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Everything posted by Arafaat

  1. Firdhiye: Waan la dagaalamaynaa Itoobiya haddii ay ciidan dul keento degaanada SSC- Khaatumo Khamiis, Maarso, 7, 2024 (HOL) - Hoggaamiyaha maamulka SSC-Khaatumo, Cabdiqaadir Axmed Aw-cali Firdhiye ayaa uga digay dowladda Itoobiya inay soo faro galiso arrimaha gudaha ee degaanada maamulkiisa. Hoggaamiye Firdhiye oo maanta kumanaan shacab ah kula hadlayay fagaare kuyaala magaalada Laascaanood, ayaa sheegay inay jiraan warar sheegaya in ciidamo Itoobiyaan ah la dul keenayo degaanada SSC uu ka arrimiyo maamulkiisa. “Waxaanu aqbali karayno ma ahan, ma aqbalayno. Dadkayaga iyo dalkayaga annagaa ka masuul ah. In ciidamo kale la dulkeeno ama lasoo fara galiyo, ma aqbalayno, waana ka dagaalamaynaa,” ayuu yiri Hoggaamiyaha SSC- Khaatumo, Firdhiye. Firdhiye ayaa ugu baaqay dowladda federaalka Soomaaliya inay caddeyso mowqifkeeda Soomaalinimo. Wuxuu sheegay in looga baahan yahay in ay ka qeyb qaataan sidii dalka looga difaaci lahaa cid walba oo khatar ku ah midnimada dalka. Hoggaamiyaha SSC wuxuu ku amray ciidamadiisa inay heegan buuxda galaan, una diyaar daroobaan duulaan kaste oo kaga yimaada dhinaca Somaliland.
  2. Bulshada Somalilandeey bushaaro ma ogtihiin Xornimo no buuxsatee, bislaateye no hanee Cod bixin aan boob leheen ku shubasho iyo been eheen (Somaliland, 2009)
  3. I don’t know about who murdered the kid. But definitely issue was politicised, creating an image as if people were targeted for their clan and even making allegations that the other guys, who died from natural causes were murdered.
  4. Galbeedi, You couldn’t be farther from the truth here. 1) If your saying I am of the same clan lineage as some of those leaders in Kulmiye and Wadani, then yes as all Somalis belong to a clan family one way or the other. But it doesn’t mean my political thinking and ideas are forged by those from the same clan? No, first I hardly agree with their politics and thinking, and second I really don’t care about Kulmiye or Wadani. I see Wadani as an offspring Kulmiye gave birth to, and I expect them to be much like Kulmiye 2.0, given their politics and personalities. The reason I have been vying for elections is because thats what they signed up for and agreed to with the electorate, and because I think the change of power is better then the dictatorial regime, the current regime is envisioning. 2) Thirdly, I am sure you understand where Xaaji Xunjuf is coming from as both of your thinking is very much based on the same core of zero sum clan thinking covered under the disguise of ‘Somalia and Unionism’(you) and ‘Somaliland and recognition’(XX), while I have not discovered in neither of your or XX thinking and writing a genuine ideological belief in those covers your potrating, but rather see only a naked form of ‘clan’ based political thinking, interest, ambitions and emotions, mostly ‘reactionary’ in nature and driven by ‘animosity’ to the ‘other’ supposed clan or group. 3) I never believed in the typical Somali thinking and clan mentality of ‘destruction’ and ‘deconstruction’ of what was there in order to achieve one’s goal and to build something new. No sir, you work with what you have to construct. What does that mean in terms of achieving unity or state building, you ask? That we don’t need to burn down the few public offices, services and existing local social contracts in Borama and Hargeisa, in order to achieve unity or to forge a new political system. 4) On ending the ‘secessionist’ political project, I think those that have constructed the project are doing that already and hardly need any encouragement from anyone. Don’t be fooled by the public silence, for its only silence before the gathering storm and rapture. And they feel that too, and hence seeing everywhere ghosts and enemies out there to destroy them, but eventually it’s the own schizophrenia that brings it to an end.
  5. Somalia finally understands that Ethiopia was sabotaging the talks, as there was really a momentum for the talks last year.
  6. Xaaji Xunjuf, you seriously want to invest in agriculture in Ethiopia, thereby producing investments, employment and currency for Ethiopia, instead you could have also invested in agriculture in Awdal, Gebiley, Erigavo, and all those other fertile lands thereby creating employment and investment for Somaliland, and on top of that kill Somalilands lifeline of Berbera Port, tax revenue for Somaliland government and employment generated directly and indirectly through the port? You can’t be serieus
  7. Well I am still not in to party politics and never said things would improve with Wadani, but one has agreed to rules of the game and Kulmiye wants to change the rules of the game, and refusing to organise elections and wants to hold on to power. And we can see how power has corrupted every fiber of Somaliland society
  8. You don’t get it, do you. Yes Somalia didn’t abide by its own agreement, but Somaliland government had more then 7 years to raise the issue. The fact that they are raising it now, when their mandate has ended and should be preparing for elections, shows it wasn’t important to them in the first place and now using populism to distract the public with this and any other issues they can throw at the public for distraction purposes, while they should be preparing for elections as their mandate(yes time) for the job has come to an end.
