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Everything posted by Arafaat

  1. He is alright but what can he do about the Unuka Mafia running the place?
  2. Ilaahay ba og cida ka dambeysa dilka iyo sidey ragan kale u dhinteen aun. Laakinse waxa muqataa ina lasii buun buuniyo arinta iyo iney sida dan ahaan cid faido ugu jirto oo arinta ‘political scoring’ ugu isticmaliyaan. Marka sadex qodob ku dar: 1. Ina umada looga dhigo Dowlada Somalia iney dagaal ku heyso oo cadoow ku tahay, sidey u tageeraan xukumada Somaliland oo sida awood ku yeelato ee kusii joogi karto. Waa kaartooyinka Laga isticmalo Ethiopia, oo TPLF isticmaashay oo Eritrea dagaal la gashay sidey kusii joogtay meesha. Xukumadan SL baryahanba wexe raadinisaY ‘enemy’ umada ku jeediyaan ‘dagaal’. Kii GX ba cadoow ah wuu fashilmay, kii SSC Khatuma wu fashilmay, Kadibna waa tii la isku dayay iney beelaha Bariga dagaal ka dhex biloobmo. iminkana wa Somaliya. 2. Is dhex galka iyo isku socodka umada ee xanibaan oo la Kala baqdo, oo la isku talaabin, oo qolo kasto Xero lagu so xidho. Wexe taasna biloween markii dadka Koonfur Galbeed biloween ina ee ka saaran Las Canood, ileyn umad kala seesan ayaa masxakda Laga sii heysan karaa. Waana waxa ka jira Ethiopia maanta, oo umadii la isku jeediyay sidey ugu so jeedsan hogaanka. 3. Umada la galiyo ‘victim mentality’, ileyn dagaladii hore jiilka cusub waxba Kama Oga oo ma laha fikir iney yihiin dad la target gareeyay ama cabsi kaqaba iney tagi kareyn ama dagi kareyn Somalia ama dhul kale. Waa siyasadaha ka jira Ethiopia ee xukumadu ku daneystaan Kala faquuqidada dadka.
  3. You don’t know how petty the current regime is, and if they launch such an attack it would be purely to take revenge and have no political purpose whatsoever.
  4. Ma Laga yaaba ina dantaadu ku jirto Somalia, ma Laga yaaba ina Xabashidan u ordisid shar ka dambeeyo. ninka cad isleedihid wuu ku badbadiniyaa Ukraine iyo China ayuu ku jeestay, oo Africa waagan ba dan Kama laha. -Sudan oo ka weyn ayuu Kala dhex gali lahaa. -Ethiopia oo wadan Kristan ah ayuu xalin laha. -Wadamada Sahelka ee Niger, Burkino Faso, Guinee iyo Mali oo kuli ka dhaceen afgambi, cadaankiina iska saaray ayuu wax ka qaban lahaa. Wadaman oo dhamantood so saara kheyraad badan aduunku u baahan yahay, oo billions ee galiyeen ayee wax ka qaban lahayeen. Ilaahoow naga magan gali caqliga suuqyada oo umad lagu hogaamiyo, amiin.
  5. Xunjufoow, somehow daacad ba u tahay your wicked hate based politics. If there was an ever a Somali form of Organised facism , you would be its poster boy.
  6. It’s not in their interest to do so they have bigger fish to catch, despite that Biixi and supporters are hoping for an all out escalation
  7. Another Munafaqad. Somali leaders think they have impunity as they did decades ago to exercise this sort of hate speech and incitement that forms the precursor to crimes against humanities, which is punishable under international law and is nowadays actively prosecuted by many jurisdictions. Maybe they will only realize they don’t have impunity when one of them is actively prosecuted.
