this family is gang, corrupt or whatever. But my argument is islamic. Dhagaxtuur has asserted that this daughter of IOG " Awalba Jareerbaa fuulijirtay"!!!! In islamic court of law this fella would bring four witnesses that have witnessed the action of "Zina" taking place in his case many times or he will get 80 lashes. “And those who accuse chaste women, and produce not four witnesses, flog them with eighty stripes” [an-Noor 24:4]. I am also disappointed in you sxb. A man of your calibre and experience would not encourage such a vulgar and culturally alien to Somali culture and Islamic values. Somalidu waligeed ragu waa is dagaalaa laakiin gabdhaha ma taabtaan waa dhaqan nagu cusub gabar in la aflagaadeeyo. Waa sida isku dhaama. This is below the belt and shameful.
  22. So you do not know if he is gaal or whether he was husband or boyfriend? War Allah ka baq oo dadka islaameed nabad gali. Waa dambi xun in aad gabar muslim aad tiraahdo waa laga sinaystay adigoon cadayn haynin.
  23. Correction: He said Lower Shabelle. It is one of the most diverse region in Somalia and one of the dominant clans there include Watermaal who are said to be descended from your forebear.