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Everything posted by Arafaat

  1. Jewish land purchase in Palestine - Wikipedia EN.M.WIKIPEDIA.ORG A bit of political history on Palestine and how the in early days Jews purchased lands from Palestinians.
  2. Xaaji, your definition of Qaran is like trying to nail Jell-O to the wall. One day, it's all about a Qaran owned by its citizens, with a constitution and democracy, and the next day it's a Qaran that's morphed into an authoritarian family regime that has suspended democratic elections, divided its citizens in to in-groups, second class and another as enemies to wage war against and . Make up your mind!
  3. Indeed this will backfire big time.
  4. Politically this is to his advantage. For his supporters and those in doubt, these 34 felony charges will only proof to the nature of the political prosecution against Trump. Cause they will think contemplate on what has he exactly done wrong, paid hush money to a prostitute? Who has he hurt, and who cares about a women of the streets getting few extra bucks to keep her mouth shut? They will compare with how Bill Clinton was treated when he deflowered an office intern in the Oval Office and lied under oath about it, not a single conviction, prosecution or even talk of felony. Clearly to many Americans, this case proves Trump is being politically prosecuted.
  5. Somali’s really need to have a dialogue on what is understood by ‘Qaran’, clearly people having a completely different understanding of this term, what it means and what it’s fundaments are. We have been so loosely using and abusing the term for so long, justifying waging war against own civilians, bombing cities, calling every critical thinker ‘qaran dumis’, refusing any sort of reflection, dialogue and thinking on the political discourse, silencing political opponents, all in the name of ‘difaaca Qaranka’. What is even more funnier is that one feels urgently the need to defend the nation against enemies (‘Difaaca Qaranka’ ), comes at times that rulers are holding on to power far beyond expiration dates.
  6. Why do authoritarians always use ‘war’ against so called ‘enemies’ to incite ‘nationalism’, when their intention is holding on to power far beyond their expiration dates? And why do the masses always fall for this and are blinded to see the basic facts and futility of it all?
  7. If a regional war indeed ignites it could plunge Eritrea in to a civil war, as 33 years of authoritarian rule has deeply divided its people. Afewerki should better start reforming his country and loosen the tight belt.
  8. Don’t blame the leaders, for they are just a reflection of the values, actions, and choices of the people they represent. ‘toute nation a le gouvernement qu'elle mérite’ (‘Every nation gets the government it deserves’). If we as a nation have normalised corruption, divisiveness and masking our insecurities and failures by pointing our fingers at others. Then it’s very likely that one is to be ruled by leaders that mirrors these aspects.
  9. So where is your evidence, where are you numbers, where are the facts that you are basing your arguments on?
  10. You must think Elections are some sort of a choice on a menu, like an appetiser or a dessert that one can simply skip in favour of the main course, but on the contrary they are a must, with or without recongnition, war or no war.
  11. Your denying soldiers died there, you deny they were left by their leadership, you deny hundreds got lost, were killed or taken prisoners? You have accounted for all the lives of the soldiers?
  12. “Aqoonsi will come end of the year”, just before the elections and will lead to people celebrating and the miraculous re-elections(daylight robbery). The script is that simple.
  13. As if festivities, military parades, dressing young people in military outfits and buying new weapons can change anything on the facts and realities and what has happened. Some people have really not paid attention or learned anything from history. If charades and parades could change anything, they would have saved Kacaankii in its last days from demise, no event was bigger then 21 October, bringing in the latest weapons, even planes and helicopters from foreign countries and millions of people coming out to see the show and distracting them from the political state and military defeats in the North, and did not change the state of things and neither did it prolong the authoritarian rule.
  14. And the lies and deception continues. I can’t imagine anyone in Somaliland listening to these lies or seriously considering taking part in their deceptive wars to distract and extend their rule. As if he reached any borders or captured towns to expand Somaliland. They have not captured a single town in Somaliland, and not reached a single border. It were always the local militias that were at the front and Somaliland expanded through dialogue and consent of traditional elders representing their communities. Never ever have they military captured a town or an entire clan. They need to stop with the distractions and be held accountable for the thousands of soldiers they abandoned, thousands of people killed, thousands wounded and hundreds in prisons. And need to answer for the clan based promotion of officers and clannish, divisions created. Someone needs to answer for the hundreds of millions of dollars the military gets in budgets every year for the last decades, they need to be audited and brought before a court to answer for these crimes, deceptions.