  8. Waxa la arki jiray fikirka umada lagu hogaamiyo inu ka yimaada hogaanka, mufakiriinta iyo mutacalamiinta. Laakinse marka caqligii iyo fikirkii suuqa laga qaato umadna lagu hogaamiyo, wexe keenta iskadaba wareeg, dhibaato kadibna jab iyo dib usocod ayee
  9. Why would he, perhaps he gets much information and insights in to SL from Abdifatah. Not everything is personal, and not everything is based on emotional driven black and white thinking. Hebel ba na neceb iyo kan ba na jaceyl, Intaas maha aduunyadu
  10. Somalia has the authority to ban, sue and hold liable any plane, ship or business that enters, operates on its land, air and sea. what’s the use of an airport if the airlines are banned for landing or even entering the Somali air. That’s how sovereignty works, and that’s how international law works. That they don’t do it, have other priorities at hand, doesn’t mean they can’t or don’t have the authority to do so.
  11. Not only was the agreement signed 12 years ago, it took years to transfer the controls to Somalia and they been managing the airspace fully since 2017. This so called protest and pushing back is theatrics that could have made sense 7 years go, but now it only shows how pathetic and desperate things are.
  12. Again safarad ayaa wali u furan, waxba ma sheegiso. Besides IOG is not one to show or share his political cards and his next steps on social media.
  13. Wishful thinking, here. Safarad ayee leeyihiin iyo waxaasi waxba ma sheegisa. All they need to is channel a bit of weapons, support and encouragement to rebels in Ethiopia, they will do the rest. They can land the weapons through Somalia to facilitate access for Oromo rebels.
  14. Somalia hawada wexe la wareegtay almost 8 or 9 years ago, and it shows that Kulmiye in all those years only raises and polities the issue only few months before elections. The same thin for mobility, it was Kulmiye that gave the green light to unionist to return, surely you can’t belief they are sincere or serieus.
  15. Xaaji, Digsi Xagato latest campaign to sow fear, division and ‘kala faquuqin’ is dead on arrival and won’t be able to stop Somali peoples mobility. Even during much worses days have people have been mobile across regions, desperate Digsi Xagato things that this will give them more time in power.
  16. After throwing that young men of the clip by enticing him to espionage, they are trying to deflect blame by using this as a tool for further polarisation and ‘kala faquuqinta dadka’.
  17. The Soviet trained ‘Calan Cas’ Colonels will never handover power peacefully, for they have shed so much blood to get in to power and won’t let let go unless forced by violence as that is the language they speak. If they had planes and bombs during the Habro wars in 90’s or in 2023, god forbid they would have surely left monody to survive those massacre.
  18. For a moment Somalia had the moral high ground on the discussions of sovereignty and Somaliland deal with Ethiopia. That was till it started acting as a ‘dilaal’ and started selling the very own sovereignty and resources under a murky deal. This will undermine both the international support it received, and also pave the way for other regional entities to start ‘dilaal ing’ primal coastal areas as well.
  19. Subxanallah, this agreement is as hasty and doubtful as the Somaliland-Ethiopia agreement. Instead of hastily selling your Crown Jewels, why not sit down with Somaliland and see if there is a way to come to agreement without selling your main potential assets, which are you see and coastal resources at the cheap.
  20. It makes sense for Djibouti to not sit still with a changing regional dynamics that is seriously threatening Djibouti politically, economically and also the survival of the regime. Somaliland has thrown itself, Somalia and the wider region in to a potentially serious risky and murky waters. The ultimate blame for this is solely with Somalia’s leaders as they have ignored for decades the biggest and the longest of its political issue standing in the way of Somalia’s stability, state building and rule of law. And no Turkey won’t be able to solve this one for you, and neither can the AU, UN, EU or the US solve your own problems for you.
  21. So the ‘Calan cas’ colonels did directly start the inter-clan war in the 90’s, somehow I thought it was just hear say. If you look at the involvement of these Soviet trained colonels, their fingerprints are all over the major conflicts in Somaliland. From the escalation of the conflict in the North during the 80’s, the inter-clan Habar-Habar war during the 90’s, the Las Anod war (2022-2023) and even now they are busy to stirr and incite another regional conflict, in order to deflect attention and stay in power. No wonder that they always seek to deflect attention from their own role and need an ‘external’ enemy. But this time it won’t work, no matter how loud they scream, repeat their inciting rhetoric, nobody will belief nor follow their politics, for they are just another loud social media pundits not worth for young people to sacrifice their lives for.
  22. The regime won’t go peacefully, they will try to undermine, confuse and deflect and whatever it takes to steal the elections for that is their nature.