  9. Timing is important, I am not blaming the people of Somaliland but I am blaming it’s regime that was elected for 5 years, now already in its 7th year, was elected for a duration of time to realize whatever politics, even if was to escalate issue or take any meaningful action. Same thing for so called Aqoonsi, for years the leadership hasn’t done anything significant in that direction. Its just not creditable as they were to busy in that time to robbing the place and using the government as a personal cash cow to fill the pockets of few and use the government as leverage for personal business deals in the last 6 years. And when they mandate (time given in power) has ended suddenly they play any populistic card to distract people from their actions and failed politics of the last 6 years, bombing civilians in las anod, losing the entire region and on top of that destroying the army. And now distracting people with air traffic control, SL getting aqoonsi, and deflecting with the boogie man of Somalia. Please Spare us the theatrics, and don’t think for a second that people’s silence all these years was due to ignorance, but rather of one patience and that seems to have come to an end now given the pressure suddenly one is feeling to produce daily new distractions and detractions. And no Ethiopian flag on the coast, electoral delays and extension, or renewed conflict will change any of the lost time, lost opportunities, it will only lead to greater embarrassment, greater failures and eventually a dead end road.
  10. If you start thinking from their and your clan perspectives, opinions and interests, and you sell own clans native lands to foreign companies because it’s in your clans interest and good according to your own clans perspective. what’s holding back reer Awdal to do the same and sell to whatever foreign entity? Or others for that matter along that long coastal line where many clans have native lands? Where is the national interest markaa, ielen clan interest ayaa badashay national interest? I am just saying try to look at issues from a broader perspective then one’s own, specially when perspectives are one dimensionally clan held, as clans perspectives can change as easily.
  11. Xaaji, Somaliland does even control 8 out of the 23 electoral districts Somaliland itself has identified in its legal frameworks. Next to that there is a reason why u have advocated for Ethiopian base to be put in to Ceel Sheick(the Presidents native lands), as all the other regions wouldn’t accept Somalilands government decisions, hence showcasing that your ‘democratic’ control and sovereignty over all the territories is based on shaky grounds.
  12. Mr.Ilyria, It’s an excellent piece propositioning a rational and way forward based on recongnising defacto political state or status in Somaliland. The key actors or missing link here is SSC-Khaatuma, for their position is key to unraveling the overall acceptable directions of Somaliland(or the North). Approaches comparable who the Arusha agreement should be explored that have helped and played a key role for resolving the conflict between Sudan-South Sudan. For now it seems both Somalia and Somaliland are ignoring the main causes of the dispute, with Somalia thinking that they focus should be on Ethiopia given the limited leverage Somaliland has. Whereas Somalilands thinking is that talks and resolving things with Somalia has no added value to Somaliland, and it’s only Ethiopia and int community that can offer it what it needs. Read this piece below on Somalia’s strategy on the issue. Confirming Somalia’s currency strategy of diplomatically targetting Ethiopia, and thinking that Somaliland has no cards or leverage in the game. I think both sides thinking is wrong, for they are not looking at the key causes and effects and neither portrays the political realities on the ground correctly.….aspx
  13. I think such a solution could be possible, but only after a period (+10 years) of SL collaborating and being part of the Somali state system, and for all politicians in the spectrum be allowed to engage as part of the system and with their communities. Such as was the case in South-Sudan, and agreed in the Arusha agreement. Toban sano ha la wada shaqeeyo in to a Union and then put the question back to the community in terms of directions. Laakinse maanta umadii xero jabhadeed ayee ku xidhan yihiin guarded by a bunch of colonels that only know the barrel of the gun, and putting everyone with own thoughts in to jails. you can’t have a democratic open discussion and decision making in such an environment that is closely emulating fascism.
  14. Waxba ha ku isku qarin qiiqa, Iyo Kala faquuqinta umada cidna xal uma aha, fashilka Somaliland ma qariniso
  15. It’s not all of beesha dhexe, but mainly Xaaji Xunjuf and some of Xabashi lovers that made it divisiveness in to business, the rest are silent for various reasons. Kala-qeybinta, Kala-fogeynta iyo kala-kaxeenta ayee ganacsi ka dhigteen.
  16. The only enemy Somaliland has its the regime and its supporters, who have made it a sports to cause enmity between the people since it’s became obvious they empty politics have failed, surely you can’t deny that.
  17. Xaaji, focus on the news, Is it true that MP Mahamed Khadar is beaten up and arrested by your the regime.
  18. Kulmiye 15 years ago, paralysing the country with the largest demonstrations ever to demand elections and refusing a year extension for DAHIR Riyale. And today they are saying anyone demonstrating is a security threat and enemy of the country?
  19. Xaaji iminka ma waxa leedahay aun Abdillahi Yusuf ayaa Xabashi keenay magaalo madaxda Muqdisho sida dowlada Federaalka loo fadhisiiyo, taas ayaa marka SL regime u noqonisaa justification iney yaduna Xabashi u isticmaasho weerarka Khaatuma. dad joogaa deegaankoodi? Bal na fahansii caqligan, iyo sidan wax isku bar bar dhisid?
  20. Parliament pushed back against the regime and refused firing the Electoral Committee members.
  21. Go to ‘Lama Xamar’ restaurant in Xamarweyne, kasoo horjeedka gobolka.
  22. It seems that Ethiopia might needs its soldiers closer to home, rather then deploy thousands on Somali borders areas.
  23. I don’t think his toll have much of influence on him. Laakin Ingriis aya laga yaaba ina wax laga maqlo .
  24. You know quite well that nearly every Somali opposed this back then, even on this Forum and vilified his government for it, in fact this backfired giving birth to AS, HAG politics, dowladii Asmara, suicide bombings, and many other negative repercussions. So don’t try using aun AY government as excuse to justify something that one cant even grasp of its consequences.