  15. Somalia backs AUC nomination against Kenya's diplomatic push for Raila Odinga HIIRAAN.COM Mogadishu (HOL) —Somalia's Foreign Minister Ahmed Moalim Fiqi confirmed the country's determination to secure the chairmanship of the...
  16. You don’t have an agreement yet even nobody seen the so called MoU, not even Parliament has seen it. So there is no agreement that been agreed yet, neither has anyone seen it, nothing drafted so far, nor signed, nothing adopted by Parliament and Guurti or even enforced by both sides. And already wa hanjabisaa to Jabuuti and Somalia; over what exactly!? Thats why Somaliland has scored nothing so far; and is even in the loss here. There is not much to talk about, except this Ethiopian smoke screen created to distract folks from other domestic troubles. That’s why you also respond only to this topic and not to the many elephants in the room.
  17. For Galbeedi all politics is a zero sum game based on very, very narrow clan thinking and interest.
  18. Valid point, so it’s Ethiopia 2 - 0 Somaliland. That’s your personal view, which is interesting to know but irrelevant in this equation as it’s not about who is in the moral right or wrong, but I only scored the diplomatic relations between the countries and fact is that both the Djibouti Minister of Foreign Affairs and Minister of Finance have stated in public media they felt Somaliland wronged Djibouti. Check their interviews, or read this publication writing that it was humiliating blow to Djibouti. Djibouti/Ethiopia : Ethiopian MoU sours Djibouti-Somaliland relations - 24/01/2024 - Africa Intelligence WWW.AFRICAINTELLIGENCE.COM Addis Ababa's offer to recognise the secessionist region's independence in return for maritime access dealt a humiliating blow to Djibouti... On Somalia, Somaliland re-engaged in the talks with Somalia (fact), it signed an agreement to resolve things through talks (fact), and then Somalia saw the Ethiopian deal as undermining the talks with Somaliland and its sovereignty (fact), and relations have since deteriorated even worsen with Somalia even recognising SSC(fact). So diplomatically Somaliland undermined its own effort and earlier intentions for engaging with Somalia. But perhaps the political advantages that played a part in Somalilands calculations are rather domestic, than its international relations and position. And I did not cover the domestic political advantages, but rather the regional dynamics.
  19. The diplomatic game score so far. Ethiopia 1 - 2 Somalia (1) Somalia might have thwarted the blatant land grap, 2) but for this it had to show and exhaust all its diplomatic cards, and 3) it gave much political leverage for Ethiopia to interfere with ease in own sovereignty. Ethiopia 3 - 0 Djibouti (1) Ethiopia sabotaged Djibouti’s peace and dialogue initiative between Somaliland and Somalia, 2) it has undermined Djibouti relationship with its western neighbour (Somaliland) leaving Djibouti to the full mercy of Ethiopia, and 3) Djibouti caved in to Ethiopia by renegotiating the agreement and giving reductions in the millions of fees it charges for the use of its port) Ethiopia 3 - 0 Somaliland (1) Somaliland shot in its own foot by seeking a diplomatic war with its only two neighbours, Somalia and Djibouti, with quite the political, economic impact without having anything tangible in return, 2) It dashed any hope of Somalilands resolving its status through dialogue with Somalia, 3) It will get practically for free any port, trade and military sea access without giving recongnition in return. Ethiopia 1 - 1 Kenya (Ethiopia gained compromises from Kenya the use of Lamu Port, Freezone area, perhaps even military base. While Kenya gained regional leverage in its mediation effort between Somalia, Ethiopia) Somaliland 0 - 0 Somalia (Both disqualified as they scored in the own goals, and are back to square one. with even less leverage, less trust and exhausted all political and public credit and energy without much in return)